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Nittel on Friday nite?
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Besiyata Dishmaya


Post Sat, Dec 25 2010, 5:59 pm
freidasima wrote:
Right, it isn't ilui neshomo but that you don't do anything for "his" Honor...

In any case, so I said something to dh and he said, ok we will just eat without dvar torah and go to sleep...but hey, another minhog of nittel is that you don't go to sleep until after chatzos just in case the non jews come to make a pogrom...yeah well, b"h we don't have any non jews around in this neighborhood except for my mother's filipinit and a few others and I doubt that they will make a pogrom...I had to remember to wish her a happy nittel and use the correct phrase when I was there and then my mother turns to me and says in yiddish "nittel? hant is nittel? (today is nittel?)" and so she turns to the filipinit and gives her a merry nittel....

yeah well.

and to all a good night...

Smile Your mother has a sense of humor

freidasima wrote:
BTW just for our edification, as my dh reminded me, the term "nittel" comes from the Latin "Natal" meaning birth and you can guess whose birth they were talking about.

Some seforim mention that the word "nittel" comes from נוטל - he was taken from the world.

chocolate moose wrote:
It's not a night off, or a night of bittul Torah - it's from shkia until chatzos.

There are different minhagim. Some (like us) keep it from 6:00 p.m. till chatzos (midnight).

shalhevet wrote:
I wish you all a big, merry yetzer hara to say divrei Torah tonight. LOL

If there's still a world tomorrow morning, you'll know to thank the Litvishers, right?

shalhevet wrote:
The pogroms were probably because people didn't learn enough Torah that night. Torah magna u'matzla.

The Rebbe R' Yonosson Eibeshitz zt"l was asked since the world has a kiyum only by learning Torah, if on Nittel yidden don't learn, what does the world exist on? He replied, "Minhag Yisroel Torah Hee, the minhag not to learn, this itself is Torah."

Horav Hago'on Hagodol R' Shmuel Fuhrer Hy"d, one of the greatest gedolim of Galicia, Poland, and the Rov of the city Kross in Galicia, related that when he was a yungerman he entered a home of a famous Rov. It was the night of Nittel and he met this Rov learning Torah. The Krossner Rov was surprised and asked him about it. That Rov told him, "I cannot imagine getting Gehenom for learning Torah". The Krossner Rov answered him, "You're right, for learning Torah you don't get Gehenom, but for sneering at divrei chachomim you get severely punished. Our Gedolim (even before Chassidus started) stated not to learn on Nittel and someone who scoffs at it, woe for him."
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chocolate moose


Post Sat, Dec 25 2010, 6:27 pm

Good one, Smilin' Mom !!!!!!!!!!
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Post Sat, Dec 25 2010, 7:12 pm
sarahd wrote:

shalhevet, perhaps you shouldn't be so flippant about minhagim that were and are kept by gedolei olam, all of whom value/d Torah learning at least as much as you and all of whom were at least as learned as you when it came to understanding minhagim.

Hear hear.

The lubavitch custom to play chess(we didn´t this year bc of shabbos) is actually bc chess sharpens the brain which is good for learning Torah, the logic being that if you can´t actually learn you should at least do something conducive to learning.
FS,I never heard of the pogroms but have heard that we don´t want to add in chayus this night or something like that
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Post Sat, Dec 25 2010, 7:26 pm
smilingmom wrote:
grace413 wrote:
bubby wrote:
smilingmom wrote:
I asked my DH and sons, but none of them knew that tonite is xmas.

To those that keep it, do you mark it on your Jewish calendar?

How could they NOT know??? shock It's everywhere, you can't escape it! I will be glad when it's over...all this false bonhommie is making me Puke Next week, it's back to being growled at by the water delivery guy, the mailman, the custodian, the..... Once they've gotten their holiday bonus, the "goodwill to all men" flies out the window with those reindeer.

Ho flippin' Ho Twisted Evil

Aaaaahhhhhh......the beauty of living in E"Y.

I live in Brooklyn, though not in Boro Park, Flatbush, Willimsburg or Crown heights, which are suburbs of Bnei Brak.

I think that's the funniest description of Crown Heights I've ever heard. Not very accurate. I'll agree to Yerushalayim. Smile

We "keep" nittel nacht. I made sure to ask my kids the parsha questions today instead of last night (I should say they reminded me only a dozen times). And last night, I made up for all the sleep I haven't been getting.
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Post Sat, Dec 25 2010, 8:40 pm
We keep nittel and it did not shorten our meal. Instead of divrei torah we told many stories of tzaddikim and sang many niggunim. Our meal went from 6pm - 10:30pm! Then we did divrei torah today.
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Post Sat, Dec 25 2010, 8:59 pm
de_goldy wrote:
We keep nittel and it did not shorten our meal. Instead of divrei torah we told many stories of tzaddikim and sang many niggunim. Our meal went from 6pm - 10:30pm! Then we did divrei torah today.

same Smile
except we were finished by 9:30 cuz we had another family with kids over.
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Post Sat, Dec 25 2010, 9:10 pm
GR wrote:
I think that's the funniest description of Crown Heights I've ever heard. Not very accurate. I'll agree to Yerushalayim. Smile

I'm sorry, but y'all look alike to me.
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Post Sat, Dec 25 2010, 9:15 pm
poelmamosh wrote:
de_goldy wrote:
We keep nittel and it did not shorten our meal. Instead of divrei torah we told many stories of tzaddikim and sang many niggunim. Our meal went from 6pm - 10:30pm! Then we did divrei torah today.

same Smile
except we were finished by 9:30 cuz we had another family with kids over.

