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WO! Now I really believe in R' Nachman - Uman- Rosh Hashana!
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Post Sun, Aug 12 2007, 10:57 pm
Last year a relative who was childless went to Uman on Rosh Hashanah.

Now the update- this year the wife is B"H due IY"H on Rosh Hashannah! That's pretty powerful.

I am stunned. Scaryyyyyyyy.
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Post Sun, Aug 12 2007, 11:03 pm
I am not surprised at all. Such things happen not that uncommonly.

Now, miracle, or strength of the human spirit? who knows. Sometimes the block is only mental and a change like dh finding work, can make it disappear. So why not this??

I had the rav in charge of the Amuka pray of R' Yonatan ben Uziel's grave, and 1 year after I was married. And you know... I only half believed. So can you imagine what it can do to someone who believes in the segula with all his might and spirit?
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Post Mon, Aug 13 2007, 2:59 am
I also davened at amuka....a month later I was engaged........divorced exactly a year later......big freaking deal.
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Post Mon, Aug 13 2007, 2:57 pm
amother wrote:
I also davened at amuka....a month later I was engaged........divorced exactly a year later......big freaking deal.

so what? marriage needs work, sometimes a bit, sometimes a lot.
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chocolate moose


Post Mon, Aug 13 2007, 3:04 pm
Could be the placebo effect.
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Post Mon, Aug 13 2007, 3:09 pm
chocolate moose wrote:
Could be the placebo effect.

yup, we will never know, but maybe part of the bracha IS being so convinced that it happens! especially in health matters
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Post Wed, Aug 15 2007, 2:43 am
hum hard for me to know, I'm lately beginning to feel closer tothe lubab rebbe... I send dh anywasy touman, well he won't be mevater on it and anyways for me it's a good break.

I remember once when I broke my elbow I said to dh this was 10 years ago I said I don't get it you went to uman and davened and this is what happens... so why go to uman ?? ok I also got pregnant straight afterwards but dh told me that it could have been far worse. who knows. but I some how see soo clearly that the lubab rebbe sees and know exactly what is going on in my life, it's gets totally pinpointed in the igrot kodesh and every onesays when you go to uman you don't see yeshuas straight away!! really hard for me... I see yeshuas though thelubab rebbe much more. dh claims that rebbe nachman gives yeshuas but hera\eally can't argue with me anymore...
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Post Wed, Aug 15 2007, 2:50 am
miriamnechama wrote:
but I some how see soo clearly that the lubab rebbe sees and know exactly what is going on in my life,

I think you meant to write Hakadosh Baruch Hu.
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Post Wed, Aug 15 2007, 5:10 am
People "forget" all the things that did that didn't work.

I bet even more childless couples davened at Uman and did not get pregnant that month.

-dh and I davened at kevarim in the north, including Amuka
-dh and I got a bracha from a kabbalistic Rabbi and then said the same tehillim straight for 3 months
-I went to mikvah after a woman in her 9th month
-I went to mikvah after an older woman going for the first time (my own made up segula)
-we were kvatarim at a bris
-davened at the kotel at many key times

In the end it worked in connection with Purim...it makes a very nice story..but countless other times it didn't work.

Bottom line-davening always helps, and we don't understand how Hashem will answer us and when.... But going to Uman when you can't afford it is ridiculous. Leaving wives and children alone for chagim is disgusting, irresponsible behavior.

We also daven to Hashem, not to the lubab Rebbe or Uman Rebbe. We are not Christians who believe we need a middleman to connect to Hashem or think a dead person is the messiah who is going to have a second coming.
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Post Wed, Aug 15 2007, 5:40 am
I'm also still waiting for anyone to give me a convincing explanation how it is better to leave EY, where 'einie Hashem Elokecha ba m'reishis hashana ad acharis shana' (Hashem's eyes are on the Land from the beginning of the year to the end) to daven in Chul.

In EY our tefillos have a direct line...
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Post Wed, Aug 15 2007, 5:49 am
dunno. dh says that rebbe nachman says that he wants everyone to daven by him on rh, I think it started the year of his petira he moved tyo uman and everyone went to him that rh. he said he wantedto be buriedin uman cus of some massacre that happened years back. anyways when he passed away on 18 tishrei the next year everyone went back to daven by in on rh in uman. ok so basicaly it's become a minhag that breslovers do. now it's so easy but during comunism how many people were moser nefesh to go to his kever. I don't remember all the detail but can ask dh.

I had the book through fire and water and it was written there, I don't have it anymore though. I think also rebbe nosson said then that one should daven by rebbe nachman.
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Post Wed, Aug 15 2007, 5:55 am
miriamnechama wrote:
dunno. dh says that rebbe nachman says that he wants everyone to daven by him on rh, I think it started the year of his petira he moved tyo uman and everyone went to him that rh. he said he wantedto be buriedin uman cus of some massacre that happened years back. anyways when he passed away on 18 tishrei the next year everyone went back to daven by in on rh in uman. ok so basicaly it's become a minhag that breslovers do. now it's so easy but during comunism how many people were moser nefesh to go to his kever. I don't remember all the detail but can ask dh.

I had the book through fire and water and it was written there, I don't have it anymore though. I think also rebbe nosson said then that one should daven by rebbe nachman.

