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Bitte redt Yiddish mit mir (help me learn Yiddish)
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Post Thu, Jun 28 2012, 3:39 pm
Tsiggele, bist mamish gerecht. Eech meig mich sheimin! Ah yiddishe tuchter, in eech ken koam reddin vee es past Sad
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Post Thu, Jun 28 2012, 3:49 pm
Mamabear I was waiting for you to make the corrections!
Ladies forgive me but I'm plotizg from your yiddish some of you...
Being an "old lady" and having lived in two cultures I don't think enough of you realize how much your yiddish isn't "yiddish" anymore.

It's like the american ladies of yesteryear saying "ich gehe zum vashen di vindoz".
How about "pinkin di fenster?"
Although I can't write it in English, because that's complicated enough. In hebrew (yiddish) characters it all makes sense.

Also today chassidish yiddish is all galicianer pronunciation while in Europe it wasn't.
Boorikh Atu was only said in Galicia, not in Warsaw. Not in Hungary. Not in Bukovina. Not in Lithuania.

Ober mein yiddish, teireh weiblach, is hant halb deitch, veil ich red taglich mehr deitch vie yiddish.
Apropos, Ruchel hat keiner fehler ven zugen "mein balabus" und nicht "mein mahn". Ehrlicher frimmer Frauen in Europas far di milchomeh hot nicht gezugt "mein man", yenner di proste frauen hot gezogt "man". An Ehrlicher yiddisher veib hot gezugt "mein balabus" und an ehrlicher frimmer mahn hot gezugt "mein balabusta"! Ich veis dus fun mein Bobbeh und Zeideh...
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Post Thu, Jun 28 2012, 3:55 pm
My dad says Boorech.
And yes, my main problem is learning real Yiddish as opposed to Yinglish, that I really don't want in my house would already rather Friddish like my dad sometimes speak LOL

Glad to know balebus exists LOL

(it's too hard in Hebrew characters Silent )
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Post Thu, Jun 28 2012, 4:15 pm
Boorech is nicht a heen und nicht a her...neither here nor there.
The "oo" sound for klein kumitz instead of "oh" is galicianer.
But then so it the "ee" for the "oo".
If he does "eh" instead of "ee" he is a erzatz galicianer. He will laugh if you tell him so believe me. I'm sure he remembers the expression!
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Post Thu, Jun 28 2012, 4:23 pm
freidasima wrote:
Boorech is nicht a heen und nicht a her...neither here nor there.
The "oo" sound for klein kumitz instead of "oh" is galicianer.
But then so it the "ee" for the "oo".
If he does "eh" instead of "ee" he is a erzatz galicianer. He will laugh if you tell him so believe me. I'm sure he remembers the expression!

Mein tate iz nisht kein galitzianer, mein zaide iz fin krakow un ich hub fargessen vi er zugt burech.

(oy it's hard!!)
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Post Thu, Jun 28 2012, 9:43 pm
Tzippora wrote:
Mein tatte hut mir oisgelernt, uber ich hut shoin fargessen alles.

This thread is hysterical love it! "uber ich HUB (rather than hut) shoin fargessen" Es zet uber
ois vi di gedenkst yuh a bissel!
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Post Thu, Jun 28 2012, 9:57 pm
Ich hub nisht bamerkt az di "fudem" is fir bleter Lang! Yetz zeh ich in ich lach in lach! Ver es hut gefregt vegen "chut" es meint barrette uder a pin far di hur (hair) di 'ch' zugt men azoi vi di ch in chulent!
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Post Thu, Jun 28 2012, 10:09 pm
This thread is hysterical. You all have the words but the grammar is off (probably like me with English). Rachel, yours is pretty good with just a few mistakes.

Lummir unheiben redden Yiddish, nuch alem is dus mien ershte language, mama lusher in andere verter. Oib ich hub gemeint s'iz mien mama lushen hub ich gehat a grossa tuis. Ven ich tref zich mit mentchen fin Eretz yisroel zeh ich vifil English es iz areingemisht in meina verter. M'ken zugen oz men redt mer English vi Yiddish in a gevenlicha Yiddish american sentence.

Vus nuch vilt ir heren meine gitta freint?
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Post Thu, Jun 28 2012, 11:53 pm
Oib einer iz nisht tzigevoint tzee reden Yiddish ken ess zein zayer shver zich oistzeelernen. Ess iz asach greenger tzee farshtayn yiddish, vee tzee reden. Ess vendt zich oich velche yiddish men vil zich lernen. Oib men vil kenen reden tzee kinder in dame lond darf men zich lernen ein vayg. Ess vendt zich oich vee men vil ess reden, tzim bayshpeel, in mondrow iz ess ein meen yiddish, in borough park iz ess an ander meen yiddish. Mein hendt in tzeiner tiyin shoin azoy vei! Uber Ich hub azah hanuwa tzee laynen haimisheh verter!
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Post Fri, Jun 29 2012, 12:16 am
Gerecht es iz geshmak tzi leinen do di heimishe shprach uber di oigen tien shoin abisel vey es iz duch an unshtrengenish!
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Post Fri, Jun 29 2012, 12:24 am
Shain vi di levone, lichtig vi di shterin, fun himel a matone bistu mir tzugeshikt. Ich kook oif dir punim, shain vi toizen zunen .... I don't know the rest but I love that song!
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Post Fri, Jun 29 2012, 12:38 am
main teyereh tochter (DD) is amohl geven a lehrerke (I think that's how Litvishe say it) in a shul far meidlach vos zenen nisht azai frum.

