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I feel fat!
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chocolate moose


Post Wed, May 03 2006, 11:44 am
I know being skin and bones isn't necessarily the optimum........but I feel soft and it's not a good feeling!
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Post Sun, May 07 2006, 10:15 am
me too, I feel fat, I dont want to be skinny I want to be healthy, toned and fit, but I feel too round and soft as well amd I hate it. so I know how you feel.
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Post Sun, May 07 2006, 10:22 am

If it makes you feel any better, I feel pretty fat too:)
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Post Sun, May 07 2006, 10:40 am
Feeling it is one thing, being it is something else Confused
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Post Sun, May 07 2006, 10:43 am
So all of you get off you comfy chairs and go walking!

The weather is beautiful! I haven't been on this board for quite awhile bc I'm too busy with outdoor activities. ie: Walking, shopping, eating out in the park.

(for those in NY) have you been to the Botanical Garden lately, it's gorgeous!! GO!GO!GO! get out and get your kids out!!
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chocolate moose


Post Sun, May 07 2006, 10:51 am
JewGal,I'm very active; I think it's just the snacks catching up with me. I was very busy this past week and didn't have any goodies and I felt much better (less soft)!

I've posted many times; I do a workout video of pilates or weight training every single morning but Shabbos and I walk or go on the bike every single night.

Sundays, I do double.
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Post Sun, May 07 2006, 12:23 pm
Me too Sad
I've gained back some of what I lost, and feel like my stomach is huge.
I'm very mad at myself for backsliding (but don't really feel as if I've been deviating from healthy eating).
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Post Sun, May 07 2006, 12:31 pm
Sara and Defy-- I'll bet if you asked your husbands what THEY think, they'd say they love your soft curves!! Nobody wants to cuddle with a bony, skinny lady... curves and softness are great (to a certain extent, of course, being obese is never good).
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Post Sun, May 07 2006, 12:48 pm
I just started watching my fat and calorie intake, I am a member of fitday.com, you put in everything you eat, so you can really look at your day and see what you ate. I also calculated how much fat and calories to eat to loose 2 pounds a week, which is my goal.

good luck, you just needt o be motivated and have self control, and exercise.
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Post Sun, May 07 2006, 1:03 pm
batya_d wrote:
Sara and Defy-- I'll bet if you asked your husbands what THEY think, they'd say they love your soft curves!! Nobody wants to cuddle with a bony, skinny lady... curves and softness are great (to a certain extent, of course, being obese is never good).

yup! that's what my dh says. I'm very self conscious about the way I look but he says he likes it better when there's something to hold on to.
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Post Sun, May 07 2006, 1:36 pm

Last edited by ohbaby! on Sun, May 07 2006, 1:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Sun, May 07 2006, 1:40 pm
batya_d : how could you say that: "nobody wants to cuddle with a bony skinny lady..." how do you know that??? im sure you are trying to make them feel better ( and maybe yourself too) but you cant generalize it! I am skinny, not really bony, thats the way I am, I dont diet, never did, and I eat everything and just dont gain weight, thats my nature... so how could you say that " no one wants to cuddle wih skiny lady...." Thank you very much for the statement- but I gotta say your wrong, eventhough you might be making some happy with this statement, you should be carefull with the feeling of others... who might be skinny and bony, cuz thats how Hashem made them, and I am SURE their husband loves them just the way they are... anyways... I shoulnt be bothered by things people write... B"H we are happy together... but just wanted to remind you, to always be carefull with what you say- THINK before you speak!!!! Wink
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chocolate moose


Post Sun, May 07 2006, 4:47 pm
Oh, no, that's okay, she has a point. I'll be happy to answer.

I was barely 100 lbs in high school, 102 when I got married. I gained 20 lbs with each pregnancy, 5 of which didn't didn't come off each time.

Around 9/11 I was about 115. Then I steadily started to gain weight.

I was diagnosed with a thyroid condiiton which had caused my rapid weight gain. I went on medication and was adivsed to lose the weight, if I could.

