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Lap band surgery, gastric bypass, pros/cons, halachic q.
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Post Wed, Jun 28 2006, 12:52 am
Hi ladies.. So heres my situation.. I have struggled with weight loss all my life and have recently heard about a minimally invasive surgery for this purpose. Im not sure but I think its called Lap- band surgery. The dr. puts a band around the stomache and makes you less able to eat alot and you then lose weight. I am starting to inquire about the adv/disadvantages of it and am starting my quest for info here on imamother!
1- Does anyone have any experience with it personally?
2- Know anyone that did the surgery?

If you did, then ,,,

A- How do you rate the surgery outcome? Side effects? Did it afffect you positively or negatively?
Any responses would be greatly appreciated!!!!
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Post Wed, Jun 28 2006, 3:01 am
I know someone who did it and it was very successful. If you PM me, I can give you her number. I know she's spoken to lots of people about it.
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Post Wed, Jun 28 2006, 6:59 am
Most hospitals or medical centers sponsor seminars about medical weight intervention. Generally from what I understand, the criteria for surgery include that you must be at least 100 lbs overweight, are willing to lose something like 10% of your excess weight before surgery, and can tolerate the surgery and the fact that it will change your eating for life. Laparascopic surgery is less invasive than the old style, but it still involves banding the stomach. This means you will have a long recovery period during which you are restricted to a liquid diet, you will have to take vitamins for the rest of your life, you will be very subject to dumping syndrome if you try to eat too much, and there is the possibility of "reversing" the surgery if you consistently do eat too much.

I am not knocking it though; I considered it a few years ago (I was 240 lbs, with a normal weight for me of about 130, which is about what I am now). I believe it is a life-saver and a valuable medical intervention, but you have to go to it with your eyes open to the fact that it will change your life and you will have to change your eating habits forever. Health is worth it and if surgery is appropriate and needed, then I wish you the best!
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Post Wed, Jun 28 2006, 9:37 am
How overweight are you? I know someone who got it when she was a size 18, at 5'7, and she was heavy but not so crazily overweight. She thought it would help her drop the pounds fast but she never had such an unreasonable amount to lose in the first place and still only got down to about a size 12 within a year after the surgery. I think the heavier you are, the more successful it is.

You also have to be willing to endure constant band tightenings, throwing up food (I watched this girl throw up numberous times each day- YES, she did it in the garbage pail right in our office!) and in this particular case, the girl was even hospitalized because of poor nutrition.

Just fully investigate all the associated risks and benefits before you do it, and talk to people who have had it done. Remember, there is no quick fix and just like losing the weight naturally is hard, so is this way.
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Post Wed, Jun 28 2006, 10:40 am
The good thig about it is that it is reversable. Do it as your last resort. It you can lose weight in other ways then try those ways first, it is good for people who cannot lose weight on their own.
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Post Wed, Jun 28 2006, 12:30 pm
elisecohen wrote:

I am not knocking it though; I considered it a few years ago (I was 240 lbs, with a normal weight for me of about 130, which is about what I am now).

