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Post Sun, Jul 24 2016, 10:57 pm
Amarante wrote:
Governor Kasich has put an anti Trump ad on his website which paraphrases the famous words of Martin Niemöller. He was a Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Did Jews commit these atrocities in Europe and here recently? "Restrictions on Muslims" are not restrictions on practicing Islam.. Trump talks about restrictions on immigration from Muslim countries with record of ties with terrorism, and even that until there is a good vetting established.
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Post Sun, Jul 24 2016, 11:00 pm
tzatza wrote:
Did Jews commit these atrocities in Europe and here recently? "Restrictions on Muslims" are not restrictions on practicing Islam.. Trump talks about restrictions on immigration from Muslim countries with record of ties with terrorism, and even that until there is a good vetting established.

You're missing the point and that's very sad to me.
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 8:28 am
marina wrote:
Illegal Aliens generally- I feel like a lot of people are just spouting off about illegal aliens. The mood is HEY MAN DON'T CUT IN FRONT OF EVERYONE-- GET TO THE BACK OF THE LINE. Like illegals are here illegally b/c they are just lazy morons who couldn't wait their turn and don't care about laws.

The people spouting off like that are often completely unfamiliar with the immigration process, immigration quotas, annual salaries in 3rd world countries, persecution, etc. They also don't know illegal immigrants or don't know that the people that they know are illegals.

I'm an immigrant and my legal immigration status was nothing I worked hard for or achieved. It was nothing that my parents achieved. It was exclusively a factor of several privileges and lucky fortunes and when I think about illegals- risking death and human trafficking for a chance to get minimum wage in a safer country - all I think of is "there but for the grace of God go I."

Hey, that's Hillary's line Twisted Evil

Seriously, some of my closest family lives in an area with large Arab populations, some Iraqi Chaldeans and a little bit further, the real deal, burkas and more.(Not current refugees, though some have come: I saw a photo spread of a family - family! women and children, not just young men - in the local paper recently and I think it was a good thing.) B"H and bli ayin hara things have been ok there. But what's going on in Syria is tragic. It would be so much better if something could be done, if some healthy resettlement and building could be done locally. Because wholesale absorption of large numbers of refugees does give me pause. OTOH I know that the type of vetting we'd like to see takes time. I wish there was a way to resolve all the issues, there is a lot of well-meaning and -thought out people on both sides of the issue.
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 10:02 am
Amarante, what is your point then?
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 10:19 am
amother wrote:
Geez, how could one person lie sooo much? I guess in your eyes, the police are not being attacked, there is no violence in the streets, the government is protecting its own citizens over illegal aliens, etc. Yup. Shows how much you know about what is going on in this country. Its ironic that you project your own ignorance onto Trump supporters.

But here is his speech, feel free to point out each individual lie that you feel Trump is saying instead of just generalizing it to "everything"..


Watched every word of Trump's speech.

He's wrong that police deaths are up. They are pretty much constant. Check the data.

He's wrong that the inner cities are less safe than ever before. He was alive int he 1960s. The very suggestion is preposterous.

He's wrong that illegal immigrants committing murder is anywhere near an issue that you or I should be worried about. Immigrants--legal or illegal--commit crimes at lower rates than other residents of the country. Now, I'm against illegal immigration also (for job competition reasons, not crime!), but the fact is that in the last several years since the economy crashed, net-migration from Mexico--legal and illegal--has been practically zero. People are going back to Mexico also. Trump said that there are twice as many illegal families who have entered this year, but it's a very, very selective statistic: that's only counting families, and last year was a year with very low numbers compared to broader trends.

Murders are up this year (and I'm against the cautious policing practices that have come in recently!), but they are still within trend-lines that show MASSIVE declines since 15 or 25 or 35 years ago.

I would love to see "law and order" in America, but Trump WAY overstates the extent of the problems, has NO concept of separation of powers/checks and balances, wants to open up libel laws, attacks people who criticize him with impunity, treats his running mate like an intern, has no sense of perspective, shouts like an angry demagogue...and leaves me with a huge amount of fear when it comes to imagining HOW he would implement law and order.

Blaming Hillary for ISIS is ridiculous. She was Secretary of State from 2009 to 2011. ISIS emerged in 2014. Blame Kerry instead if you want.

Same for the Iran deal. I greatly oppose the deal. I don't blame Hillary. I blame Kerry and Obama. Blaming Hillary is disingenuous.

Blaming Hillary for the fact that Sisi came to control Egypt over the Muslim Brotherhood, frankly, is a compliment rather than an attack.

Both candidates are bad news. But only Trump is a totally unstable, angry person.
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Post Tue, Jul 26 2016, 8:22 am

1. Just read with an open mind. The destruction of the society and its moral values starts from within. Dennis Prager is right on every single point. It is not Donald Trump, but American left that is our enemy, as a society and as a Jewish nation. Again, remember that it is not as much of a President that we are choosing for the next 4 years, but Supreme Court for the next 30-40. And its decisions will affect ALL of us!

2. Yes, wiki, Hillary is to blame. ISIS burst on world stage in 2014, but it formed and strengthened before that. Yes, I blame her for the way she handled Benghazi and lied all over (including recent server scandal). Great Commander-in-Chief (not)!

3. You have got to be kidding me about Iran deal!!! (Well, explains wiki's position now. Tim Kaine is just like you). How can anyone not oppose it??!!
Anti-Semitic, anti-American, pro-terrorist regime receiving 150 billion while not guaranteeing fully dismantle its nuclear program.
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Post Tue, Jul 26 2016, 12:59 pm
tzatza wrote:

1. Just read with an open mind. The destruction of the society and its moral values starts from within. Dennis Prager is right on every single point. It is not Donald Trump, but American left that is our enemy, as a society and as a Jewish nation. Again, remember that it is not as much of a President that we are choosing for the next 4 years, but Supreme Court for the next 30-40. And its decisions will affect ALL of us!

2. Yes, wiki, Hillary is to blame. ISIS burst on world stage in 2014, but it formed and strengthened before that. Yes, I blame her for the way she handled Benghazi and lied all over (including recent server scandal). Great Commander-in-Chief (not)!

3. You have got to be kidding me about Iran deal!!! (Well, explains wiki's position now. Tim Kaine is just like you). How can anyone not oppose it??!!
Anti-Semitic, anti-American, pro-terrorist regime receiving 150 billion while not guaranteeing fully dismantle its nuclear program.

Too lazy to type anything out. I disagree with absolutely everything you said. 100%. Oh wait, only 90%. I agree that the Supreme Court will be affected for decades. Which is one of the reasons I'm voting for Hillary Clinton. Roe v. Wade can't be overturned.
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Post Wed, Jul 27 2016, 10:10 am
Clarissa wrote:
Too lazy to type anything out. I disagree with absolutely everything you said. 100%. Oh wait, only 90%. I agree that the Supreme Court will be affected for decades. Which is one of the reasons I'm voting for Hillary Clinton. Roe v. Wade can't be overturned.

Including the Iran deal, I presume..
Well, we can agree to disagree.

Listen, I am not surprised anyway. Jews overwhelmingly elected and re-elected Obama. He (sorry, she) has a shot at third term right now thanks to you. Inertia is a powerful force.
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