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Democratic National Convention
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 9:59 am
1. Tim Kaine was one of few Democratic Senators who boycotted Netanyahu's speech in Congress last year.
2. He agreed to be the running mate of a liar....
3. As far as email leak goes, it is just mind boggling that Clinton campaign focuses on the fact who may be behind it and how "convenient" the release is for Trump camp, but are not disputing that emails themselves are genuine! Same logic as with Hillary private server: " yeah, she made an "honest" mistake, but no harm, no foul...even FBI did not recommend indictment after listing dozens of reason she should be. Yeah, e-mails show system was rigged, but this is all Bush's, oy, I mean, Russians fault". (sarcasm)
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 10:59 am
WhatFor wrote:
I seriously don't understand why HRC just put DWS on her campaign. She was accused of being biased in her role with the DNC. She steps down from there, but then joins the campaign she was accused of being biased toward?

Who is this woman and why is she so valuable to Hillary that Hillary is going to risk throwing away any hope she had of getting Bernie supporters by putting her on her campaign?

Why are you confused? She was unofficially campaigning for her until now, they just made it official.
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 11:12 am
tryinghard wrote:
Why are you confused? She was unofficially campaigning for her until now, they just made it official.

Which is exactly what they need to win over Bernie supporters and people who don't want to vote for Trump but are still wary of Clinton. Rolling Eyes

I really wonder why they did it... Not quite the best way to open the DNC!
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 11:15 am
leah233 wrote:
The democrats are setting the tone of a Clinton presidency already. They have all gender bathrooms by the convention.

Today it is voluntary. One day it will be mandatory.

From all that is going on, THIS is what you comment on? Who the f **** cares about the bathrooms? Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 11:16 am
Hillary said yesterday, "I often feel there is the Hillary standard and then a standard for everyone else."
Wow, did that make me laugh. How tone deaf can a person get?! RNC Chairman Reince Priebus has been saying this all along: There seems to be a different set of rules for the Clintons.
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 11:21 am
fmt4 wrote:
From all that is going on, THIS is what you comment on? Who the f **** cares about the bathrooms? Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

I agree. And either way, the whole 'bathroom issue' seems inevitable one way or another, no matter who wins with election, because soon millennials will be the ones with the voting power. The things that are considered to be outrageous and scandalous to their elders are things majority of them couldn't care less about.

Not only that, it is hilarious to point fingers at the DNC for this - because the star of the RNC last week, Donald Trump, couldn't care less about the whole bathroom issue either. He outright said so himself.
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 11:22 am
fmt4 wrote:
From all that is going on, THIS is what you comment on? Who the f **** cares about the bathrooms? Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

Because I don't want my children and grandchildren to live in world where the government is trying to force them to accept every type of zexual perversion as normal (and where people can't express themselves without vulgarity).

The democratic party is fighting very hard to make sure they do live in such a world. Yes that is a major issue.And I don't only mean this from a frum perspective.I mean this is an a issue of freedom of thought and behavior.
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 11:26 am
treestump wrote:

Not only that, it is hilarious to point fingers at the DNC for this - because the star of the RNC last week, Donald Trump, couldn't care less about the whole bathroom issue either. He outright said so himself.

I'm sure he doesn't.

Trump is an obnoxious jerk who I'm not voting for. The difference is Trump is primarily looking out for his own ego. He isn't looking to force his way of life and thought on me. The democratic party is.
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 11:43 am
leah233 wrote:
I'm sure he doesn't.

Trump is an obnoxious jerk who I'm not voting for. The difference is Trump is primarily looking out for his own ego. He isn't looking to force his way of life and thought on me. The democratic party is.

I hear you and respect your views.

Like I said before, personally I think it's a losing battle. Unless there's a mass religious awakening or conservative uprising, most millennials don't care, and I'd venture to say that Generation Z likely won't as well. At most it can be delayed a few years.

ETA: I'm surprised that you aren't mentioning the Republican party as well in 'looking to force (their) way of life and thought on me. As it becomes increasingly Christian, that is exactly what is happening as well.
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 12:16 pm
treestump wrote:
I hear you and respect your views.

Like I said before, personally I think it's a losing battle. Unless there's a mass religious awakening or conservative uprising, most millennials don't care, and I'd venture to say that Generation Z likely won't as well. At most it can be delayed a few years.

ETA: I'm surprised that you aren't mentioning the Republican party as well in 'looking to force (their) way of life and thought on me. As it becomes increasingly Christian, that is exactly what is happening as well.

Can you explain (asked respectfully) how the GOP is "becoming increasingly Christian?" It seems like an odd description, given the fact that their presidential candidate really doesn't actively practice Christianity in any meaningful way.
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 12:31 pm
Mevater wrote:


Not reading anything by Breitbart. Spent probably days of my life researching and debunking their claims.

Last edited by marina on Mon, Jul 25 2016, 12:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 12:32 pm
DrMom wrote:
Can you explain (asked respectfully) how the GOP is "becoming increasingly Christian?" It seems like an odd description, given the fact that their presidential candidate really doesn't actively practice Christianity in any meaningful way.

