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Diapers on Shabbos?
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2005, 8:27 am
This is embarrasing, but I just came to a realization that there are major problems with the disposable diapers we use. In order to open them you need to tear them apart. So my husband showed to diaper to our Rav, and he said that it's a problem on Shabbos. They are store brand, either Target or RiteAid.

So my question is -- does everybody use different kind of diapers? What kind? Because I've never seen anybody prepare their diapers before Shabbos. Or do you?

We also used Tushies before, and they have a different problem -- they use tape to close them.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2005, 8:31 am
We used to prepare diapers before Shabbos- pre-open the tapes (these were the days before velcro on diapers), "rip" open the diapers. We had a hanging diaper storage bag for this reason (now we leave them in the original plastic).
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2005, 8:34 am
We also used to prepare diapers before shabbos, when we were buying the kind with sticky closure instead of velcro. Now we use cloth diapers and there is no problem with them.

THis makes me think of our kitchen trash bags -- when we unfold a new one it COULD be ripping apart - is this the same thing with the diapers? I never even though about it being a problem.... embarrassed
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2005, 9:11 am
Yep better to prepare b/4 hand also same applys to tissues from box some come like a fold over system which is fine but others have it attached ever so slightly but enough for it to be forbidden Confused
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2005, 9:13 am
I have a friend who asked a shaila when she first got married about using baby wipes on Shabbos. Her Rav told her they aren't permissble on Shabbos. She uses the peri bottle you get from the hospital after having a baby and tissues, I think she uses tissues. She has been doing this for six kids!!!
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2005, 9:18 am
I just checked our garbage bags -- you're right, they do tear when you open them! They're the drawstring kind. Never thought they could be a problem.

Tissues -- I find that the Kleenex brand are separated, but store brands might not be.

Anything else?

Oh, and wipes are a whole different issue -- they used to be OK for years, and then something changed, so now they are saying not to use them. We use Baby Spritz. You can get it online.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2005, 9:46 am
We don't have a problem with opening ours, but it is important to remember not to close them back up with the tape after they are used.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2005, 9:56 am
I used baby spritz for a while but started getting nauceous from the smell. Also, Its annoying to use w/ tissues. I've started sticking the kid in the bath tub w/ cold water. Seems cruel but they get used to it- my baby doesn't even complain anymore Wink
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2005, 12:58 pm
BTW, some Kleenex are also a problem- I think it's the boxes sold as a 3-pack.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2005, 1:33 pm
for the diapers I was told that to open the sticky part and close them again on shabbos and for wipes we were told that as long as they don't squeeze out a certain amount of water then they are okay.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2005, 1:37 pm
supermom wrote:
for the diapers I was told that to open the sticky part and close them again on shabbos and for wipes we were told that as long as they don't squeeze out a certain amount of water then they are okay.

For the diapers I was told the same thing. That is to prepare them before Shabbos by opening the tabs. The wipes we never used.

Last edited by TzenaRena on Mon, Oct 10 2005, 4:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2005, 1:38 pm
I learned wipes are ok u arent squeezing them... why wouldn't they be ok??
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2005, 1:55 pm
REgarding the wipes... I think in the lamed tes melachos (riviat - the big gray books) he doesn't really come to a conclusion on the wipes because different manufacturers tell him different htings about where the moisture is stored in the wipes.

Not sure what is in baby spritz but you could just use a spray (mist) bottle with plain water that is what we use with our cloth wipes and it works great.

I'm also confused about tearing the diapers, tissues, garbage bags when you open them. What malacha is this? Aren't they already cut to size during manufacturing? To me it seems the edges only stick because of teh cutting process??? Confused
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2005, 3:55 pm
I read in a book about halachos in dealing with children (don't remember the name offhand) that wipes that are paper (not cloth - some are advertised as real cloth) and are not too wet are ok to use. I usually find that huggies natural care are pretty ok, but a recent package I bought actually has the wipes stuck together and perforated, so that is not ok.

I do know people who "prepare" diapers before shabbos by opening them (often they're stuck together at the top) and untaping them.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2005, 4:38 pm
This is what I learned:

Diapers-If the manufacturer purposely makes the diaper in a way that it's left stuck together, then you have to open them before shabbos. If they are stuck together only because of the pressure of the cutting process, then it's fine. The generic brands are more likely to be manufactured stuck to each other.
We should not wrap up the diaper using the closers to keep it closed, because that makes a permanant closure.

Wipes-if they are not so wet, like the top of a new container OR a generic brand then it's ok.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2005, 5:31 pm
wipes - if they leave enough moisture on the bottom to make wet if you touched it -- it's considered squeezing. I also use the baby spritz. great produce - about $5-6 and lasts MONTHS! (someone told me a rov has allowed wipes....so don't feel bad if you've used them!)
As for diapers, I am almost positive that I read in Children in Halacha that it's okay, even though they're partially attached. I'll have to double check, but we're moving now and the book is not accessible at the moment. my husband said it's like bandaids - R' Moshe said you don't have to preopen before shabbos.
Oh, another point -- when throwing out used diapers on Shabbos, you're not supposed to close them up using the sticky tabs.
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2005, 5:45 pm
I can't vouch for this, but s/o I know said their Rav told them to use baby lotion and tissues on Shabbos to clean instead of wipes (b/f the days of baby spritz). I find the spritz hard to use and if I don't have low moisture wipes, the lotion is great (good anyway to use).

Regarding tissues: Scotties is no good, some kleenex are good, and the walmart brand is good.

Regarding diapers: If it's a problem with the sticky tabs on diapers, then what do people do about pads on Shabbos? I never know how much I need and do not have enough underwear to stick them onto b/4hand (I know s/o who does that)!
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2005, 5:59 pm
it's not a problem -- I think b/c it's not permanent, "me"....
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Post Mon, Oct 10 2005, 6:49 pm
how can u use lotion if u arent allowed to smear on shabbos??
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Post Tue, Oct 11 2005, 8:53 am
My husband said that the melacha involved is makeh b'patish (final hammer blow). In other words, by tearing apart the diaper you're making it fit for use.
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