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S/o Foreigners opinion of US politics
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Post Wed, Jan 10 2018, 1:49 am
We are run by a drunk two-year old. Is there really any country *not* laughing at us?
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Post Wed, Jan 10 2018, 4:14 am
amother wrote:
This is a spin-off of the Oprah thread.
I hold American citizenship but have never lived in the US. I follow US politics for the entertainment factor since most of it is not relevant to me personally. Canadians really admire and love our southern neighbors and that hasn't changed at all. Yet I don't know a single person who thinks that the election of Trump was a wise move. Most people just shake their heads in bafflement and say "what were they thinking?". To be honest, he is a laughingstock here. We had our own wannabe Trump when Kevin O'Leary ran for leadership of the Conservative party, he didn't get very far.

Do the Trump die-hards really not care?

The list of things that they really don't care about is much longer than that.
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Post Wed, Jan 10 2018, 4:28 am
lyrics - http://ahistoricality.blogspot......html

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Post Wed, Jan 10 2018, 5:02 am
Most around me find him weird and odd BUT at least he's not PC and is handling the strangers problem. My beautician was telling me that some months ago.
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Post Wed, Jan 10 2018, 5:09 am
amother wrote:
Yah.. and all that money for having children..

Somebody's paying the bill....
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Post Wed, Jan 10 2018, 5:21 am
Is this for me? So yeah, I love getting help. Basically children money pays my tuition, and many schools get their lunch free, glatt and all, paid by townhall. I qualify for cleaning help and babysitting, I don't even take all my hours. I know some loooove to hate on anything easy peasy, so go right ahead without me.
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Post Wed, Jan 10 2018, 5:21 am
amother wrote:
... continued...

In America the great - under 10 years ago - a pious man was thrown into jail for 27 years for paying his suppliers a few days late, and fudging his balance sheet.

It took 8 years of the best lawyers, influencers, political pressure to free him from jail.

Fantastic place to live and do business.

Does this happening in Canada turn Canada in to a terrible country??
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Post Wed, Jan 10 2018, 5:43 am
I'm not a US citizen, never have been and don't want to become one. I've got no family in the US either.
So, I have absolutely no personal gain from whatever happens in the US.

Excuse me if I sound naive - but what has Trump done so far that's so horrible?
Has he done anything that is actually objectively bad for the US or for Jews or Israel?
Sure, he's not media-savy and not politically correct and has a rather individualistic uh, rhetoric style.
But is there any actual damage?
Does that justify people being "scared" of him and all this media witch hunt against him?

I'm Israeli and I appreciate his recognition of Jerusalem as our capital. Was about time someone did it.
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Post Wed, Jan 10 2018, 7:48 am
I live in the UK. We have our own embarrassments here what with the brexit mess and everything. But the saving grace is that let’s me hold my head up is that we haven’t been so stupid as to elect a Donald Trump.

You’re right, Marina, the whole of Europe (with perhaps the exception of countries like Poland and Hungary that are moving towards their own kind of atavistic authoritarian populism) is laughing about Trump and hoovering up his ludicrous tweets. But only half the time. The rest of the time we are just plain horrified that the US, a country which shares and in the past has been a beacon of our basic liberal (in the European sense, not the derogatory American, snowflake sense) values can have chosen such an unsuitable, unstable, and dangerous idiot to lead - yes - the most powerful country in the world.

If Trump makes the kind of massive geopolitical mistake that he seems to be capable of it’s not just America’s ‘enemies’ that will suffer, its Americans themselves and all of us too.

Remember, the present isn’t set in stone. The future may look very different. America will not continue to be the most powerful nation in the world unless it is led with wisdom, craft, intelligence, and integrity. China is coming up very fast behind you guys and sending out play school tweets about their evil trade policy is not the way to deal with it. ( let alone the fact that the minute Trump actual gets into the same room as another powerful leader he turns into jelly because he is so thrilled to find himself in the big boys club) I, personally, don’t want to live in a world dominated by China.

But with share prices in the US’s global reputation plummeting, a lot of other, particularly non European, countries are beginning to think that might not be too bad.

Imamothers - this stuff matters.
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Post Wed, Jan 10 2018, 7:49 am
amother wrote:
I'm not a US citizen, never have been and don't want to become one. I've got no family in the US either.
So, I have absolutely no personal gain from whatever happens in the US.

Excuse me if I sound naive - but what has Trump done so far that's so horrible?
Has he done anything that is actually objectively bad for the US or for Jews or Israel?
Sure, he's not media-savy and not politically correct and has a rather individualistic uh, rhetoric style.
But is there any actual damage?
Does that justify people being "scared" of him and all this media witch hunt against him?

