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How do you feel about the covid vaccine now?
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How do you feel about the covid vaccine now?
I never took it and never plan to  
 55%  [ 182 ]
I took the vaccine and regret it  
 7%  [ 26 ]
I took the vaccine and I'm happy I took it but would not take a booster  
 20%  [ 69 ]
I took a vaccine and I'm happy I took it and will continue to take boosters  
 10%  [ 36 ]
I took the vaccine and I'm not sure how I feel about it  
 4%  [ 16 ]
Total Votes : 329



Post Thu, Apr 27 2023, 11:42 pm
I didn't get it and don't regret it. I literally could not understand anyone who got the shot except for overweight people. They were the most at risk for dying of Covid (according to what we knew then). Otherwise, healthy normal people risked their lives by getting vaccinated.
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Post Thu, Apr 27 2023, 11:43 pm
amother NeonYellow wrote:
..and if she would have taken the vaccine and something happened? It goes both ways.

Absolutely. I’m just saying it doesn’t follow logically like she says.
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Post Thu, Apr 27 2023, 11:46 pm
amother Daphne wrote:
And if you had gotten COVID and something happened to your baby, would you have forgiven yourself then?

Sorry just your logic here is just strange.

There is a difference between catching a virus

And deliberately exposing yourself to an experimental vaccine.

The Torah says when there is doubt, do nothing.

Shev v'al t'asseh
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Post Thu, Apr 27 2023, 11:47 pm
Never vaxxed, BH.

Not sure if I had covid. I never stayed home sick,
But I had a cough for awhile.
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Post Fri, Apr 28 2023, 12:49 am
Did not take it and don’t plan on taking it. I did get Covid while pregnant and landed in the ICU for 10 days, bh baby was born on time. But I still wouldn’t take it.
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Post Fri, Apr 28 2023, 1:02 am
To answer what the point of this thread was, I was curious if people feel regret for taking the vaccine. I did not take it and I'm very happy I didn't. The amount of deaths, heart issues and side effects that are coming out are scary. If I had taken it, I surely would be regretting it now, so I was wondering if other people felt that way or if they are still confident in their decision.
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Post Fri, Apr 28 2023, 1:17 am
Super happy I never took it. I feel bad for anyone that fell for the scam.
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Post Fri, Apr 28 2023, 1:38 am
I do not regret getting vaccinated as it was vital for my Shalom bayis and mental health of my husband.

I believe hashem runs the world and that I did my hishtaslus with the information and tools I had at the time and I am trusting in him.
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Post Fri, Apr 28 2023, 1:49 am
I took it when pregnant during the Delta virus. Both my husband and I really did not want to take. But I do not regret taking it because we followed our Daas Torah and I know that thats was the right thing. My husband met with Rabbi. Schabes from Monsey (who is the main Monsey rav) who said that Rav Chaim Kanievsky says to get the vaccine. -before anyone starts saying we don't know that he said that and all that you are right we don't know for a fact. But what I do know is that Rabbi. Schabes has been our rav since we are married and if I followed what he said for everything else I can follow him for this. So BH I don't regret my decision at all! Thqt being said my children have not/ will not get vaccinated.
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Post Fri, Apr 28 2023, 3:54 am
amother Oxfordblue wrote:
I do not regret getting vaccinated as it was vital for my Shalom bayis and mental health of my husband.

I believe hashem runs the world and that I did my hishtaslus with the information and tools I had at the time and I am trusting in him.


I got it early ish because Im considered a 'carer.'

I do not regret it because at the time we followed halachic advice and I wouldnt have done differently.

Yes I would not get any boosters now and I dont want my kids to get it but I still cant say I regret it.

It was what we had to do at the time.

Its a little bit similar to my experience with having my last child.
Our marriage was not in a good place and I dont feel we were ready.

I dont regret it for a minute but I can appreciate and recognise that I would have done things differently if it would have happened now.

Also, I find this thread wierd and cool.
Nowhere on the internet can we talk about people dying from the vaccines...
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Post Fri, Apr 28 2023, 4:56 am
BH super happy that I, and my family, are vaxxed and I would get any boosters that come up.

I knew I wanted to avoid Covid and we got it last summer for the first time. So we dodged the Covid bullet for 2 1/2 years. One son ended up with breathing issues which he still has after he goes running 10 months later. I ended up with an autoimmune disease. Not pleasant. So I am not interested in getting it again.

So if you go away from Covid scott free, vaxxed or not, be grateful!!
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Post Fri, Apr 28 2023, 6:18 am
Not scared to post under my screen name. I ran to get the vaccine as soon as I could. People were dying from covid. Young,healthy,old ,sick..covid did not discriminate. I have zero regrets.
At this point, everyone who wanted the vaccine got it and those who didn't want it got it or didn't. The vaccine threads have served their purpose and there's no point to any of it at this time.
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Post Fri, Apr 28 2023, 6:32 am
I think the vaccine has been highly politicized and it is still being singled out to blame for anything people suddenly notice happening and don't like.