Come to think of it, 9:30 we were mostly done and the first ppl started leaving. By 10:30 we were down to just ten of us (from 32).
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Post Sat, Dec 25 2010, 9:18 pm
shalhevet wrote:
freidasima wrote:
BTW just for our edification, as my dh reminded me, the term "nittel" comes from the Latin "Natal" meaning birth and you can guess whose birth they were talking about.

We ended up not having a dvar torah at the table, looking at the shabbos papers and in spite of the chassidish minhog of not sleeping before chatzos (in case of a pogrom) we fell asleep really early (like 9 PM) and paid for it be being up from 1:30-5:00 AM and dh got another hour of sleep then before shul.

At least we don't have snow around here...

The pogroms were probably because people didn't learn enough Torah that night. Torah magna u'matzla.

We don't ask "Why?"- remember? Smile
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Post Sat, Dec 25 2010, 9:19 pm
smilingmom wrote:
GR wrote:
I think that's the funniest description of Crown Heights I've ever heard. Not very accurate. I'll agree to Yerushalayim. Smile

I'm sorry, but y'all look alike to me.

Come visit more often? Wink
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Post Sat, Dec 25 2010, 9:21 pm
smilingmom wrote:
GR wrote:
I think that's the funniest description of Crown Heights I've ever heard. Not very accurate. I'll agree to Yerushalayim. Smile

I'm sorry, but y'all look alike to me.
Whats funny is that when I was engaged to my dh, I passed him on the street a few times and didn't recognize him. At that point to me the bochurim in CH looked the same. Don't worry, I recognize him now.
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Post Sat, Dec 25 2010, 9:40 pm
we did the same as de-goldy though we started our meal much earlier. It was great to get a decent night sleep too. My dh loved it. He got to bed earlier then any friday night and woke up early this morning for his learning

My kids were having a hard time with the concept, they really wanted to do their parsha sheets last night.

Guess what! I'm looking forward to the next nittal which is longer. It comes out on Thursday from 12-12. My dh will be available to help me get ready for Shabbos.
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Post Sun, Dec 26 2010, 1:17 am
We hold nittul the 5th ot 6th jan. as the calender was changed [I thing they added about 11days to it] I have to ask my dh the just date.
I learned that it's bec the ruach tima that descends on the world so you don't learn and you're not intimate. It's from chatsos by day to chatsos at night
I never realized that only chassidim are holding that minhag? I thought it's the whole world? guess I don't know everything.
We used to go to the principal asking to give us that afternoon off as we aren't allowed to learn, but most of the time we weren't lucky bec we had goyisch subjects with goyische teachers ( how would we have explained this to them??)
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Post Sun, Dec 26 2010, 5:08 am
I learned Nittel = ni(sh)t l(ernen)
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Besiyata Dishmaya


Post Sun, Dec 26 2010, 6:57 am
de_goldy wrote:
We keep nittel and it did not shorten our meal. Instead of divrei torah we told many stories of tzaddikim and sang many niggunim. Our meal went from 6pm - 10:30pm! Then we did divrei torah today.

We did the same.

Pandabeer wrote:
We hold nittul the 5th ot 6th jan. as the calender was changed [I thing they added about 11days to it] I have to ask my dh the just date.
I learned that it's bec the ruach tima that descends on the world so you don't learn and you're not intimate. It's from chatsos by day to chatsos at night
I never realized that only chassidim are holding that minhag? I thought it's the whole world? guess I don't know everything.
We used to go to the principal asking to give us that afternoon off as we aren't allowed to learn, but most of the time we weren't lucky bec we had goyisch subjects with goyische teachers ( how would we have explained this to them??)

For some reason there are those who think that Nittel is a chassidishe minhag when actually it started way before the Baal Shem Tov and Chassidus. The question is why there are non-chassidim who don't keep it?

Ruchel wrote:
I learned Nittel = ni(sh)t l(ernen)

I heard this too.
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Post Sun, Dec 26 2010, 8:10 am
Besiyata Dishmaya wrote:

For some reason there are those who think that Nittel is a chassidishe minhag when actually it started way before the Baal Shem Tov and Chassidus. The question is why there are non-chassidim who don't keep it?

Maybe because it contradicts the SA? (who also lived after yemach shemo v'zichro) I suggest you call up Rav Elyashiv and Reb Chaim Kanievsky and Reb Dovid Soleiveitchik and Rav BenZion Mutzafi and Rav Shteinmann and all the other non-chassidish gedolei Yisroel and ask them.

BTW, the story brought above about getting gehinom for learning Torah is about Erev TB AFAIK.
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Post Sun, Dec 26 2010, 8:18 am
All the stories I heard say that it's primarily by Chassidim, though there have been some Litvish with the minhag, and that people respect others' minhagim.
It is so not my derech but I can't call it shtus. As has been said, the emunas chachamim by those who follow a mesorah (and not slackers who are happy to take on this minhag independently) is also Torah.
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Post Sun, Dec 26 2010, 8:21 am
I don't get why people who say they are charedim and into emunas chachamim, asseh lecha rav and all suddenly turn against it when someone has a (non cherem, non rejected by his peers) rav who says something.
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Post Sun, Dec 26 2010, 8:25 am
My father was not chassidish - he was an Ashkenezishe Yid - and he kept Nittel. So, to the best of my knowledge, do all those who follow minhag Chasam Sofer. It is certainly not exclusively a chassidish minhag.
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Post Sun, Dec 26 2010, 8:36 am
We always know when Chritsmas is because both DH and I have off from work.

I guess in EY Christians have to take it off as a vacation day?
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