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Breakfast is torture time--I hate myself!
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Post Wed, Sep 11 2013, 9:01 am
DS (5.5) always has trouble eating, weak oral motor, sensory, yada yada. But breakfast time is hell time. I don't have an hour in the morning to sit and feed him. He gets distracted. He takes tiny bites, etc etc. I always end up screaming at him. I don't want to scream at my kids especially not before they go to school. I hate myself for it. I'm at my wits end and have no idea what to do with him. For the record, he is very small (not on the charts small) So I can't just say don't eat. Argghhhh! Any helpful advice? And please if it's not helpful advice, don't lecture me right now.
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chocolate chips


Post Wed, Sep 11 2013, 9:03 am
Perhaps you can let him start eating earlier so that he has more time while you get the other kids ready?

Or give him a small bit and then something else small to eat on the bus/in the car on the way to school.
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Post Wed, Sep 11 2013, 9:11 am
As soon as he gets up, it's dressing time immediately followed by breakfast time. Just to give you an idea, dinner takes a full hour.
I've tried giving him something to eat in the car while dh drives him. I found it on the floor of the car the next time I went into the car.
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Post Wed, Sep 11 2013, 9:16 am
What do you give him for breakfast? Maybe you can find a food that he can eat a little faster.

Maybe you could put him to bed a little earlier and wake him up in the morning so he has more time to eat.
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Post Wed, Sep 11 2013, 9:33 am
How about eating yogurt through a straw? If he can use a straw and isn't too picky ( kids not picky? Wink)you can make smoothies for him.
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Post Wed, Sep 11 2013, 9:38 am
I was also going to suggest smoothies.. like peanut butter and milk and a banana blended together.
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Post Wed, Sep 11 2013, 9:44 am
It's not just your son, kids at this age can be very slow eaters. Actually they can be slow at everything except jumping off furniture LOL . I hope you're giving him a full 25 minutes for breakfast. No, that's not a typo, that's how much time I allot for breakfast. 30 minutes for dressing, 25 minutes for eating, and the last 5 minutes to pack their bag and put on a jacket. You need to schedule your time around this instead of rushing him in the morning. Life will be so much better if you're not in a rush, especially for him. No child wants to face the day after their mother spent the morning yelling/berating him.
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Post Wed, Sep 11 2013, 9:48 am
smoothies are good, as are tube yogurts, waffle sandwiches, egg and cheese in pita, string cheese, cereal in a baggie. all of these are portable, he can finish them on his way to school.
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Post Wed, Sep 11 2013, 10:18 am
Thanks all.

DS goes to bed approx 7-7:30. Wakes by 7:00. So, yes, technically, he has enough time.

Dairy is limited in my house since I find that he gets congested and dd is allergic. I will sometimes give him a yogurt and toast, hoping it will be easier or cream cheese bread, sometimes cereal & soy milk. He has sworn off eggs, so that's out of the picture.

I'm wondering if smoothies would be a good idea. My holdback is that whenever I give him drinks, he drinks so little at a time. I would try the pb & banana smoothie. Would u consider that a sufficient breakfast? What portion size? Any other quick n easy smoothies?

Thanks for helping not feel alone in this. I'm feeling lousy about it. Please keep the suggestions coming.
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Post Wed, Sep 11 2013, 10:38 am
Avocado with a fruit of his choice, as a smoothie. (lots of calories +vitamins)
How about non-dairy yogurts?
Also, what about home made oatmeal bars made with dry fruit? These can be made bite size, just pop in his mouth as you put on his shoes, buckle him in...
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Post Wed, Sep 11 2013, 10:49 am
it seems that part of your anxiety is coming from the amount of food he is eat.

my old pediatrician (we only left cause of insurance) said that as long as they eat 2 meals a day they're okay.
From what you said he's eatnig dinner, so if he's eating 1.5 I really wouldnt worry about a picky eater.

my dh grew up on cucumbers (sooooo nutritious!) and he's 5'11, thank G-d healthy. Until the age of 16 he looked like my 10 year old son. It didnt help that he went to israel for learning after 12th at the age of 16.

You need to give yourself a break. You need to stop making it a battle. If he is eating junk instead of food, thats a problem, but if its not and he is gaining year to year (although not a lot) I wouldnt worry
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Post Wed, Sep 11 2013, 10:59 am
I make myself a smoothie for breakfast every morning. u would be surprised on how much u can hide in there! I put wheat germ and oats in mine! it make it more filling and nutritious and does not taste weird at all!!
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Post Wed, Sep 11 2013, 10:59 am
I would not nag a kid to eat. Even if I had to put him on ensure or other supplements, I would not nag a kid to eat. No desserts, but if you don't want to eat, don't eat. Everyone gets hungry eventually.

I've seen many parents do this, follow their small kids around with spoonfuls of food and it never ends well. The only time it ended well was when the mother went to a behavior clinic and they told her to quit cold turkey.

Did your doctor tell you to do this?
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Post Wed, Sep 11 2013, 11:01 am
Op please know that you are not alone. My ds will only one type of cereal from one bowl. Frustration can be really high in the morning, no matter how much time we allow.
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Post Wed, Sep 11 2013, 11:04 am
gila-rina wrote:
Avocado with a fruit of his choice, as a smoothie. (lots of calories +vitamins)
How about non-dairy yogurts?
Also, what about home made oatmeal bars made with dry fruit? These can be made bite size, just pop in his mouth as you put on his shoes, buckle him in...

Avocado smoothie, really? Can't imagine DS drinking a green drink.
Non-dairy yogurts have sooo much sugar and so little nutrition.
Homemade oatmeal bars--do you have an easy recipe (read: not time consuming). I would certainly try that.
Thanks so much!
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Post Wed, Sep 11 2013, 11:07 am
amother wrote:
Op please know that you are not alone. My ds will only one type of cereal from one bowl. Frustration can be really high in the morning, no matter how much time we allow.

Thank you!
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Post Wed, Sep 11 2013, 11:10 am
I agree with merrymom. My kids need a half hour breakfast time. People think I'm nuts, but hey, it works in my home!
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Post Wed, Sep 11 2013, 11:11 am
iamamother wrote:
I make myself a smoothie for breakfast every morning. u would be surprised on how much u can hide in there! I put wheat germ and oats in mine! it make it more filling and nutritious and does not taste weird at all!!

I would really like to try this for me and for the kids. Do you make it in a blender? Can you give me actual smoothie "recipes", combinations you've made that you think would work for kids?
Also, what would be considered a portion size if this the only thing DS is having?
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Post Wed, Sep 11 2013, 11:17 am
Avocado in smoothies does not have to be green!
I keep a big bag of frozen berries in the freezer and use them in smoothies.
You could do berries, banana, avocado and coconut or almond milk. Add some chia seeds if he's ok with it, and you've got a pretty good breakfast.
Let him choose the straw Smile and hopefully he'll keep sipping.
Would he eat muffins or pancakes? You could make them in big batches and freeze, so you just have to put it in the toaster or something to heat up. You can sneak lots of healthy things into muffins! I use almond flour, so there's protein and healthy fats...
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Post Wed, Sep 11 2013, 11:28 am
I agree with Marina. Do your hishtadlus- have breakfast out, make it easy to take on the go (smoothie, bar etc), but stop fighting. If it is not consumed by the time he gets to school, so be it. He will not starve. At his age, they still eat snack at around 10. He may even learn that it's no fun waiting till 10 to eat and start eating his breakfast properly.
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