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Post Sun, Oct 27 2019, 3:14 pm
scottishjewgirl wrote:
Thank you so very much, the feeling is mutual!
This is me, and my daughter, I think some people are curious to what a European/Indian Jewish woman looks like. Tartan hat added for the whole Scottish thing LOL

Love the hat! You look very Jewish Smile
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Post Sun, Oct 27 2019, 3:16 pm
Scottishjewgirl, you're adorable!
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Post Sun, Oct 27 2019, 3:17 pm
Oh, another thing.
I DON'T have a doona, I'm not embarrassed to be seen with a snap n go.
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Post Sun, Oct 27 2019, 3:17 pm
I'm a fff. Not modern, not yeshivish. Live in NJ and joined 11 years ago when I got married. Took a few year break and came back on recently end of my pregnancy.. I got bored when nursing so often and had nothing to do. I'm more of a lurker than a poster but I started posting more often because I'm that bored lol.
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Post Sun, Oct 27 2019, 3:18 pm
amother [ Mustard ] wrote:
Oh, another thing.
I DON'T have a doona, I'm not embarrassed to be seen with a snap n go.

Lol. The other day I felt like I was from a different planet. I was the only woman in a mall with over 40 strollers that wasn’t pushing a Bugaboo Bee.
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Post Sun, Oct 27 2019, 3:20 pm
Just plain frum, heimish raised in boro park. I'm still here but there is nobody left like me. My friends moved away years ago.
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Post Sun, Oct 27 2019, 3:21 pm
I’m heimish-chassidish, we don’t even have a computer at home lol just in the office, filtered.
And business phone, filtered and completely off limits to the kids.
Right wing hashkafically.
I like Imamother, I find the women here are knowledgeable and very honest in their opinions.
Sometimes when I’m thinking/ deciding about something DH suggests “why don’t you ask your friends on ImaMother?!”
It’s nice to hear anonymous opinions, and then decide.
Thank you ladies!
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Post Sun, Oct 27 2019, 3:22 pm
Sefardi, educated secular and jewish all the way, show my toes but all else covered, right wing, type on my phone but even thats going out the window, no internet, lack all grammar bec too impatient on my phone. love Hashem and torah and my people. Learning to be more respectful of peoples emotions through this website. Always thought all ideas were open to ridicule bec my university education but my imamother education has taught me otherwise. No bullying from this imamother.
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Post Sun, Oct 27 2019, 3:25 pm
amother [ Indigo ] wrote:
Absolute centrist MO/dati leumi, originally from Brooklyn now in Israel. I don't cover my hair (though I started out marriage by covering) and I don't cover my elbows, but I wear skirts and mostly make sure they cover my knee. I post only when I have something to add and never under my user name (I know I have a relative or two who lurk the site).

There is a viral anti MO undercurrent here - the majority of the yeshivish and chassidish ladies here seem to feel that we're not religious enough, despite being shomrei Shabbat, kashrut, and taharat hamishpacha. Chumrot are not what make the religion.

If you want to get in touch, let me know and I'll pm you.

I think that may be because we don't actually consider it a chumrah. We consider it halacha. Also We have different fundamental beliefs. We believe that the Rabbonim today pale in comparison to even a few hundred years ago. My understanding is that MO ppl think othetwise. We dont consider it a chumrah to cover our elbows we consider it halacha. That said I would still be friends with you. I wouldn't be anti you in any way.
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Post Sun, Oct 27 2019, 3:30 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
I think that may be because we don't actually consider it a chumrah. We consider it halacha. Also We have different fundamental beliefs. We believe that the Rabbonim today pale in comparison to even a few hundred years ago. My understanding is that MO ppl think othetwise. We dont consider it a chumrah to cover our elbows we consider it halacha. That said I would still be friends with you. I wouldn't be anti you in any way.

I get that, but you guys treat this maybe halacha above and beyond those three d'oraitas that I mentioned above that actually ARE halachot, AND including over and above bein adam l'chavero for which yom kippur does not atone. While you might still be my friend, you wouldn't let your kids marry mine and many women here have stated that their kid going MO is to them just like their kid mamash going OTD.

It's very insulting.

I originally joined this site because I was hoping that my negative views of certain circles would be dispelled. Unfortunately, they were not.
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Post Sun, Oct 27 2019, 3:31 pm
[quote="amother [ Mustard ]"]I'm chassidish, we're Viznits though my kids don't learn in Viznits. We live in Monsey, I wear an open wig & black tights in the winter. I don't drive because I'm scared to. My girls wear socks till 7 and pants till 4. I watch tv shows and movies when kids are out or asleep. We take our family to waterparks and I take BC without asking a sheila.
I'll think

. Whats an open wig
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Post Sun, Oct 27 2019, 3:31 pm
Chabad shlucha in Nowheresville, USA.
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Post Sun, Oct 27 2019, 3:38 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
I think that may be because we don't actually consider it a chumrah. We consider it halacha. Also We have different fundamental beliefs. We believe that the Rabbonim today pale in comparison to even a few hundred years ago. My understanding is that MO ppl think othetwise. We dont consider it a chumrah to cover our elbows we consider it halacha. That said I would still be friends with you. I wouldn't be anti you in any way.