u lose 110lb? how?
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Post Wed, Jun 28 2006, 1:57 pm
OP here. For the poster that lost that much weight, how did you do it? With regard to the other posters, thanks for responding. I am also a size 18/20 and am 5.7 in height. However, I am struggling all my life with my size. I mean, how many pple do you know that lose 75 pounds and keep it off? not many, I tell you. Thats why im thinking abt this. I am sick and tired of being tired, out of breath, .. I actually think I was BORN a size 12!
All kidding aside, I crave to walk in to a regular store and buy something there. I yearn for my skirts actually FITTING on a hanger! The problem is that I am constantly getting compliments..Oh, you look so good, you have such a pretty face! So when that happens I subconsciously think ok I can stuff in this piece of choc, I still have some of my looks...which is of course insane! Im basically at my wits end and do not feel like showing my face in public bec of this. Especiallly when my dh makes comments like " I think you gained some weight lately" or "Youre over the hill already with your weight" . His family is very thin and weight is a big topic in their house. That makes it harder bec I live next to them. I want to be the beautiful wife he wants but its so darn hard. I used to take good care of myself to look as best as I can and to accentuate the positive,,,like with nice earrings, nice shaitel , makeup , perfume etc. but lately I just cant stand myself. Ok if you read till now, thanks ... I think I (might be) feeling a lb. better ( Wink ) than before! thanks..
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Post Wed, Jun 28 2006, 2:29 pm
It might be helpful to read "Body Clutter" http://flylady.net/pages/flyshop_bc.asp - it's a book that addresses the emotional factors that cause overeating. It's not a diet, but can help you want to eat right (and lose the chocolate addiction Wink).
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Post Wed, Jun 28 2006, 2:56 pm
Thanks OP for starting this thread! You read my mind! I sympathize totally with you. I myself am not obese, just pleasantly cushioned. However, I hate it and I hate myself! I am strongly considering the band but I am not overweight enough for the doctors to want to undertake it. However, I just heard that there are some doctors out there already who will accept the 'only 50 pounds' women and band them. I am just going to start my investigation into that.
I have met many, many women who have done the lap band and they are thrilled to the bone (literally, much easier to get to their bones now!). Yes, it does come with some eating changes and some lifestyle changes, but it is a small price to pay for the joy and accomplishment they are experiencing for the first times in their lives, after struggling for years with obesity.
As for myself, I am not obese. I know that I don't eat properly. I also know that I am an emotional eater. I also know that I don't have the time nor the frame of mind to change. My life is very, very stressful. I MUST make some change with my food intake; if the change cannot take place through self-control, then so be it; then I will opt for the forced version - surgery. Once I have the motivation of the surgery I am sure it will be a lot easier for me to go along with the diet changes needed to implement once the band is in place.
If anybody is familiar with doctors who are willing to do it on non-obese, only pleasantly plump patients, please contact me.
As for the OP - go for it!!! You'll love the new you IY"H.
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Post Wed, Jun 28 2006, 3:53 pm
Remember--once you go through with the surgery, you have to stick to a very strict dietary regimen. This is why most MDs who do the surgery insist you lose at least 10% of your excess first, to prove you will stick to the regimen. Obviously, if you can do this though, you may be motivated to continue with weight loss without surgery. In the case of the very obese though weight loss through standard diet changes is just too daunting and thus the surgery is valuable. I have never heard of any surgeon who will perform the surgery for a patient less than 100 lbs overweight, but obviously I don't know all the doctors!

I had to enter a 12 step program to deal with my compulsive eating in order to lose weight, but thank G-d I was able to use the 12 steps and not resort to surgery. I do know several women who did the surgery though, some with very positive results (no one I know had bad results, some just are still very heavy).
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Post Wed, Jun 28 2006, 4:25 pm
[quote]Remember--once you go through with the surgery, you have to stick to a very strict dietary regimen. [/quote]

My mother had the lap band surgery done 4 years ago. For the first few weeks she could only eat baby food & the like. Now she can eat anything, but less of it. She gets full much faster (which is the point of the surgery).

It has done wonders for her & she looks great. She can finally shop in the stores my sisters & I shop in & happily walk past the plus size stores in the mall. I say - go for it!
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Purple Hug Bunny


Post Wed, Jun 28 2006, 6:45 pm
Ok, this is my favorite topic...

I've been wanting to do this surgery for the past 7 months at least..

first I was very against it, e/one kept pushing me to do it, I said, I hate the running around to drs. to get tested and get insurance to pay for it.. it's hard and stressful, and adds a lot of pressure...
a few months ago, I simply changed my mind from one min. to the next and decided that I want to do it..
I've struggled with weight loss for over 10 years and havent been very successful..

