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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 12:02 pm
Leah 233,
If some one hires a fake employee to make money, they are committing fraud. I don't get money for using bathroom X or Y and neither does the owner of the bathroom. Most "minority" statuses aren't on birth certificates (just sx and race in some states). My Jewish yeshiva students whose families were from North Africa applied to college as African-Americans. I see and saw no problem with that. Some schools in my area have bathrooms marked M, F, and "restroom" (in Hebrew and english where relevant). I'm glad that my friend's transgender child who wasn't openly transgender as a teen had a safe option. He,too, was created b'tzelem Elohim and should not be shamed. However, the school made this decision on its own. No one forced them. Some schools have single-stall bathrooms that are available to everyone and are often used by very self-conscious students of all sorts. They do not have their genitalia or gender identity checked or discussed so "normal" and "deviant" aren't issues.

I still don't understand what you're concerned about being forced on you. I'm not trying to be difficult. Do your children think that certain religious drops aren't "normal" or just not who they are?
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 12:24 pm
PAMOM wrote:
Leah 233,
If some one hires a fake employee to make money, they are committing fraud.

There are plenty of legal ways to take on a minority "partner"

Do you really believe that a society that practices discrimination has a moral right to expect it's victims to be upfront and honest with them so they can be discriminated against further?
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 12:26 pm
Leah233, I don't understand your question. Can you provide some context?
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 12:34 pm
PAMOM wrote:
Leah233, I don't understand your question. Can you provide some context?

The one I gave in my first post. Joe Smoe is an engineer. As a white male he can't get a government contract. He therefore approaches some minority and tells him I'll make you a 51% partner in the business on the condition you can only collect three percent of the profits. That happens to be a legal partnership formation agreement as far as I know.

What if it wasn't and Joe Smoe tells Mr/s minority I'll give you three percent of my profit if you claim to be a 51% partner so I can get the government contract. Can society have any moral complaints towards him for doing so?
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 1:03 pm
Maya wrote:
She obviously didn't mean it in the way you are interpreting it.

Oh, I know Clinton meant it as a way for her to play the victim. I just think it is extremely tone deaf of her to use those words.
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 1:07 pm

gender neutral bathrooms don't seem so gender neutral to me Rolling Eyes
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 1:14 pm
tzatza wrote:
1. Tim Kaine was one of few Democratic Senators who boycotted Netanyahu's speech in Congress last year.
2. He agreed to be the running mate of a liar....
3. As far as email leak goes, it is just mind boggling that Clinton campaign focuses on the fact who may be behind it and how "convenient" the release is for Trump camp, but are not disputing that emails themselves are genuine! Same logic as with Hillary private server: " yeah, she made an "honest" mistake, but no harm, no foul...even FBI did not recommend indictment after listing dozens of reason she should be. Yeah, e-mails show system was rigged, but this is all Bush's, oy, I mean, Russians fault". (sarcasm)

And Pence signed up to be running mate of a bullying mushchas. (Don't get me wrong, #1 is quite sobering.)
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 1:37 pm
PAMOM wrote:

Some schools in my area have bathrooms marked M, F, and "restroom" (in Hebrew and english where relevant). I'm glad that my friend's transgender child who wasn't openly transgender as a teen had a safe option. He,too, was created b'tzelem Elohim and should not be shamed. However, the school made this decision on its own. No one forced them. Some schools have single-stall bathrooms that are available to everyone and are often used by very self-conscious students of all sorts. They do not have their genitalia or gender identity checked or discussed so "normal" and "deviant" aren't issues.

I still don't understand what you're concerned about being forced on you. I'm not trying to be difficult. ?

I personally have no problem when a school voluntarily makes a third gender neutral bathroom. But obviously, this will be forced on schools. If a school does not have the funds to build a third bathroom, they will be forced to allow genetic and biological males into the girls' bathrooms or face lawsuits.
Even if there IS a third gender-neutral bathroom, schools can now face lawsuits if they don't allow a child who "identifies" as the other gender to use the bathroom they would like.

