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Another Covid vaccine ques
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Post Wed, Jul 21 2021, 7:53 am
[political comment removed]
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Post Wed, Jul 21 2021, 8:22 am
English3 wrote:
again million of kids get vaccinated yearly I am sure that flu vaccine covers millions of adults to. Less than 50% of USA are double jabbed. I wonder how many get the flu vaccine?

While it’s true that only 49% of the TOTAL population is vaccinated (I HATE the phrase “jabbed”), 60% of the population who is 18+ is fully vaccinated, and 68% of those who are 18+ have had at least one dose.
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Post Wed, Jul 21 2021, 8:38 am
English3 wrote:
Rare side effects hummm... You mean the vaccine is rare not well done. Over 9000 deaths reported on vears is quite rare it's usually 200 a year from all vaccines combined. And don't tell me it is false numbers, you think it's so easy to report on vears? Anti vaxxers have been around since vears was created and there are millions of them, why don't they create made up injuries?

Yes, it is extremely easy to report on VAERS—in fact, any member of the public can do so. Further, health care workers are required to report any death following a vaccine within a certain timeframe. A report does not establish or prove causation. Here is a fact check article that discusses, including several links. https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.....MZ2H8
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Post Wed, Jul 21 2021, 8:43 am
Article in today’s Jerusalem Post discussing the Israeli data and math regarding vaccine efficacy: https://m.jpost.com/health-sci.....74444

“ Data shared by Prof. Eran Segal, a computational biologist with the Weizmann Institute of Science who advises the government, showed that in this wave versus the previous wave, only between 1.2% and 1.6% of infected people are developing severe disease, compared to between 3.9% and 4.3%. When looking at the older population, in this wave between 4.8% and 6.8% of people over the age of 60 are developing severe disease, compared to 28.1% and 31%.”
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Post Wed, Jul 21 2021, 9:18 am
For the current wave, the number of those fully vaccinated getting Covid is high. From what I've heard (speaking to the local Drs offices) those who got Covid are not getting it again now. It is those who never got Covid and/or those who took the vaccine. This shows that having Covid, even if antibodies have gone down is a better protection than getting the vaccine. T cell immunity works much better and that is for those who had Covid.

In addition, because people think the vaccine protects them, when they start to feel sick many don't stay home and get tested. Those with the vaccine are super spreaders. Stop blaming it mainly on the unvaccinated.

Side effects from the vaccine are mostly not curable. You can't bring back those that are no longer alive after taking the vaccine. There hasn't been a cure for those who have become paralyzed, or have tremors from the vaccine. Same for those with intensive migraines that Motrin, Tylenol and other prescription high level painkillers don't help.

My friend took both vaccines and still got a severe case of Covid. She lost her pregnancy and has been fighting for her life. Her unvaccinated siblings did not get it as severe. They took the antibody transfusion treatments and it worked for them. She took it and it didn't help for her.

Stop saying the vaccine is the cure and prevention. There are vitamins to take to boost immunity. There are protocols to take once infected which the medical establishment has tried to suppress. They are fighting to get all vaccinated instead of getting the drugs out there that really work. Unfortunately too many vaccinated are getting it now and transmitting it to others.
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Post Wed, Jul 21 2021, 10:30 am
amother [ NeonPurple ] wrote:
Yes, it is extremely easy to report on VAERS—in fact, any member of the public can do so. Further, health care workers are required to report any death following a vaccine within a certain timeframe. A report does not establish or prove causation. Here is a fact check article that discusses, including several links. https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.....MZ2H8

ONe is warned in big letters that making a false report is a CRIME.

A report does not DISPROVE causation either.

Tobacco Industry for decades denied that smoking causes cancer, hiring scientists to chant
"correlation does not prove causation."

Guess what?

Smoking DOES cause cancer!

So very often correlation does indicate causation.

Only way to PROVE vaccines cause deaths/injuries is to do a Vax vs UnVax Study.

Guess what?

Pharmaceutical Industry and CDC REFUSE to do a Vax vs UnVax Study.

