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Jerusalem on 10,000 per month?
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Post Tue, Jul 26 2011, 6:57 am
Ok, I think we have definitely ruled out a car! That is really messed up. I guess if we really need a car we can always rent for a day or two.

Mrs K - I checked out your blog! I'm waiting until you post the second part of your schedule because I'm dying to know how it works out. I see a lot of ads to work during American hours but I feel like I would never see my kid (or my husband!) if I did that.

Dev - that's funny, we were just talking about a moped as an alternative. Definitely a possibility. We are planning to rent furnished for now.

Hashemlovesme - thanks for the tip! I figured as much - it's always like that, even here. You don't realize how expensive it will be with a cell phone. Especially because I want an american number.

Chanchy - yes, we are looking for a DL community. I also would want to have some Americans around but not live in an American enclave, you know? I have been wondering what the heck the difference is between Katamon, Old Katamon and Katamonim! The prices you estimated for katamonim sound amazing! If we can get a 3 BR for 4000 I would be thrilled! We were looking into Har choma initially, but it just seems very not pretty and kind of out of the way. I would rather pay a bit more for a prettier and better location.

Thanks again guys! I also hate posting under Amother, so I gotta get a new screenname because I'll be a regular poster in the aliyah forum!
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Post Tue, Jul 26 2011, 7:01 am
amother wrote:

Thanks again guys! I also hate posting under Amother, so I gotta get a new screenname because I'll be a regular poster in the aliyah forum
I may be mistaken but I think it also changes all your old posts to your new name. You may want to simply sign up again, if such a thing is allowed.
With regards to the car: you have plenty of time to get here, get a feeling for living in Israel, and then make a rational decision. If you are hauling in 10000 initially, then see you have leftovers, you may decide a car is a viable option.
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Post Tue, Jul 26 2011, 9:42 am
amother wrote:
NIS 700 per month? That is way, way cheaper than the US.
I feel like once we get there and DH sees how we are getting by he will understand that a car is just not an option.

in the neighborhoods you were discussing day care is more like 1100 for a short day up to over 2300/month..
the regular iriya gan for 3 year olds is about 700-800 for a half day (plus the extra fees + 800 if you add tzharon....) we paid around 1800 for 2 year old gan/about 1500 for public gan + tzaharon....)

if you'd be willing to move out as far as Maaleh Adumum - theres's a 5.5 room house on my street for 4500 nis/month....or find a 4 room for less and have enough for a car
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Post Tue, Jul 26 2011, 11:04 am
amother wrote:
Ok, I think we have definitely ruled out a car! That is really messed up. I guess if we really need a car we can always rent for a day or two.

Mrs K - I checked out your blog! I'm waiting until you post the second part of your schedule because I'm dying to know how it works out. I see a lot of ads to work during American hours but I feel like I would never see my kid (or my husband!) if I did that.

Dev - that's funny, we were just talking about a moped as an alternative. Definitely a possibility. We are planning to rent furnished for now.

Hashemlovesme - thanks for the tip! I figured as much - it's always like that, even here. You don't realize how expensive it will be with a cell phone. Especially because I want an american number.

Chanchy - yes, we are looking for a DL community. I also would want to have some Americans around but not live in an American enclave, you know? I have been wondering what the heck the difference is between Katamon, Old Katamon and Katamonim! The prices you estimated for katamonim sound amazing! If we can get a 3 BR for 4000 I would be thrilled! We were looking into Har choma initially, but it just seems very not pretty and kind of out of the way. I would rather pay a bit more for a prettier and better location.

Thanks again guys! I also hate posting under Amother, so I gotta get a new screenname because I'll be a regular poster in the aliyah forum!
OP, I dont remember when you said you were planning on coming, but we are trying to sell an electric scooter. If that remotely interests you, you can PM me for more details.
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Post Tue, Jul 26 2011, 11:32 am
Katamon Hayshana, which is also called Katamon is an old neighborhood in Yerushalayim, very expensive and very desirable, especially for singles and couples in their late 20s and 30s.
Since the area is so desriable, the population has started spreading out into the neighborhood close by Katamonim (yes, it's confusing) a former slumish neighborhood that is now full of youngish DL of all persuasions.
I've linked the Yad2 page for rentels in katamonim, prices are a bit higher than I estimated if you're not looking for higher floors with no elevator (these building seldom elevators and when they do that raises their prices considerably). Another area you should look into is San Simon.
Some of these streets are better than others, and sometimes you need to know which part of the street is ok. Also note that in Israel a 2 bdr appt would be listed as 3 rooms (living room is considered a room) and 3 bdr would be listed as 4 room, etc.

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Post Tue, Aug 02 2011, 8:26 am
Just wanted to pipe in here about the phone line. I saw you mentioned wanted to get an American line. We looked into different options and the company we have our American line from offers a plan with unlimited America and Israel calls which came out much cheaper than Bezeq or Hot. We also have a landline from Bezeq which is just for incoming calls. It is called a Kav Kal and is about 20 shekel a month (as long as we dont use it). Also, maybe someone else can help me out with this but when you get internet access here, you need two different things usually from two different suppliers. I dont remember all the details exactly but its just something you should be aware of.

I have 2 kids and live way under 10,000 shekel a month so it is definitely doable. We live in a Chareidi area which is significantly cheaper but I still think it is possible.

Good luck!
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Post Tue, Aug 02 2011, 11:40 pm
I live in Jerusalem with 3 little kids & get by on much less than 10,000 shekels a month- then again I also have a mother-in-law who is willing to watch my kids for free so I can work.
I think it is definitely doable. However, Baka is not really an affordable neighborhood. If not necessary I would highly recommend looking at small communities outside of Jerusalem (or at least cheaper neighborhoods in Jerusalem).
Good luck!!
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Post Wed, Aug 03 2011, 1:22 am
Tamiri wrote:
Marion wrote:
I don't drive much; after 32 months there were fewer than 45,000km on the car. If the leasing company sells it (which they probably will), mechiron will be about 65,000NIS. For a 3 year old car. In really, really good shape.
Oy. When we had our company cars with unlimited mileage, we put 45000 km a YEAR on them!

I just don't need to drive more. I'm sure it will go up a bit next year when DS#3's daycare is a bit further out of the way, but still, how far do I go? To work, from work, to do grocery shopping, drop off/pick up for a chug. Every so often I have to make a 2nd trip to Jerusalem in a day, or we come for Shabbat, and 4 times a year to TA or Rishon or a wedding somewhere...big deal. I put 700km on the car last week in a single day for the fun day up north (Golan)...it's usually about 1200km a MONTH.
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Hippi Dippi


Post Wed, Aug 03 2011, 4:59 am
Absolutely doable!

We are 3--me, husband, and toddler and live on 6,500 NIS a month. I do not buy processed food at all, so our grocery bill is basically comprised of organic fruits/veggies/oil/flour/other basics. We spend a lot on food (it's all expensive, good quality, and organic), but really compared to friends of mine, it ends up being the same amount of money spent on "regular" grocery food. We live in Yerushalayim and our rent is 3,500 NIS a month. We don't have a lot of extra money at all, but all of our expenses are always covered every month plus some "special" expense that comes up every month (for example, this month we paid 400 NIS for a private doctor). So, I think 10,000 is perfectly doable. But, obviously this varies greatly from person to person.

Mazal Tov on your Aliyah!
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