The Obama administration’s position is that prohibiting a student from using the bathroom s/he is most comfortable in is a violation of Title IX, which bars zex discrimination in public schools.
This opens up schools to lawsuits even when they allow the student to use a gender neutral or single occupancy bathroom.
So now we have these lovely lawsuits:
A Maryland student, a 14-year-old from Talbot County , said in a complaint that he has been barred from using the boys’ locker room at St. Michaels Middle High, a public school in the Eastern Shore town of St. Michaels. This meant that he often was late to physical education class because he had to use a unisex restroom to change, according to the filing.

In Wisconsin, a 16-year-old rising high school senior accused Kenosha Unified School District No. 1 of violating his civil rights by refusing to treat him as a boy, including by requiring him to use the girls’ restroom or single-occupancy restrooms, directing security guards to monitor his restroom usage, and repeatedly using his birth name and female pronouns to refer to him.

And then of course we also have our tax money being spent on worthy causes- such as $265,000 NYC ad campaign to promote the right to use the restroom of your choice and not the one compatible with a person’s biological zex.

You don't think the bathroom issue will affect you? A liberal government will MAKE you be affected
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 1:43 pm
Whoosh! These protesters are bringing it on!

13 Best DNC Protest Signs

Yes, I know -- it's from Breitbart. But I don't think they made them up! Smile
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 5:14 pm
Fox wrote:
While you're at it tonight, I'm still looking for any serious rebuttal to Clinton Cash. Clinton's "Briefing" site rebuts the claims using such sources as George Stephanopoulos, MediaMatters.org, Buzzfeed.com, and FactCheck.org -- none of whom can be considered even slightly disinterested parties.

My own take on Breitbart is that, yes, they get things wrong -- sometimes hilariously, crazily wrong. That said, their record doesn't seem significantly worse than any other media player. The primary issue is that "facts" can be interpreted differently or can lead people to different conclusions.

Obviously, Breitbart pushes a conservative agenda (when they're not succumbing to the temptation to become a fashion site) and interprets things accordingly. If the "fact" is that it's hot outside today, Breitbart will claim it's the result of liberal pressure on the weather. But does that make them less reliable than, say, HuffPo or MSNBC, both of whom will claim that Republican elites not only aren't doing anything about the weather but don't even care if people are hot?

As a conservative/libertarian, I love Breitbart. But informed people have to acknowledge the limitations of media platforms, so I make an effort to also visit leftist and progressive sites, too, and I've discovered lots of thoughtful, serious writers who offer valuable and nuanced perspectives. Needless to say, many of them express the same "hold your nose and vote" attitude toward Clinton that many conservatives express for Trump.

Why don't you like factcheck?
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 5:27 pm
DrMom wrote:

My bad. The breitbart piece is an opinion piece, so nothing for me to debunk. Yes, if you're totally against the Iran deal and mad that he left when Netanyahu spoke, and those are primary issues for you, you won't like Kaine.
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 5:33 pm
sushilover wrote:
I personally have no problem when a school voluntarily makes a third gender neutral bathroom. But obviously, this will be forced on schools. If a school does not have the funds to build a third bathroom, they will be forced to allow genetic and biological males into the girls' bathrooms or face lawsuits.
Even if there IS a third gender-neutral bathroom, schools can now face lawsuits if they don't allow a child who "identifies" as the other gender to use the bathroom they would like.

The Obama administration’s position is that prohibiting a student from using the bathroom s/he is most comfortable in is a violation of Title IX, which bars zex discrimination in public schools.
This opens up schools to lawsuits even when they allow the student to use a gender neutral or single occupancy bathroom.
So now we have these lovely lawsuits:
A Maryland student, a 14-year-old from Talbot County , said in a complaint that he has been barred from using the boys’ locker room at St. Michaels Middle High, a public school in the Eastern Shore town of St. Michaels. This meant that he often was late to physical education class because he had to use a unisex restroom to change, according to the filing.

In Wisconsin, a 16-year-old rising high school senior accused Kenosha Unified School District No. 1 of violating his civil rights by refusing to treat him as a boy, including by requiring him to use the girls’ restroom or single-occupancy restrooms, directing security guards to monitor his restroom usage, and repeatedly using his birth name and female pronouns to refer to him.

