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Need to lose weight quick
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2013, 5:02 pm
I know this is not a long term solution but I need help with losing weight.....fast even for just a short term. My little sister got engaged and is getting married in 10 weeks. There is just no way I'm going to see myself in her wedding pictures as fat as I am. I saw the photos from my brother's wedding and they make me cry. I have PCOS and need to lose about 50-60lbs to be as thin as I should be.

I'll compromise and say that I'll be happy if I lose at least 30lbs for the wedding (though 40 wld be really nice!) Regular good nutrition plans which I've been on and off of have never made me lose more than 1-2lbs a week and I need something that will make me lose at least 3lbs a week for 10 weeks straight.

I exercise pretty regularly but that's a new thing and hasn't made enough of a dent yet.

I hate these quickie yo-yo diets but this is one time I'm just going to do it knowing that I'll be fat fast again after the wedding. For 10 weeks I can do almost anything!

Is there anything that works and that won't leave me feeling totally light headed? (My friend did something crazy like a lemon cleanser and stuff like that -- that's NOT what I mean) I'm looking for a cross of a little extreme but not too crazy.

I'm in Brooklyn if it's relevant and I'd love to go do this somewhere where I can weigh in and move.
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2013, 5:12 pm
I don't know anything about PCOS so I don't know if specific dietary restrictions work/don't work in that regard. But I would say try the first phase of the South Beach Diet (I don't know if the diet has changed - I used the first book.) It's basically zero carbs/zero sugar, lots of veggies and lean proteins and healthy fats. I remember the first week I lost 7lbs or something. I think you can stay in that phase 2-3 weeks (though the weight loss significantly slows after the first week.)

As an FYI, I found this diet TOTALLY unsustainable. I am finding myfitnesspal, which is simple calorie counting, to be a much more sustainable solution to a healthier lifestyle. I only bring up South Beach as you mentioned that sustainability was not a factor.
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2013, 6:02 pm
amother wrote:
I know this is not a long term solution but I need help with losing weight.....fast even for just a short term. My little sister got engaged and is getting married in 10 weeks. There is just no way I'm going to see myself in her wedding pictures as fat as I am. I saw the photos from my brother's wedding and they make me cry. I have PCOS and need to lose about 50-60lbs to be as thin as I should be.

I'll compromise and say that I'll be happy if I lose at least 30lbs for the wedding (though 40 wld be really nice!) Regular good nutrition plans which I've been on and off of have never made me lose more than 1-2lbs a week and I need something that will make me lose at least 3lbs a week for 10 weeks straight.

I exercise pretty regularly but that's a new thing and hasn't made enough of a dent yet.

I hate these quickie yo-yo diets but this is one time I'm just going to do it knowing that I'll be fat fast again after the wedding. For 10 weeks I can do almost anything!

Is there anything that works and that won't leave me feeling totally light headed? (My friend did something crazy like a lemon cleanser and stuff like that -- that's NOT what I mean) I'm looking for a cross of a little extreme but not too crazy.

I'm in Brooklyn if it's relevant and I'd love to go do this somewhere where I can weigh in and move.

Take a look at a homeopathic HCG diet. Most women lose around half a pound daily and you can do the weight loss part for 3-7 weeks (followed by 6 weeks maintenance). Read my paid ad here at Lose Weight Quickly & Easily, and read the additional information in this thread HCG Diet Help.

The correct link to Trim You Spray is:
Trim You which is where you can purchase it if you'd like. Download the free eBook there written by Dr. Simeons who originated the HCG protocol. Note that there are some differences in the food plan because Trim You is homeopathic (such as no coffee is allowed and vegetables are unlimited in quantities at each meal as long as you only eat the allowed ones and don't mix them).

If you'd like you can email me at chicagobubby@comcast.net with any questions.
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2013, 6:56 pm
Go paleo. Drop all grains (except for some challah on Shabbos), processed sugars, and processed ANYTHING. Basically, eat as much as you want of meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, and fruit. Some people eat legumes or dairy, some don't. Being hardcore for at least a few weeks will have the most effect. This way you'll be filling up on normal healthy things without doing anything otherwise crazy or obnoxious.

There's a lot on the net about paleo recipes and eating plans and what foods to avoid. I tried it for just a week as an experiment and lost several pounds, if you keep it going you'll do well.
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2013, 7:15 pm
I have PCOS, too.