For instance men's sperm counts have been dropping for decades but now people ae starting to pay attention and blame the covid vaccine.
Young people have been dropping dead suddenly since e-cigarettes started but now people's eyes are suddenly open and they are aware of it and not just passing it off as an invisible illness but rather blaming the covid vaccine.
And so on. There are countless other examples.

I think the vaccine is no worse or different than any other vaccines, it is not perfect but it does its job decently well with relatively little risk. People like to highlight the risks of a vaccine but ignore the risks of the disease it protects against. So people will say the whole-cell pertussis vaccine causes seizures but completely ignore the fact that if you get pertussis you're at an even greater risk of seizures.

The covid vaccine is about the same as any other. No reason to make such a big deal out of it or scapegoat it constantly. Yes covid was mishandled but the scientists who developed the vaccine aren't the politicians who mishandled the pandemic, we are adults and should be able to separate the baby from the bathwater.

(The covid vaccine gives much shorter protection than most other vaccines but coronaviruses as a genre of viruses give much shorter immunity than most other viruses, you can get a coronavirus (not just COVID-19 but any coronavirus including the ones that existed back in 2015) multiple times a year because immunity doesn't last. So it's not reasonable to expect that the vaccine will grant longer immunity than the virus itself. Sometimes, like in the case of tetanus, the vaccine does grant long-term immunity that the virus doesn't, but that's an exception, not the rule and not something we expect from the get-go.)
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Post Fri, Apr 28 2023, 6:42 am
DH and I got the vax and 1 booster, then decided that Covid had mutated to mild enough that we didn't need more. The kids still at home had the same. We all got mild cases a year or so later.

The married ones made their own choices. One didn't allow us to visit unless we quarantined for weeks first (kids and I would have had to stay home from school). They got all the vaccines. Eventually, they also got Covid, but really mild. And at some point, they stopped insisting on the quarantine.

Another chose not to vax, and they've all had Covid several times, once needing monoclonal antibodies. We all still socialized throughout, didn't see any reason not to. Of course, they stayed home when sick.

BH, none of us have any lasting effects. The only difference in our lives was one family of friends who used to join us for seder every year decided they didn't feel safe around our family members who weren't vaxed, and we've drifted apart.

I read that some of the research about mRNA Covid vaccines has led to huge progress in cancer treatment research. This may end up helping people I'm close to, who have a genetic link to be concerned about.
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Post Fri, Apr 28 2023, 7:22 am
amother Aquamarine wrote:

Also, I find this thread wierd and cool.
Nowhere on the internet can we talk about people dying from the vaccines...

Ummm…I still don’t know anyone who died from the vaccine. Or had any long lasting effects. And I’m pretty international. Correlation is not causation. The people who died after getting vaccinated were high risk and didn’t die from the vaccine, they died because HaShem decided that was to be and because they had compromised health situations. Many health conditions go unnoticed and people are searching for answers and look for the wrong places.
The same way you can say that someone who had a heart attack and died had a cup of water right before, so drinking water must cause heart attacks. Time to ban water. Never mind the fact that the person was overweight and smoked and had family history.
It’s always easiest to blame something, but sometimes you have to stop and think and study all sides. It’s hard to do but usually stopping to take a breath before jumping to conclusions helps.
Was covid mishandled by politicians the world over? Yes. Should things have been done differently? For sure. Am I glad there’s a covid vaccine? 100%. No vaccine is 100% except for smallpox I think.
Shabbat Shalom.
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Post Fri, Apr 28 2023, 7:31 am
Anyone who now, after clear info that the vaccine doesn’t work (and very likely caused lots of health issues for people) ,says they’re happy they got it and would continue getting boosters, is completely clueless, or too proud to be honest about it.
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Post Fri, Apr 28 2023, 7:42 am
amother Jade wrote:
Anyone who now, after clear info that the vaccine doesn’t work (and very likely caused lots of health issues for people) ,says they’re happy they got it and would continue getting boosters, is completely clueless, or too proud to be honest about it.

Nah..I'm not scared to post under my screen name unlike yourself. I'm also far from clueless ,unlike yourself. Wish there was a 🐔 emoji!Oh look I found one!
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Post Fri, Apr 28 2023, 12:20 pm
fleetwood wrote:
Nah..I'm not scared to post under my screen name unlike yourself. I'm also far from clueless ,unlike yourself. Wish there was a 🐔 emoji!Oh look I found one!

Have you not been watching the news, the last few months? You know the reports which said the masks didnt work, the vaccine causes adverse effects and doesnt protect much if at all? Of course I regret urging my family members to get it.
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Post Fri, Apr 28 2023, 2:16 pm
fleetwood wrote:
Nah..I'm not scared to post under my screen name unlike yourself. I'm also far from clueless ,unlike yourself. Wish there was a 🐔 emoji!Oh look I found one!

I’d rather be an anonymous posting chicken than an unlearned chicken follower of evil, power hungry people. I choose my chicken wisely with open eyes and an open mind.
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Post Fri, Apr 28 2023, 2:17 pm
I had to for work not by choice. I mean, I had a choice to quit and not work but how is that a choice when I need to put food on the table?

My child does not receive any of the childhood vaccines and we are "anti vaxxers" no plans on giving her in the future.

Hug away....
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