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Perks of having a "boy family"
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Post Wed, May 02 2018, 10:49 am
B"H just had another boy, and no girls yet!

For those with "boy families," what do you feel are the pros/perks of having boys?

Last edited by raich on Fri, May 15 2020, 11:19 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Wed, May 02 2018, 11:36 am
I've always been a tomboy myself. I don't think I'd know what to do with a girl at this point LOL So it works well for me.
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Post Wed, May 02 2018, 11:43 am
My friend told me her SIL, who has only boys, considers them to be her contribution to the Shidduch Crisis.

Mazal Tov!
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Post Wed, May 02 2018, 11:54 am
Having only one gender is easier to room share and to pass clothes on and possibly select activities
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Post Wed, May 02 2018, 12:05 pm
You can pack light you should see my dh eyes pop when we pack up for my 3 girls 🤣🤣(mom of a girl family)
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Post Wed, May 02 2018, 12:16 pm
I have one girl and 3 boys, and getting used to my "boy" family.

But I do know of families who had 4 boys--and then 2 girls. I know a family of 5 boys and just had a girl. My sister had 3 girls and one boy--and was a girly household, then had 3 boys and a girl at the bottom--and WOW what a dynamic shift.
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Post Wed, May 02 2018, 12:22 pm
Clothes shopping is much more simple. The boys are also more straightforward, definitely less drama with social scene, friendships etc. They also have a lot more physical energy to burn, so sports become great outlet.
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Post Wed, May 02 2018, 12:30 pm
I have mostly boys. In my community boys have school on Sunday (til 2 or 3).
I save all errands for Sunday just one girl and the toddler.
My friend with 5 girls goes crazy with clubs and playdates and stuff.
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Post Wed, May 02 2018, 12:33 pm
Boys love their mothers and are extremely kind and good to them. Additionally there is a lot less hormones to deal with and catty fighting. Brothers have a sense of comraderie and are many times very close friends.
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Post Wed, May 02 2018, 1:37 pm
Doesn't quite answer the OP's question, but I just watched a YouTube conversation between Jordan Peterson and Camille Paglia where they were talking about this. Women who grow up with multiple brothers are apparently less likely to be victims of s-xual assault and are generally happier and more effective in their jobs.

Paglia surmises that women with brothers develop better skills at interpreting non-verbal masculine behavior (e.g., recognizing a potentially dangerous situation); have more experience at interpersonal negotiation with men; and are simply less intimidated by certain masculine behaviors. She says, "They can appreciate men but don't take them too seriously."

So it seems like being one of a few girls in a household of boys can be a big advantage.
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Post Wed, May 02 2018, 1:39 pm
I have mostly boys. To be honest,I couldn't figure out what to do with a girl-- who needs to go clothes shopping for hours on end! My boys are fun and sweet and I love their perspectives on life.
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Post Wed, May 02 2018, 1:40 pm
What about one boy in a house full of girls? My brothers are very chilled, very good at calming girls down and soothing potential drama, etc...I think it comes from them having been outnumbered by 7 strongly emotional sisters....my nephew, an only son with four sisters, is very similar to my older brother, I think for much of the same reasons....
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Post Wed, May 02 2018, 3:43 pm
amother wrote:
I've always been a tomboy myself. I don't think I'd know what to do with a girl at this point LOL So it works well for me.

Same here, I don't know what I'd do with a girlie girl! I love my boys. But I'm a little worried about what will happen when they get married. I see that it's easier when it's your daughter who gets married, you can be more relaxed around her and it's easier to get close to the grandchildren. I don't have a daughter so I'll kind of be at the mercy of my dil, if that makes sense. Of course this isn't always true and I hope I'll have a good relationship with my dils but it is something I've been thinking about.
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Post Wed, May 02 2018, 3:49 pm
gumby wrote:
Boys love their mothers and are extremely kind and good to them. Additionally there is a lot less hormones to deal with and catty fighting. Brothers have a sense of comraderie and are many times very close friends.

Boy hormones are no fun either. Or maybe it depends on the individual.
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Post Wed, May 02 2018, 4:40 pm
We've had a boy family for the last 17 yrs and I'm pregnant now and don't know what I'm having. Here are great perks to having boys.
1. I don't have kvetchy , whiny kids
2. We are not busy with play dates and social lives constantly. It's much rarer than with girls
3. My kids ALWAYS have school, even on snow days etc. the have minimal vacations and don't have off entire weeks before Yom Tov.
4. Before big yomim tovim I don't have the stress of "shopping" all over town for the new seasons clothes. They are happy with their white shirts and black or navy suit. Nothing changes.
5. Getting dressed every day is just a shirt and pants and they are not pitchechy about what they are wearing .
6. They are much more flexible in general.
7. They give me my space and I don't have to ask them to stop pulling me, touching me, hugging me etc. the way I see other girls do to their mothers
8. They are amazing helpers and physically are able to do all the things I don't have energy to do.
9. They don't cry and get all emotional over silly stuff or .
10. I'm a boy fan, always was and always will be.
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Post Wed, May 02 2018, 4:51 pm
thunderstorm wrote:
We've had a boy family for the last 17 yrs and I'm pregnant now and don't know what I'm having. Here are great perks to having boys.
1. I don't have kvetchy , whiny kids
2. We are not busy with play dates and social lives constantly. It's much rarer than with girls
3. My kids ALWAYS have school, even on snow days etc. the have minimal vacations and don't have off entire weeks before Yom Tov.
4. Before big yomim tovim I don't have the stress of "shopping" all over town for the new seasons clothes. They are happy with their white shirts and black or navy suit. Nothing changes.
5. Getting dressed every day is just a shirt and pants and they are not pitchechy about what they are wearing .
6. They are much more flexible in general.
7. They give me my space and I don't have to ask them to stop pulling me, touching me, hugging me etc. the way I see other girls do to their mothers
8. They are amazing helpers and physically are able to do all the things I don't have energy to do.
9. They don't cry and get all emotional over silly stuff or .
10. I'm a boy fan, always was and always will be.

In case you do have a girl, a lot of the negative characteristics you apply to girls are not true. My girls aren’t whiny, inflexible, overly touchy, or crybabies at all.
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Post Wed, May 02 2018, 4:58 pm
amother wrote:
In case you do have a girl, a lot of the negative characteristics you apply to girls are not true. My girls aren’t whiny, inflexible, overly touchy, or crybabies at all.

My sibs and DHs sibs all have girls and every time I see them I say "now I know why I never had girls". So I will have to wait and see for myself.
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Post Wed, May 02 2018, 6:18 pm
you don't have to deal with teaching tznious and body image (at least not as much). I am pretty vain myself, and think having little girls watch me would be a lot unhealthier than my boys--I can't tell my boys make up is just a mommy thing etc.
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Post Wed, May 02 2018, 6:27 pm
Not having to worry about marrying off a girl.
Knowing there's someone to say kaddish for you.
Having your own mezuman all the time.
Feeling smug about doing more than your share to solve the "shidduch crisis".
Nobody borrows your clothes, makeup and jewelry.
Lots of men around to open jars and get things off high shelves.
Not needing to know what's in fashion for little and not-so-litttle girls.
Getting to shape the next generation of strong yet sensitive, masculine yet feminist talmidei chachamim who also know their way around a kitchen.
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Post Wed, May 02 2018, 6:34 pm
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