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BD"E Joan Rivers
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Post Thu, Sep 04 2014, 2:52 pm
Maya wrote:
She could have just as well defended Israel without telling everyone else that they're insane, and without insulting Selena Gomez in the process.

While trying to do something right, she also did something wrong personally to someone else. If she's going to be lauded for doing the right thing, she should also be criticized for being mean in that same process.

Well, you did that.....
The TMZ reporter specifically said to her something like "you know none of your celebrity peers agree with you.....and then brought up a few examples. It's not like she just started ranting about Selena Gomez out of the blue......
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Post Thu, Sep 04 2014, 2:58 pm
Look, I didn't see that episode, or many others. I'm just taking issue with the fact that she is being elevated to saint status because she said one nice thing that jives with your viewpoints. You are ignoring the fact that she made hundreds or thousands of mean-spirited comments that hurt other people because this fits your agenda.

And that's perfectly fine. Everyone does that. But let's just say it like it is.
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Post Thu, Sep 04 2014, 3:10 pm
Selena Gomez was the kid who dated Justin Beiber right?

if that's who we are referring to then Joan Rivers went easy on her.
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Post Thu, Sep 04 2014, 3:33 pm
Not saying anything personal but just wanted to state that I do agree with the theory of her comment in that many of the anti Israel individuals are quite stupid and have no idea what is going on or the of the situation in any way, many of them are very simple people just following their "friends" and responding to the pictures of the , as it's phrased all the time, "innocent Palestinian civilians" and "monstrous Israel". Some people don't have much brain so they will look at those pictures and not bother to find out the truth just automatically become anti Israel like the crowd.
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Post Thu, Sep 04 2014, 3:50 pm
Maya wrote:
She could have just as well defended Israel without telling everyone else that they're insane, and without insulting Selena Gomez in the process.

While trying to do something right, she also did something wrong personally to someone else. If she's going to be lauded for doing the right thing, she should also be criticized for being mean in that same process.

Actually, we as Jews learn that you are not supposed to criticize people for doing the wrong thing, unless you know they will for sure change. When you do it behind their back, it's called loshon hara. And if you say loshon hara after a person dies, you can't even ask for forgiveness. And in all fairness, she didn't just start ranting about Selena Gomez. All she said was, why in the world are you trusting a twenty year old who knows nothing about Israel's opinion?

I am sure she is getting schar for all of the many good things she has done and for her defense of the Jewish people.
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Post Thu, Sep 04 2014, 4:18 pm
Barbara wrote:
..... (And the episode of her reality show where she decided to start making Shabbat dinner is must-see TV.)

I'd be very interested in seeing that as well! Anyone know how I can get it?
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Post Thu, Sep 04 2014, 4:22 pm
Mevater wrote:
I'd be very interested in seeing that as well! Anyone know how I can get it?

Here's the recap, if it helps:

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Post Thu, Sep 04 2014, 5:34 pm
I loved her. Some comedians make me laugh sometimes. She made me laugh all the time!

Aside from her tremendous talent, she certainly had classy taste or good taste in choosing decorators. At least she enjoyed the fruits of her labor.


Her funeral is on Sunday in Temple Emanuel, but Ive read its undecided whether the public is invited. If the public is invited, Id go. If anyone here gets the inside scoop of whether people are wanted to show their respects at her funeral, please post here.
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Post Thu, Sep 04 2014, 5:36 pm
Joan Rivers said very mean things, but they were so so funny. So funny. Since this was her job, and she did it very well- I had no problem with her insults.

Did she have writers whipping up all her hysterical quips, or was she able to improvise so perfectly?
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Post Thu, Sep 04 2014, 6:30 pm
I have no great love of her tendency to be mean-spirited, but if you put what she achieved as a comedienne (let alone a Jewish one) in a male-dominated age, the lady had some guts. She paved the way for all the female comediennes we now have who made their way up by doing standup comedy. For that alone she should be respected.

BDE and condolences to her daughter and grandson.
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Post Thu, Sep 04 2014, 11:43 pm
Maya wrote:
Look, I didn't see that episode, or many others. I'm just taking issue with the fact that she is being elevated to saint status because she said one nice thing that jives with your viewpoints. You are ignoring the fact that she made hundreds or thousands of mean-spirited comments that hurt other people because this fits your agenda.

