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If you lost over 50 lbs....
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Post Thu, May 12 2022, 11:27 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
Pregnancy weight gain doesn't count for this theory.
I'm asking about women who are obese, with over 50+ lbs to lose. If you were successful in losing your weight and kept it off more than 3 years, how did you do it?

I'd say you can include people you know in your responses but I know too many people who lie about how they lost weight that I'd rather just first hand responses.

I know a woman who cut her weight in half and has maintained it these last several years.

In her case (as you say, this may not be the whole truth), she:
-divorced an abusive husband
-had just finished studying for a career she loves
-got surgery
-started moving and stopped eating

Notice that 1 and 2 are major emotional factors, and number 3 couldn't have happened if 1,2, and 4 had not been in place.
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Post Thu, May 12 2022, 11:43 pm
amother [ Eggplant ] wrote:
I was not obese before. I had 25 pounds to lose to be thin, 15 to be average.

Each subsequent pregnancy, I gained more and lost less thereafter.

I’ve always dieted and lost, but didn’t even come to my prepregnancy weight. Intuitive eating helped me lose my baby fat and then my years of build up.

I’m not ready to eat intuitively after a baby-send over as many gallons of ice cream as possible! IE is a massive eating style change, and it worked for me. Exercised too, not intense. But mainly it’s seal the lips. Stop eating. Easier said then done.

IE is not seal the lips. And it’s not a diet either.
It’s 10 principals of eating and many people gain weight when they eat intuitively. Basically if your eat emotionally and overeat/binge eat and then start intuitive eating you will most likely lose weight.
If you are always yo-yo dieting and ditch the diets and start intuitive eating you might gain weight….
And once you learn to eat intuitively that’s how you eat for the rest of your life during pregnancy after a baby etc.
It’s honoring your hunger signals, honoring your fullness, learning what foods feel good in your body. How to stop coping with emotions with food. Giving yourself permission to eat everything: which in the long run gets rid of cravings and binge eating… and when you learn what feels good in your body you end up making good choices, so it’s not a free for all, eat what you want.

It takes a long time to learn to eat intuitively, especially if you have been dieting a long time and suppressed your hunger/fullness signals.
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Post Fri, May 13 2022, 12:16 am
I lost 100lbs, kept it off over five years, gained 75 back after 2 pregnancies. I never tried to lose initially though, I was a depressed teenager and emotional eater, when I was happy in early 20s I lost weight just being busy. Doesnt work the same 10 years later.
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Post Fri, May 13 2022, 12:21 am
I had sleeve surgery
I needed to go from 305 to 150 in order to have hip replacement surgery
If I eat a drop more than necessary I will either vomit or end up in ER
That is motivation to keep weight off
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Post Fri, May 13 2022, 1:30 am
I lost 70 pounds almost 20 years ago (after I was done having kids) and b"h have kept most of it off.
I lost through counting points on WW.
I still count points and I exercise daily.
The reason it works for me, I think, is that I love having control over what I am eating and over my weight.
That control is extremely important to me.
Losing the weight was a seminal event in my life.
The thought of regaining the weight that I worked so hard to lose and to keep off all these years is disturbing enough to work as a very effective disincentive to overeat.
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Post Fri, May 13 2022, 2:05 am
I highly recommend intuitive eating. I was dieting and gaining for years and it finally gave my life back! Highly recommend rachel Goodman https://rachelgoodnutrition.com/

I listened to her podcasts, her free emails and free webinars are chock full of info- I started from just that - and if it talks to you then totally take the 6 week self guided course. Worth every penny! Totally changed my life! Trust the process - you’ll get to a happy realistic weight and maintain it happily. It’s a real journey of getting out of the diet /gain constant cycle. Sooooooo worth it!

Anyone have experience with a husband who dieted and kept it off??? Intuitive eating is much more lady type than man Smile
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Post Fri, May 13 2022, 12:06 pm
wifenmother wrote:

Interesting insight!

Even if that emotional issue is addressed, if the individual does not learn how not to turn to food to handle difficult emotions, then how does addressing that specific issue help?

This why I do a12 step program
Specifically GREYSHEET
For me, it’s not about what I eat, but what’s eating me.
Lost 65lbs- 10 months- I’m older and post menapausal
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Post Fri, May 13 2022, 1:24 pm
I've lost around 50 pounds. Kept it off and gained a bit during pregnancy. Lost it again soon after. Now I'm back on track.

I don't starve, I eat plenty cake and cookies. I just make sure my calorie intake is stable.

