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If the election was tomorrow, who would you vote for?
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I would vote for
Trump if running against Hillary.  
 18%  [ 42 ]
Trump if running against Bernie Sanders.  
 1%  [ 3 ]
 7%  [ 18 ]
 11%  [ 26 ]
Trump if running against anyone  
 23%  [ 53 ]
I won't vote.  
 14%  [ 33 ]
Either Hillary or Sanders, anyone but Trump.  
 22%  [ 51 ]
Total Votes : 226



Post Wed, Mar 02 2016, 6:42 pm
Maya wrote:
No, because I actually like her and her policies.

I can deal with her policies. Her, not so much. I don't think she has a shred of integrity.

Bernie's the opposite. His heart is really in the right place, but his policies will bankrupt America literally and figuratively.

But I'm of the anyone but trump camp. So where does that leave me?
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Post Wed, Mar 02 2016, 6:44 pm
I am a lifelong Republican who would vote for Sanders over Trump if there was a gun to my head, although I'd prefer not to vote. Trump reminds me of Hitler when he was campaigning.

Please, please, run, Bloomberg!
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Post Wed, Mar 02 2016, 6:52 pm
PinkFridge wrote:
Is this The Producers clip? I may just override the youtube filter to see it sometime.
that link wasn't but if you meant trumped by jimmy Kimmel that was hilarious!
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Post Wed, Mar 02 2016, 6:55 pm
PinkFridge wrote:
I'm liking Christie less and less each day. Well, maybe he's back on Ann Coulter's future husband list now that he's endorsing Trump.

Lol. Along with all the other conservative frauds?
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Post Wed, Mar 02 2016, 6:55 pm
I would never vote for bloomberg or trump. tho I am a republican I have noone to really vote for this time. if I would be demo then I would vote for hillary, she has been good to jews in the past. bloomberg is a selfhating jew. wouldnt vote for him if you shot me. he was terrible for mayor of nyc we all breathed a sigh of relief when he left. oh couldnt stand him. or anyof his policies or ticket blitzes or metzizta bepeh or what not. dont remind me of him. he did everything to just make me hate him.
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Post Wed, Mar 02 2016, 6:56 pm
librarygirl wrote:
I am a lifelong Republican who would vote for Sanders over Trump if there was a gun to my head, although I'd prefer not to vote. Trump reminds me of Hitler when he was campaigning.

Please, please, run, Bloomberg!

I'd vote for Bloomberg in a heartbeat.
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Post Wed, Mar 02 2016, 7:19 pm
Rubio, if he were in the final election. Unfortunately, the Republican candidate is going to be trump I n which case I probably just won't vote.
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Post Wed, Mar 02 2016, 7:53 pm
sourstix wrote:
I would never vote for bloomberg or trump. tho I am a republican I have noone to really vote for this time. if I would be demo then I would vote for hillary, she has been good to jews in the past. bloomberg is a selfhating jew. wouldnt vote for him if you shot me. he was terrible for mayor of nyc we all breathed a sigh of relief when he left. oh couldnt stand him. or anyof his policies or ticket blitzes or metzizta bepeh or what not. dont remind me of him. he did everything to just make me hate him.

How are you liking DeBlasio?

I like Cruz, but in a Trump vs anyone race, I would vote Trump, also because overall I like the Republican platform better. Though I'm under no illusions that he'll stick to everything he says. Bloomberg, if he's in.

Did anyone read Rabbi Grylak editorial in Mishpacha on not voting for a Jew? It reminded me of my father always telling me he doesn't want a Jewish president, because he would go out of his way to prove he's not favoring Israel.
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Post Wed, Mar 02 2016, 8:03 pm
Not to hakn a tshaynik, but I am still interested in someone providing a link to a credible news source regarding Hilary holding a fundraiser for Hamas.

A previous poster inserted links but not to any news source regarding. In fact, quite the opposite in terms of the links I followed.
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Post Wed, Mar 02 2016, 8:34 pm

Jeff Jacoby's column today.

As a free-market, strong-defense, Reaganite conservative, I have voted Republican much more often than not. But heading into Super Tuesday, every indication was that Massachusetts Republicans, like GOP primary voters in most other states, were poised to give Donald Trump a resounding first-place victory. I don't understand the death wish that has gripped so much of the Republican electorate. It's particularly shocking to see it take hold in a state where Republican primaries tend to be won by candidates like Mitt Romney, John McCain, Charlie Baker, and Bill Weld. But with Republican primary voters this year seemingly hell-bent on jumping off the Trump cliff, I decided that casting my ballot for one of the non-Trumps in the primary would be a futile gesture.

So I took a Democratic ballot instead. To be clear: I do not "feel the Bern" and never have. The Vermont socialist's economic ideas are a recipe for stagnation, shortages, and stifling statism; his endless harping on the wicked "billionaire class" fuels a politics of envy that I find pernicious. Still, I didn't hesitate to vote for Sanders over Hillary Clinton.

On most subjects, Sanders is guided by principles that are light-years away from my own. But no one doubts that he has strong principles. And no one thinks he would abandon those principles overnight if it were politically convenient to do so. Can the same be said of Clinton? Like many voters, I sense that her only unshakeable principle is the acquisition of power. She is prepared to say, or unsay, just about anything if she believes it will win an election or gain an advantage. Opinion polls repeatedly find that a majority of Americans consider her dishonest.

I don't want Clinton or Sanders to be the next commander-in-chief; neither will get my vote in November. All the same, I want political parties to nominate candidates who have serious principles and some measure of integrity. As between Sanders and Clinton, it's clear which candidate fits that bill. By my lights, both Democrats have a lot of bad ideas, but only Sanders doesn't have a bad character. That was my litmus test.

