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Rosh Hashana 5775/2014 menu
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Post Thu, Sep 04 2014, 1:21 pm
Stuffed Baked Apples/Pears 6-12 servings

6 large baking apples or pears

1/2 cup toasted nuts (you can use any kind you like)
1 1/2 cups dates, raisins, dried apricots, cranberries, or a mixture
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice mix, or a combo of allspice, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves
1/4 tsp lemon or orange zest
1/8 tsp salt
1 very small apple, or 1/2 medium apple
water or lemon or orange juice, as needed

1 cup of water + 1 Tbs lemon juice or orange juice + 1 Tbs honey

1. Combine all the nuts, dried fruits, and spices in the food processor, and grind into a paste. You might need to add a little liquid if the dried fruit is very dry.

2. Cut the large baking apples/pears in half, and scoop out the cores. Spoon a lot of filling on each half (the open side). Place in a large casserole dish.

3. Pour 1 cup of water + juice + honey into the dish, around the fruit. Bake 45 minutes - 1 hour at 375, uncovered. Baste with the liquid.

4. If the liquid is watery, you can pour it into a small saucepan (take the fruit out of the dish first before pouring the liquid), bring to a boil, and boil it down until syrupy.
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Post Thu, Sep 04 2014, 1:57 pm
Thanks for all the ideas. My menu looks as follows at the moment:
First night: challah, simanim, salmon in fillo pastry baskets, honey orange chicken, pasta/fried potatoes, ratatouille.
First day: sea bream (anyone any recipes?), steaks, mashed potatoes, tzimmes
Second night: challah, simanim, teriyaki salmon, meat in vol-au-vents, rice, peppers (Cooked in tomatoes)
Friday night: gefillte fish, lamb roll, couscous, tzimmes
Shabbos day: eggs, shnitzel, minced meat and minced chicken Swiss roll, lokshen kugel, carrot kugel

I'm going to make a few desserts put them in the freezer and take out what we want when we want. Chocolate mousse, lemon meringue pie, blueberry trifle, ice cream.

Good luck with all the cooking!!
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Post Thu, Sep 04 2014, 2:08 pm
Volunteer, your pie crust recipe looks wonderful! The egg would make it more "cookie-like" in texture than regular pie dough, so I can see it being delicious in something like a pear-ginger tart.
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Post Thu, Sep 04 2014, 4:10 pm
Wife613, can you post your salmon with the dough, I made it once but I thought it was very dry
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Post Thu, Sep 04 2014, 4:31 pm
I cheat. I buy fillo pastry cut it into squares double layer spread oil on then in like a diamond shape put on another double layer. Put it into a muffin case and bake in the oven till golden. Keep an eye on the they can burn really quickly!! I then cook my salmon. Flake the salmon into basket just before serving and serve it with a choice of Mayo-ketchup or mayo mixed with very finely chopped pickles. If you have any more questions happy to help.
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Post Thu, Sep 04 2014, 4:40 pm
how do you make the fried potatoes - and does it have to be done on yom tov so it's fresh?

also what is - ratatouille and meat in vol-au-vents?

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Post Thu, Sep 04 2014, 4:45 pm
Liver is mideorayso pareve??!!! I wish that dh were awake I would ask him that...have to make a note to ask him in the morning.

We are going to do things easy, haven't even thought of real menus.
probably first night challah, apple and honey, chicken soup with chicken, sweet carrots, thin green beans, meat, rice, fruit.
Lunch: challah, sweet potato soup, chicken, specialty spaghetti (like soba noodles, black rice noodles and that kind), rice (ds likes), fresh salad, fresh fruit
Thurs nite: challah, shehecheyanu fruit apple and honey, salmon, cottage and baked potatoes, leftover cooked pareve veg, fresh fruit
Friday: challah, and repeat of thursday nite
Friday nite. Repeat of first nite
Shabbos/ repeat of first day lunch.

