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Locations of positive cases
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Post Tue, Sep 22 2020, 8:25 pm
amother [ Jade ] wrote:
Passaic has many cases

Are there any classes in quarantine in Passaic?
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Post Tue, Sep 22 2020, 8:26 pm
amother [ Pewter ] wrote:
Monsey is FULL of it all over the place. Almost everyone in Monsey knows at least one person that has it.
Many schools have kids / teachers, either with symptoms or confirmed cases.

One shul in monsey made a special tent on Rosh Hashanah for confirmed covid congregants and about half the shul was in the tent.

Please tell me you're joking. If you have covid you need to stay home!!!
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Post Tue, Sep 22 2020, 8:27 pm
amother [ Mauve ] wrote:
Are there any classes in quarantine in Passaic?

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Post Tue, Sep 22 2020, 8:49 pm
amother [ Purple ] wrote:
All cases are serious.

All cases are serious, I.e. genuine and equally as contagious. But there are some doctors positing that overall those who get it now are not dangerously ill. I'm asking if areas with upticks are seeing the same.
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Ema of 5


Post Tue, Sep 22 2020, 10:42 pm
amother [ Purple ] wrote:
All cases are serious.

No they’re not
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Post Tue, Sep 22 2020, 10:43 pm
Ema of 4 wrote:
No they’re not

Keep sticking your head in the sand.
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Ema of 5


Post Tue, Sep 22 2020, 10:51 pm
amother [ Purple ] wrote:
Keep sticking your head in the sand.

My head is not in the sand. I know people who died, I know people who were in the hospital and BH recovered, I know people who had/have very mild symptoms, and I know people who are/were completely asymptomatic yet tested positive. Not every case is serious.
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Post Tue, Sep 22 2020, 10:53 pm
Ema of 4 wrote:
My head is not in the sand. I know people who died, I know people who were in the hospital and BH recovered, I know people who had/have very mild symptoms, and I know people who are/were completely asymptomatic yet tested positive. Not every case is serious.

Covid can turn on a dime, you never know whose mild case will turn deadly. Not to mention the possible long term side effects. I'm scared when I think of what Covid's version of shingles will be.
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Ema of 5


Post Tue, Sep 22 2020, 11:02 pm
amother [ Purple ] wrote:
Covid can turn on a dime, you never know whose mild case will turn deadly. Not to mention the possible long term side effects. I'm scared when I think of what Covid's version of shingles will be.

CAN be serious and CAN have long term effect are not the same thing as ARE serious and DO have long term effects. That’s why I said not every case is serious. Many people really have no, or few or mild, symptoms, and many people are really recovering without lasting effects.
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Post Tue, Sep 22 2020, 11:05 pm
Ema of 4 wrote:
CAN be serious and CAN have long term effect are not the same thing as ARE serious and DO have long term effects. That’s why I said not every case is serious. Many people really have no, or few or mild, symptoms, and many people are really recovering without lasting effects.

HPV can give you cancer. Chickenpox causes Shingles. Polio, post-polio syndrome. Don't be naive about this virus, nobody knows what else it will dish out later in the game. Do you know about the Covid long-haulers, suffering for 6 months, some with permanent pulmonary damage? I believe our own FF has nerve damage.

We don't know what the LONG lasting effects could be.
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Ema of 5


Post Tue, Sep 22 2020, 11:08 pm
amother [ Purple ] wrote:
HPV can give you cancer. Chickenpox causes Shingles. Polio, post-polio syndrome. Don't be naive about this virus, nobody knows what else it will dish out later in the game. Do you know about the Covid long-haulers, suffering for 6 months, some with permanent pulmonary damage? I believe our own FF has nerve damage.

We don't know what the LONG lasting effects could be.

No fear mongering going on over there....
Forget it. If you want to live your life terrified, that’s fine. I don’t have to be terrified.
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Mama Bear


Post Tue, Sep 22 2020, 11:27 pm
amother [ Purple ] wrote:
HPV can give you cancer. Chickenpox causes Shingles. Polio, post-polio syndrome. Don't be naive about this virus, nobody knows what else it will dish out later in the game. Do you know about the Covid long-haulers, suffering for 6 months, some with permanent pulmonary damage? I believe our own FF has nerve damage.

We don't know what the LONG lasting effects could be.

the question 'how many of the cases are serious' did not mean ' how many of these young ppl who now have it may face unknown long term repercussions'. She probably meant, how many of the ppl who now have it, are on oxygen, are hospitalized, are seriously ill. RIGHT NOW. Not, how many of these ppl may face long term problems. None of us know if we will or we won't.

