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OMG, You will never believe what my non jewish mailman said!
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Post Tue, May 04 2010, 11:09 am
Are they really in cans (if so what's the brand name)?! Or in glass jars - "baker's choice"?
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chocolate moose


Post Tue, May 04 2010, 11:22 am
I wouldn't have taken money from you either, Marina.
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Post Tue, May 04 2010, 11:56 am
marina wrote:
Ladies, ladies, Thank you for your applause. Now to the serious matters!

Now I have a huge problem. This poster who sent me the milk refuses to give her name and address for compensation. And the problem is that my rav, Rabbi Mor Al Compass, forbids me from using these jars unless I pay for them. There is a partial return address on the box, but the poster claims it is from a construction site.

What should I do? Should I send my money to the construction site, hoping that this imamother poster lives on a construction site? Or should I whine and cajole and harass the poster into giving me her address? Or should I go against my own Rav and use the jars anyway? Is there another option?

I am not sure if you are joking or being serious. In the event, of the latter, I believe you can give the money to a worthy tzodoka and tell the mother who sent it to you, that thats what you are doing..
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Post Tue, May 04 2010, 12:05 pm
ChanaRochel wrote:
marina wrote:
Ladies, ladies, Thank you for your applause. Now to the serious matters!

Now I have a huge problem. This poster who sent me the milk refuses to give her name and address for compensation. And the problem is that my rav, Rabbi Mor Al Compass, forbids me from using these jars unless I pay for them. There is a partial return address on the box, but the poster claims it is from a construction site.

What should I do? Should I send my money to the construction site, hoping that this imamother poster lives on a construction site? Or should I whine and cajole and harass the poster into giving me her address? Or should I go against my own Rav and use the jars anyway? Is there another option?

I am not sure if you are joking or being serious. In the event, of the latter, I believe you can give the money to a worthy tzodoka and tell the mother who sent it to you, that thats what you are doing..

I'd do the same. And since its food, I'd make it a soup kitchen or other organization that feeds the poor.
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Post Tue, May 04 2010, 12:08 pm
chocolate moose wrote:
I wouldn't have taken money from you either, Marina.

You've thanked her here - if you want to pay it forward, maybe donate some money to a food bank?

If someone wants to post the link to where to buy it (if it can be bought online) I'd be grateful. We don't keep CY but I want to cook for some friends who are!
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Post Tue, May 04 2010, 12:26 pm
Ok, really,people. She sent me 4 glass jars and shipping alone was 10 dollars. And then there's the cost of the jars themselves and how far she must have had to schlep to get them. And you think I should send her a piece of fudge?

I like the tzeddakah idea better, but I don't know which group to give to. I would much prefer it if someone contacted me and told me they know her real address and she does live on a construction site or something.
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chocolate moose


Post Tue, May 04 2010, 1:50 pm
I don't see what the big deal is. You needed something and the right person was able to help you out. Next time someone needs something and asks you, if you are able to, you can do the chessed.
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Post Tue, May 04 2010, 2:26 pm
chocolate moose wrote:
I don't see what the big deal is. You needed something and the right person was able to help you out. Next time someone needs something and asks you, if you are able to, you can do the chessed.

Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Thumbs Up
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Post Tue, May 04 2010, 2:52 pm
PLEASE post the name and brand ....I would love to make FLAN!!!! (drooling here LOL) Very Happy
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Post Tue, May 04 2010, 2:55 pm
seriously I wnat to buy some.. where can I get it?
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Post Tue, May 04 2010, 3:01 pm
3 words: Dulce. de. Leche.
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Post Tue, May 04 2010, 3:14 pm
louche wrote:
3 words: Dulce. de. Leche.

its not the same
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Post Tue, May 04 2010, 3:28 pm
Not the same as what?
Condensed milk?
Do I look like I was born last erev shabbos?
Dulce de leche is what OP should MAKE with her treasure trove.
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Post Tue, May 04 2010, 5:13 pm
marina, thanx for a great thread, I really enjoyed reading it!

I actually went on this site because I'm also in a predicament like yours and in search of something for a very long time, reading your post gave me hope that I might actually find it.

so if anybody knows where I can buy a kosher can of "kilki" in tomato sauce, PLEASE let me know , its a taste of childhood that I've been craving for years and can't find it anywhere.
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Post Tue, May 04 2010, 5:21 pm
Not to be a kill joy here but Honestly guys have you ever met a fudge brownie that you didn't just love?!
Also does it really taste so much different then an average furge using soya milk?
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Post Tue, May 04 2010, 6:24 pm
Tefila, it's more about the recipe than anything else. My kid got a candy cookbook ages ago for her last birthday and we've hardly made anything from it b/c it needs all this fancy equipment and candy ingredients and candy thermometers and all that, so we just kind of put it away. Recently she found it and started a begging campaign to make caramels and some other stuff, so I had to give it my best shot. And yes, for those asking it was Bakers Choice in glass jars.
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Post Tue, May 04 2010, 6:26 pm
In other news, the person who sent them to me is now requesting that I attach my ear to her doorpost and we do the whole stapling procedure so I can be her eved ivri for life.

I'm giving it some thought, it might be nice to get away.
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Post Tue, May 04 2010, 7:26 pm
Marina, assuming you're an expert in the condensed milk field- what would be similar to condensed milk cooked in the can (вареная сгущенка)?

сэнкъю Thank you!!
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Post Tue, May 04 2010, 8:16 pm
LK- I cannot possibly be an expert in condensed milk, because I just got my first 4 cans yesterday. But
на здоровъе!
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Post Tue, May 04 2010, 8:38 pm
Tefila wrote:
Not to be a kill joy here but Honestly guys have you ever met a fudge brownie that you didn't just love?!
Also does it really taste so much different then an average furge using soya milk?

There aint nothin like the real thing! Music
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