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Who wants to join me in weight loss accountability?
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Post Mon, Jan 02 2023, 11:11 pm
amother Rainbow wrote:
were in the same boat!!
but not in the mood of starting a diet now....dont want to bring the nausea on.

Ok guys. Let’s get started!
So I suggest everyone weigh themselves tomorrow morning for your own knowledge, write it down somewhere, and we’re off!
If you’re fasting, that should be a good head start!
Good luck all.

Feel feel to post tomorrow with your goals, what you’re eating or not, or anything you like
LET’S CHECK IN EVERY DAY and I recommend not weighing yourself too often, for sure not more than 2x a week (better once a week).

[Posting again:
Trigger warning: if this is not for you, please move on without reading. Thank you. - mod]
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2023, 12:52 am
Would like to join bli neder
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2023, 1:00 am
This might be of interest (or not if you don’t like the message) but it’s definitely relevant.

Bodies & Souls Podcast from this week
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2023, 2:14 am
I'm in. I already started. Not doing anything extreme as I'm nursing. Just limiting my sugar and wheat intake.
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2023, 2:27 am
I’ll join, just for the accountability. My baby is 2 months old and I’m nursing, so I’m not dieting exactly. Just want to watch what I eat. Ideally I’d like to lose 15-20lbs, but we’ll see what happens. I also just had an iud put in, and I’m nog sure how that will affect weight loss/gain.
Not fasting today….
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2023, 3:17 am
amother OP wrote:
Anyone ready to start today? We post every day what we ate, and do weekly weigh in, reveal how much weight we lost that week, not how much we weigh. 😉
Who’s in?

I have flagged this post. A weight loss contest is a very dangerous game for anyone who has previously had an eating disorder. We have a child who developed one out of pressure to feel thin by her peers. She was a regular-sized, healthy, fit girl who was made to feel like she needed to lose weight.

Losing weight is not the only indicator of health and those building muscle too will lose less than those who starve themselves which is unhealthy.

It is disgusting to make a “contest” out of this.
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2023, 3:19 am
amother OP wrote:
We can’t worry about every single person who may misuse or misunderstand this thread. We have a right to go ahead with it if we think it will help us.

Well as long as it helps you, who cares about the young women on here who develop an eating disorder. Or the healthy but curvy women who feel they will never be good enough because they “lose” this contest. This is a ridiculously dangerous thread.
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2023, 3:21 am
amother Canary wrote:
I know this is going to anger people, but weight loss contests are a disaster. They encourage disordered eating and a disordered relationship with food and body image. Even if you know you're using this in a safe and healthy way, the chances that another ima on this thread has an actual eating disorder and you're contributing to something that's fueling it are not low.

Thank you for posting this. I agree 100% and have flagged this thread.
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2023, 3:43 am
I'm in. I started on my own last week, but some accountability will hopefully keep me motivated. I'm doing sugarfree, low carb, high protein. I have previously sucessfully lost over 20lbs with this lifestyle and kept most of it off. But I still need to loose about 10-12lbs.
I hope to reach my goal by Pessach. That would be slow and steady and healthy.
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2023, 3:53 am
amother Daffodil wrote:
I'm in. I started on my own last week, but some accountability will hopefully keep me motivated. I'm doing sugarfree, low carb, high protein. I have previously sucessfully lost over 20lbs with this lifestyle and kept most of it off. But I still need to loose about 10-12lbs.
I hope to reach my goal by Pessach. That would be slow and steady and healthy.

A “contest” to see who loses the most weight is not accountability. It is a way to make people who lose less or slower than others feel bad about themselves. I for example, could personally never lose that amount of weight in four months, and so I don’t consider that “slow and steady” at all. And weight is not always an indicator of health.

One year I lost three dress sizes and competed in my first marathon but I lost ZERO weight. In this “contest” on here, I would be a loser but health wise, I would be “winning” if you have to make everything into a contest.
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2023, 3:56 am
Ok, to all the bashers, it's not a contest. Let's call it the accountability thread.

I'm in!

I am sticking to a calorie limit so aiming to eat healthy and filling foods instead of junk.

