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Forum -> Children's Health -> Toilet Training
Ok, so I let my dd pee all over the floor,,help!

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Post Thu, Oct 07 2010, 7:52 pm
im trying to toilet train my dd. so todays was the first day. she peed all over the whole house. I would put her on the potty every 20 min and it worked a couple of times that she made. whats the next step? give up?
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Post Thu, Oct 07 2010, 8:35 pm
Keep it up another few days...
And follow her around with some good cleaning supplies.
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Post Thu, Oct 07 2010, 9:11 pm
op here
you think after a few days shell get the concept?
also, how do I figure out when she needs to go? I started by putting her on the potty every 20 min. but not always does she need after 20 min. then after sitting forever there she would get up and make on the floor a few min after that. any advice from the experianced ones?
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Post Thu, Oct 07 2010, 9:13 pm
ya, I agree. I recently trained my twins. I let them pee on the floor and I found it took 4-5 days to be completely trained. by day 3 u should see improvement though......good luck!!!
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Post Thu, Oct 07 2010, 9:15 pm
op here
so by day 3 I should see the light at the end of the tunner? what will happen on day 3? shell start peeing less? shell tell me when she needs to go?
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Post Thu, Oct 07 2010, 9:21 pm
I would see how she is at the beginning of day 3. if she is telling u she has to pee, take it as a good sign and then by day 4 put underwear on her and just ask her often if she has to pee
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Post Thu, Oct 07 2010, 9:22 pm
also my pediatrician told me when I started that if she didnt go on her own, 1 hr after she eats/drinks, put her on toilet and she prab will go
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Post Thu, Oct 07 2010, 10:11 pm
Motheroftwins wrote:
also my pediatrician told me when I started that if she didnt go on her own, 1 hr after she eats/drinks, put her on toilet and she prab will go

shes constantly drinking and munching lots of time, so the hr wouldnt be very accurate. I thought you have to put them every 20 min. is that too often?
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Post Thu, Oct 07 2010, 10:33 pm
going bare takes some time.

does she have any control? can you reward if she is dry or makes in the potty. can she make it to the potty herself?

good luck potty training can take time. not every kids can do it in one day.
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Post Thu, Oct 07 2010, 10:39 pm
zigi wrote:
not every kids can do it in one day.

Hmm, do you mean there are some kids out there who can be clean in one day????? shock shock
I hope mine will then!!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL
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Post Thu, Oct 07 2010, 10:44 pm
How old is she??? Some kids are quicker and more interested than others. My oldest dd trained herself (yep! That's right - herself, with a few reminders/coaching from mom! Smile), in 1 day!!!! She was 2 yrs and 9 months old. My next dd wasn't particularly interested and we spent a good deal of time going back and forth between underwear and diapers. She finally trained at 3 y/o. All my boys were around 3 y/o - 3yrs and 1 month. My youngest dd was also 3 y/o. I figured what's the rush and they'll be potty trained by chuppah. Very Happy
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Post Thu, Oct 07 2010, 10:48 pm
sofaraway wrote:
zigi wrote:
not every kids can do it in one day.

Hmm, do you mean there are some kids out there who can be clean in one day????? shock shock
I hope mine will then!!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL

there are potty tips and techniques that say a kid just put on underwear and was dry b/c she wanted to get a new toy or be a big girl.... I know that it isn't realistic for every kid. unless they were older or had a good control over their bodily functions. there is a range of how long it can take