Doesn't that make you SUSPICIOUS???
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Post Wed, Jul 21 2021, 10:40 am
amother [ NeonPurple ] wrote:
Yes, it is extremely easy to report on VAERS—in fact, any member of the public can do so. Further, health care workers are required to report any death following a vaccine within a certain timeframe. A report does not establish or prove causation. Here is a fact check article that discusses, including several links. https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.....MZ2H8

Vaers is co-managed by the cdc and fda. You trust them enough to take the vaccine they approve but don't trust them to be able to oversee the website they run to ensure there are no false reports? I find it so ironic that the people who are saying to trust the fda and cdc and take their vaccine also say the reports oh vaers are false.
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Post Wed, Jul 21 2021, 10:50 am
amother [ Peachpuff ] wrote:
Vaers is co-managed by the cdc and fda. You trust them enough to take the vaccine they approve but don't trust them to be able to oversee the website they run to ensure there are no false reports? I find it so ironic that the people who are saying to trust the fda and cdc and take their vaccine also say the reports oh vaers are false.

I was answering the question of how easy it is to report on VAERS. It is easy. Further, if you read the the fact check article, you will see that, indeed, the reports are investigated by the CDC.

“As of May 11, 2021, the CDC says that “a review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines.’

So I trust both that the CDC and FDA are responsibly performing their duties in vaccine authorization and following up on reports to ensure that the vaccines are safe.
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Post Wed, Jul 21 2021, 10:53 am
amother [ NeonPurple ] wrote:
I was answering the question of how easy it is to report on VAERS. It is easy. Further, if you read the the fact check article, you will see that, indeed, the reports are investigated by the CDC.

“As of May 11, 2021, the CDC says that “a review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines.’

So I trust both that the CDC and FDA are responsibly performing their duties in vaccine authorization and following up on reports to ensure that the vaccines are safe.

With the amount of deaths and side effects reported, the vaccine doesn't seem too safe.
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Post Wed, Jul 21 2021, 11:03 am
amother [ NeonPurple ] wrote:
I was answering the question of how easy it is to report on VAERS. It is easy. Further, if you read the the fact check article, you will see that, indeed, the reports are investigated by the CDC.

“As of May 11, 2021, the CDC says that “a review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines.’

So I trust both that the CDC and FDA are responsibly performing their duties in vaccine authorization and following up on reports to ensure that the vaccines are safe.

Except that people who have been involved in this process in the past claim that there is no way a thorough investigation could have been conducted as quickly as they did to dismiss these concerns. Usually the process takes many months, and here it was weeks in some cases.
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Post Wed, Jul 21 2021, 11:14 am
amother [ Peachpuff ] wrote:
With the amount of deaths and side effects reported, the vaccine doesn't seem too safe.

Here is a rundown of all of the severe adverse responses with numbers:


Other numbers to consider: thus far, over 609,000 people have died in the USA alone from COVID out of over 34 million documented infections. The current estimated mortality rate from COVID is 1.8%. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality
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Post Wed, Jul 21 2021, 11:23 am
amother [ NeonPurple ] wrote:
Here is a rundown of all of the severe adverse responses with numbers:


Other numbers to consider: thus far, over 609,000 people have died in the USA alone from COVID out of over 34 million documented infections. The current estimated mortality rate from COVID is 1.8%. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality

Just because many people died from covid does not make the vaccine safe.
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Post Wed, Jul 21 2021, 11:27 am
Nothing is 100% safe. Common medications we use and give our kids without a thought can rarely cause terrible side effects or even death. Seat belts, which save countless lives, can cause injuries in the event of a crash—they just prevent/mitigate far more serious ones.

Statistically, the risks of covid is far more significant than the risks of the vaccines. Choosing to not be vaccinated is choosing to take those higher risks.
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Post Mon, Jul 26 2021, 12:03 am
amother [ NeonPurple ] wrote:
Nothing is 100% safe. Common medications we use and give our kids without a thought can rarely cause terrible side effects or even death. Seat belts, which save countless lives, can cause injuries in the event of a crash—they just prevent/mitigate far more serious ones.

