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BDE Kayla Rus A"H bas Bunim Tuvia
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Post Tue, Mar 11 2014, 2:05 pm
Thanks so much, everyone, we are waiting for the magic cells to arrive, probably 4pm from what they tell us. Kayla Rus shocked the doctors by how well she handled the heavy doses of chemo she received over the weekend. The doctor told me this morning, "I never would have considered this, but she could have gotten this chemo outpatient, which is normally unheard of."

You should all know that she dresses up every day as if she is going to work in an office building or something (way more put together than her mom, LOL), and has decorated her room as the "Party Room." Big sign on the wall says "Tracht gut vet zein gut" and pictures of purim clowns, etc. She is actually my inspiration, but I am sure that all of your tefillos have a lot to do with it.

thanks again!
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Post Tue, Mar 11 2014, 2:13 pm
May you have many more years of nachas from her, healthy and happy.
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Post Tue, Mar 11 2014, 2:18 pm
thanks for updating. I will mobilize my troops (aka my kids) to say a kapitel tehillim right before supper bli neder. davening so hard for you that all will go well with Hashems help
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Post Wed, Mar 12 2014, 12:48 am
This week my email friend Barbara Gildin is organizing another challah bake for Kayla Rus. If you are baking erev shabbos (Thursday night or Friday), please email her at Simchaplanners@yahoo.com so she can count you in, and daven for Kayla Rus while you knead your dough and separate your challah. Yehi ratson milfanecha Elokeinu V’elokei Avoseinu Shebizchu mitzvat hafrashat challa zu, tizke (insert name) - "L' Refuah Shelayma B'soch Sha'ar Cholei Amo Yisroel" (May it be your will Hashem our G-d of our forefathers that in the honor of the mitzvah of taking of the Challah that this person should have a full speedy recovery).

Thank you!
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Post Wed, Mar 12 2014, 12:58 pm
Thinking of you all the time Hug
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Post Wed, Mar 12 2014, 11:59 pm
may all our tefilos be answered - amen !!!
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Post Sun, Mar 16 2014, 10:10 pm
just wondering how your Purim went Chaya Rochel, and if you have any updates for us . I davened a lot for Kayla Rus today,
we learn that kol haposhet yod nosnim lo, we can ask Hashem for wahtever we want on Purim, may all of our tefillos for Kayla Rus and other cholim be answered letovah, for the good.

I do so hope that everything is going well and that you will have good news to share soon with Hashem's help. many hugs
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Post Mon, Mar 17 2014, 8:50 am
Thank you all for all of your tefillos. They actually gave us a pass to leave the hospital for Purim, so a friend of hers from Baltimore came and picked us up right after shabbos, and we got there in time for megillah, slept over, and had a very nice seuda with her friends before coming back to the hospital (just in time before it started to snow!) Now we are back to the grind, where they come in at awfully early hours to wake her up for vitals, etc... I hope we get out of here soon, it is cruel & unusual punishment, LOL.
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Post Mon, Mar 17 2014, 4:49 pm
Thank you so much for the update! so happy that you weren't both in the hospital over purim . We're still davening, and still looking forward to lots of good news xxx

Hug Hug Hug Hug Hug
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Post Tue, Mar 18 2014, 10:24 am
I'm glad you got a reprieve to spend a nicer purim with friends ...
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Post Tue, Mar 18 2014, 6:40 pm
So we need some more tefillos for Kayla Rus bas Chaya Rochel... we were on the verge of getting out of the hospital and maybe going home in time for Shabbos, but she developed a fever so now we are stuck. She also needed blood & platelets today, so this chemo had a delayed reaction with her blood counts. Hopefully they will come up again soon. But we are not having the best day. Sad
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Post Tue, Mar 18 2014, 6:42 pm
davening Hug Hug
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Post Tue, Mar 18 2014, 6:45 pm
I will take a couple of minutes now to daven. refuah sheliema
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Post Wed, Mar 19 2014, 4:45 am
I try to daven for her after asher yatzar. We had a friend who's son was very sick and they asked as many people as possible to daven for him after saying asher yatazar - just an idea.
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Post Wed, Mar 19 2014, 10:19 am
She's in my tefillos every day. Hopefully today is a better day and you will be able to go home for Shabbos. We await good tidings from you IYH.
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Post Wed, Mar 19 2014, 3:37 pm
Thinking of Kayla Rus and davening. Sent a donation via chai lifeline link. May she be blessed with good health and long life.
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Post Wed, Mar 26 2014, 1:00 am
Her fever has been gone for several days but her counts are still low and we STILL may not make it home in time for yet another shabbos. Please daven, we need a miracle, if her counts are better by Thursday, we may go home on Friday, I"YH.

I want to put another request for someone else in here. I don't want to start a new thread for this because all of you who know me and have baked challah for Kayla Rus, will know that I wouldn't ask if it weren't for someone very dear to me.

A good friend of mine has a 20 year old son studying in Australia for a semester, he is a student at Brandeis. They are Conservative, but very Jewish oriented, the boy and his dad put on Tefilin and daven every day, maybe someday they will do more, but you know how some people are on a certain path... anyway, they are all amazing people, would give anyone anything, and have been a great support for me since Kayla Rus was diagnosed. Well, right after Purim, Jake was a passenger in the back seat of a car impacted at high speed, crushing the car accordion-like into him. He was in an induced coma with brain swelling, and has several fractures in his face. A great network of people donated to a fund to bring Jake's parents to Australia to be with him. Baruch HaShem, by great miracle, he is now conscious and walking and talking, but is scheduled to have his face peeled away and completely rebuilt with metal plates on Tuesday. I have put his name in for a challah bake. This is the status I shared on Facebook, if you can bake please contact Barbara as it says. His name is Ya'akov Binyamin ben Tzvia Sara.

I have put in Jake Altholz's name with my challah baking cooperative this week. If you are baking challah erev shabbos this week, either Thursday night or Friday, please email Barbara Gildin at simchaplanners@yahoo.com to be counted so that we can get 40 bakers this close to Pesach. You can always share challahs with friends, you'll be very popular! The name to concentrate on when you take challah with a bracha is Ya'akov Binyamin ben Tzvia Sara. You say Yehi ratson milfanecha Elokeinu V’elokei Avoseinu Shebizchu mitzvat hafrashat challa zu, tizke (insert name) - "L' Refuah Shelayma B'soch Sha'ar Cholei Amo Yisroel" (May it be your will Hashem our G-d of our forefathers that in the honor of the mitzvah of taking of the Challah that this person should have a full speedy recovery), and then you make the bracha for separating challah. Jake's mom Elyse Litt is a good friend of mine, and so is his dad Reed Altholz, so please do this and spread the word to EVERYONE YOU KNOW. Thanks so much.
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Post Wed, Mar 26 2014, 1:07 am
Which city in Australia?
Perhaps our community can help him and his family?
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Post Wed, Mar 26 2014, 1:20 am
Townsville, I know, it's in the middle of nowhere. I think they have Chabad helping them.
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Post Wed, Mar 26 2014, 7:45 am
RS! Thinking of you Hug
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