Please do NOT do the HCG diet if you have PCOS. You can NOT afford to play with your hormones in any way. The best advice on this thread is either South Beach, Phase I or the Paleo diet. Those will probably be most effective and safe for you.

*hug* I know the struggle and it's really hard.

Good luck!
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2013, 7:44 pm
I have PCOS with IR too. Stay away from HCG! I agree with above poster.
I have yet to try Paleo but from what I've read, it is great for PCOS. I've been successful years ago with South Beach. Both are great....
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Post Wed, Jun 19 2013, 9:42 pm
Track your calories on a program called my fitness pal. Exercise intensely. Not elliptical. Do some workouts. Join a class. Get a buddy. The diets are just gonna make you lose fast what will put it back on plus double even faster. Try doing the plate method 1/4 starch 1/4 protein (size of your palm) and 1/2 veggies. Cut out pastries and white flour and sugar. Make sure you eat enough. Which you could track with my fitness pal. Measure yourself. Every other monday, Don't weigh. You'll become discouraged.
Do it right and it'll happen.
Good luck
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2013, 4:13 am
My dr. gave me phentermine. It's amazing! I now eat healthy, reduced my calorie intake and lost 15lb so far. Before this, I tried to diet and watch my weight but couldn't. Gives me more energy too, so I'm back at the gym.
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2013, 4:36 am
Your health is more important than your appearance.

You want to lose weight? Great! You can safely lose an average of between 1 and 3 pounds per week (more in the beginning, if you are super careful, maybe less after a month or so, depending on age and other factors).

That means that anything more than 20 pounds gone by the wedding would be exceptional, and if you lose 10 or more, you are doing well.

Set realistic goals, keep your own long term health in mind (crash dieting can be harmful, and so can diet drugs), and find a flattering outfit.
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2013, 6:41 am
amother wrote:
I have PCOS, too.

Please do NOT do the HCG diet if you have PCOS. You can NOT afford to play with your hormones in any way. The best advice on this thread is either South Beach, Phase I or the Paleo diet. Those will probably be most effective and safe for you.

*hug* I know the struggle and it's really hard.

Good luck!

The HCG diet that I posted above is NOT hormonal (the injections and some kinds of drops are). It is a homeopathic version which does not contain any hormones. I have no personal experience with PCOS, but there are people with it who have posted on the Trim You support board with great success.
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2013, 7:10 am
Losing weight for a simcha was also my motivation! I wanted to look better in pictures!

I third/fourth the Paleo lifestyle. It is sustainable lifelong (I have been on it more than a year and don't plan to ever go off of it), it has changed my body in many cool ways that no other diet has. It is extremely good for you and is not a fad diet. It helps you clean out your body and even your skin gets a glow. It has been the only diet that worked for me with PCOS. I lost a lot in the first 3 months - about 25 lbs! I did not do crazy exercise. But, I found it so much easier to walk and I would often leave the car at home and walk to and back from the store and have them deliver. I would volunteer to walk somewhere and if I had to go up and down the stairs 20 times in a row, it wouldn't faze me. I like doing housework or gardening more than an exercize class so whatever gets you active is good for you.

I have been eating a few things that have kept my weight steady but is not helping me lose more but even with that, my body is changing and clothes fit better. With the same weight! All of a sudden my feet and hands and shoulders became much thinner and I have weighed less than I do now at a different time and I never had that. That means the fat layer under my skin is disappearing. My internist was amazed!I give all the credit to this diet - going off grains, legumes, seed oils, dairy and sugar. Eating whole foods, as fresh and healthy, as hormone and pesticide free as possible. Lots of variety of fruits and veggies.

Also, my cholesterol HDL went up to 63. Very good for me because at a low point over a year and a half ago it was 19. So it has also changed my blood chemistry. I have high cholesterol ginetically and every bit helps.

It would be a big shame to go on something that would help you lose weight fast but not be sustainable or healthy. You can even make yourself sick. This really works and my friends have started going on it with me after seeing the transformation. It is nice to have people think you are younger than you are after looking older than I was for so long. Good luck!
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2013, 7:39 am
You can try Medifast- will lose weight quickly to meet your immediate goal but also is a good tool to change your lifestyle if you follow the plan properly.
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2013, 8:06 am
mdpa wrote:
You can try Medifast- will lose weight quickly to meet your immediate goal but also is a good tool to change your lifestyle if you follow the plan properly.

