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Single stroller

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Post Sun, Jul 23 2006, 8:51 pm
what kind of single stroller do you have?(for newborns)
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Post Sun, Jul 23 2006, 8:59 pm

Anon cus I don't want people judging me!!!
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Post Sun, Jul 23 2006, 9:07 pm
We have the graco quattro stroller. I love it! It can be used for newborns as well as older infants, and fits an infant seat on top. It does fold up, though it's pretty big and bulky folded, and can be heavy for one hand lifting.
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Mama Bear


Post Sun, Jul 23 2006, 11:43 pm
Bebecar. IT's really pretty and classy.
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Post Mon, Jul 24 2006, 10:39 am
Zooper Waltz.
Lightweight, sturdy and durable, able to be used from newborn, easy to manage, folds compactly, pushes well, can be used like a carraige (enclosed when lying fully down) or sit up. Not as expensive as many other good strollers on the market. Also car seat compatible, came with a rain cover and sun cover plus a few extras like a cup holder from tinyride.com. Paid under 150 for everything.

Their new line has umbrella strollers a bit more lightweight, but I don't know if their carseat compatible or suitable for newborns, but they fold more compactly and are more lightweight.
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Post Mon, Jul 24 2006, 11:00 am
Different amother here (Amother because my pregnancy is not public yet).

amother wrote:

Anon cus I don't want people judging me!!!

Previous amother, you just reconfirmed what I already thought. My mother just asked me what kind of stroller I would want and I said I would take anything EXCEPT a bugaboo because I want to be categorized because of it. So it's not my imagination that that happens....!
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Post Mon, Jul 24 2006, 11:12 am
I have the Inglesina Zippy and I am quite happy with it.
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Post Mon, Jul 24 2006, 11:18 am
ok... firstly, just as a parent... If you are buying a new stroller, maybe just maybe u should get one that will work not only as a infant stroller but as a toddler eventually?? or G-d willing for two kids??

I love my sit stand stroller that I got and it has a special attachment for a baby carrier.. I got it through one step ahead www.onestepahead.com
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Post Mon, Jul 24 2006, 11:18 am
A lot of Mom's start out with a Snap n Go with a car seat.
During that time they try out their friends strollers etc.
You really need to decide what best suits your needs. Go to baby-gaga.com and read their single stroller reviews. It might help!
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Post Mon, Jul 24 2006, 1:57 pm
Quinny BUZZ -= u can check it out on Quinny.com
Great reviews. works well. Good for infant thru toddler...etc.
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Post Tue, Aug 08 2006, 5:50 pm
Where do you all buy your strollers that they are not soooo expensive. All the ones mentioned here I would love to try but I find most are close to $300! and I can't afford that right now. Anyone know a good stroller with a big basket that is not soooo expensive? Zooper's look cool but everywhere I look they cost more than 150 - where did you buy yours?
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Post Wed, Aug 09 2006, 9:41 am
cutiemom wrote:
Where do you all buy your strollers that they are not soooo expensive. All the ones mentioned here I would love to try but I find most are close to $300! and I can't afford that right now. Anyone know a good stroller with a big basket that is not soooo expensive? Zooper's look cool but everywhere I look they cost more than 150 - where did you buy yours?

TinyRide.com had my Zooper Waltz for $149 which I thought was a steal for the quality. I got the 2005 version, but I think the 2006 might be a tad more since they are still new (I had bought mine late Dec./early Jan.).
But the Waltz basket is not so big, but it works fine for my purposes...I put in the diaper bag, and that's basically all I need, since I don't take it shopping with me (I was using a snap n' go type until we recently upgraded out of an infant carrier car seat). The 2006 model might be a bit different in this regard.
Thie Peg Perego Aria I see for 160 and has a nice basket, but I don't know about quality, though it is a good brand. Their double doesn't last as long, but it takes a lot more weight and wear and tear than a single, so I wouldn't compare. It weighs about 10 lbs. which is amazing for a full stroller. But since it's made lightweight, some claim it's not as durable. Hmm...just saw it on sale for 149.99 but it says it's not suitable for a newborn. I don't know why that is as I thought it did recline fully, but it is something to check into. Personally, I got a newborn stroller, but only when my son was 6 months old; I didn't feel like I needed a full stroller until then.
Combis are cheaper, but they are smaller and lighter strollers.
Evenflo and Graco are also cheap, but the quality is cheap as well, though Graco does look like their newer strollers have been improved somewhat.
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2006, 2:22 pm
I got way too many strollers (don't ask) and here's the run down on them all.

