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Shabbos parties

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Post Tue, Mar 28 2006, 2:10 pm
From what I understand, Shabbos parties for preschoolers were originally intended to teach children from irreligious homes what a Shabbos meal is like. So one child got to be the father, another the mother, they were given the appropriate costume, they acted out the roles and the kids were given nosh.

What is the purpose of having Shabbos parties in preschools where the children are going to go home and have the real thing?
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Post Tue, Mar 28 2006, 2:13 pm
For my son it gives him something to look forward to all week he asks me is it Shabbos yet? Then when Friday comes he's so excited to have the Shabbos party they review the Parsha sing songs and of course get nosh, if he's happy I'm happy Very Happy
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Post Tue, Mar 28 2006, 2:20 pm
Yes, it gives kids a good feeling about Shabbos.

It also allows kids to do some "role-playing".

Also, in many homes, preschool kids could be sleeping before their fathers get home from shul for part or all of the year, so they do get to see something of a "real" Shabbos, not challah-fish-chicken-cookie-pajamas-goodnight before Tatty gets home!
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chocolate moose


Post Tue, Mar 28 2006, 3:34 pm
all kids love that!
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Post Tue, Mar 28 2006, 7:35 pm
Crayon210 wrote:
it gives kids a good feeling about Shabbos.

I agree, however along the same thinking- kiruv schools run a model sedar before pesach while the frum schools generally do not.
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Post Tue, Mar 28 2006, 9:34 pm
Really? The frum schools I know of do run a model seder, which I think is great so kids really know what to expect (obviously they don't remember from year to year).
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Post Wed, Mar 29 2006, 1:20 am
Shabbos parties for preschoolers were originally intended to teach children from irreligious homes what a Shabbos meal is like.

Is that really why they have shabbos parties? Both 'frum' schools here do them as well as model seders.
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Post Wed, Mar 29 2006, 8:50 am
I think Shabbos parties are a great idea. My kids love being the Mommy or tatty. It IS great for their imagionation & inventive playing.

As for model seders, I taught in a frum school & I made one every year. the kids were preschoolers & don't remember everything from year to year so haveing a model seder reminds them afetr you've taught it all.
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Post Thu, Mar 30 2006, 5:10 pm
Really? The frum schools I know of do run a model seder, which I think is great so kids really know what to expect (obviously they don't remember from year to year).

Shabbos partys may have started as a kiruv concept but whats wrong doing it for our own frum kids on their level, I think it's beautiful Exclamation just as we do a chasuna for yitzchok and rivka in class for the parsha. And just as we reenact yetzias mitzrayim using a parachute for waves spliting the sea, so too I think it's adorable them to act out shabbos party and model seder .

Made by children run by children Smile they are always acting out different scenerios anyway why not act this out too. Singing shalom aleichem and lecho dodi. I mean how precious is that! Very Happy
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Post Mon, Apr 03 2006, 5:02 pm
I don't know what it is for but I think it is a nice way to give your kids something to look forward to on shabbos.
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Post Tue, Apr 04 2006, 4:28 pm
timeout wrote:
For my son it gives him something to look forward to all week he asks me is it Shabbos yet?

wouldn't it be preferable for children to look forward to SHABBOS? Scratching Head
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Post Tue, Apr 04 2006, 6:09 pm
wouldn't it be preferable for children to look forward to SHABBOS?

And whats the problem looking forward to both Very Happy

It's so nice to be able to dress up as the mummy or the tatty and make kiddush, sing Shalom aleichemlike Tatty. and light candles like mummy does. This is for them a prep for the real thing which they too love and enjoy Smile
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Post Thu, Apr 06 2006, 8:31 am
My child also had a model seder. She now knows what to expect and it put all the learning about pesach into actions.

As for shabos parties - Motek what do you see wrong with it? What bothers you about it? Its not like it came from a non jewish place???
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Mama Bear


Post Thu, Apr 06 2006, 10:31 am
Sometimes kids really imitate their parents and the teachers get to find out what their homes are like...

Like the kid who was the shabbos tatty and before she made kiddush she said to the mommy, "For the thousandth time, PLEASE cover your shaitel!"

LOL Smile
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Post Thu, Apr 06 2006, 12:19 pm
I see nothing wrong with it. Once when my DH had to be away over shabbat for work (finished meetings on Fri afternoon, oo late for flight back home) although my 4 yr old son was sad that his abba would not be home for Shabbat, he was excited that he could be the abba and make kiddush and hamotzi.
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Post Thu, Apr 06 2006, 9:43 pm
Kids love to play pretend/dress up as other people and why not combine it with learning? It's a great chance to practice brachos and shabbos songs.

My ds has a "dramatic play centre" in his class which he told me is his favorite activity. They have dress up items connected to Yom Tov and Parsha which gives the children a chance to learn thru play.
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