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Forum -> Inquiries & Offers -> Israel related Inquiries & Aliyah Questions
Anyone American families with teens making aliyah?

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Post Sun, May 05 2024, 12:03 am
Looking for American families with teens (and younger children) looking to make aliyah this summer...

How old are your kids?
Where do you plan on moving to?
What schools?
Where are you moving from?
How do your kids feel about the move?

Would love to connect and hear what your plans are...
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Post Wed, May 15 2024, 11:02 am
We aren't moving right now but would love answers to this because would love to be able to move one day.
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Post Wed, May 15 2024, 11:20 am
I don't think this website is the place to find people. There is so much negativity when it comes to this topic from people who have zero interest in making aliyah.

I found a lot of support on whattsapp. I was part of an amazing group of people all making aliyah at a similar time and facing the same challenges together.
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Post Wed, May 15 2024, 11:59 am
We are doing it next Summer Gd willing! We have started the process. My kids will be 13, 10,8, and 2. Feel free to PM me.
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Post Wed, May 15 2024, 12:03 pm
It would be nice if we could discuss this without going back to extreme arguments.
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Post Wed, May 15 2024, 12:09 pm
So we are not charedi nor would I consider us American Yeshivish. My husband is a YU grad to paint a picture. I think with my kids ages that is very helpful. From what I hear it is an easier transition in terms of schooling. I can't think of greater nachas than my sons in a Hesder program which is learning and IDF.
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Post Wed, May 15 2024, 1:25 pm
justforfun87 wrote:
So we are not charedi nor would I consider us American Yeshivish. My husband is a YU grad to paint a picture. I think with my kids ages that is very helpful. From what I hear it is an easier transition in terms of schooling. I can't think of greater nachas than my sons in a Hesder program which is learning and IDF.

If you haven't done so yet, find a nice DL Anglo place and you'll be doing beautifully, most likely. I have met lots of American families who did.
I'm not Anglo and made Aliyah as a single, so on both points I don't qualify for OP's thread.
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Post Wed, May 15 2024, 1:56 pm
This is a group from FB called Israel Communities Info for Anglo Olim (from Nefesh B'nefesh.)
You can write and ask your questions and families will write back.
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Post Sun, May 19 2024, 9:09 pm
DH and I have been discussing making aliyah this year. One child, under 1yo.

No plans yet, no jobs, not much to move with... a "leap of faith," as they say.

Just worried about leaving (or even breakung the news to) my very attached family, who have zero interest in moving to Israel (not even Jewish - I'm geiret).
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Post Sun, May 19 2024, 9:20 pm
amother Jetblack wrote:
DH and I have been discussing making aliyah this year. One child, under 1yo.

No plans yet, no jobs, not much to move with... a "leap of faith," as they say.

Just worried about leaving (or even breakung the news to) my very attached family, who have zero interest in moving to Israel (not even Jewish - I'm geiret).

Similar boat! Except I am a BT.
Dont have much here (NY) except my parents. No cousins or family.
Dont have much to move with, all our furniture was second hand or cheap wayfair...
Would love to connect!
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Post Thu, May 23 2024, 12:37 am
I'YH We are making aliyah to Beer Sheva this summer. 3 daughters went to seminary and never left and we are moving with an 11 year old boy.
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Post Sat, May 25 2024, 9:58 pm
were making aliyah from central NJ at the end of july. 4 daughters (17, 15, 13 & 7). were modern yeshivish (DH has a hat but it sits in the closet unless we have a simcha or going somewhere more yeshivish for shabbos, LOL)

7yo & 15yo are very excited and want to go already. 13yo is very nervous. 17yo is gonna be in seminary there anyway. she's not making aliyah with us and already has pre abandonment PTSD.

making aliyah was not a decision we made as parents. it was an equal partnership with the kids having an equal voice in the decision. everyone except the 17yo voted yes
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Post Sat, May 25 2024, 10:19 pm
Reality wrote:
I don't think this website is the place to find people. There is so much negativity when it comes to this topic from people who have zero interest in making aliyah.

I found a lot of support on whattsapp. I was part of an amazing group of people all making aliyah at a similar time and facing the same challenges together.

I don't think this site is overly negative. Plz consider that well over 90% (I'm estimating) don't make aliya. So we are all hearing opinions from people -who are in the vast majority- who have reasons not to make aliyah.

Surely in a group that is exclusive to families making or considering making aliyah, there will be much more positivity about the idea.

if you would start a group chat in any American community about making aliyah, obviously most people would be against it. And by the way, if someone would start a chat with families in Israel about moving to the US, you would see lots of negativity as well. Since they live in Israel it sands to reason that most of them don't want to be in the US.
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Post Tue, May 28 2024, 12:33 pm
I sent you a PM.

hugsfromhashem wrote:
were making aliyah from central NJ at the end of july. 4 daughters (17, 15, 13 & 7). were modern yeshivish (DH has a hat but it sits in the closet unless we have a simcha or going somewhere more yeshivish for shabbos, LOL)

7yo & 15yo are very excited and want to go already. 13yo is very nervous. 17yo is gonna be in seminary there anyway. she's not making aliyah with us and already has pre abandonment PTSD.

making aliyah was not a decision we made as parents. it was an equal partnership with the kids having an equal voice in the decision. everyone except the 17yo voted yes
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