For example, the VP candidate introduced himself as being Christian, conservative, and Republican " in that order."

Imagine if a Jew or Muslim said that.
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 12:33 pm
marina wrote:
Not reading anything by Breitbart. Spent probably days of my life researching and debunking their claims.

Please debunk it.

Here is lavish praise for Kaine on JStreet's own website:

J Street Applauds Vice Presidential Pick Tim Kaine

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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 12:35 pm
Ugh. Okay. Later tonight.
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 12:42 pm
leah233 wrote:
I'm sure he doesn't.

Trump is an obnoxious jerk who I'm not voting for. The difference is Trump is primarily looking out for his own ego. He isn't looking to force his way of life and thought on me. The democratic party is.

Politeness? Respect for others who may not share your views? That's how the Democratic Party is trying to force its views on you? Or is someone actively trying to make you gay or trans?
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 12:42 pm
DrMom wrote:
Can you explain (asked respectfully) how the GOP is "becoming increasingly Christian?" It seems like an odd description, given the fact that their presidential candidate really doesn't actively practice Christianity in any meaningful way.

First of all, let's start with the pro-life agenda on their platform. According to hardcore Christians, abortion is always immoral, even when the mother's life is in danger. Pence, the VP believes in it, Cruz does, as well as many, many prominent Republicans, who want to pass legislation making abortion illegal. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to live in a country where if a pregnancy was endangering a woman's life and her Rav says according to halacha she must terminate, but she can't get a doctor to do it because it would be breaking the law.

Second of all, as Marina said, Pence proudly declared himself a Christian first, conservative second, and Republican third. The whole separation between church and state is threatened with such a mindset.

Then there are Republicans who want to make birth control illegal too, because according to some Christian opinions, that is murder too. One such person is Cruz, who is a Republican senator and ran for president on the GOP platform.
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 12:46 pm
I refuse to get into a political discussion on candidates here since I will end up in knots. I do, however, wonder what sort of "perversions" we Democrats are trying to force anyone's children accept as "normal." I'd guess you're including gay marriage, which NO ONE is saying must be accepted by any religious group. No member of the clergy is being forced to officiate at a gay marriage. I truly have no idea what else you could be talking about. Courtesy, manners, and good taste are regulated by family, religious, and community standards. What are you referring to, Leah?
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 1:05 pm
sushilover wrote:
Hillary said yesterday, "I often feel there is the Hillary standard and then a standard for everyone else."
Wow, did that make me laugh. How tone deaf can a person get?! RNC Chairman Reince Priebus has been saying this all along: There seems to be a different set of rules for the Clintons.

She obviously didn't mean it in the way you are interpreting it.
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 1:20 pm
marina wrote:
Not reading anything by Breitbart. Spent probably days of my life researching and debunking their claims.

While you're at it tonight, I'm still looking for any serious rebuttal to Clinton Cash. Clinton's "Briefing" site rebuts the claims using such sources as George Stephanopoulos, MediaMatters.org, Buzzfeed.com, and FactCheck.org -- none of whom can be considered even slightly disinterested parties.

My own take on Breitbart is that, yes, they get things wrong -- sometimes hilariously, crazily wrong. That said, their record doesn't seem significantly worse than any other media player. The primary issue is that "facts" can be interpreted differently or can lead people to different conclusions.

Obviously, Breitbart pushes a conservative agenda (when they're not succumbing to the temptation to become a fashion site) and interprets things accordingly. If the "fact" is that it's hot outside today, Breitbart will claim it's the result of liberal pressure on the weather. But does that make them less reliable than, say, HuffPo or MSNBC, both of whom will claim that Republican elites not only aren't doing anything about the weather but don't even care if people are hot?

As a conservative/libertarian, I love Breitbart. But informed people have to acknowledge the limitations of media platforms, so I make an effort to also visit leftist and progressive sites, too, and I've discovered lots of thoughtful, serious writers who offer valuable and nuanced perspectives. Needless to say, many of them express the same "hold your nose and vote" attitude toward Clinton that many conservatives express for Trump.
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 1:53 pm
marina wrote:
Politeness? Respect for others who may not share your views? That's how the Democratic Party is trying to force its views on you? Or is someone actively trying to make you gay or trans?

Forcing unwilling schools to allow anyone to use whatever bathroom they decide their gender is definitely qualifies as trying to force their way of life on me.

Here is my question: Joe Smoe is an engineer. Like many other engineers, in order to get a government contract he takes on a minority "partner" who does nothing other than collect servitude money from him so he can say we are a minority owned business and get the contract.

One day he gets tired of paying servitude money so he decides he is a women, a black, or some other minority.Do you think he would get to keep his government contract by declaring himself a minority or do people only have the right to make that decision when it comes to forcing their way into other gender bathrooms?But when it comes to government discrimination and contracts whatever is written on your birth certificate is correct after all?
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