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Your weird/made-up words or phrases
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Post Thu, Dec 16 2010, 11:21 pm
In my family, we call a shmorgasboard a Shmugalug. My grandma called it that, cuz her english is bad.

Also, shushi or shishi for Sushi. Again, thank grandma.

And thanks to grandpa, pishkers for pictures.

and probably lots more that slipped my mind.
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Post Fri, Dec 17 2010, 2:55 pm
fidgitery-when u cant sit still/are restless
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Post Fri, Dec 17 2010, 3:35 pm
My mom's family calls a zipper that comes out on the bottom a 'floomJoe'. Dunno where it comes from but I chuckle each time I hear it. (Your floomJoe is sticking out...)
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Post Sat, Dec 18 2010, 12:51 pm
artikidove wrote:

doodie length - from duty length skirts.

Would this explain why my friends always called a mid-calf length "ka-ka" length growning up?

As for my own -

My family (parents and siblings) always wish each other Yom Holedet Tzfardeyah (yes, frog), which has now let to facebook wallposts such as "Hope your birthday was amphibian free" to the confusion of everyone else - no idea where it came from, only thing that has been my theory for a while is that my birthday falls right around when we read the Makos in the parsha, so maybe as a kid I got mixed up.

Sippet= Chinese Cabbage (it's the brand name of Chow Mein type noodle/crouton things I used to put in the salad made with said cabbage). When I put "Sippet" on the grocery list, I mean one cabbage, not one crouton.

Mechokek= If you have gotten a heat rash/chafing between your thighs. This past week when we came across the word in Chitas in Yaakov's bracha to yehuda, I asked dh how on earth we came to use that word in it's new meaning, and he said it is actually standard bachur yeshiva language.

Muzher= immersion blender

huggle= hug/cuddle

Another couple from my parents and sibs growing up:

Answering yes to multiple choice questions. (Ie, "do you want to come with to the mall or stay home?" "Yes.")

Throwing in anywhere it seems appropriate: "The laws of physics do not apply to me" (google the quote, it's a really funny college application essay)

Throwing in anywhere at all " Praaawh-bub-leeee! ("Probably" said in a particular dragged out high pitched voice. Apparently this was the beginning of the punchline of a highly inappropriate joke that my grandfather, in a totally out of character moment, told at the dinner table when he had brought home important guests when my father was a young child. We grew up knowing this, but not knowing the joke, cuz of course noone would tell it. A couple years ago, my sister somehow blackmailed my father into telling me the joke - he wouldn't tell it to her because he deemed it unsuitable for her still-single ears - and the joke wasn't even funny, but punchline starter still lives on.)

"Intuitively obvious to the most casual observer" - our really snobby, superior way of saying "duh"

surp, ornj, crans, towl (syrup, orange, crayons, towel) - my father picked up some sort of ohio/pennsyvania accent growing up that makes him turn two syllable words into one syllable (he insists they are only SUPPOSED to have one), so we exxagerate a few of them deliberately just to be silly.

And the last one, said by either me or my sister to each other whenever my brother is in earshot, "Boy am I a klutz!" at which point we usually dissolve into hysterical laughter, completely unable to even finish the sentence. (Background - probably almost fifteen years ago by now, my brother was in the shower and starts yelling for us to stop using the hot water as his shower is cold. My sister and I verify that no hot water is in use. He is screaming that he is freezing. We run around the house checking on the washing machine, the dishwasher, everything is off. This goes on for a few minutes as we patrol any possible use of water. He is shouting at the top of his lungs in great distress. We stand outside the bathroom door and say "brother, maybe you just have the balance misadjusted, turn down the cold and turn up the hot" He responds "the cold is not on at all and I already have the hot on full blast, something is using it all before it reaches this shower." At this point, with realization dawning, I say "Dear brother, would you double check, because the hot is on the left and the cold is on the right." Silence for a few long seconds, then in a complete "facepalm" voice we hear "Boy am I a klutz!!" We have never let him live it down yet, and probably never will!

I'm sure there are more but this has been long enough!
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be good


Post Sat, Dec 18 2010, 9:24 pm
toastedbagel-I thoroughly enjoyed your wholepost. thank you for sharing!
it sounds like your family are very close and in sync. a real bracha. enjoy it!
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Post Sat, Dec 18 2010, 11:06 pm
In my family growing up (and sometimes still today) if we don't like something someone said, we might say, "Stick your head in a bucket of lard." It was a line from a song on the old PBS show, ZOOM (the opening song, I think...). You have to say it like they did - STICK your HEAD in a bucket-o' lard - but kind of singing.

Nice, huh??? Tongue Out
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Post Sat, Dec 18 2010, 11:27 pm
My family is huge on the nicknames, all with their own wacko logic... mine include Goomba, Dewey Decimal System, Doo-Wop, Sharkhead, "Butte, Montana" (it's pronounced Byute, don't worry!), Squiddy's Sister... my poor in-laws have to deal with figuring out which grandkid I'm referring to when I talk about Machti, Charlie Regardless, Shmaylig, Kunta Kunte, P. Diddly...

We call my mother Methren (if plural of "brother" can be "brethren", why not the plural of "mother"?) or Mildred, occasionally.

My sisters and I (4 of us) always win when we're on the same Taboo team because we have such far-out connections to things. Once, the phrase was "Grand Central Station" and the only hint needed was "Ema and Aba's room!"

My father has certain phrases that he uses ALL THE TIME, and certain stories that he tells in practically the same words EVERY SINGLE TIME, so those have special significance in our family. On the Seder night, we always do Chad Gadya with appropriate sound effect (gadya = "maaaah", shunra = "meow", etc.), and for "d'zabin Aba", each time we say one of his phrases, like "no prattling in doorways", or "lights off on the planet" (his trick for getting us to go to sleep was to turn off every light in the entire house), "rustling paper" (with appropriate hand gestures... from a story about the sound piano rolls make if you don't have a player piano), "I want everyone horizontal" (another bedtime favorite)... fun times.

We have two rooms in our house that we call the orange room and the blue room, 'cuz when we moved in, the carpets were those colors. The carpets were pulled up long, long, ago, but the names remain.
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