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What is 1 thing u won't eat even if u were offered money?
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Bnei Berak 10


Post Sun, Feb 25 2024, 5:03 am
lakewood mom wrote:
Cottage cheese
Parmesan cheese
Farmer cheese
Goat cheese
Any soft cheese Smile
Sweet bread
Raw fish

How about cream cheese or cheese cake?
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Bnei Berak 10


Post Sun, Feb 25 2024, 5:07 am
amother Cadetblue wrote:
Fish all types
Any type of meat thats not chicken or from a cow (no duck, lamb,veal ect)

Veal is a young cow. Just saying
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Bnei Berak 10


Post Sun, Feb 25 2024, 5:09 am
amother Mulberry wrote:
What is gala?

I don't like these foods, but I'd still eat them for $5...

Raw regular tomatoes (cherry tomatoes are fine)

The outside tongue textured bit of tongue (are you meant to even eat it?)

Organs meats beside for liver (gizzards, yuck)

Tongues are supposed to be peeled after cooking and yes, I've done it Smile
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Post Sun, Feb 25 2024, 6:20 am
I love trying new food! The only things I won’t eat is gefilta fish or white fish. It literally makes me gag. Growing up my parents forced me to eat fish every shabbos even tho I didn’t like it. That feeling never goes away.
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Post Sun, Feb 25 2024, 6:32 am
Tao wrote:
Its a wobbly gloopy mass on a plate that looks like someone took vomit, added jello, and solidified it.

(Can you tell I wouldn't touch the stuff either?)

You've never tasted my mom's gala! Delish!
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Post Sun, Feb 25 2024, 6:35 am
amother OP wrote:
Title changed to money. Think something like $5 not a large amount.
What if you were offered $50? $500? $5000? What's your price for eating herring? Just curious.
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Post Sun, Feb 25 2024, 6:44 am
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Post Sun, Feb 25 2024, 7:46 am
Peanut butter
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Post Sun, Feb 25 2024, 11:16 am
Amarante wrote:
Locusts 🤢🤮

On the wef agenda is to get people to eat insects. Supposedly better for the environment than meat or whatever. Just saying. 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮
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Post Sun, Feb 25 2024, 11:25 am
Other than treif I really think that the only food I couldn’t bring myself to taste is insects of any kind. Anything else I could force myself to nibble a tiny bit of, but not that. Apparently in Brazil chocolate covered grasshoppers used to be a thing.
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Post Sun, Feb 25 2024, 11:39 am
I'm a very adventurous eater so I'd say only spoiled or treif food. I think I'd pass on locusts although people say they taste delicious. I just can't imagine eating the legs/antennas.
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Post Sun, Feb 25 2024, 11:41 am
hot dogs
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Post Sun, Feb 25 2024, 1:25 pm
To all those responding, did you actually eat these foods and know that you dont like it? or just from the look of it, you wouldnt want to eat it?

When my kids see a new food and say 'ew, I dont like it' I always tell them 'you cant know that unless you taste it'

So to answer the question, from all the foods I have tasted, the only thing I really wouldn't eat even for $500 is farina and wheatina. I remember my mother coaxing me to eat it as a little kid, and I literally gagged from it. (Not so much the taste, but the texture)

As for gala, I never tasted it and probably wouldnt stam because it doesn't look too appetizing. But for $500 I probabaly would taste it.

And I LOVE pickled shtiglets herring! Laugh
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Post Sun, Feb 25 2024, 1:32 pm
amother Poinsettia wrote:
I love trying new food! The only things I won’t eat is gefilta fish or white fish. It literally makes me gag. Growing up my parents forced me to eat fish every shabbos even tho I didn’t like it. That feeling never goes away.

I had that with a certain food aswel.

I can never have it now.

It really us a shame because Im so much more open to foods I never ate as a kid
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Ema of 5


Post Sun, Feb 25 2024, 6:16 pm
amother Gardenia wrote:
To all those responding, did you actually eat these foods and know that you dont like it? or just from the look of it, you wouldnt want to eat it?

When my kids see a new food and say 'ew, I dont like it' I always tell them 'you cant know that unless you taste it'

So to answer the question, from all the foods I have tasted, the only thing I really wouldn't eat even for $500 is farina and wheatina. I remember my mother coaxing me to eat it as a little kid, and I literally gagged from it. (Not so much the taste, but the texture)

As for gala, I never tasted it and probably wouldnt stam because it doesn't look too appetizing. But for $500 I probabaly would taste it.

And I LOVE pickled shtiglets herring! Laugh

The only thing I wrote here was goat milk, but anything I won’t eat is because I’ve tried it- liver, petcha, most herring, most cooked fish (especially salmon)
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Post Sun, Feb 25 2024, 6:19 pm
amother OP wrote:
Title changed to money. Think something like $5 not a large amount.

There is not a single food in the world I would eat to earn $5. (Assuming I didn’t like the food )
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Post Sun, Feb 25 2024, 6:34 pm
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Post Sun, Feb 25 2024, 6:36 pm
mommy3b2c wrote:
There is not a single food in the world I would eat to earn $5. (Assuming I didn’t like the food )

Yeah, if you really want to know which foods people wont eat, offer 500 or 5000, and then lets see how many posters change their mind.
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Post Sun, Feb 25 2024, 6:38 pm
amother Mulberry wrote:
What is gala?

I don't like these foods, but I'd still eat them for $5...

Raw regular tomatoes (cherry tomatoes are fine)

The outside tongue textured bit of tongue (are you meant to even eat it?)

Organs meats beside for liver (gizzards, yuck)

I don’t know if anyone answered this but tongue is meant to be peeled
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Post Sun, Feb 25 2024, 6:41 pm
I always thought of myself as a picky eater but I like so many of the foods people are listing.

I love herring, spinach, chestnuts, mustard, sushi,

What I refuse to ever try is weird combinations. Won’t do it even for $5000.
For 3 million, maybe. Depends what it is.
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