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What do you feed your kids on yom kippur?
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Post Sun, Sep 27 2009, 2:25 am
I know I'm late for this question but what can I make to feed my on yom kippur?
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Post Sun, Sep 27 2009, 2:31 am
Breakfast-cereal and milk
lunch-egg salad or hard boiled eggs sandwiches
supper-deli sandwiches
snack-regular snack like pretzels, cookies...
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Post Sun, Sep 27 2009, 2:35 am
Once a year I buy the gamadim so they can have those. Also pitot & chumos or cottage. Fruit. I bought the cheap 10 packs of nosh. Rivka and Avraham Tzvi will eat leftover chicken cold from the seuda, but the twins probably won't touch it. Oh, and cereal & milk. Anything easy they can get themselves.
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Post Sun, Sep 27 2009, 2:40 am
Cereal and milk and yogurt as an optional

Challah and charrif, and fish

Nosh and drinks they are privileged to eat only on YK, since mommy is fasting....

Melon salad, and chicken with potatoes that were set up in the crock pot erev YK. It's a meal they look forward to all year, they LOVE the "melting bones", as they call it!
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Post Sun, Sep 27 2009, 3:24 am
kitov wrote:
Cereal and milk and yogurt as an optional

Challah and charrif, and fish

Nosh and drinks they are privileged to eat only on YK, since mommy is fasting....

Melon salad, and chicken with potatoes that were set up in the crock pot erev YK. It's a meal they look forward to all year, they LOVE the "melting bones", as they call it!

recipe please! although if this smells as good as it sounds like it might, I'm not sure I'd be able to stand it when fasting!
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Post Sun, Sep 27 2009, 4:20 am
cereal, yogurt, cake, fruit and I'm making a pizza today for them to eat tomorrow.
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Post Sun, Sep 27 2009, 4:42 am
My mother always made cholent, and put hotdogs in - a full meal, that we all liked. This year we are going to her, but my oldest wont touch it, so I will make pasta, he can have soy yoghurt, cereal and milk, or canned chickpeas, which he likes. Those are his choices, take it or leave it.
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Post Sun, Sep 27 2009, 6:30 am
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Post Sun, Sep 27 2009, 10:20 am
cereal and milk, yogurt, bananas, American cheese, fruits, hard boiled eggs, and cold cuts.
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Post Sun, Sep 27 2009, 10:53 am
cereal and milk ,yogurt hard boiled eggs
chicken cutlets or deli sandwich
pasta salad whatever they find in fridge.
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Post Sun, Sep 27 2009, 11:07 am
for lunch I made cheese blintzes they love it!!
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Post Sun, Sep 27 2009, 11:17 am
ABC wrote:
kitov wrote:

Melon salad, and chicken with potatoes that were set up in the crock pot erev YK. It's a meal they look forward to all year, they LOVE the "melting bones", as they call it!

recipe please! although if this smells as good as it sounds like it might, I'm not sure I'd be able to stand it when fasting!

I don't think anyone fasting in my house would appreciate to smell cooking food!
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Post Sun, Sep 27 2009, 11:27 am
always left bagels and cream cheese for them to eat ... or some other sandwich where they can take their baggie and eat without me ever having to touch the food ... nothing with a strong odor either ...
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Lady Godiva


Post Sun, Sep 27 2009, 11:39 am
Cereal, hard boiled eggs, cheese, sandwiches (peanut butter) and snacks.
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Post Sun, Sep 27 2009, 1:50 pm
breakfast - cereal & milk & honey cake
lunch - salami, pasta, leftover salads from Shabbos & from before the fast
supper - sandwiches, cereal, yogurts - whatever they want
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Post Sun, Sep 27 2009, 3:33 pm
My six year old gets in these moods where he doesn't like anything that I offer him. I end up standing there in the kitchen saying do you want this do you want that.....and he says no no no and we have a huge argument.

So today, I made a list, quite long, of all the available foods in the house. I told him on Yom Kippur, he can help himself, or ask me for anything on the list. I will come into the kitchen to help him after he has decided what he wants from the list. There will be no arguing.

I also made a shorter list of treats that I will let the kids choose from after they have eaten healthy stuff or played nicely for a while.

This is the list:

rice cake with cheese
each cereal we have in the house is listed
hard boiled egg
sunflower seeds
trail mix
crackers with peanut butter
apricots (dried)
cheese stick
american cheese
baby gouda cheese
sweet noodle kugel
carrots, cucumber, red pepper with or wo chumus
pita with or wo chumus
bologna with or wo pita
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Post Tue, Sep 29 2009, 5:18 am
Breakfast -- cereal

Lunch -- my kids went on rotating playdates for the whole day and lunch happened to fall during my shift -- I had made them cream cheese sandwiches, fruit/veggie slices and popcorn in advance so they could just take it out of the fridge themselves, but it wasn't long before all the kids started heavy trading negotiations with their friends, who had brought smiley cookies and chips Smile

Dinner -- they went to kids' davening for neilah and didn't come home until after the fast was over, so they ate with us -- I made break-the-fast in advance also so I just had to stick it in the microwave after havdalah...
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Post Tue, Sep 29 2009, 5:28 am
I always serve(d) cereal for breakfast and leftovers form seudas mafsekes for lunch. (this year, only my youngest ate meals - all the rest of us were fasting!)
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Post Tue, Sep 29 2009, 5:33 am
its still Yontiff for them so I make a chollent with hotdogs which they devour. I gave them cake for dessert. I have always done this because I want them to feel that its YT also. They also get a maadan in the a.m for breakfast like every other shabbes or YT morning.
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Post Tue, Sep 29 2009, 6:11 am
Cereal and honey cake for breakfast
Tuna sandwich for one and corned beef for the other for lunch
Grapes for healthful snack
Yogurt for supper #1 at around 5.00
YT seuda for supper #2 at around 9.30, since one was in shul for neila and the other refused to go to sleep.

A lot of nosh all day long: Kliks, Airbis, wafers, juice pops, etc.
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