I am still in puddle land I am trying to train ds. it has been a lot longer than a few days. its more like weeks. mam2mamy sorry if I messed up your name. that mantra is what is keeping me going, one day ds will be big and no longer wearing pullups.
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Post Thu, Oct 07 2010, 10:58 pm
you should do something with a reward. We made sticker charts for my kids, and everytime they went to the bathroom in the toilet they got a sticker. Also MMs....for pee they got 2 and for BM they got 4. Also, for every 10 stickers they got, we gave them a prize - not anything big, just something cheap from amazing savings that would interest them....books, crayons, dolls, etc. We also told them that after they only wear underwear and dont use diapers anymore they will get a big present.....we were switching them to beds anyway, so we told them they will get princess beds (linen) and after they were done training, we got the linen as their prize - it helps them stay motivated when they know whats in it for them
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Post Thu, Oct 07 2010, 11:09 pm
Motheroftwins wrote:
you should do something with a reward. We made sticker charts for my kids, and everytime they went to the bathroom in the toilet they got a sticker. Also MMs....for pee they got 2 and for BM they got 4. Also, for every 10 stickers they got, we gave them a prize - not anything big, just something cheap from amazing savings that would interest them....books, crayons, dolls, etc. We also told them that after they only wear underwear and dont use diapers anymore they will get a big present.....we were switching them to beds anyway, so we told them they will get princess beds (linen) and after they were done training, we got the linen as their prize - it helps them stay motivated when they know whats in it for them

op here:
rewards is not an option for her. shes not old enough. she does get excited when she makes in the potty though. I need her to take control of her body. guess ill wait till day 3 (if ill still be sane then) and see where shes up to. thnks all for your answers. its really keeping me going.
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Post Fri, Oct 08 2010, 8:50 am
usually food reinforcements work for a child who is trainable age. when she goes on the potty/toilet and does anything, make a HUGE deal and give her an m&m, chocolate chip - SOMETHING that gets the idea across that going to the potty is a good thing. she still may pee herself for a few days but eventually the 2 ideas click together. that going to the potty means not peeing on herself.
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Post Thu, Oct 14 2010, 11:24 pm
I'm up to grandchildren now "BH". My daughter in law bought very nice underwear for Huda and would ask him regularly if he needed to go. No pressure was applied. If Huda produced she made a great fuss and allowed him to pick a treat. In the begiining he did not do well so my d-I- l put him back in diapers. After @ a week she started again. She encouraged him mentioning that soon he will be 3 and wouldn't it be great if at the time of his upsherin he would be a real big boy-no more diapers but really nice underware, a yalmeka and tzitzis.
When I trained Huda's Tatty many mothers used a charming book detailing a little boy's experience on the potty. Unfortunately I don"t recall the name. Our kids liked the story and pictures. It demystified the toileting experience and took the fear out of it. Another thing you might try if you feel comfortble with the idea is have your child come into the bathroom with you. I agree with a previous post not to make this a big issue /battle. When all is said and done it's much easier to train an interested child.
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Post Thu, Oct 14 2010, 11:42 pm
Do not give up. If you're consistent and stick with it, it will work. It could take a week or two.
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Post Wed, Oct 27 2010, 5:27 pm
1. For anyone who hasn't started the potty training yet, after the age of 18 months, every time I changed the kid I would make conversation, in a happy, friendly tone, as follows: "Now today I am changing you. Sometimes Daddy changes you. SOON you will be big and use the potty and have dry pants like daddy & mommy (or older siblings, etc.)" or words to that effect. Don't know if it works, but it couldn't hurt...

2. The idea of taking off the diaper and putting on underpants and letting the kid pee on the floor is that wet underpants are UNCOMFORTABLE. Keep offering the potty, have a nice book or special potty toy that they only get on the potty. Make it something special and emphasize that only BIG kids get to play with it. When there is success make a BIG happy deal over it and give sticker. When there is failure, make a SMALL deal over it. Give kid clean, dry underwear, and make a little face and a quick comment like "Pee pee, huh? It's uncomfortable to be wet, isn't it?"

3. Stickers worked GREAT for us at age 2 (better for health and teeth than candy!) but not on a chart, on the kid's T-shirt. I would just give a sticker every time there was "success" - by the end of the day (when DH came home) kid was festooned in stickers and very proud to show them all off.

4. Keep in mind that it may only be dreary potty training to you, but to your kid this is a FIRST chance for one of life's most precious and special feelings: the feeling of success you have earned. Build on that - don't tear your hair out. Enjoy it as a time of bonding and teaching.

5. Three or four days is really enough to get the hang of things. (It only SEEMS like three or four weeks!) You should see success by the end of the week.
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