And then of course we also have our tax money being spent on worthy causes- such as $265,000 NYC ad campaign to promote the right to use the restroom of your choice and not the one compatible with a person’s biological zex.

You don't think the bathroom issue will affect you? A liberal government will MAKE you be affected

Not clear what your concerns are. Are you concerned about schools' resources in building bathrooms? In fighting lawsuits? Are you worried about the safety and comfort of other students using the bathrooms? All of the above?
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 5:41 pm
marina wrote:
Not clear what your concerns are. Are you concerned about schools' resources in building bathrooms? In fighting lawsuits? Are you worried about the safety and comfort of other students using the bathrooms? All of the above?

PAMOM seemed to be saying that the transgender bathroom issue is not an issue as it will not be forced on us. I am disagreeing.

I didn't say anything about the safety and comfort of other students. That's a whole 'nother issue.
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 5:45 pm
leah233 wrote:
Forcing unwilling schools to allow anyone to use whatever bathroom they decide their gender is definitely qualifies as trying to force their way of life on me.

Here is my question: Joe Smoe is an engineer. Like many other engineers, in order to get a government contract he takes on a minority "partner" who does nothing other than collect servitude money from him so he can say we are a minority owned business and get the contract.

One day he gets tired of paying servitude money so he decides he is a women, a black, or some other minority.Do you think he would get to keep his government contract by declaring himself a minority or do people only have the right to make that decision when it comes to forcing their way into other gender bathrooms?But when it comes to government discrimination and contracts whatever is written on your birth certificate is correct after all?

1. The federal government gives schools significant sums of money precisely for this reason- to entice them into following federal regulations.

Schools don't have to comply at all if they don't want to take federal funds. That is completely legal. But yes, federal funds come with strings attached. That is not forcing anyone into anything- it's just like a couple that is supported in part by the in-laws. You don't want to follow their rules? Don't take their funds. Then those regulations will simply not apply to you- like they don't apply to private schools.

2. I dk what your other comment is about. Joe Shmoe wants to defraud the government?
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 5:49 pm
sushilover wrote:
PAMOM seemed to be saying that the transgender bathroom issue is not an issue as it will not be forced on us. I am disagreeing.

I didn't say anything about the safety and comfort of other students. That's a whole 'nother issue.

Who is us? You and me? Taxpayers? Private school parents? Jews?
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 6:03 pm
leah233 wrote:
The one I gave in my first post. Joe Smoe is an engineer. As a white male he can't get a government contract. He therefore approaches some minority and tells him I'll make you a 51% partner in the business on the condition you can only collect three percent of the profits. That happens to be a legal partnership formation agreement as far as I know.

What if it wasn't and Joe Smoe tells Mr/s minority I'll give you three percent of my profit if you claim to be a 51% partner so I can get the government contract. Can society have any moral complaints towards him for doing so?

I don't have any idea what you're talking about. 65% of federal small business contract dollars went to non-minority owned firms in 2012.


So I dk where Joe is looking. And I don't know whom you are blaming for this nonexistent problem.
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 6:18 pm
marina wrote:
Who is us? You and me? Taxpayers? Private school parents? Jews?

Yes Very Happy
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 8:20 pm
Bernie Sanders is talking now. I have never listened to such a bad speech. Omg!!!!! How can anyone like him? He is a mega socialist. All he is saying is how the rich should have less money and the poor should get richer. Money, money, and money..... Crazy dude.
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Post Mon, Jul 25 2016, 10:21 pm
A 3-min clip (which, I believe, was NOT included in the final edit) of Hillary Clinton's interview on 60 Minutes (Ignore the title of the clip):

Deny, deny, deny. Gosh, I didn't know anything about it. Rolling Eyes

But hey, she won the nomination. Not fair-and-square... but as she likes to say, "What difference at this point does it make?"

The DNC is a criminal organization, and Hillary Clinton is a con artist. She and Debbie Wasserman Schultz should be behind bars.
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Post Tue, Jul 26 2016, 5:23 am
I posted it on the RNC thread, as well.

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