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After shabbos clean up
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Post Sat, Oct 31 2009, 4:10 pm
when we have no or very few guests (rare) on shabbos, cleanup takes much much less time.
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Post Sat, Oct 31 2009, 4:14 pm
shabbatiscoming wrote:
Seraph wrote:
toys get cleaned up as soon as they're done being used- I have a rule that no new toys come out until the old ones were pit away- and I only allow one type of toy out at once, so there is no sorting, only dumping them back in the box they came in.

chocolate moose wrote: And we never made enough of a mess to sweep and such after Shabbos. We put toys away as we used them. Ditto clothes.

to "answer" both of these posts, if you have a child that is too young to understand about putting toys away when they are finished playing with them then, yes, your living room can become a tornado or a mine feild.
When my son was too young to understand, I kept the gate closed in front of the toy shelf so that he wouldnt empty it on his own. I took down one type of toy at a time, and when he finished with that toy, I'd sing the clean up song and clean up with him, and if he wouldnt clean up, I'd clean it up on my own (occasionally helping him clean himself, by bringing his hand to the toy and then bringing his hand with the toy to the box), and only THEN take out the next type of toy.

and seraph, does this mean that you let your son play with one toy at a time? what if he wants to play with a few things at once?

and what do you mean in terms of sorting? we have all of my dauters toys in two boxes and they just go in whichever box that toy fits into.

Keep in mind I have a gan amount of toys. Like a whole box of blocks. Or a whole box of 30 toy animals. Or a whole bin of legos. Or a whole bin of waffle blocks. Or a whole bin of cars. Etc. I dont let him dump out the waffle blocks and the legos and the blocks and the animals at once because that would be an insane amount of toys to sort out and clean up at once. We take out one type of toy at a time, but not only one toy.
Occasionally I let one or two boxes, but thats only when I'll have the patience to clean it up with him. But he's also gotten better at sorting out the toys on his own now, so I give him more leeway in terms of that. Like if he wants to build a block house for the animals, fine. But I dont want my whole 6 shelf toy shelf on the ground at once. I prefer one type of toy only, but occasionally two or three types. But not a whole tornado's worth of toys...
Also, especially shabbos I only let one type of toy out at once because then there might be an issue of borer when it comes to sorting out the legos and the blocks and the animals in order to put it all away.
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Post Sat, Oct 31 2009, 4:53 pm
I got inspired by this thread and finished all my after shabat clean up Smile
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Post Sat, Oct 31 2009, 5:54 pm
My biggest mess is the dishes! I usually have at least 6 guests, plus DH & I. That makes 8 big plates, 8 small, 8 bowls, 8 reg glasses, 8 wine glasses, 4 shnapps glasses, serving dishes, cutlery....that was only for friday night! At least this week shabbos day was just us two
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Post Sat, Oct 31 2009, 5:56 pm
lizard8 wrote:
My biggest mess is the dishes! I usually have at least 6 guests, plus DH & I. That makes 8 big plates, 8 small, 8 bowls, 8 reg glasses, 8 wine glasses, 4 shnapps glasses, serving dishes, cutlery....that was only for friday night! At least this week shabbos day was just us two

big reason why I serve only 2 courses plus dessert. And we don't use wine glasses. embarrassed
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Post Sat, Oct 31 2009, 6:06 pm
Raisin wrote:
lizard8 wrote:
My biggest mess is the dishes! I usually have at least 6 guests, plus DH & I. That makes 8 big plates, 8 small, 8 bowls, 8 reg glasses, 8 wine glasses, 4 shnapps glasses, serving dishes, cutlery....that was only for friday night! At least this week shabbos day was just us two

big reason why I serve only 2 courses plus dessert. And we don't use wine glasses. embarrassed
no need to feel embarrassed for that. we only serve one course (two maybe on a chag) and we also do not have any wine goblets, just regular glasses.
and truth be told, if we have more than three guests for shabbat, we usually use paper or plastic. im just too lazy.
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chocolate moose


Post Sat, Oct 31 2009, 6:47 pm
Raisin, do you have wooden or tile floors? when we had carpeting, there was no sweeping.

Pinktichel, we rely on Rabbi Feinstein's ruling that you are allowed to put dishes in the dishwasher, even in a set place.
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Lady Godiva


Post Sat, Oct 31 2009, 7:31 pm
What's there to clean after Shabbat as opposed to a regular day?

I remove my Shabbat tablecloth--30 seconds.
Put detergent in the dishwasher and turn it on--60 seconds.
Hand wash dishes that can't be put in the dishwasher--5 minutes.