I need all that baby weight to come off before starting another pregnancy otherwise there is no hope.
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2023, 5:36 am
amother Amaranthus wrote:
A “contest” to see who loses the most weight is not accountability. It is a way to make people who lose less or slower than Iothers feel bad about themselves. I for example, could personally could never lose that amount of weight in four months, and so I don’t consider that “slow and steady” at all. And weight is not always an indicator of health.

One year I lost three dress sizes and competed in my first marathon but I lost ZERO weight. In this “contest” on here, I would be a loser but health wise, I would be “winning” if you have to make everything into a contest.

It’s not a contest. There’s no race, no prize. No one here is being made to feel bad. There is no competition here.
What I think IS a bad idea is this actual contests on FB, where people put in money, and then there is a monetary prize.
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2023, 6:19 am
This is a good idea! We can see what works and what doesn’t work… we might learn about trying different things to lose those few pounds.
I think it’s good that no one will post their weight only how much they want to lose and how much they have lost.
I’m always trying to lose on my own but it’s not working. I guess I figured that no one will know if I eat the chocolate when I’m not even hungry… but now this will motivate me to stop!
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2023, 6:21 am
amother Daffodil wrote:
I'm in. I started on my own last week, but some accountability will hopefully keep me motivated. I'm doing sugarfree, low carb, high protein. I have previously sucessfully lost over 20lbs with this lifestyle and kept most of it off. But I still need to loose about 10-12lbs.
I hope to reach my goal by Pessach. That would be slow and steady and healthy.

Are you using sugar replacements like Splenda or stevia?
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2023, 7:27 am
amother Tanzanite wrote:
Are you using sugar replacements like Splenda or stevia?

No. But in case of emergency I use pure maple syrup in small quantities.
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2023, 7:40 am
I'm in! Actually just started my healthy eating today and then came across this thread! Yay!
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2023, 7:52 am
I’m trying to follow a Mediterranean diet. My scale is broken and my new one didn’t arrive yet. I don’t know how much I weigh , but I know that I’m at least 75 lbs overweight. I started eating this way on Sunday.
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2023, 8:05 am
amother Canary wrote:
I know this is going to anger people, but weight loss contests are a disaster. They encourage disordered eating and a disordered relationship with food and body image. Even if you know you're using this in a safe and healthy way, the chances that another ima on this thread has an actual eating disorder and you're contributing to something that's fueling it are not low.

1 in 4 women struggle or have struggled with an eating disorder. And that’s with an official diagnosis - not even including disordered eating which is so prevalent.

For pregnant women to be not listening to their hunger cues (if you’re eating extra dinner in early pregnancy while you’re literally growing another human, your body probably needs it. Just a guess.) is so so insanely dangerous.

Please, please reconsider creating an environment that harbors disordered eating.

This is besides for the fact that everyone’s body is different, and weight loss means different things for different bodies.

Instead, you can try to incorporate nutritious foods into your meals - if the goal is truly to be healthier.
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2023, 8:09 am
Losing weight if you’re overweight lowers your risk of disease tremendously. This thread could be very helpful to some people and make them live longer, healthier lives.

OP, your title isn’t the best. It does sound triggering to people with eating disorders. I would recommend changing it to something less offensive, without the word “contest” in it. And adding a trigger warning. While you are totally allowed to use this site for weight loss support (it’s been done before), it is important to try to avoid hurting people with eating disorders.

I’ve been trying to diet since January 1st but keep pushing it off every meal. Just this one pasta, just this one Starbucks. It’s rough! Had a baby a year ago and still have 10-15 pounds to lose. I don’t like looking in the mirror. I hope this thread will inspire me.
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2023, 8:29 am
OP, maybe you edit so the thread is more of a support group rather than focusing on lbs lost.

amother Skyblue wrote:
I’m trying to follow a Mediterranean diet. My scale is broken and my new one didn’t arrive yet. I don’t know how much I weigh , but I know that I’m at least 75 lbs overweight. I started eating this way on Sunday.

We should be partners, although this is not my goal right now. I want to lose at least 35 lbs now, before getting pregnant, but don't want to wait so long to lose 75. Sad

Summing up my daily goals:
Stick to my eating plan
Drink at least 8 cups of water (increasing every week)
Intermittent fasting minimum 16/8
+Exercise 3-4 times a week (I'm being realistic, more would be better)
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