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What do you recommend??
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Post Fri, May 01 2009, 12:53 pm
I'm expecting my first, and I am looking into carriages.
The main thing I'm looking for in a stroller is that it should be easy and comfortable to wheel and maneuver. I guess that means it shouldn't be too heavy and bulky. (I'm on the short side, if that makes a difference.)
Besides for that, it should have a basket or a place to hold bags, in case I go shopping.
It would be great if it can fold easily and fit into a car trunk, but that's not a must.

Bases on this, what stroller would you recommend? If possible please post approximate price range.
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Post Fri, May 01 2009, 1:07 pm
For newborns/infants, I think that it is very helpful (if you drive) to have a Universal Snugrider (if thats what its called). It is basically, a stroller frame that you put the carseat into and can wheel around. It is so easy to go from car to store and back, if your baby falls asleep in it you can just bring the carseat up to the house and not have to take the baby out. Personally I liked the one made by Kolcraft better than the one made by Graco even though I had a Graco carseat. The basket underneath is pretty roomy as far as stroller baskets go. It folds pretty easily and can fit easily into the car trunk, however it does not fold up very compact like an umbrella stroller. Most of the other strollers for newborns are either too bulky and heavy (even the so called lightweight are not as light as this one since it is just a frame) or too expensive. I think you can get this for arounf $60. If you have any other questions you can PM me.
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Post Fri, May 01 2009, 1:13 pm
Its called a Snap and Go
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Post Fri, May 01 2009, 1:34 pm
what is your budget?

I am very happy with my baby jogger city mini. not expensive, (about $215) folds REALLY easily, (got to see this to believe it) and pretty compactly. (I can fit it in front of the passenger seat) pushes nicely. I don't know if you can fit a carseat into it though.

it has a medium sized basket, and I have a clip that I put additional bags on (though it says not to do this, but I guess that applies to any stroller)

one drawback is that the seat does not seem to go into an upright position, just lying down. I got it when my baby could sit up unaided so maybe there is a way to do this, and I just haven't figured it out.

I would definately recommend this, though maybe get a snap and go as well for the first few months.

click on http://www.metacafe.com/watch/.....ller/ for a demo.
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Post Fri, May 01 2009, 1:48 pm
OP here, thanks for the responses.
I don't have any particular budget.
Anyone else have any recommendations?
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Post Fri, May 01 2009, 2:11 pm
S/o wrote on another thread that the Kolcroft Snap and Go is not so good if you are going to do a lot of city walking. Depending on the day, I either walk or drive to work, so I'm going to need something that will work well for both.
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Post Fri, May 01 2009, 2:25 pm
I love the Graco travelsystems (I won't tell you a specific one, b/c mine is specific to the UK). The carseat clicks into the carriage, and you can buy a base that sits in your car, so you can click the carseat into that. My sister couldn't believe how quickly I got my baby out of the carriage, and into the car. No fiddling with seatbelts, etc.

It has a big basket, and the main seat can be put into many different positions. It folds so easily, and fits nicely into my car. It is easily manouverable, can be pushed with one hand, and the handlebar can be adusted to different heights.
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Post Fri, May 01 2009, 2:27 pm
I recomment two strollers-one big good one and one for the car. One is never enough.
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raspberry tea


Post Fri, May 01 2009, 2:44 pm
I like the Peg Perego Pliko. It's light weight(16 lbs), folds compactly, has a basket, is high end. You can buy a used one for cheap, by me I have seen them pop up on craigslist from between $15 and $100. You can get a matching car set to fit in it to. I bought a beautiful one for $30. And matching car seat for $50. The stroller retails at over $200, car seat also.

I prefer to find a metzia on craigslist for a high end stroller, than buy a basic graco or whatever for more money in the store.
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Post Fri, May 01 2009, 2:48 pm
perego also makes a stroller called pliko switch.
it's a 2 handled stroller with a reversible seat, it also takes the perego car seat & baby bassinet. I love reversible strollers. my son is my first baby who doesn't cry everytime I put him in the stroller. maybe because he can see me.
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Post Fri, May 01 2009, 2:59 pm
I have the graco snap and go which I highly recommend! the frame is always in the trunk so we never have to think about it. when we'r in and out of the car running errands or wtvr its a big convenience.

living in new york, however, I do a lot of walking and ur right, a big basket is important. u want a stroller that grows with ur baby too. the Uppababy is a great option.

good luck and bsha'a tovah
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Post Fri, May 01 2009, 4:52 pm
flowerpower wrote:
I recomment two strollers-one big good one and one for the car. One is never enough.

my recommendation too. If you dont really have a budget ( you stated that in a post right?) then I would definitely recommend you look into the bugaboo. it truly is a wonderful walking stroller. Its very lightweight, folds relatively easily (but the seat and the chassis are separate - its not an "umbrella" stroller), and strolls really really well (ie its not bumpy for you or the baby), its easy to stroll too and turns really really well. you can use it to get thru tight spaces....
its is very nice looking-comes in a wide array of colors. I think its spacious (Im not a baby so hard for me to judge)- my babies were both bulkier and never seem uncomfortable.
The most important option for me in a stroller (at least when youre talking about an infant, and you have one kid), is that it is car-seat adaptable. meaning, you dont need to take your baby out of his car seat and put him into the stroller's bassinet, like if hes sleeping. the bugaboo is compatable with both the graco and maxi cosi car seats, and thats a nice plus.
only negative (but Im not a big walker so doesnt bug me much) is that it doesnt have alot of underseat space in the basket, so you cant fit tons of bags down there.

