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New Information on Ateres Tzvi
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Post Wed, Nov 18 2015, 8:26 pm
Maya wrote:
That's quite a jump.
Darchei Noam is sort of the boys equivalent of Ateres for girls. YSV is more to the right than that.

what's ateres? As I explained, we are not very chassidish so we don't want to send and don't fit into a chassidish school, but we are not yeshivish either. We are heimish (slightly European style). For ex: we want ds and future iyh to be exposed to and learn yiddish but not as a primary language. Chassidish rebbeim are good as long as the crowd of kids is more mixed so that he/we fit in. So where would we fit?
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Post Wed, Nov 18 2015, 8:37 pm
amother wrote:
what's ateres? As I explained, we are not very chassidish so we don't want to send and don't fit into a chassidish school, but we are not yeshivish either. We are heimish (slightly European style). For ex: we want ds and future iyh to be exposed to and learn yiddish but not as a primary language. Chassidish rebbeim are good as long as the crowd of kids is more mixed so that he/we fit in. So where would we fit?

I don't know. Your children certainly won't be exposed to Yiddish at Darchei Noam and not likely at YSV either.
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Post Wed, Nov 18 2015, 8:45 pm
Rebesq wrote:
This is not really accurate. YSV and Darchei are very similar in frumkeit. People go to Darchei bc it's much smaller and more personable. YSV is so huge you have everything from looks frum but bately know Halacha to super yeshivish. Darchei is basically the middle of that. Lots of families have Darchei/Ateres or Darchei/YSV girls.

But if you identify as yeshivish, you may consider YSV but probably wouldn't consider Darchei Noam. I think Darchei Noam is just a middle of the road kind of school. Not yeshivish and not modern, just.... normal, I guess. Lol.
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Post Wed, Nov 18 2015, 8:48 pm
amother wrote:
what's ateres? As I explained, we are not very chassidish so we don't want to send and don't fit into a chassidish school, but we are not yeshivish either. We are heimish (slightly European style). For ex: we want ds and future iyh to be exposed to and learn yiddish but not as a primary language. Chassidish rebbeim are good as long as the crowd of kids is more mixed so that he/we fit in. So where would we fit?

I agree, that's a bit of a jump from Ateres Tzvi (never heard of it, but based on your description on this thread) to YSV and Darchei Noam. I would imagine Degel Hatorah is more along the lines of what you're looking for, as I believe they teich in Yiddish (check to confirm) and have some heimishe type boys. There's also Bais Mikroh and Cheelder D'Rockland that u should check out, I would imagine they are more likely to teich in Yiddish than YSV or Darchei, both of which do not teich in Yiddish.

Amazing how much info I have on monsey, huh. Didn't grow up there and don't live there. Didn't even realize how much I knew about the place! Haha. I do have close family and friends there.
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Post Wed, Nov 18 2015, 9:04 pm
gold21 wrote:
I agree, that's a bit of a jump from Ateres Tzvi (never heard of it, but based on your description on this thread) to YSV and Darchei Noam. I would imagine Degel Hatorah is more along the lines of what you're looking for, as I believe they teich in Yiddish (check to confirm) and have some heimishe type boys. There's also Bais Mikroh and Cheelder D'Rockland that u should check out, I would imagine they are more likely to teich in Yiddish than YSV or Darchei, both of which do not teich in Yiddish.

Amazing how much info I have on monsey, huh. Didn't grow up there and don't live there. Didn't even realize how much I knew about the place! Haha. I do have close family and friends there.

Neither YSV nor Bais Mikroh have anything to do with Yiddish.
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Post Wed, Nov 18 2015, 9:19 pm
amother wrote:
Neither YSV nor Bais Mikroh have anything to do with Yiddish.

Right, I said I don't think YSV would teich in Yiddish. I wasn't sure about Bais Mikroh, I just suggested OP should do her research. What does Bais Mikroh teich in?
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Post Thu, Nov 19 2015, 6:05 pm
How about Bais Dovid?

Last edited by amother on Sun, Aug 26 2018, 1:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Thu, Nov 19 2015, 7:40 pm
1ofbillions wrote:
How about Bais Dovid?

Op said clearly in her opening post that she cares about an english education. Bais dovid barely has english and doesnt start until I think kitah gimel.
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Post Thu, Nov 19 2015, 9:13 pm
Rebesq wrote:
This is not really accurate. YSV and Darchei are very similar in frumkeit. People go to Darchei bc it's much smaller and more personable. YSV is so huge you have everything from looks frum but bately know Halacha to super yeshivish. Darchei is basically the middle of that. Lots of families have Darchei/Ateres or Darchei/YSV girls.

Your information on YSV is inaccurate. Darchei Noam is quite a bit more "to the left" than YSV. YSV has not been the "community school" for quite a while now so your description of the parent body is dated by at least 10 years. (it, and it's parent body has moved to the right in the past 10 years or so) YSV identifies with yeshivish hashkafos and most of the parent body fit into the category of middle of the road yeshivish to left leaning yeshivish. Darchei Noam is more of JPF place. Also I'm not sure that 3 parallel classes qualifies as "huge" when the other schools have 2, but, whatever...