I think 80 lbs overweight is enough, or your BMI has to be at least 30 for them to do it..
BMI, a/thing over 30 is considered obese
a/thing over 40 is considered Morbidly Obese..
My BMI is 46. s/thing.

You also need to have at least one medical condition to qualify for surgery..
Either dieabetes, high cholesterol, Sleep apnea..
I have all of these so I over qualify for the surgery.
I already did all the testing, paid a lot of money, had to take off from school for appts. and now insurance wont pay for it, they said they will but the dr told me that he's had other patients with this insruance, they always say they'll pay for it, but they don't., their excuse being that this method (the lapband) is not 10 years old and therefore they still see is as experimental.. even though medicaid and other insurance companies do pay for it.

they say they will and then they look for s/thing wrong on the papers u send them. they ask for so many things..

I dont have an option of changing insruance at the moment. and even if I do, it will take at least a year until they approve me for it.
I'm not eligible for medicaid, bec. according to the state I make too much money, although I don't see much of it.. and also bec. Im single..

out of pocket, it's 25,000 dollars...
I made a cheshbon that if 25 ppl give me thousand dollars, or if 100 ppl give me 250 dollars then it's paid...
I'm sooo upset bec. I finally got excited about it and now the money is the only thing standing in the way (well, I don't see any money standing here).

My bosos and her husband did it, her sister and dh did it the same day, with the same dr. Im using, my BIL also used that dr.. all are saying they love it.. it's great.
You have to be ready for a lifestyle change
recovery is different for each individual
2 days post surgery is liquid diet
the next 4 weeks is pureed food, then they do a swallow test to see if u are ready to start solids and other food.
they keep tightening the band like every 3 weeks, until they find the right measurments for you..

The dr told me to be realistic, I shouldn't expect to lose more then 40% of the excess weight, and he also said that surgery is not magic, it's a tool, and you still have to work very hard..

Hope this info helps.
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Post Wed, Jun 28 2006, 6:54 pm
How about weight watchers? I have tried other diets, but none can keep the weight off like weight watchers because there's a support network. You talk to real people - get encouragement from the leader and most of all - the scale keeps you in track all week (usually). Many people have kept the weight off with weight watchers.
Good luck.
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Purple Hug Bunny


Post Wed, Jun 28 2006, 7:04 pm
amother wrote:
How about weight watchers? I have tried other diets, but none can keep the weight off like weight watchers because there's a support network. You talk to real people - get encouragement from the leader and most of all - the scale keeps you in track all week (usually). Many people have kept the weight off with weight watchers.
Good luck.

lol.. not me... the most I lost with weight watchers was 1 and a half pounds....
then I started gaining, I was succesful for 2 meetings of theirs..
meetings and talking to real ppl dont help me..
I go on the scale every day and I still dont follow any diets...
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Post Wed, Jun 28 2006, 8:29 pm
SevenSenses wrote:
I go on the scale every day and I still dont follow any diets...

Going on the scale every day can be very depressing, you know Wink .
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Purple Hug Bunny


Post Thu, Jun 29 2006, 10:41 am
Yeah I know, bec. I get upset every day if I didn't lose or if I gained, but I don't have a scale at home, only where I work, and last year, we were off for 2 weeks (as we are no and I didnt have a scale and it drove me crazy so when we got back to school, I became obsessed with it.
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Post Thu, Jun 29 2006, 11:13 am
when you say they tighten the band every now and then, how in the world is that done??? Is the band accesible from the outside and how?? Or do they have to open you up partially every time they tighten?
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Post Thu, Jun 29 2006, 11:21 am
I read an article in People magazine recently about people that go to India for surgeries b/c it's vastly cheaper there. Seven, maybe you should check it out.
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Purple Hug Bunny


Post Thu, Jun 29 2006, 1:12 pm
Moshiach will hopefully come before I go to India.
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Post Thu, Jun 29 2006, 2:28 pm
Cindy -from what my mother said, they insert a needle into your stomach (ewwww!) & somehow it's loosened or tightened!
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