Agree. I might be anti your beliefs but still value you as a person and value your opinions in any matter that isn’t about our religious beliefs or halacha.
I’m not anti-you or any MO mom.
Otherwise I wouldn’t be here.
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Post Sun, Oct 27 2019, 3:41 pm
You can't base marriage as an acceptance. If you have different values and beliefs than others you don't want your children marrying eachother.. That's just a recipe for a disaster.
And when someone's child goes MO, chassidish, not religious - it's just a shock for a parent that their child chose a diff way. Some are obviously worse than others but when a child veers from an upbringing it's hard for a parent regardless which way they veer to. You sound very hurt by people /someone and Noone is really judging or cares. As long as you feel like your learning what's proper and right and trying your best to perform accordingly I would t worry so much about anyone else in the world. Everyone has different jobs in this earth and no 2 people are alike.

amother [ Indigo ] wrote:
I get that, but you guys treat this maybe halacha above and beyond those three d'oraitas that I mentioned above that actually ARE halachot, AND including over and above bein adam l'chavero for which yom kippur does not atone. While you might still be my friend, you wouldn't let your kids marry mine and many women here have stated that their kid going MO is to them just like their kid mamash going OTD.

It's very insulting.

I originally joined this site because I was hoping that my negative views of certain circles would be dispelled. Unfortunately, they were not.
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Post Sun, Oct 27 2019, 3:45 pm
amother [ Indigo ] wrote:
I get that, but you guys treat this maybe halacha above and beyond those three d'oraitas that I mentioned above that actually ARE halachot, AND including over and above bein adam l'chavero for which yom kippur does not atone. While you might still be my friend, you wouldn't let your kids marry mine and many women here have stated that their kid going MO is to them just like their kid mamash going OTD.

It's very insulting.

I originally joined this site because I was hoping that my negative views of certain circles would be dispelled. Unfortunately, they were not.

Lets slow this down.

Why would we think that tznius is more important than shabbos?! Its possible that certain communities stress chumros over halachos. That I see.

Also dont see anyone here being mean to MO women. I can only talk for myself that I grew up not really knowing any MO ppl and my exposure is only sefardi, yeshivish, chassidish, and super chassidish. I have family that doesnt cover their hair (sefardi) and my parents never spoke about it. We invited them, went to their events, had them over etc... .

Would You want your kid marrying a chassidish or yeshivish person? Ppl marry those with similar values and views.

Someone saying that their kid becoming MO is equivallent to kid going off the D is absurd. I never saw this here and idon't see this attitude at all.
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Post Sun, Oct 27 2019, 3:49 pm
OP, an open wig is an uncovered wig.
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Post Sun, Oct 27 2019, 3:50 pm
amother [ Green ] wrote:
Chabad shlucha in Nowheresville, USA.

Hi! Do we have any threads on shlichus? I have an aunt and uncle that have a chabad house and just very amazed how you all do it!
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Post Sun, Oct 27 2019, 3:52 pm
amother [ Mustard ] wrote:
OP, an open wig is an uncovered wig.

Is that yiddish? Cute. Never heard that expression. Have heard ppl ask "is she covering" took me a while to realize that they didn't mean covering her hair! Very Happy
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Post Sun, Oct 27 2019, 3:52 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
Lets slow this down.

Why would we think that tznius is more important than shabbos?! Its possible that certain communities stress chumros over halachos. That I see.

Also dont see anyone here being mean to MO women. I can only talk for myself that I grew up not really knowing any MO ppl and my exposure is only sefardi, yeshivish, chassidish, and super chassidish. I have family that doesnt cover their hair (sefardi) and my parents never spoke about it. We invited them, went to their events, had them over etc... .

Would You want your kid marrying a chassidish or yeshivish person? Ppl marry those with similar values and views.

Someone saying that their kid becoming MO is equivallent to kid going off the D is absurd. I never saw this here and idon't see this attitude at all.

There were several extremely negative threads over the years.

Listen, your schools in Lakewood, Boro Park, and Williamsburg (and other communities) accept or don't accept people based off of how long or not their sheitals and skirts are, if the mother drives or not, and whether or not the father learns or works, wears a white shirt, has internet no internet filtered internet internet for business (many of the ladies here would prob have their kids expelled if the schools knew they were on here).

Nowhere do the schools ask if the mother keeps taharat hamishpacha, what level of kashrut she holds by (in fact, many of these schools require parents only provide packaged stuff, and many parents only provide junk for mishloach manot because they know people won't accept the kashrut) and what Shabbat in the home looks like. Acceptance is purely based on looks and how willing you are to conform to what the school feels is its version of Judaism.

While I would not marry such a person because they wouldn't marry me, if my kid felt that marrying someone Yeshivish or Chasidish was the right derech for them, I would absolutely let with my whole heart. But I would not contort myself to their standards - I would not cover if they came or if I went, and I wouldn't change anything kashrut wise. If my kid wants to hold a different level, then they can bring the food and I'll take a week off.
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Post Sun, Oct 27 2019, 4:01 pm
Litvish, live in Brooklyn, pretty right-wing hashkafically. Life's hard knocks have made me more accepting in many ways. I appreciate that most people are just trying their best with what life has thrown at them.
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