(I sweep the floor after each meal and I load my dishwasher after each meal. Yes, it's allowed if seeing dirty dishes out will bother you, and bother me they will.)
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Post Sat, Oct 31 2009, 8:22 pm
I guess it takes me longer for a couple of reasons.

1. We don't a dishwasher & I use only china on shabbos. In fact I use dishes during the week 99% of the time anyhow. But shabbos it's from two meals & many more courses than during the week.

2. Even if I sweep after each meal, I still need to sweep on ms again because we are home all afternoon. Yes, I also sweep the kitchen every night, but on ms I like to do the kitchen, dining room & foyer too. That's why I vacum instead- it'
s faster & cleaner.

Toys are not the issue at all. I don't have more than one puzzle or toy out...
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Post Sat, Oct 31 2009, 8:24 pm
chocolate moose wrote:
Raisin, do you have wooden or tile floors? when we had carpeting, there was no sweeping.
Pinktichel, we rely on Rabbi Feinstein's ruling that you are allowed to put dishes in the dishwasher, even in a set place.

what's that supposed to mean?
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chocolate moose


Post Sat, Oct 31 2009, 11:14 pm
meaning, we never swept at all. we vacuumed.
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Post Sat, Oct 31 2009, 11:32 pm
Oh that's what I was thinking.

But then that takes time too.

I only have wooden floors, but I vacum anyhow.
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Post Sun, Nov 01 2009, 3:44 am
Lady Godiva wrote:
What's there to clean after Shabbat as opposed to a regular day?

Let's see....
We had 40 ppl Friday night for a themed shabbos (think decorations everywhere!)
Shabbos lunch, another 12 ppl.
No dishwasher.
No cleaning help.

Does that answer your question? Wink
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Post Sun, Nov 01 2009, 3:57 am
ya I am getting off here rite now to finish up. I cant believe I am sitting here reading about this instead of doing it!! imamo is so addictive!!! Smile
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Post Sun, Nov 01 2009, 4:22 am
Motzaei Shabbat routine depends on the clock...are the kids still up or not? If yes, the first thing is to put in a video. Then I can fold & put away Friday's laundry. Then DH comes home & we make havdalah. Then DH & kids put away the toys (at least in the living room). DH's job is to clean up the table & sweep; I take care of the kitchen. I hate seeing dishes on the counter (dirty) and I won't use disposable, so if I have enough dishes I do some on Shabbat to make room in the sink. Otherwise I'm probably still doing pots on Wednesday.
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Lady Godiva


Post Mon, Nov 02 2009, 7:43 pm
amother wrote:
Lady Godiva wrote:
What's there to clean after Shabbat as opposed to a regular day?

Let's see....
We had 40 ppl Friday night for a themed shabbos (think decorations everywhere!)
Shabbos lunch, another 12 ppl.

I assumed OP meant on a regular Shabbat. Unless you have a themed Shabbat every week.

No dishwasher makes a difference, of course.
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Post Tue, Nov 03 2009, 5:36 am
Lady Godiva wrote:
amother wrote:
Lady Godiva wrote:
What's there to clean after Shabbat as opposed to a regular day?

Let's see....
We had 40 ppl Friday night for a themed shabbos (think decorations everywhere!)
Shabbos lunch, another 12 ppl.

I assumed OP meant on a regular Shabbat. Unless you have a themed Shabbat every week.

No dishwasher makes a difference, of course.

Not a themed shabbos every week, but 40 ppl for a Friday night is normal plus a dozen or more shabbos day.
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Post Tue, Nov 03 2009, 5:56 am
shabbatiscoming wrote:

a. wow, those bins look awesome.
b. we would have no room for them in our apartment.
c. where would I buy something like that in israel?

Trofast, Ikea, Netanya. It takes up very little room.
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Post Tue, Nov 03 2009, 6:28 am
Ok, I admit my house also gets very messy on Shobbos.

DH really doesn't like it when I clean up too much on Shobbos, so it's been a struggle. Somewhere in his past he learned from someone that cleaning up on Shobbos is a bad idea and ruins the day, but for me, not being able to clean up just makes me anxious.

Also, even with a dishwasher, it's rare that my dishwasher fits all of our shobbos dishes for 3 meals, especially with guests...not to mention all the breakfast/snack dairy dishes that need to be hand washed and then of course the crock pot...

The first thing I like to do is really just at least organize my kitchen after Shobbos and at least get up one load of dishes. I also like to get our living room cleaned up as its the first room people see when they come into the house.
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