And did they say Jews should leave EY to daven in Uman Question shock
And did they say Jews should spend thousands of dollars to do so, instead of supporting Torah or giving it to tzedaka? shock

I would imagine they said it to Jews who lived fairly locally and probably walked to Uman or at best came by horse and cart...
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Post Wed, Aug 15 2007, 6:48 am
don't ask me!!! quite frankly I don't care what dh does... if it's important for him to spend the money on it let him.. I will not interfere and ruin shalom bayis with it.

also there is somewhere taht says that one can leave ey to go to kivrei tzadikim abroad.

but what everone else does is really nort my business, besides for the fact that it's acassidsh minhag that the chassidim go to the rebbe for rh and yk. I'm fine with it and I'm ok being at home alone...
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chocolate moose


Post Wed, Aug 15 2007, 9:59 am
shalhevet wrote:
I'm also still waiting for anyone to give me a convincing explanation how it is better to leave EY, where 'einie Hashem Elokecha ba m'reishis hashana ad acharis shana' (Hashem's eyes are on the Land from the beginning of the year to the end) to daven in Chul. In EY our tefillos have a direct line...

Don't laugh - does "Chul" mean Chutz LeAretz?
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Post Wed, Aug 15 2007, 10:04 am
chocolate moose wrote:
shalhevet wrote:
I'm also still waiting for anyone to give me a convincing explanation how it is better to leave EY, where 'einie Hashem Elokecha ba m'reishis hashana ad acharis shana' (Hashem's eyes are on the Land from the beginning of the year to the end) to daven in Chul. In EY our tefillos have a direct line...

Don't laugh - does "Chul" mean Chutz LeAretz?

Why should I laugh? Sorry I used a term that's not familiar to everyone. I need to apologize.
You're right of course.
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Post Wed, Aug 15 2007, 10:18 am
After 300+ years of Mofsim coming from Chassidishe Rebbeim, there should be no surprise in these stories anymore. Ashreinu, how lucky we are, that Hashem has given us tzaddikim to turn to in times of our troubles.

Chassidim ALWAYS went to their Rebbe for Tishrei and other Yomim Tovim too.

MiriamNechama, someone mentioned on this site a while back that Uman has the same kedusha as Eretz Yisroel. I wouldn't worry about all the Breslavim leaving E"Y to go there for Rosh Hashana.

And, of course, to come to 770 which we call "Beis Rabbeinu She'b'Bavel" it is certainly no yeridah to leave E"Y and come there.

But going to Uman when you can't afford it is ridiculous. Leaving wives and children alone for chagim is disgusting, irresponsible behavior.

In your own opinion, stated rudely.

This is your second rude post about Chassidim. Have you anything nice to say about Chassidim? Not just the ones that conform to what you think Judaism is about, but the other ones too.
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chocolate moose


Post Wed, Aug 15 2007, 10:22 am
shalhevet wrote:
Why should I laugh? Sorry I used a term that's not familiar to everyone. I need to apologize. You're right of course.

awwwwwwwwwwwwww........I was gonna ask anonymously, just in case!!!!!
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Post Wed, Aug 15 2007, 10:52 am
amother wrote:
Last year a relative who was childless went to Uman on Rosh Hashanah.

Now the update- this year the wife is B"H due IY"H on Rosh Hashannah! That's pretty powerful.

I am stunned. Scaryyyyyyyy.
Yes, I'm not surprised. A childless relative (not Lubavitch) went to the Ohel on Gimmel Tammuz and gave birth the following year on Gimmel Tammuz.

Tzaddikim are poel yeshuos, and bring down brochos to us. But just as rain coming down on an empty, unploughed and unseeded field cannot make anything but weeds grow, so too the brochos from the Tzaddik will be fruitful when the recipients have emunah..
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Post Wed, Aug 15 2007, 11:07 am
GR wrote:

MiriamNechama, someone mentioned on this site a while back that Uman has the same kedusha as Eretz Yisroel. I wouldn't worry about all the Breslavim leaving E"Y to go there for Rosh Hashana.

I'm so glad you wouldn't worry. <sarcasm> The gemorra mentions 3 reasons that leaving EY is permitted, and going to kivrei tzaddikim is not one of them. During the time that the gemorra was written there were kivrei tzaddikim in chutz la'aretz - eg Mordechai and Esther, tanaaim in Bavel etc, so if it would have been permitted/ recommended to leave EY for such a purpose, it would have been mentioned.

Do you have a source for your psak, GR?

Not only that, but I heard that the kvarim of tzaddikim in chutz la'aretz are actually empty and their bodies reach EY under the ground!!

Also, it is well known that all the tefillos from all the kivrei tzaddikim in the world are gathered to Meron to the kever of the Rashbi (Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai) and from there to the Cave of Machpela to the kever of our forefathers and foremothers, and from there straight to Heaven.


And, of course, to come to 770 which we call "Beis Rabbeinu She'b'Bavel" it is certainly no yeridah to leave E"Y and come there.

Oh, of course. Even according to your shita, could you please explain the kedusha of a house that a tzaddik used to live in? And to leave EY, the King's palace, for such a reason????
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Post Wed, Aug 15 2007, 11:24 am
shalhevet wrote:

And did they say Jews should leave EY to daven in Uman Question shock
And did they say Jews should spend thousands of dollars to do so, instead of supporting Torah or giving it to tzedaka? shock

I would imagine they said it to Jews who lived fairly locally and probably walked to Uman or at best came by horse and cart...

catinmylap wrote:

Bottom line-davening always helps, and we don't understand how Hashem will answer us and when.... But going to Uman when you can't afford it is ridiculous. Leaving wives and children alone for chagim is disgusting, irresponsible behavior.

I'm not Breslov, and I take offense to these comments. Who are we to judge another's minhagim, even if they happen to be Chassidish? There are plenty of sacrifices we all make, monetary and otherwise that would make someone from without frum society go Confused shock

BH, I live in CH, and wouldn't ever have to make such a decision - all my mesiras nefesh entails is putting up the guests (yes, sometimes on the living room floor LOL )
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