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How healthy/natural are you

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Post Tue, May 29 2007, 10:01 am
How healthy/natural are you? Why are you as you are?

Examples of what I mean is do you have refined sugar? Flour? Additives? Coloring in food? Fake sugar?

I'm just curious what the normal world out there does...
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dr pepper


Post Tue, May 29 2007, 10:20 am
dh says I'm a health freak, which is funny because I'm not.

pretty much nothing is off limits, but in general I only eat 100% whole grains, 8 servings of fruits and veggies a day, 3 servings of dairy, and only healthy oils. I also don't eat bread, except for challah. I eat grains like bulgur, brown rice, quinoa, whole and steel cut oats, and couscous on a daily basis.

however, I drink diet soda and use splenda like it's going out of style. and fiber one is my favorite cereal,and it contains aspartame. I would like to cut down, but not at this point. I also use soup consomme a lot, which is chock full of sodium and msg.

a lot of the veggies I eat are canned as well, and I've been known to eat eggo waffles here and there.

I eat a lot of whole foods because I find myself more satisfied and healthier, and it helps me lose weight. at this point, if I used anything but artificial sweeteners, I wouldn't lose weight, so that's why I haven't made the switch yet. the canned veggies I eat out of pure convenience.

I'm pretty happy with where I am, I just gotta cut down that darn splenda.
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Post Tue, May 29 2007, 10:27 am
'Normal' is just a setting on the drier.
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Post Tue, May 29 2007, 10:34 am
It's funny. I was just thinking about this on the way to work this morning. I don't drink, smoke, drink coffee or soda (basically only water.) I try & cook low fat - not too much oil or mayo. I hardly fry anything. Still, I am a junk food addict & if I had my way I'd be eating cake, cookies, chips, chocolate & candy all day. I don't use brown rice or whole wheat pasa though.
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Post Tue, May 29 2007, 10:37 am
yeah I try to use brown rice...
Problem is natural foods are so costly!!

kids eat alot of fruits and veggies...so do I..

shabbos is the only day we do "treats" Even then they are low-no sugar. But I have been known to break that rule..hehe.
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Post Tue, May 29 2007, 10:51 am
I always cook with brown rice and only eat whole grain bread and whole wheat pasta. However, I don't care about using organic veggies and all-natural stuff.
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Post Tue, May 29 2007, 10:58 am
I think I'm just about middle grounds in terms of natural/non-natural.

I don't use artificial sweeteners. Ever.
I don't have junk food in my house- don't bring it in, unless on a rare occasion. I will eat junk food if I'm at someone else's house and they're serving it.
I don't drink soda or whatnot- I drink either water, chocolate milk (the chocolate is because thats the only way I tolerate 1% milk, the lowest fat milk I can find here...), or herbal tea.
I have no objection to whole grains, brown sugar, or things of the sort. But don't generally buy them because they're more expensive.

I do eat healthy foods like quinoa and legumes (lentils, etc...)

And if I see something with added food coloring and without- and not too much of a price difference, I'll get the stuff without the additives. But don't mind buying stuff with food coloring occasionally.

Oh- and we're pretty much chocolate free in our house.
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Post Tue, May 29 2007, 1:24 pm
Well after reading what everyone else wrote, I feel like a major junk food addict!! While my dh and I do eat healthy meals, we also tend to eat a lot of junk. My dh is a chocolate person so I always have to have chocolate in the house, it doesn't bother me bc I don't like chocolate so much, I prefer sugar or salty items like corn chips. I know we have to clean up our diet, we are fortunate to be young so our metabolisms are great right now but I know I better eat healthy so that when we get pregnant I'll be ready! As far as whole wheat and brown rice...I use real sugar, white flower, and white rice. I heard that brown rice isn't really so different that white, and my dh doesn't really care for it. I tend to stay away from organic just because a lot of the time I think it's unnecessary, like with produce. Last time I bought organic produce, I found a live frog in my lettuce, so now we have a pet!!! (I may have just given myself away to some people) I think I prefer my produce with pesticides....no bugs for frogs to go after
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Pickle Lady


Post Tue, May 29 2007, 2:04 pm
It depends on my mood. I sometimes cook healthier. WE have no soda in our house but I do give the kids certain candies as treats to get them to do what I want. I try to buy without additives but sometimes it just not worth it because the kids won't eat it. My kids drink apple juice or hebel teas. We are starting to eat some organic stuff mostly what I have focused on lately is chicken.
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Post Tue, May 29 2007, 2:12 pm
I'm much more health conscious than I used to be. I have a pretty healthy diet on a regular day. But I don't go to either extreme. I'll eat unhealthy things in moderation. I eat whole wheat bread, but don't use w.w. flour etc.
My husband isn't into health food at all, so if I use brown rice instead of white, it won't go over very well. We don't have much nosh in the house though because we don't want to gain weight.
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Post Tue, May 29 2007, 2:17 pm
I can't keep junk food in the house b/c then I'd eat it! I usually snack on dried fruit or nonfat yogurt and hoard a box of Skinny Cow ice cream bars that I eat on rare occasions.

I made some junk for shavuos and made sure that my guests ate it so there'd be less for me!
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Post Tue, May 29 2007, 2:38 pm
definitely health concious
not obsessively though
like I try to use whole wheat bread, try to have fruit and veggies, to stay away from msg, saturated fat.....but like I eat my share of not-that-healthy foods

(also try to be careful with what I eat to maintain my weight)
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Post Tue, May 29 2007, 2:49 pm
I don't mind artificial sweeteners sometimes, if they are as good as the real thing... I honestly don't really pay attention to what I eat, after all it already needs to be kosher, enough rules! LOL Junk food, chocolate, candies... yummmm Twisted Evil - but I don't eat so much of it. I keep it around in case I want it, but it can stay there and sometimes we need to throw some away...

I am not into non fat, but American 1% is all good. I hate most no sugar stuff. I don't like whole bread, only white one... I dislike the taste of most high fiber cereals...

I am a bit better than as a teen, I had French fries every day... but a crazy good metabolism... oh and b'h I've never had cholesterol...

Dh is much worse than I am, when he has a hamburger and takes out the salad lol - at least I like veggies if they are with a nice dressing...

There are bio things in France of course... I can't say they taste that good, not many people buy them, especially when you see the price... there is a bio aisle in my supermarket, it's almost as small as the kosher one LOL
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Post Wed, May 30 2007, 11:01 am
Defy - you know that dried fruit has tons of sugar & in that case it's not so healthy.
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Post Wed, May 30 2007, 11:02 am
I buy dried fruit that doesn't have added sugar.
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