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Are you happy with where you live?
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Post Sat, Nov 21 2009, 2:01 pm
I b'h am very happy with where I live. Certain things about living in israel bug the heck out of me, but for living in israel, I'm pretty satisfied in my yishuv. Its small enough that we english speakers have a sense of community, there is achdus between all sects of chareidi people and down the road we have a community with all sorts of frum jews and the anglo community here and there is pretty much one unit, so its great. lots of ahavas yisrael. great bussing- frequent and cheap. great services right near by (just a short bus-ride away). relatively cheap housing (still cheap, but not as cheap as it was when we first moved here), large selection of shuls. Close enough to my family to be able to see them often, but far enough away that I don't feel they're on top of me. Quiet enough so I can raise my family peacefully, but with enough neighbors that I don't feel alone. There are events frequently enough here so that I don't feel bored, but I can also take it easy- there isnt a night life here on the streets to keep people awake.
I'm not thrilled with some of my neighbors, but I'll take what I get when it comes to apartment living.
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Post Sat, Nov 21 2009, 2:12 pm
JPF stands for just plain frum.
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Post Sat, Nov 21 2009, 3:12 pm
I wasn't happy where I was living. There was no shule I felt my family fit in with. We have now moved out with friends to start a new community. It's the best thing I've done. My kids are so happy even with an hour drive to school.
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Post Sat, Nov 21 2009, 4:18 pm
When I first saw OP's post, I thought that it's just that people love to complain. They see what needs fixing and they are frustrated by it. It's in your nature to appreciate the good you have or to harp on the negative points. And you are not stuck, you can change your nature and focus.
I grew up in a tiny Jewish community, suburb of NY and my parents feel it was one of their biggest mistakes. We had good chinuch opps, and a nice shul, but only one or two friends our ages, and that was not enough for us kids.
When we married, we lived in NY, but we felt we were "at the top". There weren't too many homes sans TVs in our community, and I didn't let the kids play in any home with that machine. I am now blessed to be able to live in Yerushalayim. We are so happy because we settled where we feel we can grow and not be looked up to as "the most frum". Chinuch is wonderful on all levels, you must be vigilant about peers no matter where.
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Post Sat, Nov 21 2009, 8:04 pm
I love where I live, but it's really $$$$ to buy. So., everyone moves. That's the downside.
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Post Sat, Nov 21 2009, 8:07 pm
If we can't be in E"Y I'm glad we're here, though I woudn't mind a bigger house. And it would be nice to be closer to our relatives. But we're still within driving distance. If those are my biggest grumbles, not bad ;-)
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Post Sat, Nov 21 2009, 11:50 pm
I taught myself to be happy with were we live.
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Post Sun, Nov 22 2009, 12:33 am
I love where I live! There are somethings that bother me but in general I am truly happy here.
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Post Sun, Nov 22 2009, 1:37 am
I love my home and the neighborhood that we live in, but since we just moved we're still working on finding our "kehila" here.
So all in all great, but it still has some ways to go.
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Post Sun, Nov 22 2009, 2:55 am
We live in an area of Sydney almost completely devoid of Jews but with access to other facilities when we need them. Don't like any of the Jewish schools around (long way from us anyway) but that doesn't bother us as we have no plans of sending our kids to Jewish schools anyway.

Our apartment is a nightmare and we're looking to move, but we love our area otherwise Smile It wouldn't suit most of the people on this site though!

Only downside is price. The Jewish areas of Sydney are ridiculously expensive, how people do it I don't know. This area was the affordable option but is barely that anymore either!
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Post Sun, Nov 22 2009, 3:50 am
Besiyata Dishmaya wrote:
Ruchel wrote:
I love where I am (huge community in Paris suburb), the only problem is that I'm not sure anymore there is a school for dd around... basically around there is a Litvish school, a chassidish school, a light charedi school but only the small classes, a strict MO type school and a JPF school, we planned to send to the last one but I keep seeing while the school is fine and the teachers are very frum etc the population may be not frum enough as a whole (= dd would be among the frummest and we would want her in the average). So... maybe we will move to another suburb where it would seem there are a few fitting places, but we need to inquire first.

It will be hard because this place has all the advantages apart from that.

Wow, you have so many frum schools there in a suburb? Boys and girls separate? How big are the classes? What is JPF? Could you just pick yourself up and move to another suburb? What about parnoseh? Were you born and bred there?

BTW, how is your father doing?