Ain mohl, a talmidah iz gegangen in di mohl (I.e. mall) und ze hot gehert tzvai kinder reden oif Yiddish - "kook oif di maidel, zee iz azai prost oifgetohn" (or do I mean oisgetohn?). Di maidel, vos is gebohren (I mean brought up, but not sure how to say it) in a chassidishe shtub, hot em gegeben a shaina something or other (she gave it to him over the head...)

So yeah, don't assume others don't understand even if they are 'prost oifgeton'.

(This is fun, but I personally find it somewhat easier to read in Hebrew characters. I don't know the Hebrew keyboard, but if you do 'run' and type 'osk' and then click on the EN at the right of the taskbar, you might find that you can type in Hebrew pretty easily.
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Post Fri, Jun 29 2012, 7:44 am
penguin wrote:
main teyereh tochter (DD) is amohl geven a lehrerke (I think that's how Litvishe say it) in a shul far meidlach vos zenen nisht azai frum.

Ain mohl, a talmidah iz gegangen in di mohl (I.e. mall) und ze hot gehert tzvai kinder reden oif Yiddish - "kook oif di maidel, zee iz azai prost oifgetohn" (or do I mean oisgetohn?). Di maidel, vos is gebohren (I mean brought up, but not sure how to say it) in a chassidishe shtub, hot em gegeben a shaina something or other (she gave it to him over the head...)

So yeah, don't assume others don't understand even if they are 'prost oifgeton'.

(This is fun, but I personally find it somewhat easier to read in Hebrew characters. I don't know the Hebrew keyboard, but if you do 'run' and type 'osk' and then click on the EN at the right of the taskbar, you might find that you can type in Hebrew pretty easily.

פענגווין - דאס איז ריכטיג. עס איז גרינגער צו שרייבן און צו ליינען מיט לשון קודש
Only problem is, if I stick in איין ווארט in English, the whole סדר gets messed up!
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Post Fri, Jun 29 2012, 11:18 am
penguin wrote:
main teyereh tochter (DD) is amohl geven a lehrerke (I think that's how Litvishe say it) in a shul far meidlach vos zenen nisht azai frum.

Ain mohl, a talmidah iz gegangen in di mohl (I.e. mall) und ze hot gehert tzvai kinder reden oif Yiddish - "kook oif di maidel, zee iz azai prost oifgetohn" (or do I mean oisgetohn?). Di maidel, vos is gebohren (I mean brought up, but not sure how to say it) in a chassidishe shtub, hot em gegeben a shaina something or other (she gave it to him over the head...)

So yeah, don't assume others don't understand even if they are 'prost oifgeton'.

(This is fun, but I personally find it somewhat easier to read in Hebrew characters. I don't know the Hebrew keyboard, but if you do 'run' and type 'osk' and then click on the EN at the right of the taskbar, you might find that you can type in Hebrew pretty easily.

haha. doos iz emes!
taka veigen deim, ven eech vill epes zoogen far mein man in eech vil nisth az a yaydir zul farshtein demutz red eech in shtim lushen (sign language). eech ken hipsh apoor verter in biz derviel arbet es zeyer fein! l'mooshel, yuh, nein, K, keel (cool Smile), broigez, nisht git, modna, lachedig, moma, tata, farvus, efsher in nuch... es arbeit vunderbar!!
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Post Fri, Jun 29 2012, 11:23 am
Do keel (cool) and mol (mall) exist in Yiddish?
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rae gi


Post Fri, Jun 29 2012, 11:59 am
This is a really fun thread. It does get a bit difficult to read many sentences in Yiddish in one shot though.

Please hold onto ur hats while I give it a whirl:

Ich vil schicken alle de weiblach oif Imamother a Guten Shabbos. Ess zal zein fahr alemen a Shabbos mit menucha un leibschaft.

L'Chaim! Cheers
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Post Sun, Jul 01 2012, 7:11 pm
Must see this: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=z_wuaL2TskM[/youtube]
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Post Mon, Jul 02 2012, 3:57 am
penguin wrote:
Must see this: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=z_wuaL2TskM[/youtube]

זייער זיס ! עס איז אינטרעסאנט אז מיר רעדען אידיש מיט אסאך ווערטער פון די אנדערע שפראך וואס ווען רעט
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Post Mon, Jul 02 2012, 6:25 am
rae gi wrote:
This is a really fun thread. It does get a bit difficult to read many sentences in Yiddish in one shot though.

Please hold onto ur hats while I give it a whirl:

Ich vil schicken alle de weiblach oif Imamother a Guten Shabbos. Ess zal zein fahr alemen a Shabbos mit menucha un leibschaft.

L'Chaim! Cheers

Ich vill vintshen. Otherwise if you wanna send me a good shabbos I expect the food (and cleaner) to turn up at my door.
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Post Mon, Jul 02 2012, 6:28 am
Tsiggele - thank you for your posts.

Some of my (un)favourite irritants are 'yiddish' words like valken, vindow, sidevolk, vatch, kullen etc.

Please speak yiddish or english, no combinations... (you can see I didn't grow up speaking yiddish in brooklyn)

I think we need to type in hebrew letters now, I'm finding it difficult to read some people's yiddish as they put an 'o' where I would put an 'a' or 'u' etc.
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