Note: no cake this year unless the kids want and knowing them, they won't. Maybe I'll add some kind of sweet potato quiche for Friday lunch. I like the idea of a salt and pepper lukshen kugel that someone mentioned, maybe I will make that for the first day lunch! This thread is great, gave me ideas already!!

Keep them coming, anything not fattening or without oil/marg will be welcome.
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Post Thu, Sep 04 2014, 6:25 pm
Fried potatoes- boil potatoes the day before. Then cut into small pieces or grate and fry.
Ratatouille- not sure what officially goes in it, but I put in courgettes, mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes. Dice it all up or slice, put in a frying pan with a diced onion. Add tomato sauce or water and seasoning.
Meat in vol-au-vents- I take goulash type of meat cut it into strips. Then fry up some onion add the meat let it brown for a couple of minutes mix in some flour. Then add water and seasoning. The more water u add, the more liquidy the sauce will be. Sometimes I add a few mushrooms. You can do this in advance and just heat up before the meal and serve in vol-au-vent cases.
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Post Sun, Sep 07 2014, 12:06 pm
So...I decided not to risk anything new on yuntif and made two salt and pepper lukshen kugels today, actually three, one tiny one to try for dinner and see what dh thinks, he loved it! So thank you ladies for giving me a new idea for yuntif, we used whole wheat organic flat nooodles and eggs, salt and pepper and it came out terrific!

Also decided that for dessert we will have fresh watermelon. It's sweet, it's from EY, and it doesn't have any added sugar, etc. that could be problematical for some of us...

Any other suggestions for no fat special dishes, particularly those which can be made in advance and frozen?
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Post Sun, Sep 07 2014, 12:07 pm
Volunteer wrote:
I love making all the symbolic foods for Rosh Hashanah. This menu is a work in progress. I'm not sure which I will make for which days, or if I will actually make all of these or not. This is just sort of a brain-storm list:

Round raisin Challah

Beet & Orange Salad (Lettuce, sliced cooked beets, grated carrots, sliced oranges)
Apple Harvest Salad (lettuce, apple slices, chopped dates, celery)
Pomegranate Salad (Lettuce, red onion, orange slices, pomegranate seeds)

Main Dishes:
Roasted Turkey (Hodu La Hashem Ki Tov) with Herbs & Spinach Stuffed inside
Pumpkin & Honey glazed turkey
Either Salmon or Chicken with Pomegranate sauce

Side Dishes:
TZIMMES ( my favorite!)
turkish leek latkes
Spaghetti Squash with leeks and mushrooms
Roasted winter squash with cinnamon
Beets with lemon sauce and almonds
Spinach with raisins and almonds
Roasted carrots with garlic & herbs
Spinach Leek Tart
Carrot Kugel

Pumpkin Pie
Honey cake
Apple & Honey cake
Pomegranate Baked apples or pears
Date-Nut cake
Date stuffed baked apples or pears
Carrot cake

The desserts list is obviously way too long. I'll have to choose 3 for Rosh Hashanah, and leave the others for later (Sukkot perhaps).

Your menu sounds delicous.
Could you post your beet salad and apple salad recipes, also your honey orange chicken. If you have extra time the spaggheti squash.
THanks a milion
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Post Sun, Sep 07 2014, 9:25 pm
menu rosh hashana 5775

wed night- simanim
sushi- bought
milchig dessert

Thursday Lunch
chicken turnovers
hangar steaks
yellow rice
acorn squash with cranberries

thursday night
simanim and new fruit/ dips
honey glazed nut salmon
vegetable lomein
quinoa with zucchini
portabella mushroom salad
milchig dessert

Friday day
sauteed liver in cups
pulled brisket
broccolli kugel
mashed potato
apple crisp
nish nosh salad

Friday night-
gefilte fish
soup with knaidlach- freezer

dips- chummus- homemade
beet salad
spinach dip
leek bruschetta
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shana rishona