another great stroller is the quinny buzz. it also turns really well, and im pretty sure its compatable with the maxi-cosi car seat (you have to buy an adaptor). its alot cheaper than a bugaboo, and is also a really awesome option. folds up with the press of a button, so great for in and out of cars. really compact

I would highly recommend (esp if $ isnt that much of a consideration) investing in two strollers. However, I would buy the "good" one NOW, and wait at least a month or so until you figure out what you think is "missing" from that stroller, and make up for it with a cheaper one. Ie- is the nice main one you bought:
- too heavy ? - there are lighter ones
- annoying to fold? get one that folds in a cinch
and then invest in a nice easy one for traveling and just leave it in your car, use it when you go out and on planes etc.
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Post Fri, May 01 2009, 5:39 pm
ss321 wrote:
flowerpower wrote:
I recomment two strollers-one big good one and one for the car. One is never enough.

my recommendation too. If you dont really have a budget ( you stated that in a post right?) then I would definitely recommend you look into the bugaboo. it truly is a wonderful walking stroller. Its very lightweight, folds relatively easily (but the seat and the chassis are separate - its not an "umbrella" stroller), and strolls really really well (ie its not bumpy for you or the baby), its easy to stroll too and turns really really well. you can use it to get thru tight spaces....
its is very nice looking-comes in a wide array of colors. I think its spacious (Im not a baby so hard for me to judge)- my babies were both bulkier and never seem uncomfortable.
The most important option for me in a stroller (at least when youre talking about an infant, and you have one kid), is that it is car-seat adaptable. meaning, you dont need to take your baby out of his car seat and put him into the stroller's bassinet, like if hes sleeping. the bugaboo is compatable with both the graco and maxi cosi car seats, and thats a nice plus.
only negative (but Im not a big walker so doesnt bug me much) is that it doesnt have alot of underseat space in the basket, so you cant fit tons of bags down there.

another great stroller is the quinny buzz. it also turns really well, and im pretty sure its compatable with the maxi-cosi car seat (you have to buy an adaptor). its alot cheaper than a bugaboo, and is also a really awesome option. folds up with the press of a button, so great for in and out of cars. really compact

I would highly recommend (esp if $ isnt that much of a consideration) investing in two strollers. However, I would buy the "good" one NOW, and wait at least a month or so until you figure out what you think is "missing" from that stroller, and make up for it with a cheaper one. Ie- is the nice main one you bought:
- too heavy ? - there are lighter ones
- annoying to fold? get one that folds in a cinch
and then invest in a nice easy one for traveling and just leave it in your car, use it when you go out and on planes etc.

The Bugaboo is a great stroller. I have it for 3 1/2 years and love it! But OP did mention she wants something that has a basket on the bottom for packages. The bugaboo has a basket on the bottom but it doesn't have too much space. It also doesn't have hooks. I bought several hooks but didn't really go for it. They fall off, bags hang down too low, moves around ect. But I do have 2 strollers. My second is a Maclareen. Yeah, old fashion Maclareen I feel is still the best. So when I do major shopping and need the space for many packages I take the Maclareen. I also use the Maclareen very often for the car, trains and buses. It's very narrow which is a very big plus!! Good Luck to you!
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Post Sat, May 02 2009, 6:18 pm
yuki wrote:
I like the Peg Perego Pliko. It's light weight(16 lbs), folds compactly, has a basket, is high end. You can buy a used one for cheap, by me I have seen them pop up on craigslist from between $15 and $100. You can get a matching car set to fit in it to. I bought a beautiful one for $30. And matching car seat for $50. The stroller retails at over $200, car seat also.

I prefer to find a metzia on craigslist for a high end stroller, than buy a basic graco or whatever for more money in the store.

I have owned 2 peg peregos (aria twin and pliko) and the quality is not the best. my graco actually lasted much better then them. also the carseat that comes with the pliko only appears to work with the base, unlike the graco carseat. this can be an issue when using taxis, travelling long distances etc.

personally I found maclerans not very smooth to push, although I know people love them.
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Post Sat, May 02 2009, 10:21 pm
how about the uppababy vista?

it has a reversible seat, adjustable handle, large basket with great access, and can take a second seat like a phil & ted & a buggy board at the same time. it comes with a seat and a bassinet and can also take a car seat. and you don't have to switch the fabric between the seat and the bassinet like you do with the bug. I know loads of people who love it. plus it's worth the investment, because it can be a double stroller as well.
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Post Sat, May 02 2009, 10:38 pm
kikavu- plus the upababy you can add a "stool" for a THIRD kid. so you have a double/triple stroller that is as narrow as a regular single. I dont have it but I have heard its awesome.
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Post Sat, May 02 2009, 11:02 pm
if you decide on the quinny Id opt for the one with 4 wheels.
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Post Sat, May 02 2009, 11:06 pm
I lve my mountain buggy and highly recommend it
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Post Sun, May 03 2009, 1:07 am
kikavu wrote:
how about the uppababy vista?

it has a reversible seat, adjustable handle, large basket with great access, and can take a second seat like a phil & ted & a buggy board at the same time. it comes with a seat and a bassinet and can also take a car seat. and you don't have to switch the fabric between the seat and the bassinet like you do with the bug. I know loads of people who love it. plus it's worth the investment, because it can be a double stroller as well.

This one looks really good, but I'm not prepared to spend $700 on a stroller! Any ideas where I can find one cheaper? EBay maybe? I live in Israel, but can have it sent to my mom since she'll be visiting before I'm due...
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Post Sun, May 03 2009, 1:23 am
I have the uppa baby and im really happy with it! (besides for being a gr8 stroller tey alo have realy good customer service!) I got it as a present but I think it was around 650... if you check around diff websites you can find it a little cheaper... Good Luck!
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