it's kosher?
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2013, 8:16 am
30 lbs in 10 weeks is still somewhat unrealistic and unhealthy without starving / malnourishing yourself. Anything which makes you lose 3 or more lbs a week is going to leave you not feeling well. There are unfortunately no quick fixes which are healthy.
1-2 lbs a week with a good diet can get you to 20 lbs which is still significant.
I wouldn't worry so much about the wedding and just get a good dress. It's not worth ruining your body for pictures.
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2013, 8:21 am
notshanarishona wrote:
30 lbs in 10 weeks is still somewhat unrealistic and unhealthy without starving / malnourishing yourself. Anything which makes you lose 3 or more lbs a week is going to leave you not feeling well. There are unfortunately no quick fixes which are healthy.
1-2 lbs a week with a good diet can get you to 20 lbs which is still significant.
I wouldn't worry so much about the wedding and just get a good dress. It's not worth ruining your body for pictures.

Paleo can help you lose 20 in that time. You are taking years off your body and the pounds fly off because you are eating in a way that enables your body to work better than it ever has before. Without seeing it IRL, I would also say that losing that much isn't healthy but I see it was healthy and fine and it slows down later.
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Post Thu, Jun 20 2013, 10:52 am
I certainly can understand the panic of feeling like you need to lose a crazy amount of weight in a short amount of time.

I know you mentioned that you'd go on a diet thinking you'll get fat again right after but just know that often with restrictive diets you end up gaining the weight back plus more. Let's not lose the forest for the sake of the trees. This is your health we are talking about; it's not fair to play games with your body.

Eat enough to sustain your body and keep it out of ketosis (that's what atkin's brings on) but little enough to lose weight. Get regular exercise and make sure to do some strength training-- if you tone up, even if your weight doesn't move as much as you'd like you'll still feel better in your clothes.

And just remember, the more restrictive you get in your head, the more likely you are to lose control and binge or something. Slow and steady, easy does it....
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Post Fri, Jun 21 2013, 6:01 am
Are you comfortable and confident with the medical care you're getting? I don't know much about PCOS but do know that thyroid can play a role. Does your endocrinologist check your thyroid, and not just TSH? This isn't going to be a magic bullet but I would suggest that if you don't really know the ins and outs of PCOS that now is the time to learn.
And hatzlacha. I don't think there's anything reliable that will help you lose big time (though there is a funny book out there called 6 Weeks to OMG) but I do think that if you exercise, and eat well, and have even 10 lbs. come off you will feel great. I lost about 12 pounds two years ago, have 40 to go (should be 50 but all these kids and years later I don't expect to ever see that number again) and feel so much better at this new set point.
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Post Fri, Jun 21 2013, 6:26 am
If you have PCOS low carb is your best bet. You might want to have your doctor check to see if you are insulin resistant, it could be why you are having trouble losing weight. If you are then you should go on metformin. 10 weeks is not a long time, a diet is not enough to lose so much weigh exercise is crucial in this situation. I wish you lots of luck I know how frustrating pcos and diet can be.
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Post Fri, Jun 21 2013, 6:50 am
Amother- what is wrong with the elliptical????? Its part of my exercize plan and I feel great!

Op, cut carbs!!!!! Thats the only way. You can eat whole wheat matzo on shabbos. Go to a nutrisionist or if you can be consistant on your own then count your calories. Romaine lettuce is a great thing to fill uP on. It has very little calories and the fiber there fills you up. Make sure to work out at least 4 hours a week if you want to see good results.
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Post Fri, Jun 21 2013, 7:16 am
PinkFridge wrote:
Are you comfortable and confident with the medical care you're getting? I don't know much about PCOS but do know that thyroid can play a role. Does your endocrinologist check your thyroid, and not just TSH? This isn't going to be a magic bullet but I would suggest that if you don't really know the ins and outs of PCOS that now is the time to learn.
And hatzlacha. I don't think there's anything reliable that will help you lose big time (though there is a funny book out there called 6 Weeks to OMG) but I do think that if you exercise, and eat well, and have even 10 lbs. come off you will feel great. I lost about 12 pounds two years ago, have 40 to go (should be 50 but all these kids and years later I don't expect to ever see that number again) and feel so much better at this new set point.

PCOS is not necessarily related to thyroid problems, though it is possible that someone with PCOS may have a thyroid problem as well.

If my TSH is 1.62, is there any reason to also check T3 and T4? My RE doesn't believe that there's any reason for it but I know that you've posted about this in the past so I'm just wondering if you would know. Thanks!
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