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Forum -> Coronavirus Health Questions
Am I overreacting?
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Post Sun, Apr 18 2021, 12:08 pm
Is it crazy that I'm still disenfecting surfaces? And using purell all the time? I'm trying so hard to get over doing this but my OCD kicks in. Advice?
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Post Sun, Apr 18 2021, 12:09 pm
No you aren't. I also use purell after every outing. Better safe than sorry. Covid unfortunately is not gone.

Last edited by fleetwood on Sun, Apr 18 2021, 12:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Sun, Apr 18 2021, 12:09 pm
Nah I do the same thing. I don’t have OCD, I’ve never gotten Covid, and I’m vaccinated since January.
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Post Sun, Apr 18 2021, 12:15 pm
If you feel better doing this go ahead. However, CDC said disinfecting surfaces is not necessary and all research seems to bear this out. So while we used to do this we no longer do.
As for purell we used to do such frequently however we and everyone we know has either gotten the vax or has antibodies so we are no longer doing this diligently.
Wishing everyone health!
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Post Sun, Apr 18 2021, 12:16 pm
I think it’s overkill. And I’m very safe but I never disinfected surfaces. Studies have shows it doesn’t live there.
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small bean


Post Sun, Apr 18 2021, 12:17 pm
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Post Sun, Apr 18 2021, 12:25 pm
It’s always been recommended to purell or better yet wash with warm water and soap after being out, regardless of pandemic,

Disinfecting surfaces? I guess it depends which surfaces. I haven’t been disinfecting packages or groceries for months.
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Post Sun, Apr 18 2021, 12:27 pm
Listen, someone has to support the Purell and Lysol companies so......
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Post Sun, Apr 18 2021, 12:28 pm
Stopped disinfecting almost a year ago
Never Purelled
We didnt get sick...
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Post Sun, Apr 18 2021, 12:31 pm
If you are literally having an OCD issue, it should be addressed with an expert. If you are disciplined in that routine and it's peaceful, it's not necessarily an overreaction. My grandparents, who both passed away well before COVID, were always incredibly healthy. They were very quietly disciplined about always washing their hands with soap when they got home from being out and before they ate food, etc. (in addition to obviously after using the restroom) They very very rarely ever got sick and remained very healthy until their rather sudden deaths at advanced age of typical natural occurrences, ie. heart attack, etc.
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Post Sun, Apr 18 2021, 12:32 pm
Another Covid Myth Dies the Death
Jeffrey A. Tucker
– April 10, 2021

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Post Sun, Apr 18 2021, 12:33 pm
I don’t disinfect surfaces, but we wash our hands after every outing, and when out use sanitiser if eating.

Not ocd, looking out for your family.
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Post Sun, Apr 18 2021, 1:23 pm
Good article cbsp thanks

Yes what we thought might have made sense a year ago based on not knowing anything, no longer does make sense based on facts on the ground.
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Post Sun, Apr 18 2021, 1:40 pm
I wash my hands when I come home but then touch my phone that I used outside. No one wipes their phone down?
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Post Sun, Apr 18 2021, 2:05 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
I wash my hands when I come home but then touch my phone that I used outside. No one wipes their phone down?

Even pre covid, I would occasionally wipe down high touch surfaces, including phones, doorknobs, light switches, etc. I still do so occasionally now. The frequency varied depending on where we are all going about and if we’ve had any colds etc.
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Post Sun, Apr 18 2021, 2:08 pm
tigerwife wrote:
It’s always been recommended to purell or better yet wash with warm water and soap after being out, regardless of pandemic,

Disinfecting surfaces? I guess it depends which surfaces. I haven’t been disinfecting packages or groceries for months.

I have not changed my washing hands/surfaces pre & since Covid started.
We’ve always been careful, but not overboard
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Post Sun, Apr 18 2021, 2:09 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
I wash my hands when I come home but then touch my phone that I used outside. No one wipes their phone down?

I wipe my phone down as do all the nurses I work with. Even if covid is typically not spread that way, it is still good practice.
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Post Sun, Apr 18 2021, 2:12 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
I wash my hands when I come home but then touch my phone that I used outside. No one wipes their phone down?

I do. But I did before covid. Phones are covered in germs, and I use it throughout the day. I wipe it down when I come home from work. I wash my hands whenever I come home from being outside. This is not OCD. Just good hygiene and something that was always recommended.
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Post Sun, Apr 18 2021, 2:19 pm
OP, I think the most important question is, are you distressed by this behavior?

If you just enjoy having things neat and clean, then it's not a problem, even if it's more than other people do.

If it's a constant, intrusive thought, then therapy can help you be a little bit more relaxed about things.
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Post Sun, Apr 18 2021, 2:20 pm
I will use purell when out, and wash my hands when I come home (not much different than my usual habits during flu season).

But wiping down groceries went out the window long ago.

I never did wipe surfaces, I didn't really understand the rationale, since if it is the surfaces in your home that you are worried about, how would that help if you're breathing the air of the same people that are touching the surfaces?

The only time I did wipe them was when someone who was known to be positive used the communal bathroom, or suchlike.
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