Statistically, the risks of covid is far more significant than the risks of the vaccines. Choosing to not be vaccinated is choosing to take those higher risks.

Even if you are correct, it should be a CHOICE. Nobody should be forced to be injected
with a substance that can cause death or permanent injury.
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Post Mon, Jul 26 2021, 1:16 am
Currently, there are still no cures for covid & the damage that covid can cause can be very severe.[/quote]

Yes there are. Hyrdoxychloroquine and Ivermectin when taken together with certain vitamins have helped thousands of people - the lucky few who were able to get these lifesaving medicines. Unfortunately, for politically and financially motivated reasons, these medicines have been deemed unsafe for treating Covid, while ironically they have been deemed safe for treating other conditions for decades.
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Post Mon, Jul 26 2021, 1:31 am
amother [ NeonPurple ] wrote:
64% effective at preventing infection and symptomatic disease; 93% effective at preventing hospitalizations and serious illness from coronavirus. That's still a very, very effective vaccine. We are fortunate to have this tool.


editing to add: the rare side effects that have been reported about the vaccines are newsworthy because they are rare--they are also virtually all treatable. Reporting them gives us and physicians a sense of what to be on the look out for post-vaccine, which aids in identification and treatment. Currently, there are still no cures for covid & the damage that covid can cause can be very severe.

From America’s Frontline Doctors:
…. 95% efficacy sounds wonderful, but it is completely misleading. Not only are the trials questionable in themselves (see article), but even based on the trial data they present, the true risk reduction to any individual, called “absolute risk reduction,” (ARR) is the only number that
matters, and that is less than 2% for any of the shots. The number that the manufacturer has been presenting to the public is the “relative risk reduction”, or RRR, which isn’t meaningful.

This is the article from The Lancet (a prominent medical journal) where the above is detailed:
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Post Mon, Jul 26 2021, 10:35 am
Thank you, Cyclamen - that was very informative!
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Post Mon, Jul 26 2021, 11:27 am
I am not a fan of the Frontline Doctors because of one who blamed miscarriages on demon sperm. That's so scientific Wink I would have a hard time taking her seriously if she was my doctor.

I am waiting to see countries that don't have vaccines but that have plenty of malaria medicine dispense it to the people of most populated countries on earth. The Trump administration sent lots of HCQ to one South American country but it was bulk so they couldn't figure out how to dispense it so it sat unused in a warehouse.

There was no lack of online advice about supplements and despite the protocol that saved Trump becoming available, people are still dying of coronavirus.

I also see that people apply the word "force" to anything that limits their free choice, even though nobody is restraining them and vaccinating them against their will. That's the word they will use if Grandma has to get vaccinated in order to get invited to the Maj Jong parties. Those ignorant ladies who won't invite her should march to the White House to demand an alternative to the vaccine instead of snubbing Grandma.
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Post Mon, Jul 26 2021, 11:58 am
amother [ OP ] wrote:
How can they know this?

Data analysis.
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Post Mon, Jul 26 2021, 12:02 pm
southernbubby wrote:
I am not a fan of the Frontline Doctors because of one who blamed miscarriages on demon sperm. That's so scientific Wink I would have a hard time taking her seriously if she was my doctor.

I am waiting to see countries that don't have vaccines but that have plenty of malaria medicine dispense it to the people of most populated countries on earth. The Trump administration sent lots of HCQ to one South American country but it was bulk so they couldn't figure out how to dispense it so it sat unused in a warehouse.

There was no lack of online advice about supplements and despite the protocol that saved Trump becoming available, people are still dying of coronavirus.

I also see that people apply the word "force" to anything that limits their free choice, even though nobody is restraining them and vaccinating them against their will. That's the word they will use if Grandma has to get vaccinated in order to get invited to the Maj Jong parties. Those ignorant ladies who won't invite her should march to the White House to demand an alternative to the vaccine instead of snubbing Grandma.

Yes it is forcing me when I can't work if I don't get the vaccine. Pretty much giving me no choice to get it, unless I depend on the government for welfare checks.
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