If there's a will, there's a way.
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Post Fri, May 13 2022, 1:40 pm
amother [ Goldenrod ] wrote:
I highly recommend intuitive eating. I was dieting and gaining for years and it finally gave my life back! Highly recommend rachel Goodman https://rachelgoodnutrition.com/

I listened to her podcasts, her free emails and free webinars are chock full of info- I started from just that - and if it talks to you then totally take the 6 week self guided course. Worth every penny! Totally changed my life! Trust the process - you’ll get to a happy realistic weight and maintain it happily. It’s a real journey of getting out of the diet /gain constant cycle. Sooooooo worth it!

Anyone have experience with a husband who dieted and kept it off??? Intuitive eating is much more lady type than man Smile

How much weight did you lose with IE?
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Post Fri, May 13 2022, 1:42 pm
amother [ NeonBlue ] wrote:
I've lost around 50 pounds. Kept it off and gained a bit during pregnancy. Lost it again soon after. Now I'm back on track.

I don't starve, I eat plenty cake and cookies. I just make sure my calorie intake is stable.

If there's a will, there's a way.

Doing what? How long have you kept off the 50+ lbs?

Due to pregnancy I've never kept it off and now that I'm done my pregnancies I'm struggling to lose it again. I need to do it FOR GOOD and I don't know of many people who "diet and exercised" their way down from obesity and kept it off long term.
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Post Fri, May 13 2022, 1:44 pm
I have lost 70 pounds 3x. Different methods each time. Gained it all back plus some for good luck.

There is no secret or truth or "way". This is how my brain and body is wired. When I feel strong and settled emotionally, I try to eat nutritious food, in amounts that satisfy but not disgust me, and exercise in ways I enjoy.

Being fat is my nisayon (plus others as well)
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Post Fri, May 13 2022, 1:55 pm
amother [ Ultramarine ] wrote:
I have lost 70 pounds 3x. Different methods each time. Gained it all back plus some for good luck.

There is no secret or truth or "way". This is how my brain and body is wired. When I feel strong and settled emotionally, I try to eat nutritious food, in amounts that satisfy but not disgust me, and exercise in ways I enjoy.

Being fat is my nisayon (plus others as well)

It seems like surgery or a very strict never any exceptions plan like OA are the only ways. (That's my theory btw). I really wanted another option. Maybe I'm just being stupid and stop trying so hard.
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Post Fri, May 13 2022, 2:28 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
Doing what? How long have you kept off the 50+ lbs?

Due to pregnancy I've never kept it off and now that I'm done my pregnancies I'm struggling to lose it again. I need to do it FOR GOOD and I don't know of many people who "diet and exercised" their way down from obesity and kept it off long term.

I don't consider 50 pounds overweight as obese.

I worked out how many calories my body needed in order to maintain weight. I then deducted 400-500 calories daily.

I also exercise but that's just to keep healthy and fit, not for weight loss.
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Post Fri, May 13 2022, 2:46 pm
amother [ NeonBlue ] wrote:
I don't consider 50 pounds overweight as obese.

I worked out how many calories my body needed in order to maintain weight. I then deducted 400-500 calories daily.

I also exercise but that's just to keep healthy and fit, not for weight loss.

Depends on your height. I am definitely obese. Morbidly obese. Losing 50 lbs will put me at overweight. If I want to be in the normal range, I would need to lose 70. I'm ok with losing 50 to start with.

I was asking about 50+ lbs.
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Chana Miriam S


Post Fri, May 13 2022, 2:57 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
And kept it off for 3+ years, how did you do it? What's you story?
If you lost less than 50 lbs or haven't kept it off for 3 years +, you can share your secret but you're not the category I'm polling.

I'm developing a theory (in my head) which is both validating and depressing. I'm sick of the cycle. I'm sick of the regaining. I want to learn the truth.

It’s definitely depressing. Five years yesterday over 100 pounds. Most people can’t keep a loss of 10% of body weight for longer than a year.

It’s long and compl But the science beats out a few things:

Obesity is a chronic, multi factorial disease that causes adaptations in the body.

Weightloss also causes adaptations and it’s pretty solidly established in science that the body defends your higher or even highest weight.

Also, those adaptations mess with your hormones so the odds of fighting it are slim to none. Imagine trying to discipline your period away. That’s how hard it is to maintain weight loss. The tension between where you live and your baseline ( within ALL the adaptations of obesity ) is real. It’s hard. It takes work and commitment. That’s why I always say what one does has to be sustainable. There’s always risk of regain.

It IS possible. Those of us who accomplished it have some things in common. There’s all the forever behavioural changes we’ve made and our consistent vigilance in trying to maintain. For example, my weight is up a bit right now. It’s actually fluctuating wildly lately so my
Gain is as little as five pounds or as much as ten.