Evenflo - The pro is that it allows you to snap in the car seat which is great for an infant. Another pro is it allows for a one-handed fold. And yet another pro is that it can really be used from infant through walking around and not needing any stroller. The con is that even folded it's not that small. It's not such great quality, and compared to the Graco Lite it's quite a bit heavier for the same quality.

Heritage - it's a fancy carriage type. The pro is that I can use it as a bassinet for newborn and if have elevator just throw a blanket (heavy or light depending on weather) and roll right out the door without waking up baby, plenty of space on the bottom. The cons are wheels don't turn so well, although it handles bumps in the road well. It does come with a seat to convert from bassinet to stroller but it's back is tilted in such a way that it's fairly uncomfortable for a baby to sit up in and watch. It does have a 5 point harness.

Umbrella stroller - cost $10 and from the time my son was about 12 months, this was great. Since I wasn't shelpping as much stuff at that age, it was mcuh lighter, easier to carry around and allowed him to walk around when need be. Even now, with my 10 month old, if we're going to a park or a place where I don't need the double, I'll take out umbrella for her as it's much easier to use.
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2006, 2:51 pm
I second the Bugaboo.................... ! I absolutely love it. And for the amother who doesn't want to be judged: It's worth the judgements (not here on imamother, but everywhere else it is Wink ) it has a bassinet for a newborn, a seat for a toddler, it pushes like a dream.... I have nothing more to say.
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2006, 4:38 pm
I second the Bugaboo.................... ! I absolutely love it. And for the amother who doesn't want to be judged: It's worth the judgements (not here on Imamother, but everywhere else it is Wink ) it has a bassinet for a newborn, a seat for a toddler, it pushes like a dream.... I have nothing more to say.

WHAT??? You have to push it yourself?? You mean... for the price, it doesn't wheel itself? LOL

I actually just bought the new one from Graco, the Mosaic. It looks a lot like the MacLaren strollers. It's a bit on the heavy side, but wheels great.

Before that I had ant Eddie Bauer and loved it! Had a huge basket, reclined all the way, roomy seat, cupholder for both mommy and baby, and it was only about $80. Target should have it.
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2006, 4:57 pm
cindy if you had an Eddie Bauer and loved it, why'd you get a new one?
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Post Tue, Aug 15 2006, 5:11 pm
"cause I broke it embarrassed I really abused it, I admit it. I overloaded it with fruits and vegetables, including a half water melon, then shlepped it up my steps , and it isn't made for all that heavy labor. I had it for almost 2 years though, until it couldn't take the abuse. But I certainly got my money's worth. I went back to Target to see if they would have it, but they were out of it, and I was desperate, and the Graco appealed to me, even though I had a Graco once and I hated it, but this one actually got very good reviews by other users.
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Post Mon, Sep 04 2006, 2:50 pm
Bugaboo moms. Why hide because others will judge?? In any event they should hide, not you!!
It's nobody's business why what when where you have whatever kind of stroller or anything else for that matter. Maybe your grandmother got it as a gift for you, maybe you won it, maybe your husband decided to surprise you. And you know what.....maybe you loved it and decided it's the perfect stroller for you and you decided to buy it. That's it!! Why care what others think or when people judge. Some people enjoy fancier cars than others, some people buy more exclusive clothing for their kids than others, some spend $2000 on a sheitel and some just $450. Everybody has to know their budget and everybody has their priorities in life. If a stroller that has all what you want and you like it too is out there and is a little more expensive, it's only your business to decide if it's for you or not and if others want to judge, let them. Maybe it's even a mitzvah to give them something to do Wink . as they're probably bored if they have the time to make your cheshbonos.
Whatever....You should be happy and proud with your decisions and not let others judgements effect you. It's their problem not yours.
I don't have a bugaboo as I don't have a little baby yet, but I do love it and it's something I would research when I get into this line.
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