Post Sun, Sep 07 2014, 9:49 pm
a1mom, Could you please post your recipe for chicken turnovers?
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Post Sun, Sep 07 2014, 10:52 pm
it's just my fam; so making simple & hopefully delicious!
R"H Night:
challah w/dips, simanim, & broiled salmon & tilapia, butternut sq. soup & wine/tomato sauce chicken.
1st Day:
Cutlet roll ups, mashed pot w/fried onions
2nd Night:
Challah w/dips, simaim, broiled fish, soup, unstuffed cabbage
2nd Day:
baked cutlets w/ rice dish
challah, soup, fish, chicken w/ baked red potatoes (onions & garlic, spices)
Shabbos Day:
cholent, cold cuts, pickles.
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Post Sun, Sep 07 2014, 10:55 pm
Volunteer, I want to try your baked pear recipe tomorrow. Do you usually halve the pears, or just core them?

My DH says 100% liver is NOT pareve mideoraita. Curious to see what others say.

I am still not sure, but likely menu is:

First night:
Carrot leek soup
Baked zucchini with sauteed onion
Green beans
Fried cauliflower
Garlic mashed potato
Apple cake and fresh fruit.

First day:
Leftover meat for the carnivores
Spicy ratatouille and rice

Second night (no guests as of now):
Split pea soup
Shehecheyanu fruit platter
Roasted sweet potato
Grilled chicken fingers
Maybe baked pear in pomegranate juice?

Second day:
Gefilte fish

Shabbos dinner:
Chicken soup
Honey lemon chicken
Oven roasted potatoes
Stir fried garlic string beans
Rice/quinoa mix
Apple cake, fresh fruit

Fish (gefilte and salmon leftovers)
Wild mushroom barley soup
Apple cake
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Post Sun, Sep 07 2014, 11:12 pm
CatLady wrote:
Volunteer, your pie crust recipe looks wonderful! The egg would make it more "cookie-like" in texture than regular pie dough, so I can see it being delicious in something like a pear-ginger tart.

You're right about the crust, it is cookie or cracker-like in texture, rather than being very flaky. I happen to prefer it this way.
For a sweet tart or pie, I use the same crust dough, and I add 2-3 Tbs of sugar to the flour (depending on how sweet I want the crust to be).
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Post Sun, Sep 07 2014, 11:18 pm
abound wrote:
Your menu sounds delicous.
Could you post your beet salad and apple salad recipes, also your honey orange chicken. If you have extra time the spaggheti squash.
THanks a milion

The beet salad is here form mccormick.com. I like to add in grated carrots. McCormick.com; Beet Orange Salad

The Apple Salad is here: Mccormick.com Apple Harvest Salad
I omit the cheese and replace it with grated carrot or celery. I also like to replace the dried apricots with dates for Rosh Hashanah.
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Post Sun, Sep 07 2014, 11:27 pm
imasinger wrote:
Volunteer, I want to try your baked pear recipe tomorrow. Do you usually halve the pears, or just core them?

I halve them and scoop out the core from each half. I like to buy big pears. Also, I think when you halve them, the pomegranate juice soaks into them more.
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Post Sun, Sep 07 2014, 11:43 pm
I use this recipe for spaghetti squash. You can make it as a side dish without the chicken, or you can replace the chicken with fish.
Joy of Kosher- Chicken with Spaghetti Squash
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Post Wed, Sep 10 2014, 6:07 pm
I always feel like I'm the most limited in menu options by minhagim. are there any others out there avoiding all vinegar (ie salad dressings, pickles, cole slaw etc), nuts, mustard, pickled roasts and the like? so many yummy dessert and salad ideas are gone. But here are some of my menu items that try to make up for it Smile

Stir fry veggies
butternut squash kugel
red potatoes with three color peppers
honeyed green beans
two toned gefilta fish (layer of salmon loaf and regular loaf - no patchke but so pretty)
Rosemarie chocolate pie
roasted mushrooms with garlic
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Post Sun, Sep 14 2014, 3:08 pm
Anyone have any easy recipes that can be made in advance and either frozen/reheated or kept well in fridge for a few days? TIA!
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