The biggest communities here are in suburbs.
Boys and girls separate at different times, some after gan, some for middle school, some for high school, some not. We want separate for middle school or before. The classes, I don't know. From 15 to 30 maybe? small anyway.
JPF is stam frum.

Yes we totally could just move. We did it already. Parnassa is in Paris now anyway, so it wouldn't change so much, and we plan to have a lifestyle change soon...
I was born in Paris, bred in Paris and different suburbs.

BH my dad is fine, thank you!!!
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Post Sun, Nov 22 2009, 7:41 am
Rodent wrote:
We live in an area of Sydney almost completely devoid of Jews but with access to other facilities when we need them. Don't like any of the Jewish schools around (long way from us anyway) but that doesn't bother us as we have no plans of sending our kids to Jewish schools anyway.

Our apartment is a nightmare and we're looking to move, but we love our area otherwise Smile It wouldn't suit most of the people on this site though!

Only downside is price. The Jewish areas of Sydney are ridiculously expensive, how people do it I don't know. This area was the affordable option but is barely that anymore either!

Melbourne, maybe? It still isn't exactly cheap (one of the reasons we left), but definitely cheaper.
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ice cream sundae


Post Sun, Nov 22 2009, 8:26 am
Rodent wrote:
we have no plans of sending our kids to Jewish schools anyway.

up until what age?
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Post Sun, Nov 22 2009, 8:35 am
ice cream sundae wrote:
Rodent wrote:
we have no plans of sending our kids to Jewish schools anyway.

up until what age?

Maybe never.

I know charedi guys who never went to Jewish school until yeshiva (after hs), or never stam. And it doesn't "show". It all depends on the circles, the house, etc.
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Post Sun, Nov 22 2009, 9:13 am
I love my current community. It's a small (tiny really 30 families) yishuv so everyone is very close knit but surprisingly enough it is diverse enough in age, personality and way of life of the families - at least for us.
We are told there are excellent schools in the area, our kids our only in gan but we're happy with the local gan.The down side is the day care center which is not perfect but as a member of the chinuch committee we're working on that one so hopefully when DD2 needs it it will get better.
Our children have a lot of freedom and tons of friends to play with. Most of the families are more or less on the same line as we are regarding what is and isn't appropriate for young children (in food, tv, language etc.) so we do have to be vigilant but I'm very happy with the friends the kids have and the homes they come from.
It's just a wonderful place to live, I love our home, but I wish we could build something more permanent and a bit larger, but in time this will come as well so I'm not worried now and our home totally suits our needs.
We've lived in various other communities since our wedding and I hated every single one of them. Now I totally fit in and would love if other imamothers joined our community.
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Post Sun, Nov 22 2009, 9:41 am
I'd say somewhat happy...

definitely our place is in Israel...

I like that our location is so convenient. Don't like that it's so expensive, and if we want to move up from a 2 bedroom, it will probably mean moving out.. Not 100% happy with our kehilla. I love that everyone is so friendly, etc and that's why we joined the one we did, but I hate feeling like the frummest one around, and I'd be happy in a place where more people are like me..(I also wouldn't mind being the frummy if I were the Rebbetzin..)

I see us moving some point in the future, and I hope it will be better fit...But at the same time, I know I will miss many aspects of living here..

I also would prefer living a more rural place, provided I don't have a long commute to work... And I dream of having sibling (or even parents or in-laws) living in the same community...
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Post Mon, Nov 23 2009, 7:15 am
I love where I live!
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Post Mon, Nov 23 2009, 7:39 pm
it took me awhile to like it here but now I do (Crown Heights). Bgashmius I would like to be in Monsey or at least Baltimore or Pittsburgh with a front lawn, a backyard, one of those yellow hamodia newspaper thingies and a mailbox where you lift up the red flag thing and the postal carrier actually takes the mail you want to get mailed out (what a concept) but it's not meant to be so now I'm accepting it and liking it.
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Post Thu, Nov 26 2009, 7:15 am
Im actually not soo happy with where I live, I grew up in the USA and I would love to live there, but my dh is actually very happy here.
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Post Thu, Nov 26 2009, 7:33 am
3tammuz wrote:
PLEASE let me know where you all live. We like where we are living - small community, but feel that me may need to leave due to chinuch/peer influences. Love to hear about other places.

For those not comfortable disclosing where they live under their usernames, please post anonymously. Especially those living in EY -- could be very helpful for those considering a move.
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