And that's perfectly fine. Everyone does that. But let's just say it like it is.

Lighten up. No one's elevating her to saint status. I adored her, thought she was a riot, and agreed with every single word of her Israel rants. I still don't think she was a saint.

You don't like her or her humor, fine. But many of us did and wish to say BDE re. the woman who just died. We're sad that she's gone. You've made your viewpoint very clear, now please let it go.
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Post Fri, Sep 05 2014, 1:49 am
She was brilliant, intelligent, and incredibly energetic. I recall seeing "Celebrity Apprentice" when she was a contestant. She wiped the floor with competitors a quarter of her age.

She was a true comedy pioneer, and she made her fame by telling it like it is. Her comments about Israel were spot on. And she is right to call out many anti-Israel advocates as vapid and uninformed. Good for her!
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Post Fri, Sep 05 2014, 4:35 am
what was her Jewish name? no one could tell me
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Post Fri, Sep 05 2014, 5:24 am
Stayci wrote:
Joan Rivers said very mean things, but they were so so funny. So funny. Since this was her job, and she did it very well- I had no problem with her insults.

Did she have writers whipping up all her hysterical quips, or was she able to improvise so perfectly?

This was her job, you write. Not all comedians consider that part of their job description and I appreciate why some of us can't "let it go". (Moonstone's words, not yours.)
But I have no problem joining a love fest over her identifying with Israel.
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Post Fri, Sep 05 2014, 6:01 am
Anyone think theres any degree of foul play play involved in her death?
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Post Fri, Sep 05 2014, 6:23 am
Her Hebrew name according to one article's comments was Malya Sima bas Meir and Bella. Yehi Zichra Boruch.

Let's maybe leave the cheshbonos to the Ribono Shel Olam already? She's gone.
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Post Fri, Sep 05 2014, 6:35 am
freidasima wrote:
Her Hebrew name according to one article's comments was Malya Sima bas Meir and Bella. Yehi Zichra Boruch.

Let's maybe leave the cheshbonos to the Ribono Shel Olam already? She's gone.


Her very strong outspokenness about Israel surrounded by a climate of Anti-Israel feelings, Anti-Semitism and political-correctness was A M A Z I N G !!!! Lets leave the judging to G-d!
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Post Fri, Sep 05 2014, 8:14 am
Mevater wrote:
Anyone think theres any degree of foul play play involved in her death?

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Post Fri, Sep 05 2014, 8:17 am
freidasima wrote:
Her Hebrew name according to one article's comments was Malya Sima bas Meir and Bella. Yehi Zichra Boruch.

Let's maybe leave the cheshbonos to the Ribono Shel Olam already? She's gone.

OK, so her Bais Yaakov didn't teach onaas devarim Wink But I just heard a sweet "hesped" from someone named David Bernstein on the Mike Gallagher show that there was a serious pintele Yid in there. One story was about how she fired someone, and that person found bundles of money in her bag as she left. Supposedly the way she saw things was that if someone was in the public view they were fair game and it was all in a humorous spirit. Yeah, I don't see things that way either, but if anyone's inspired to do the same good things she did after her death, not a bad thing.

Oh, one cute thing. I'd heard on the news how she had her hair done and was covered with a mink blanket while in hospital. After what I heard this morning I see it in a different light. Maybe her family did all this so that when she'd wake up she'd be in good spirits because according to this guy she didn't care if people (I guess the right ones Tongue Out ) saw her without makeup, etc.
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Post Fri, Sep 05 2014, 8:39 am
PinkFridge wrote:
BUT, it will be interesting to read what the inquiries into her death will reveal... if there was any negligence involved.

I personally wonder how a woman with a worth of 150 million, didnt have ALL procedures done in a hospital, especially at age 81, and wasnt advised to do so by her personal physician!

Id have thought that she could and would check out health related issues very well with a well known personal physician, of great knowledge and reputation, who would be available to her 24/7, because of her great wealth and fame, before undergoing any procedure. She wasnt any old lady on our block.

I find that U N B E L E V A B L E!!!!
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