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Forum -> Parenting our children -> Preschoolers
When should they stop being chubby?

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Post Sun, Apr 07 2024, 12:50 pm
I'm stressed out because I just did child BMI for my 3.5 YO and my 5 YO. The 3.5 YO is in the 94% so "overweight" and the 5 YO is in the 95% so "obese".

They both get way more exercise than most kids their age, and they have a restricted amount of junk food per day. Both DH and I are normal weights and were normal weights as children, and actually no one in the family was an overweight child.

They were both very chubby babies. Could it still be babyfat that they will lose soon?
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Post Sun, Apr 07 2024, 12:55 pm

Please stop stressing about your kids weight. It will only make them aware of it and foster unhealthy relationships with food and weigh. It will bring shame and anxiety and poor self image.

Please work out your own issues around food and weight so you can properly let go. For your children’s sake.

You can lose your baby weight when you’re in your teens so that should give you enough time to work on your own issues.
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Post Sun, Apr 07 2024, 1:00 pm
Hmm.. good question. I’d pay more attention to the height and weight percentiles for their age at their dr’s office. I had a very chubby baby (got some rude comments about how she’ll need to diet when she’s older Banging head ) and now she’s a normal 9 year old.

If your Dr is nervous, maybe they can check their labs. But it seems way too early to worry.
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Post Sun, Apr 07 2024, 11:08 pm
Was this done by the Dr? My daughter who is relatively skinny, though a bit of a toddler belly still, came up in the online bmi calculator as obese. She's not obese in any way. Doctor totally not concerned about her weight, which is 85 percentile for her age but her height is I the 97th percentile!
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