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Where to live in Yerushalayim?

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Post Wed, Oct 28 2015, 8:18 am
Hello mothers!

~68 days off aliyah and need to get started on finding a flat to rent etc. You've been very helpful answering my other questions so I hope you can provide some insight here.

We are coming to Yerushalayim to begin with ( first year or so) although we may end up staying longer - our main worry is affording the rent. Ultimately we want to move to a yishuv somewhere but that feels very distant just now.

My husband will be doing ulpan Etzion in Armon Hanetziv, so initially we planned on finding somewhere there.
However B''H I am expecting baby 2 on Pesach and so I am thinking of birth too. I hope to have a home birth, but know that could easily get messed up by a positive GBS test, in which case I'm thinking Hadassah Ein Kerem natural birth centre. Unless that is a waste of time? I had a water birth last time and would like the option of doing so again - can you do those in the maternity wards in the other hospitals? I don't want to be railroaded into an epidural. I will definitely be taking a doula (or home birth midwife obv) - pm me if you have recommendations! Clear English speaker a must - I'm not so good at making out foreign accents sometimes.

Basically is it nuts to choose an area to live based on proximity to hospital to give birth in? Armon Hanetziv is ~40 min drive from Hadassah Ein Kerem so that's too far. Considering givat massua up to kiryat Menachem, but this will mean a long commute for my husband in the morning. He will also be doing work remotely in the afternoons so probably doesn't have time to spare.

Thank you so much in advance!
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Post Wed, Oct 28 2015, 8:22 am
PS also worried about not being able to room-in, formula being given without permission etc... If this is no longer the cse in Israeli hospitals please let me know! Thank you:)
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Post Wed, Oct 28 2015, 8:29 am
Hadassah won't let you do a water birth. Supposedly you can labor in the tub, though, if you're in the birthing center. I think it's like 3000 shekel to use the birthing center, but you have to be in picture-perfect health or they'll transfer you to the regular area. I don't think you'll be railroaded into an epidural, but it probably depends on what midwife you get and which doctor is on staff.

I'm fairly positive SZ won't allow it either.

Maybe somewhere in the area of Tzomet Pat? I think it's about halfway between Hadassah and Armon Hanatziv.
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Post Wed, Oct 28 2015, 9:05 am
Aberdinah wrote:
However B''H I am expecting baby 2 on Pesach and so I am thinking of birth too. I hope to have a home birth, but know that could easily get messed up by a positive GBS test, in which case I'm thinking Hadassah Ein Kerem natural birth centre.

GBS testing isn't required in Israel but once you test you can get stuck, so talk to a midwife before you decide to test.

I highly recommend Barbara Ben Ami: http://www.homebirthisrael.com.....1.htm
She is American, very professional with tons of experience in both hospital and home births, and a calming, supportive presence. She also has good backup.

There is another very popular hb midwife whose name you will probably hear most frequently. I wouldn't recommend using her. If it becomes relevant to you, you can PM me with any names that you are considering and I can share my experience.
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Post Wed, Oct 28 2015, 11:43 am
I also used Barbara, I love her!
Please pm me for homebirth info, I love sharing and discussing it.
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Post Wed, Oct 28 2015, 12:06 pm
- I do think it's a little crazy to choose an apt based on proximity to a hospital, especially if it will cause your husband to have a long commute every day to ulpan.

- Sometimes these "natural birth centers" (which cost money) don't offer anything you cannot get in a regular (100% free) birthing facility if you are insistent about your needs. Just something to keep in mind.

- As far as I know, waterbirths are not allowed in Israeli hospitals.

- b'shaa tova!
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Post Wed, Oct 28 2015, 1:19 pm
Wait, who cares how far away the hospital is? Can't you just leave already when you're still in early labor and get there in plenty of time? (Sorry - never had kids yet so I don't know how it works.) As far as I know though, if you want a waterbirth you can pretty much only do that at home.
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Post Wed, Oct 28 2015, 3:24 pm
I was able to get out of testing for the strep test (gosh the real name alludes at the moment) to enable my homebirth by just asking my Dr. if we could not do it and she was fine with that. I suggest talking to a homebirth midwife about these issues before writing it off!