Yes, I do know families with girls in YSV and boys in Darchei Noam but that's usually because YSV Boys is too right leaning for them. Though, some of those same parents ultimately take their girls out of YSV and move them to Ateres at some point because of the same reason (ie:emphasis on "yeshivish" tznius standards)
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Post Thu, Nov 19 2015, 9:19 pm
Honestly, OP, if you're concerned about a decent secular education you're going to have to compromise on the Yiddish language thing.
YSV is probably your best option, though if you want something more to the right then Bais Mikroh and Degel HaTorah could be options (though you will compromise on the quality of secular education). Ateres Tzvi is probably not a good option, though it has the "feel" you're looking for the secular education is really not great. Also, as another poster mentioned, it is not a "stable" school right now.
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Post Thu, Nov 19 2015, 10:00 pm
Bais mikroh does not tech in yiddish.
My son is in kindergarten. There and bh I am so far really happy. He has AMAZING morahs!!!!! They r working with him soooooo well.

Darchai Noam is more to the left of ysv. It is mostly a TV crowd.
YSV is a huge mix. It has all types....everyone really can fit in.
Darchai Noam is a smaller more personable school who will work with kids more than YSV will.
I think u should look into degel or bais dovid.
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Post Thu, Nov 19 2015, 10:10 pm
amother wrote:
Your information on YSV is inaccurate. Darchei Noam is quite a bit more "to the left" than YSV. YSV has not been the "community school" for quite a while now so your description of the parent body is dated by at least 10 years. (it, and it's parent body has moved to the right in the past 10 years or so) YSV identifies with yeshivish hashkafos and most of the parent body fit into the category of middle of the road yeshivish to left leaning yeshivish. Darchei Noam is more of JPF place. Also I'm not sure that 3 parallel classes qualifies as "huge" when the other schools have 2, but, whatever...

Yes, I do know families with girls in YSV and boys in Darchei Noam but that's usually because YSV Boys is too right leaning for them. Though, some of those same parents ultimately take their girls out of YSV and move them to Ateres at some point because of the same reason (ie:emphasis on "yeshivish" tznius standards)

I guess we know different families. There are very serious YSV families who I know and many families that have kids in both girls and boys that I would not send my kids to ever. And we, for example, sent to Darchei not ysv because we wanted the personal attention and wanted warm rebbeim. And believe if it not 10-12 years ago ysv still had rebbeim thst potched. Certainly not bc ysv is too Yeshivush. About 30 percent of both my boys classes have tvs. Totally depends on class.
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Post Sat, Nov 21 2015, 10:44 pm
Op. Is cheder ateress still on the table? Don't go there. Your ds will be better off @ ysv, Noam, even Ashar. If that's not a fit go to one of the better chasidish schools.
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Post Mon, Nov 30 2015, 8:15 pm
OP, if you're still looking into schools I strongly encourage you to do your own research on Ateres Tzvi rather than believing people who view the parent body & children negatively or people who once sent there but no longer do. I am an Ateres Tzvi mom and I can't say enough good things about the school in general, the positive atmosphere, the amazing & warm rebbeim and teachers. If you care about your child learning Yiddish and getting a superb secular education then this is the place for you. As far as stability, it was taken over by people who are serious about the future of the school, who will go above and beyond to make it work. The parents (myself included) feel incredibly confident in the direction the school is heading.
Good luck
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Post Wed, Dec 09 2015, 5:08 pm
Only l'toeles, no bashing, no name calling, just my first hand observation. the parent body in large is the x chasidim without the beard style, that does not make them bums, but thats the mentality. its a no rules zone. I don't mean to hurt anyone, there is a clientele and need for this school but its not for every family.
btw, it is still on shaky grounds regarding next year.
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Post Tue, Dec 22 2015, 7:47 pm
I have two sons in Ateres Tzvi and couldnt be happier. The school is rare and unique; you dont have to fit into a specific category in order to be accepted and loved. Each child is appreciated for who they are. The diversity and achdus is astounding. They have undergone a major overhaul as far as management this year and are doing very well bh! The link below "A day in ateres tzvi" should give you a glimpse of what this school is all about. If you have any questions feel free to pm me personally.

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Post Tue, Dec 22 2015, 9:23 pm
I wholeheartedly agree with the pp. We love Ateres Tzvi! And trust me, we came from a different school and the experience is not to compare. Each rebbe and teacher is top notch. They truly care about the success of every single child. The kids are taught to be good people, and not just that bad behavior will warrant punishment. The menahel Rabbi Greenfeld never raises his voice, and the kids respect him so much! My son has classmates from chassidish, yeshivish, heimish, even Chabad homes. It's wonderful for kids to grow up with kids from different backgrounds. They respect everyone for who they are!

My son actually gets upset when there's a day off, you know they're doing something right!

To the pp that said they're on shaky ground for next year, you really should think before spreading such horrible false rumors. That's all.
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Post Tue, Mar 29 2016, 11:45 pm
Would like more
Current information on ateres tzvi.
How much Yiddish is there

I would consider myself a ysv candidate but simply want a smaller school.
My son would be going into pre 1a
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Post Wed, Mar 30 2016, 2:11 pm
My kids in Ateres Tzvi are fluent in English and Yiddish. They taitch in Yiddish but the Rebbeim explain the pasukim in English as well. The boys mostly converse in English. Ateres Tzvi is amazing! The kids definitely benefit from the individual attention they receive in a smaller class. Feel free to pm me with any questions.
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Post Fri, Jun 17 2016, 9:48 am
Bumping for more current info on ateres tzvi
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