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Exciting news to share and a hashgacha pratis story 4 u
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Post Wed, Nov 24 2010, 2:04 am
Oh my, I'm terrible at keeping secrets, but I've been holding this secret in since around Rosh Hashana.
But first I want to share a story about Hashgacha Pratis.

On Rosh Hashana, I was eating with a group of ladies, some that I had only recently met, and we started talking about some more personal things. I, of course, mentioned my gripe about living in Israel, that I find it very hard financially and that there's no options for me here financially, and how I wanted to move to the US. One of the older and wiser ladies in the group took me aside and said, "Ronit, instead of complaining about the difficulties of parnassa, remember, TODAY IS ROSH HASHANA! Today is the day that Hashem decides how much parnassa we'll have the following year. Ask Him for his help instead of complaining."
Well, I took her advice, turned to the One who CAN help me, and he sent me an answer only 2 days later.

During Aseres Yimei Teshuva (remember, only 2 days after I had asked Hashem to help us with parnassa), I was contacted by AMI Magazine, and asked to write a column for them on frugality.
Of course, you all know how much I love to write, especially about frugality, and I've been doing it for very little pay on my blog since January, and I'd always wanted to get published, but had no luck thus far.
Getting a request from a magazine to be a steady columnist for them both was the answer to my parnassa tefilla only 2 days prior, and will iy'h be a good tool for me to build my name in the professional writing world.
So thank you AMI magazine for finding me and asking me to be your frugal columnist.

So, I wanted to share that hashgacha pratis story and also give you some more info about my column.

I'll be writing a frugal column called Fun and Frugal every week, and I'll also have a column in the food magazine called Fun and Frugal with Food.
For those who read my blog already, this is a bit different because I'm trying to cater to a larger audience, so I'm not doing as extreme frugal things, and am NOT writing under a pseudonym- Seraph/Penny's real name will be common knowledge for anyone who reads Ami magazine. (Good thing I only say things that I stand firmly behind.) I'll also be including more Jewish related articles, like how to make chagim and shabbos on a budget.
For those who haven't read my column because they think I go a little overboard with frugality, I hope you'll still give my column a chance. My goal is to bring frugality to the masses, so I'm going to make sure that it's nothing outrageous or unmanageable for most- I won't be asking everyone to switch to cloth everything or solar cook. This is frugality both for those who are already frugal, those that would like to be, or those that aren't sure frugality is "all that".

Anyhow, the first issue comes out today, so I wanted to give you a heads up that I'll be one of their regular writers. Go pick up your first copy of Ami today!
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Post Wed, Nov 24 2010, 2:08 am
Sounds great! I'll be happy to read your ideas. Thanks for the information.
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Post Wed, Nov 24 2010, 2:11 am
Sounds great. Now we know why all the questions about American bank accounts Wink

Can we gt copies of this magazine here in EY ?
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Post Wed, Nov 24 2010, 2:14 am
hila wrote:
Sounds great. Now we know why all the questions about American bank accounts Wink

Can we gt copies of this magazine here in EY ?
Haha, the question about american bank accounts wasn't just about that. I also get paid from google ads through my american bank account.
Yes, the magazine will definitely be available in Israel.
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Post Wed, Nov 24 2010, 2:29 am
good luck!
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Post Wed, Nov 24 2010, 2:49 am
I'm really happy for you!
Another reason for me to want to get Ami magazine.
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Post Wed, Nov 24 2010, 2:52 am
suomynona wrote:
I'm really happy for you!
Another reason for me to want to get Ami magazine.
Do you know how hard it was for me to keep my mouth shut on all the Ami threads?
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Post Wed, Nov 24 2010, 2:55 am
So exciting! What a great story!
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Post Wed, Nov 24 2010, 3:00 am
Baruch Hashem! Amazing! Hatzlacha Raba! So happy for you!
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Post Wed, Nov 24 2010, 3:46 am
Wonderful news. I'm very happy for you.
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Post Wed, Nov 24 2010, 4:01 am
Ditto on all the good wishes... looking forward!

On another note, I have to admit sometimes I thought your "frugality tips" were outlandish... but others I have found inspiring!

It is good that you are not so deadset in your frugal ways... and can see things from different perspectives. No doubt, your column will be an excellent read!
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Post Wed, Nov 24 2010, 5:10 am
How absolutely marvelous Seraph!!! You can be sure I will get the magazine if only to read your column. You have marvelous writing skills and I can hope that from here you will be asked to write syndicated colums for a bunch of Jewish newspapers on this issue. Here's a suggestion. Write for Ami for a while and then get back to me and I'll give you a bunch of people in the business, primarily in America and Canada, and you can turn to them to suggest a column for their newspaper with a sample. Once you have the experience from Ami you can build on it and take it further.

Have Great Hatzlocho! We are all proud of you!
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Post Wed, Nov 24 2010, 6:15 am
quickchef wrote:
Ditto on all the good wishes... looking forward!

On another note, I have to admit sometimes I thought your "frugality tips" were outlandish... but others I have found inspiring!
Thank you!

It is good that you are not so deadset in your frugal ways... and can see things from different perspectives. No doubt, your column will be an excellent read!
Listen, I understand that not everyone has the same circumstances in life and what I need to do for frugality's sake, others have no need to do and it might be too extreme for them.
My main belief is that everyone should be frugal- on their level. I read an article about frugal millionaires and I think that is terrific.
One line in my first column, which kinda outlines the whole attitude of my column, is that as long as you follow certain frugal tenets, even buying an airplane can be a frugal move.
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Post Wed, Nov 24 2010, 6:20 am
Seraph wrote:
My main belief is that everyone should be frugal- on their level. I read an article about frugal millionaires and I think that is terrific.

You might be interested in some ideas in "The Millionaire Next Door" about people who become wealthy by, among other things, being careful with their money.

Much hatzlacha! This should be the start of many bigger and better things, be"H!
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Post Wed, Nov 24 2010, 6:22 am
Hatzlachah rabah, Seraph!
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Post Wed, Nov 24 2010, 6:24 am
freidasima wrote:
How absolutely marvelous Seraph!!! You can be sure I will get the magazine if only to read your column. You have marvelous writing skills and I can hope that from here you will be asked to write syndicated colums for a bunch of Jewish newspapers on this issue. Here's a suggestion. Write for Ami for a while and then get back to me and I'll give you a bunch of people in the business, primarily in America and Canada, and you can turn to them to suggest a column for their newspaper with a sample. Once you have the experience from Ami you can build on it and take it further.

Have Great Hatzlocho! We are all proud of you!
Thanks! That's terrific to hear. I can't wait to see where my writing career will go from here. 11
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Post Wed, Nov 24 2010, 6:26 am
merelyme wrote:
Seraph wrote:
My main belief is that everyone should be frugal- on their level. I read an article about frugal millionaires and I think that is terrific.

You might be interested in some ideas in "The Millionaire Next Door" about people who become wealthy by, among other things, being careful with their money.
Sounds good. Do you know where I can get a copy?
Much hatzlacha! This should be the start of many bigger and better things, be"H!
Thanks! I hope so!
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Post Wed, Nov 24 2010, 6:32 am
Oh, and Freidasima, you'll get it even if they don't feature pictures of women? You'd do that for me?
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Post Wed, Nov 24 2010, 7:26 am
Mazel Tov! That sounds really wonderful for you. I never heard of this magazine but if I see it I'll pick it up.
I'm really happy for you.
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Post Wed, Nov 24 2010, 7:28 am
Sounds great!
Now I'll make sure to pick up the magazine! Very Happy
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