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Post Mon, May 26 2014, 10:07 am
thanks eema of 3!! Looks absolutely delicious!
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Ema of 5


Post Mon, May 26 2014, 10:28 am
allthingsblue wrote:
thanks eema of 3!! Looks absolutely delicious!

They are!! I made them both for shabbos, and they were completely finished :-)
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Post Mon, May 26 2014, 3:32 pm
eema of 3- I second they sound yum thx!! I wish I cud live in your area that I cud eat by u!! Let me know if u get to that tongue recipe of yours. Thx;)
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Post Tue, May 27 2014, 9:38 pm
ra_mom, could you post your recipes for:
1. roasted garlic dip
2. ranch dip
3. deli purses - that sounds really cool
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Ema of 5


Post Tue, May 27 2014, 10:08 pm
balibusta wrote:
eema of 3- I second they sound yum thx!! I wish I cud live in your area that I cud eat by u!! Let me know if u get to that tongue recipe of yours. Thx;)

I'm waiting for a plug for my lap top. As soon as I get that I can turn on my computer :-) wanna remind me tomorrow to remind my husband to bring one home? :-)
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Post Tue, May 27 2014, 10:22 pm
my80 wrote:
ra_mom, could you post your recipes for:
1. roasted garlic dip
2. ranch dip
3. deli purses - that sounds really cool

1. http://imamother.com/forum/vie.....c+dip

2. http://imamother.com/forum/vie.....ranch
You can make this parve with mayo only or with parve sour cream

3. http://imamother.com/forum/vie.....rt=20
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Post Wed, May 28 2014, 3:54 pm
basement wrote:
Thanks so much for the replies! Smoms, your recipe sounds very familiar. definitely starts with onions and sugar (as inspireme's does too)- and I think it was lemon juice not vinegar like you said. If anyone out there has the exact recipe to complete what smoms already wrote, it would be amazing!


This might be the recipe you are looking for, in any case it's really delicious.

4-6 slices salmon
1 cup sugar
1 large onion

1/4 c. vinegar
1/4 c. lemon juic
3 1/2 c. water
6 T. sugar
1 tsp salt
4 bayleaves

In a large flat skillet sautee onion and sugar until dissolved. Add all the sauce ingredients to mixture and bring to a boil. Add fish and cook 40 minutes.

Remove bay leaves. Put fish on container etc, pour sauce over, and Refrigerate.
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Post Thu, May 29 2014, 12:59 pm
this is my menu for now

2 nights

Salmon with pancake syrup
veggi soup
French roast
deli roll
broccoli cauliflower kugel


cheese blintzes with strawberry sauce
onion soup (depends on weather)
nish nosh salad
squash muffins
cheese cake
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Post Thu, May 29 2014, 3:04 pm
whats the recipe for squash muffins?
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Post Thu, May 29 2014, 3:13 pm
Squash muffins

3 cups flour
1.5 cups sugar
1 cup oil
3 eggs
2 cups grated squash
3 tsp vanilla sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder

Mix all ingredients and bake at 350 for approx. 1/2 an hour. Tops should get to golden brown color
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Post Thu, May 29 2014, 3:19 pm
Can I use squash baby food? And if so how much? Thanks!
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Post Thu, May 29 2014, 3:29 pm
YChannah wrote:
Can I use squash baby food? And if so how much? Thanks!

Never tried with that (isn't the baby food butternut squash?)
I use regular green zucchini and grate it in thin strings
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Post Thu, May 29 2014, 3:56 pm
sbs wrote:
the pastrami stuffed shells is from overtimecook.com

the eggroll is sauteed onion, white cabbage, pastrami, salt and pepper in an eggroll dough
the sauce will probably be a mix of duck sauce, teriyaki sauce, mustard

Do you bake them? If so, how long?
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 9:23 am
Dunno what happened! I cannot find hazelnut cake. Dh doesnt remember. He may have created it on the spot lol.