I don't know if it's too late to stop the GOP from anointing a grotesque and mendacious lout like Trump as its presidential nominee. But perhaps Democrats can still be persuaded to choose as their standard-bearer a candidate who believes that there are objectives more important than his own self-aggrandizement. Better a Democratic maverick who says what he means than a ruthless Democratic chameleon whose word can't be trusted.

I get where he's coming from.
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Post Wed, Mar 02 2016, 9:35 pm
Bernie or nothin'.

I genuinely love him.
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Post Wed, Mar 02 2016, 9:40 pm
imasinger wrote:

Jeff Jacoby's column today.

As a free-market, strong-defense, Reaganite conservative, I have voted Republican much more often than not. But heading into Super Tuesday, every indication was that Massachusetts Republicans, like GOP primary voters in most other states, were poised to give Donald Trump a resounding first-place victory. I don't understand the death wish that has gripped so much of the Republican electorate. It's particularly shocking to see it take hold in a state where Republican primaries tend to be won by candidates like Mitt Romney, John McCain, Charlie Baker, and Bill Weld. But with Republican primary voters this year seemingly hell-bent on jumping off the Trump cliff, I decided that casting my ballot for one of the non-Trumps in the primary would be a futile gesture.

So I took a Democratic ballot instead. To be clear: I do not "feel the Bern" and never have. The Vermont socialist's economic ideas are a recipe for stagnation, shortages, and stifling statism; his endless harping on the wicked "billionaire class" fuels a politics of envy that I find pernicious. Still, I didn't hesitate to vote for Sanders over Hillary Clinton.

On most subjects, Sanders is guided by principles that are light-years away from my own. But no one doubts that he has strong principles. And no one thinks he would abandon those principles overnight if it were politically convenient to do so. Can the same be said of Clinton? Like many voters, I sense that her only unshakeable principle is the acquisition of power. She is prepared to say, or unsay, just about anything if she believes it will win an election or gain an advantage. Opinion polls repeatedly find that a majority of Americans consider her dishonest.

I don't want Clinton or Sanders to be the next commander-in-chief; neither will get my vote in November. All the same, I want political parties to nominate candidates who have serious principles and some measure of integrity. As between Sanders and Clinton, it's clear which candidate fits that bill. By my lights, both Democrats have a lot of bad ideas, but only Sanders doesn't have a bad character. That was my litmus test.

I don't know if it's too late to stop the GOP from anointing a grotesque and mendacious lout like Trump as its presidential nominee. But perhaps Democrats can still be persuaded to choose as their standard-bearer a candidate who believes that there are objectives more important than his own self-aggrandizement. Better a Democratic maverick who says what he means than a ruthless Democratic chameleon whose word can't be trusted.

I get where he's coming from.

Hmmm. Good point.
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Post Wed, Mar 02 2016, 10:21 pm
I would vote a protest vote (is that what its called?) Like mickey mouse or something.
I cannot bring myself to vote for hillary, trump, or sanders.
I think rubio would make the best president but I think his days are numbered :-(
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Post Wed, Mar 02 2016, 11:15 pm
Cruz is too nerdy he could never win.

I don't watch so much bec no tv but Just heard trump speaking somewhere last night and I told my husband "duh,of course this guys gonna win!"

He talks like a winner and he's confident....and people are attracted to confidence! It's a self fulfilling prophesy.

We are in distress and we need a macho confident successful leader right now. His character flaws are not important enough to people to make them pass up on a winner.
I totally get it.
Now u wanna know if I'll vote for him? Well that's another story lol
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Post Thu, Mar 03 2016, 2:18 am
Raisin wrote:
this is a theoretical scenario. Smile

I know, since its theoretical, I can choose who will run as a third party.
Micky Mouse was mentioned on a different thread Tongue Out
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Post Thu, Mar 03 2016, 3:12 am
November wrote:
Talk about relying on inaccuracies, did you totally miss the email that Hillary sent to her daughter saying that the attack at Benghazi was a planned terrorist attack, and she told this to the head of Libya as well. Then she turned around and stated to the country and to the families that the blame for the spontaneous attack was on a video maker whom they arrested. We all knew she was lying then. That was not based on the intelligence. The nature of the attack was too sophisticated to have been spontaneous. We knew it. Just like President Obama's first instinct regarding the shooting in San Bernadino was that it was a workplace incident. That reminded us of Fort Hood. We all know these things and don't appreciate being lied to or told untruths or partial truths. It's as if these people have an agenda that is not keeping us safe of telling us the truth. That he got there a week later only makes us question why not start with the truth and go from there?

Don't forget the enormous Clinton Foundation influence-peddling scandal. It's hard to choose, but I think this is the most disturbing of her scandals.
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Post Thu, Mar 03 2016, 4:39 am
wantavaca wrote:
Cruz is too nerdy he could never win.

Too nerdy? Are we voting for a prom king/queen? And on what planet are Clinton and Sanders and Trump cool?

No wonder we're in trouble.
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Post Thu, Mar 03 2016, 5:39 am
hopefully by creating a lower tax code and the like, many people won't rely so heavily on programs or lie in order to be on the programs.

The lower tax theory never works. It just benefits the rich. You know what does work? Making the rich and big corporations pay their fair share of tax.
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Health is a Virture


Post Thu, Mar 03 2016, 5:41 am
I really really wanted Rubio to win. Listening to his speeches were almost as good as listening to Bibi's speeches. I admit, I am pro Israel and choose my presidents based on that.

am I the only one when they hear Trump, they think of 1) Donald Duck and 2) Trump card
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Post Thu, Mar 03 2016, 7:22 am
Lol EVERY American president is pro-Israel. Israel is our ace in the middle eastern terrorist hole.
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