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My Wedding in Camp Raninu
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Post Fri, Aug 19 2016, 4:11 pm
In response to the thread about camp Raninu making a wedding, I wanted to tell you about it. (And I disagree with the poster in the other thread who said it was a bit like a night activity)

To start with, yes, this is a second marriage. And we didn't want anything big or elaborate. Would have happily eloped. Then I heard (from friend of a friend) that camp Raninu wanted to make a wedding. The idea appealed to me-let others plan it, let kids have fun preparing for it, and we can just show up. I spoke to my chosson and he liked the idea too. So I contacted this friend of a friend, she contacted the camp and connected us.

From the start it was a great shidduch! We were helping each other out. They asked if we planned on a photographer. I said "people have cameras and cell phones-they can email the pictures to us". Do we plan on a band "cd's are fine with us". The camp got a parent-a professional photographer-to come and take pictures. He was amazing! Treated us the same as he would for any wedding he worked. The camp also found a keyboard player and singer.
The photographer got a videographer too!

I mentioned that I am not into makeup and had no one to do mine for the wedding. They found a staff member who did it for me-she did a great job.

The girls in the camp painted, decorated, planned, set up, cooked and baked. They were all enthused about our wedding.

Driving to the wedding, the camp signs had wedding rings on them-so you knew you were headed in the right direction. When anyone arrives, there were golf carts to escort guests where they needed to go. There were more wedding ring signs all around the camp letting people know where the chosson tish was, the reception, the meal, which golf carts were designated for wedding guests to be driven in.

at the reception, which was set up as beautifully as any hall is, there were lots of baked goods and waitresses with hot hors devours. A kallah chair on an elevated platform-with room for my mom and mil to sit next to me. EVERY girl in the camp came over to wish me mazel tov, to thank me for having my wedding there, for letting them share in our simcha. Many asked me for brachos, others gave me a brocha. They made sure to wish both moms mazel tov too.

The chuppa was outside, in a gazebo. they made a beautiful chuppa, had freshly painted benches for guests and campers to sit on. I was not aware at the time, but they even had flower girls strewing flowers on the white aisle they had prepared for us to walk down. The mesader kedushin explained to the camp the different steps of the chuppah as they were happening. (The mesader kedushin happens to be both my rov, and the rov of the camp).

The meal came next. The dining room was decorated beautifully. There were table cards made especially for the wedding. Te waitresses had aprons that looked like tuxedos.The chosson/kallah table was draped with tulle from the ceiling down the sides of the table. The girls had decorated water carafes with colorful dots of nail polish to dress them up. The food itself was the same you get at a hall. Fruit starter, stuffed chicken, green beans, roasted potatoes and a sweet muffin. Delicious.

They showed video of the work the girls put into the wedding over the past weeks. And as I was thinking that I would love a copy of that video, they handed me one! They even had benchers with a monogram on it.

Dancing was in the gym. Along with dessert-a Viennese table of baked goods. (Not sure what else as I didnt go to it-too busy dancing). We were introduced and entered thru loads of girls holding arches that they made above our heads. And boy was it leibidig! I was able to dance with my guests and the girls in the camp too. The floor of the gym was bouncing too! There was shtick the girls made that fit my job and my chossons. The girls did a beautiful choreographed dance performance for me too. Even the day campers got involved-the boys from the day camp did their own choir at the meal and shtick during the dancing. There were girls who did acrobatics, ballet dancing, a unicycle rider, a clown.

And don't worry, there was plenty of enthusiasm on the chossons side too. Maybe not nearly as many men and boys as there were girls on the ladies side, but enough that it was leibidig there too.

At the end, One of the married staff danced me round the room to say goodbye to the girls and then I was danced to my chosson and we left. A golf cart and driver were waiting to take us to get our stuff and drive us to our car.

Our wedding was more than anyone could have imagined! And I thank camp Raninu for day that none of there will ever forget! (Though I might have inadvertently left out a thing or two in my retelling).

Signed A Very Happy (in no way nebuch) Imamother!
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Post Fri, Aug 19 2016, 4:26 pm
Wow, that sounds so lovely! I got choked up reading your post. What a beautiful meaningful wedding!
Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov! Cheers
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cheese cake


Post Fri, Aug 19 2016, 4:28 pm
Sounds like it was a really beautiful wedding! Mazel tov!!
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Post Fri, Aug 19 2016, 4:32 pm
Beautiful! Mazel tov! Wishing you a long and happy life together!
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Post Fri, Aug 19 2016, 4:34 pm
Thank you so much for sharing. Sounds wonderful .
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Post Fri, Aug 19 2016, 5:05 pm
Wow. This is so so amazing.
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Post Fri, Aug 19 2016, 5:11 pm
Wow! Thanks for sharing!
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Post Fri, Aug 19 2016, 5:20 pm
Beautiful, thanks for posting this.
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Post Fri, Aug 19 2016, 5:21 pm
So gorgeous - Mazal tov!
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Post Fri, Aug 19 2016, 5:38 pm
So heartwarming!
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Post Fri, Aug 19 2016, 5:43 pm
Mazal tov!!
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Post Fri, Aug 19 2016, 6:00 pm
If we did more of such weddings less people would be in debt over their heads
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Post Fri, Aug 19 2016, 6:14 pm
Wow! Can Camp Raninu do my daughter's wedding IY"H? They are amazing! Mazal tov!
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Post Fri, Aug 19 2016, 6:19 pm
Mazel tov! Your wedding sounds beautiful!
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Post Sat, Aug 20 2016, 3:39 pm
Mazes tov, it sounded like such fun,may you have many happy years together!
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Post Sat, Aug 20 2016, 4:05 pm
Mazel Tov! Sound beautiful! Many happy years together!
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Post Sat, Aug 20 2016, 4:47 pm
ra_mom wrote:
Wow, that sounds so lovely! I got choked up reading your post. What a beautiful meaningful wedding!
Mazel Tov, Mazel Tov! Cheers

Me too, Mazal Tov!
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Post Sat, Aug 20 2016, 9:54 pm
Mazel to may you have many happy and healthy years together!
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Rubber Ducky


Post Sat, Aug 20 2016, 11:34 pm
I so enjoyed reading your description of the chassunah. Mazel Tov!
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Post Sun, Aug 21 2016, 12:01 am
Mazel tov!

Would like to add how impressed I am
With the camp's creative idea. Imagine the excitement leading up to this special day! All the campers working together in achdus To do this mitzvah!

what an awesome way to spend the summer! Sounds incredible!

May you see much Mazel and Bracha in your life together!
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