Sefardic cheesy/shvues recipes to follow

The Provencal quiche:

Recette quiche aux légumes

Ingrédients :
1 pâte feuilletée
1 aubergine moyenne
2 petites courgettes ou 1 grande
10 tomates cerise
1 oignon
20 cl de crème
3 œufs
100g de fromage râpé
50g de farine (ou maïzena)
½ sachet de poudre à lever
De l’huile d’olive ou de tournesol
sel, poivre

Emincez finement l’oignon
Dans une poele chaude, à feu moyen, versez un peu d’huile et faites revenir les morceaux d’oignon 2-3 minutes
Pelez l’aubergine et coupez-la en petits dés
Ajoutez-les dans la poele. Ajoutez un peu d’huile car les aubergines absorbent beaucoup. Attendez que les morceaux d’aubergine commencent à dorer en remuant bien.
Pelez la courgette et coupez-la en petits dés
Ajoutez-les dans la peoele. Attendez que les morceaux de courgette commencent à dorer.
Coupez les tomates cerise en 2 et ajoutez- les dans la poele.
Salez, poivrez selon votre goût.
Eteignez le feu et laissez refroidir.

Allumez le four à 200°C
Dans un saladier, cassez les œufs, ajoutez la crème, le fromage, la farine, la poudre à lever, et mélangez jusqu’à ce qu’il n’y ait plus de grumeaux.
Ajoutez le contenu de la poele dans le saladier, et mélangez.
Etalez la pâte feuilletée dans un moule à tarte.
Versez le contenu du saladier sur la pâte, répartissez afin que la garniture soit homogène.
Enfournez jusqu’à ce que le dessus devienne bien brun (environ 1/2h)
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 9:34 am
Sfongato (salty cheese cake, Sefardi) http://www.imamother.com/forum.....10942

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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 10:46 am
Yellow split pea soup
Hawaiian chicken
Sweet and sour meatball
Spaghetti squash
Basmati rice
Moroccan veggies
Peanut chews
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 11:03 am
ra_mom wrote:
Tues Evening
dips (chrain, babagaboush, tomato dip, marinated eggplant, tehina)
gefilte fish
baby tomato salad
chicken soup and noodles
skirt steak salad

Wednesday Afternoon
dips (ranch dip, roasted garlic dip, guacamole)
lemon garlic salmon
cream of broccoli soup
penne a la vodka
caesar cheese salad
cheesecake truffles

Wednesday Evening
dips (chrain, babagaboush, tomato dip, marinated eggplant, tehina)
gefilte fish
cucumber salad
chicken soup and noodles
deli purses
potato salad
cole slaw

Thursday Afternoon
dips (ranch dip, roasted garlic dip, guacamole)
jalapeno herring
hearts of palm salad
glazed corned beef
rice salad
garlic asparagus
mini parve cheesecake

ra_mom your menu looks amazing as always! If it's not too much trouble would you mind posting recipes for the bold?
thank you
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Post Fri, May 30 2014, 5:52 pm
IamI wrote:
ra_mom your menu looks amazing as always! If it's not too much trouble would you mind posting recipes for the bold?
thank you

marinated eggplant

lemon garlic salmon

cheesecake truffles
trying this from joy of kosher - if you don't like peanut butter I have seen many variations of this type of recipe

Peanut Butter Cheesecake Truffles
8 oz. cream cheese block, softened
1 cup creamy peanut butter
1/2 cup confectioners sugar
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
melted chocolate, for dipping
chopped peanuts, for garnish

In a bowl of an electric stand mixer or a hand mixer, beat the cream cheese, peanut butter, sugar and vanilla until smooth/
Cover and chill until firm, about 6 hours or overnight. Once firm, scoop out and roll into 1" balls.
Quickly dip into melted chocolate and chopped peanuts. Store, wrapped, in fridge until ready to serve.
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Post Sat, May 31 2014, 4:13 pm
ra_mom wrote:
marinated eggplant

lemon garlic salmon

cheesecake truffles
trying this from joy of kosher - if you don't like peanut butter I have seen many variations of this type of recipe

Peanut Butter Cheesecake Truffles
8 oz. cream cheese block, softened
1 cup creamy peanut butter
1/2 cup confectioners sugar
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
melted chocolate, for dipping
chopped peanuts, for garnish

In a bowl of an electric stand mixer or a hand mixer, beat the cream cheese, peanut butter, sugar and vanilla until smooth/
Cover and chill until firm, about 6 hours or overnight. Once firm, scoop out and roll into 1" balls.
Quickly dip into melted chocolate and chopped peanuts. Store, wrapped, in fridge until ready to serve.

Thank you so much!!
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Post Sun, Jun 01 2014, 12:38 am
sbs wrote:
the pastrami stuffed shells is from overtimecook.com

the eggroll is sauteed onion, white cabbage, pastrami, salt and pepper in an eggroll dough
the sauce will probably be a mix of duck sauce, teriyaki sauce, mustard

Thanks for the reply what are the directions for the eggroll?
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