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10 year old mustache when to address it?
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2024, 2:38 pm
I introduced my daughter to bleaching at 9.
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2024, 2:40 pm
amother Phlox wrote:
Dd almost 12 has brought it up but I think she’s too young to start painful procedures she’d be terrified.
Anyone has ideas other than waxing that she’d have to do for life?

It's not to young for waxing, if she can tolerate the pain. My daughter doesn't want to wax, so we use a bleach cream every couple of months.
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2024, 2:46 pm
amother Pumpkin wrote:
My 8 year old has a dark moustache and other body hair, started at age 6/7 (yes we saw an endo, its just early hair growth, no concern). I haven't addressed removal at all. Should I already be starting now???

I would if it was my daughter. To me its part of hygiene. Just like teaching boys to shave or (either gender) wear deoderant if they smell. If my kid smelled at 8, I'd give them deoderant at 8.
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2024, 3:03 pm
amother Eggplant wrote:
I would if it was my daughter. To me its part of hygiene. Just like teaching boys to shave or (either gender) wear deoderant if they smell. If my kid smelled at 8, I'd give them deoderant at 8.

Please, it's not part of hygiene, especially not for an 8 year old. Don't make your kids feel like they're lacking hygiene because they have facial hair.
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2024, 3:14 pm
Bnei Berak 10 wrote:
IMHO when she addresses it herself.

I’m not sure if you need to address it or wait for her but definitely make sure she has the language and knows options out there exist for removal and that it’s normal.

I spent a good 3+ years awkwardly trying to deal with my facial hair myself since my mother never spoke about anything like this. I only got the confidence to ask to get it removed professionally after hearing my friends discuss electrolysis/waxing etc…

And I was much older than 10 unfortunately
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Dolly Welsh


Post Tue, Apr 16 2024, 3:23 pm
If you position lip waxing (ouch) or bleach creaming (no ouch) as something YOU yourself do, as a normal Lady Thing that all of us females do, she might accept it now. Let her watch as you do your own lip and cheeks too. Even if you don't need it. Keeping the mood very low key; routine hygiene, no big deal.

Waxing hurts, but after a while it does not grow back and you don't need to wax anymore, at least in theory. The hair roots have been wrecked.

Whatever you can see on her, others can see too. Better to get it taken care of early, would be one viewpoint.
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2024, 9:16 pm
you don't want her to get bullied for it. How about mentioning to her that there are options for hair removal and ask her if she wants to come with you to see you doing it for yourself (take her when YOU get a waxing). You can ask her afterwards if she wants to try. if not, you can bring it up later...
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2024, 9:29 pm
I used to wax and do hair removal creams till I realized I can use a face razor like Tinkle and do it painlessly and cheaply at home at Mt convenience.
I would do it fir my daughter like once a week if need be.
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Post Tue, Apr 16 2024, 9:34 pm
amother Bluebonnet wrote:
It's not to young for waxing, if she can tolerate the pain. My daughter doesn't want to wax, so we use a bleach cream every couple of months.

Is that good for sideburns too? I noticed she’s gotten quite a bit of that. She’s darker skinned than me so I’m not used to all of this hair.
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