I had to give up some things I’d taken back ( which wasn’t so bad because I was t feeling great while eating them.- Blueberries and heavy cream) I have to watch my nut intake and clean up my intermittent fasting.

That said, part of my being able to do this is my acceptance that trying to lose more weight will only induce further adaptations. Unless I have weightloss surgery ( which is actually be ok with if it made the current plateau and regain struggle easier) That said, weight loss surgery isn’t for ever and the reason I’m considered a good candidate is because of my permanent changes. I’m not sure at this point if I’ll qualify but whatever. I’ll see what happens.

Surgery or not, I’m always going to have to be right on top of this process. My behaviour can never go back to what didn’t work for me. Also though, it’s very important TO eat more periodically or to use only a very mild caloric deficit to lose weight.

I’ve done a lot of research in this. I have a paper with 35 citations I can email you if you want to see.

There’s a very strong hypothesis that is better to MAINTAIN a weight and be as healthy as possible regardless of weight because LOSING WEIGHT IS NOT HARMLESS.

People who might want to lose weight are people for whom their obesity is getting in their way. Obesity does not necessarily indicate a lack of health. For example I’m still in the 200 lb range and I have zero physical issues. I’m not even experiencing the aches and pains That come with middle age anymore. My doctor was so thrilled, he suggested I go to nursing school, which I began this week. It’s so difficult BUT I’m the energizer bunny. We are ALL exhausted and overwhelmed regardless of our age.

I have the endurance and clear head to persist while others my age are exhausted and retiring instead of starting a whole new challenge.

These are the things that can happen if you focus on getting healthy and not a number in the scale.

FIVE YEARS since I started. A new life. I accept that there will always be a struggle. I’ll take it when it comes with such gifts.
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Post Fri, May 13 2022, 3:17 pm
amother [ NeonBlue ] wrote:
I've lost around 50 pounds. Kept it off and gained a bit during pregnancy. Lost it again soon after. Now I'm back on track.

I don't starve, I eat plenty cake and cookies. I just make sure my calorie intake is stable.

If there's a will, there's a way.

This line really bothers me and I also don’t think it’s true. I find people in general (sometimes including and especially formerly overweight people) to be so judgmental towards obese people.

When I was obese I had the will but there was nothing I did that helped me lose the weight. I am grateful that weight loss surgery ultimately helped me get to a healthy weight and I’ve been able to maintain it but I will never ever judge other people who are not as fortunate as I am (to find something that worked for me) and to imply that if they just wanted it enough they too could attain it. That’s a very hurtful attitude.
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Chana Miriam S


Post Fri, May 13 2022, 3:21 pm
amother [ Narcissus ] wrote:
This line really bothers me and I also don’t think it’s true. I find people in general (sometimes including and especially formerly overweight people) to be so judgmental towards obese people.

When I was obese I had the will but there was nothing I did that helped me lose the weight. I am grateful that weight loss surgery ultimately helped me get to a healthy weight and I’ve been able to maintain it but I will never ever judge other people who are not as fortunate as I am (to find something that worked for me) and to imply that if they just wanted it enough they too could attain it. That’s a very hurtful attitude.

It has to be a very strong, consistent will if that’s going to work at all, and one knowledgeable about the fact that their body is going to try very hard to mess them up. Just having A will is not the way.
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Post Fri, May 13 2022, 4:07 pm
andrea levy wrote:
It has to be a very strong, consistent will if that’s going to work at all, and one knowledgeable about the fact that their body is going to try very hard to mess them up. Just having A will is not the way.

What would you suggest I do? The statistics and my experience feels hopeless but my body is suffering from all this extra weight. I've been seeking out sustainability for 2 years. Everything I've tried works for 15 lbs tops than I crash and burn and regain.
It seems my choice is to cut out sugar forever or get the surgery.
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Post Fri, May 13 2022, 4:22 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
It seems like surgery or a very strict never any exceptions plan like OA are the only ways. (That's my theory btw). I really wanted another option. Maybe I'm just being stupid and stop trying so hard.

I know people who gained back everything even after surgery. Took longer but happened eventually. So no guarantees there either.

And then OA- ugh. Sounds like punishment for life. I like food way too much and think forever restricting is not a way I want to live. I'd rather be fat.
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Post Fri, May 13 2022, 4:41 pm
4.5 years ago I cut out all sugars and sweeteners and lost 50-60 pounds. I fluctuate but still keep it mostly off. Been pregnant a number of times since (unfortunately all losses) I actually lose when I’m pregnant because I’m also low carb when I’m pregnant.
I really don’t feel well when I have sugar so that keeps me going. Also have done a lot of emotional work during the same time.
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