I'm Israeli and I appreciate his recognition of Jerusalem as our capital. Was about time someone did it.

No. He has not done anything negative so far. I. Fact he has done some very positive things. Is he an odd man? Yes. But so far I have no complaints. I personally thought Obama was an embarrassment to our country. But I didn’t hate on him the way people hate on trump.
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Post Wed, Jan 10 2018, 7:50 am
Imamother brown: what’s bad for the planet is bad for the Jews too
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Post Wed, Jan 10 2018, 8:11 am
mommy3b2c wrote:
No. He has not done anything negative so far. I. Fact he has done some very positive things. Is he an odd man? Yes. But so far I have no complaints. I personally thought Obama was an embarrassment to our country. But I didn’t hate on him the way people hate on trump.

So a very prevalent feeling here in Israel is relief that we finally rode Obama out, coupled with a bemused wariness regarding Trump and his administration.
Although so far he has been a very positive force from our perspective - both in his recognition of Jerusalem and his re-alignment of forces in the Middle East against Iran - people are very wary of what he will do next, in view of his fickle temperament and his impulsivity.
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Post Wed, Jan 10 2018, 8:13 am
amother wrote:
These items are mostly incorrect and based on unequal comparisons.

How so?
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Post Wed, Jan 10 2018, 8:20 am
amother wrote:
Well at least there is a healthcare system (and it doesn’t suck. Flawed)

Tell that to my mother in law who waited 6 years for heart surgery. Or has to schedule vital tests for months ahead.

And how is terrorist loving, party boy Justin trudeau anything to be proud of?
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Post Wed, Jan 10 2018, 8:26 am
amother wrote:
How so?

I’ll give an example. The US is known to have higher infant mortality rates then other developed countries. Why?
Because the US is willing to try to save babies born as early as 21 weeks. They also try to save very sick babies. They also don’t actively encourage abortion of sick babies. Other countries let the babies die and then proudly announce how their infant mortality rate is lower then the United States.
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Post Wed, Jan 10 2018, 8:49 am
amother wrote:
Tell that to my mother in law who waited 6 years for heart surgery. Or has to schedule vital tests for months ahead.

And how is terrorist loving, party boy Justin trudeau anything to be proud of?

Its not perfect - but it far from sucks. I hope your mother has many years of health ahead of her.

Actually a lot of Canadians are extremely proud of the humanitarian efforts of the liberal government - though we have a long way to go.
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Post Wed, Jan 10 2018, 8:51 am
mommy3b2c wrote:
No. He has not done anything negative so far. I. Fact he has done some very positive things. Is he an odd man? Yes. But so far I have no complaints. I personally thought Obama was an embarrassment to our country. But I didn’t hate on him the way people hate on trump.

I assume you are joking.

So far, off the top of my head,

-ending protections for net neutrality
- ending protections for National Parks and the selling of persecuted lands
-inability to build a functioning bipartisan government
-reducing America's standing nationally
-calling white supremacists nice people
-continual effort to delegitimate the press, this weakening the fourth column and democracy

There are plenty more
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Post Wed, Jan 10 2018, 8:53 am
mommy3b2c wrote:
I’ll give an example. The US is known to have higher infant mortality rates then other developed countries. Why?
Because the US is willing to try to save babies born as early as 21 weeks. They also try to save very sick babies. They also don’t actively encourage abortion of sick babies. Other countries let the babies die and then proudly announce how their infant mortality rate is lower then the United States.

That may be so, but I didn't mention infant mortality on my list. I did mention maternal mortality, which is the highest (and rising) in the industrial world.
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Post Wed, Jan 10 2018, 9:03 am
amother wrote:
Does this happening in Canada turn Canada in to a terrible country??

It mainly happened in Guantanamo Bay - and we're talking about a terrorist family here. There is far worse mud to sling at Canada.

But I do think there is a serious disconnect between "the US is the greatest country in the world" and the staggering number of people behind bars.
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Post Wed, Jan 10 2018, 9:41 am
Americans are the most patriotic nation on Earth, which is admirable! They are also very America-centric and live in a somewhat delusional bubble. I have heard many Americans confidently assert that "everyone wants to be American"! This was likely true through the first part of the 20th century, but is no longer the case. Americans backpacking through Europe are known to place Canadian tags on their rucksacks in order to avoid the negative vibes Americans often have to endure.
You are all very intelligent women, and it is difficult to acknowledge that you have been indoctrinated to believe that America is the greatest nation. Besides for the issues already mentioned above, America is the Western country with the most prisoners and gun murders in proportion to their population. They also have a long way to go in terms of racial relations.
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