I lost 25 lbs at the end of 2004. I was also advised to live more healthfully, that is walk more, move more. Eat less goodies.

I starsted at about 138; I wasn't thin, nor was I heavy. Nor did DH complain.

At about 117, I'm takeh thinner. I look better. I don't substantially different. I still have big hips. (I always had them.)

DH still doesn't complain. He doesn't think I'm tpo thin. He doesn't think I should lose more, however.

My exercise schedule takes time, but I'vemanaged to work it out not to infringe on us. And eating right is good for everyone in our house.

I'm certainly not skin and bones. And I doubt Defy is; with Shabbos and yomtov and simchas, I'm sure she's at a good weight and looks fine.

Skin and bones is anorexic! Normal is thin or average.
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Post Sun, May 07 2006, 7:59 pm
amother wrote:
batya_d : how could you say that: "nobody wants to cuddle with a bony skinny lady..." how do you know that??? im sure you are trying to make them feel better ( and maybe yourself too) but you cant generalize it! I am skinny, not really bony, thats the way I am, I dont diet, never did, and I eat everything and just dont gain weight, thats my nature... so how could you say that " no one wants to cuddle wih skiny lady...." Thank you very much for the statement- but I gotta say your wrong, eventhough you might be making some happy with this statement, you should be carefull with the feeling of others... who might be skinny and bony, cuz thats how Hashem made them, and I am SURE their husband loves them just the way they are... anyways... I shoulnt be bothered by things people write... B"H we are happy together... but just wanted to remind you, to always be carefull with what you say- THINK before you speak!!!! Wink

How could I say that? Based on what my husband says as well as every other man I've ever had the discussion with. They wouldn't like to cuddle with a bony woman. Sorry, but that's what I think, and I won't retract the statement.
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Post Sun, May 07 2006, 8:24 pm
How could I say that? Based on what my husband says as well as every other man I've ever had the discussion with. They wouldn't like to cuddle with a bony woman. Sorry, but that's what I think, and I won't retract the statement.

So let me get this right: you would like to confirm to the skinny amother that noone wants to cuddle with her. Just out of curiosity, why? Rolling Eyes
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Post Sun, May 07 2006, 8:24 pm
batya_d wrote:
Based on what my husband says as well as every other man I've ever had the discussion with

when & how- may I ask?
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Post Sun, May 07 2006, 8:26 pm
It's true that when you hear boys talking, it's always about curves and all...
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Post Sun, May 07 2006, 8:27 pm
nechamashifra wrote:
How could I say that? Based on what my husband says as well as every other man I've ever had the discussion with. They wouldn't like to cuddle with a bony woman. Sorry, but that's what I think, and I won't retract the statement.

So let me get this right: you would like to confirm to the skinny amother that noone wants to cuddle with her. Just out of curiosity, why? Rolling Eyes

No, I'm confirming that this is the opinion that I've heard from most people. I'm sure she and her husband are very happy together.
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Post Sun, May 07 2006, 8:29 pm
queen wrote:
batya_d wrote:
Based on what my husband says as well as every other man I've ever had the discussion with

when & how- may I ask?

No, you may not, since it's none of your business. Ever heard of a Baal Teshuva? For goodness sake....
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Post Mon, May 08 2006, 10:58 am
batya_d wrote:
Sara and Defy-- I'll bet if you asked your husbands what THEY think, they'd say they love your soft curves!! Nobody wants to cuddle with a bony, skinny lady... curves and softness are great (to a certain extent, of course, being obese is never good).

He loves my shape, it's not that I don't feel pretty enough for him, I know that he loves the way I look.

I want to lose the weight for myself. I've always been able to eat what ever I wanted and never gained weight. Then, slowly, over the past 3 years, I started realizing that I wasn't fitting into all my clothing!

I just want to get close to my old weight. That's what I've always been used to seeing in the mirror, and the added weight makes me feel uncomfortable. The upsetting thing is that I have no excuse for it! I've never been pregnant and I can't even blame the weight on that!

I've been working hard to lose the weight, but apparently not hard enough.
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