One thing is clear: it's very, very, very hard -- nigh, almost impossible -- to avoid EVER catching coronavirus. Unless you're in an underground bunker and every delivery person who brings you packages wears gloves and full PPE, anyone can catch covid-19 at any time. Even with masks, even with social distancing. All it takes is one exposure to a person who was exposed and is asympomatic, and bam you may have it. If you have any relative going to school, shul, store, ANYTHING, even if they wear a mask, they may bring it home to you. It's like running across a minefield of lasers. Super super hard to dodge.

So let's not villify or villainize people who actually caught covid. no one caught it on purpose or for fun.

And the answer to the poster's question of how many cases are serious? Right now, they are mostly mild. But this is also how it started out in Feb/March. Mild at first, and suddenly about 3 weeks later, the emergency rooms were exploding and medical personnel were overwhelmed and in many cases incorrect protocols were used or there were medical errors/neglect, and people died needlessly.... Sad Hopefully hopefully this will not happen this time, because

1) so many of our high risk individuals unfortuantely caught it on the first wave. Some made it, some didn't. There aren't many documented repeat cases.

2) doctors are much better prepared now and know how to treat it better.

3) People caught it the first time before they had a chance to social distance, masks werent required then. In some communities people are still adhering to these rules. Hence, fewer cases and fewer carriers. Hence, hospitals not overloaded.

However as you said, it can turn on a dime, and we don't know who will get seriously sick. So we just have to daven. hard. and do our hishtadlus.
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Post Wed, Sep 23 2020, 3:47 am
60 confirmed cases in frum Chicago community, including a few hospitalizations. Cases rising each week.
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Post Wed, Sep 23 2020, 9:12 am
amother [ Saddlebrown ] wrote:
Please tell me you're joking. If you have covid you need to stay home!!!
our shul also had a covid section, “social distancing” , people don’t realize that the preventative measures are not the same for confirmed cases. And some people just want to daven with a minyan Banging head . Can't Believe It so frustrating .
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Post Wed, Sep 23 2020, 8:53 pm
amother [ Jade ] wrote:
Passaic has many cases

My husband learns in Rabbi Kraus's kollel in Passaic and 4 or 5 people who learn there tested positive
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Post Wed, Sep 23 2020, 9:35 pm
Mama Bear wrote:
the question 'how many of the cases are serious' did not mean ' how many of these young ppl who now have it may face unknown long term repercussions'. She probably meant, how many of the ppl who now have it, are on oxygen, are hospitalized, are seriously ill. RIGHT NOW. Not, how many of these ppl may face long term problems. None of us know if we will or we won't.

And the answer to the poster's question of how many cases are serious? Right now, they are mostly mild. But this is also how it started out in Feb/March. Mild at first, and suddenly about 3 weeks later, the emergency rooms were exploding and medical personnel were overwhelmed and in many cases incorrect protocols were used or there were medical errors/neglect, and people died needlessly.... Sad Hopefully hopefully this will not happen this time, because.

However as you said, it can turn on a dime, and we don't know who will get seriously sick. So we just have to daven. hard. and do our hishtadlus.
I agree with mama bear, the cases are mostly mild compared to sever cases we experienced in march , but there are people going to ICU now and cases are steadily increasing. Back in March it seemed like most people had sever cases because all the mild cases stayed home, it were asymptotic and didn’t test, so they were not included in the numbers. My sister had it before anyone knew what it was. So proportionately I think we have the same % of sever cases, but BH the total number is much lower now so total sever cases is also low.
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Post Wed, Sep 23 2020, 9:47 pm
amother [ Orange ] wrote:
our shul also had a covid section, “social distancing” , people don’t realize that the preventative measures are not the same for confirmed cases. And some people just want to daven with a minyan Banging head . Can't Believe It so frustrating .

I have no words .. just OMG!!!!
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Post Wed, Sep 23 2020, 10:35 pm
Someone in my local chat just posted an email from TAG in FR that they are closed effective immediately. Someone else said for sure through succot.
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Post Thu, Sep 24 2020, 7:25 am
Few people in KJ who caught the virus in Monsey.
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Post Thu, Sep 24 2020, 9:03 am
Numerous cases in KJ. If anyone goes to minyan (and who doesn't?) they're likely exposed. It's literally everywhere
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