Hatzlacha, I had a home birth in Jerusalem if you need help.
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Post Wed, Oct 28 2015, 4:24 pm
If you are trying to save on rent and live close to Armon Hanetziv you should consider living in the Gush. Talpiot and Arnona are other nice options but definitely more expensive.

I was definitely not bullied into an epidural. They asked, I said no and that was it. Hadassa and Shaarei Tzedek have rooming in as long as there is space in that wing. They never gave my baby formula withou permission in Hadassa....
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Post Wed, Oct 28 2015, 4:30 pm
I don't think they do the formula without permission thing anymore.
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Post Thu, Oct 29 2015, 11:59 am
Thank you so much for these replies!
Annoyed about not being allowed a water birth in hospital but not amazingly surprised.

If there is not much more chance of being able to deliver in the natural birth unit at Hadassah (positive group b strep test, eg.) then no point in being close to Ein Kerem.

What is israeli policy on group b strep testing? I tested positive years ago (before first pregnancy) and really had to fight not to be induced last time round after waters broke prematurely. I definitely intend to test but if the result is negative I don't plan on taking antibiotics. If the hospitals have different policies on this I would consider them when choosing one. I'm guessing a midwife will know that.

Homebirth people - when do I need to book a midwife?

Thanks again! Smile
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Post Thu, Oct 29 2015, 12:01 pm
Basically, re area to live - the cheaper the better, as long as the apartment itself is clean and dry. We are assuming we will have to move again in a year or so. Will look at the Gush, but thinking commute might be long? Looking now.
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Post Thu, Oct 29 2015, 12:07 pm
Dr Mom - last time round I found being insistent about my needs very stressful and quite exhausting. Really want to avoid having to fight for everything this time. Get the point about natural birthing centres though. A friend used one in Tel Aviv and didn't find her experience much more natural.
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Post Thu, Oct 29 2015, 12:12 pm
Aberdinah wrote:
Thank you so much for these replies!
Annoyed about not being allowed a water birth in hospital but not amazingly surprised.

If there is not much more chance of being able to deliver in the natural birth unit at Hadassah (positive group b strep test, eg.) then no point in being close to Ein Kerem.

What is israeli policy on group b strep testing? I tested positive years ago (before first pregnancy) and really had to fight not to be induced last time round after waters broke prematurely. I definitely intend to test but if the result is negative I don't plan on taking antibiotics. If the hospitals have different policies on this I would consider them when choosing one. I'm guessing a midwife will know that.

Homebirth people - when do I need to book a midwife?

Thanks again! Smile

I'm pretty sure the hospitals all have the same policy, and I'm also pretty sure it's not evidence based. That is why I recommend that you discuss your risk level with a midwife BEFORE you decide whether or not to test.
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Post Thu, Oct 29 2015, 12:40 pm
You don't have to test for gbs, and they don't automatically give abx. A good doula will fight for you.
book a midwife early since there aren't so many. You don't want to call and those dates are filled or she's out of the country. They all work together and cover each other.
If you want a number, I'm glad to share. Barbara will be back next week.
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Post Thu, Oct 29 2015, 2:19 pm
Aberdinah wrote:
Basically, re area to live - the cheaper the better, as long as the apartment itself is clean and dry. We are assuming we will have to move again in a year or so. Will look at the Gush, but thinking commute might be long? Looking now.

How big an apartment do you need? How long of a commute are you hoping for? Is there a balance you'd like to strike (like, 2000/month is worth it even with an hour-and-a-half commute, or you'd be willing to pay 3500 to keep it under 40 minutes).

Also- do you care at all about the community?
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