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Spinoff: how long do you eat leftovers for?
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Post Sun, Jan 13 2013, 4:17 pm
Spinoff from the amother whose mil serves the leftovers from one shabbos meal the next week. How long will you eat leftovers?

I either freeze whole kugels, challos, soup etc straight away or we eat until monday night, after which any uneaten food goes in the bin. (I make a big effort to use up before then)

I was surprised to hear people eat shabbos leftovers until wednesday and thursday and apparantly even the next week.

What do you do?
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rainbow dash


Post Sun, Jan 13 2013, 4:23 pm
if I have leftover chicken on shabbos I freeze it if I cooked it on Thursday or fri but not if I cooked it. froze it and then heated it up.usually ill eat the chicken, chicken soup and kugel sat. night, as there is only one small portion anyway. Normal leftovers one or 2 days max.
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Post Sun, Jan 13 2013, 4:27 pm
tuesday the latest. I am not the one eating it though, dh does. cook on friday. so its not that long. we eat left overs on sunday night. I would rather cook less than have leftovers and eat it forever. but I will eat soup again sunday night.

I don't really freeze food. chicken stock. cakes and single portions of suppers.
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Post Sun, Jan 13 2013, 4:27 pm
I find this chart really helpful: http://www.fda.gov/downloads/F.....5.pdf
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Post Sun, Jan 13 2013, 4:27 pm
I toss leftovers after a couple of days. The taste is not the same and it's not worth the risk of sickness.
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Post Sun, Jan 13 2013, 4:29 pm
I cook for shabbos on Friday. We always eat leftovers for dinner on Monday night. If there are still leftovers, we eat them on Wednesday. (Tuesdays are milchig nights.)
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Post Sun, Jan 13 2013, 7:59 pm
generally speaking, we stop eating shabbos leftovers by sun or maybe monday. I dont like to freeze leftovers. I will, on occasion, cook double and freeze, but anything that has been heated and served goes into the fridge, not the freezer.
weekday leftovers are usually things like soup, I keep that around for lunch. any weekday leftovers get thrown out thurs night to make room for shabbos food.
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Post Sun, Jan 13 2013, 8:20 pm
Shabbos food, cooked on Friday- until Sunday night max.
Weekday food-max next day lunch
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Post Mon, Jan 14 2013, 12:55 pm
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Post Mon, Jan 14 2013, 1:02 pm
Any protein, like fish, chicken... only till monday. The other stuff till Tuesday- Wednesday.
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Post Mon, Jan 14 2013, 1:03 pm
we usually eat shabbes leftovers on sunday (mostly chickensoup) and till maximum monday I would say.
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Post Mon, Jan 14 2013, 1:07 pm
2 or 3 days usually for during the week. Shabbos food cooked on Thurs of Fri until Sunday or Monday, except dessert, which we eat as long as it lasts.

Anyway, I usually make tons of food and freeze it, so there's only enough for each meal on the table, so if we get leftovers it's a spoon of kugel and a small bowl of salad or something.
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Post Mon, Jan 14 2013, 1:07 pm
soup we have all week or until the veggies are gone (not everyone has every day)

fish we eat as snacks for a few days. (mostly dh tho and its gone by tuesday latest)

dont usually have leftover chicken/meat- but when we do its sundays supper. ditto with deli.

kugel lasts a while. we also use as supper and dh snacks on it as well. usually gone before the end of the week.

and cholent goes in the garbage.
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Post Mon, Jan 14 2013, 1:19 pm
sunday night
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Post Mon, Jan 14 2013, 1:36 pm
Weekday-- depends what it is. Soup stays fresh in the fridge up to 5 days. Any type of pasta does too. Anything else usually max 2-3 days.

Shabbos-- till Sunday night. Anything still leftover goes in the garbage.
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Post Mon, Jan 14 2013, 1:49 pm
Fresh salads have to be eaten up by Saturday nite.
Challah often lasts until wednesday in the fridge
Chicken usually lasts until Monday
Cholent until Sunday
Rice dishes until Tuesday
Cake can last all week in the fridge as dh and I don't touch it.
Comes thursday afternoon he looks in the fridge, takes out the cake, crumbles it over the railing for the cats and the birds and then the whole neighborhood feasts! That's their oneg shabbos, five days late...
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Post Mon, Jan 14 2013, 2:24 pm
gosh...I hope you guys cook only little bits or you must throw out tons. we eat shabbos leftovers until thursday
never had any problem.
mostly the chicken etc is gone by monday anyway
but my husband claims chulent gets better with time .
especially int he winter things dont spoil that fast unless youve left them out for long periods of time
I m suprised to see ppl actually throw things out by sunday or monday...isnt that what fridges are for?
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Post Mon, Jan 14 2013, 3:07 pm
Riff wrote:
2 or 3 days usually for during the week. Shabbos food cooked on Thurs of Fri until Sunday or Monday, except dessert, which we eat as long as it lasts.

Anyway, I usually make tons of food and freeze it, so there's only enough for each meal on the table, so if we get leftovers it's a spoon of kugel and a small bowl of salad or something.

For those people who wrote responses like this...Does this mean that you never have guests?

I'm just tyring to envision how this works. I make a lot of food, and even more if we're having guests. Some weeks I eat one thigh, a piece of kugel, and a large helping of salad. Other weeks, I'm hungrier and might eat more. And if I'm just slightly hungrier one week, and the kids and my dh are hungrier that week also...but there's no more food...I'm stuck! And with guests there's even more guesswork...

Anyway, I'll be honest and admit that I serve leftovers on Monday to the family, but I eat them myself until Wednesday morning. Including chicken, fish, etc. I've never gotten sick from it, at least as far as I know.

Last edited by AlwaysGrateful on Mon, Jan 14 2013, 3:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Mon, Jan 14 2013, 3:10 pm
Food in this house doesn't even make it to the new week. I hardly know what leftovers mean anymore LOL
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Post Mon, Jan 14 2013, 3:24 pm
We eat leftovers Monday and Tuesday night. Sometimes we have some Wednesday night, but not enough for a whole supper.

Some things like fish and liver I won't save past Monday. Lettuce salads I don't save. But cucumber, green bean, cabbage, corn and many other salads will last a few days, especially if there is no mayonnaise.

I throw out very little food, but I think I'm lucky that my DH eats leftovers (his parents don't throw out anything) and my kids don't know any better.
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