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Anyones baby ever model?
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Post Tue, May 09 2023, 11:48 pm
Op, message Lil Leggs and other companies. They sometimes post that they’re looking for models
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Post Wed, May 10 2023, 12:17 am
The comments..... Some people enjoy seeing pictures of their kids all over... some people do it for attention.... why does it matter?
OP, why not DM Jewish commercial photographers on instagram?
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Post Wed, May 10 2023, 12:28 am
amother Obsidian wrote:

Versus a commercial photo shoot that takes hours on end, (never under 4-6 hours), isn’t focused on getting the kids to have a great time but rather heavily focused on getting good shots of whatever product we’re shooting. The kids are heavily directed and get almost no breaks, or any real food. There are usually snacks involved and sometimes lunch if the shoot goes for more than 8 hours but it’s not the same as specifically being well fed before the photo shoot, and leaving when the kid is showing signs of being done. They have to keep performing no matter if they want to or not. It’s exhausting. The room is generally chaotic, noisy and messy, many times feels like an actual pressure cooker, not because of the way I work but because that’s just the nature of a commercial photo shoot where multiple products need to be showcased in their best light.

There’s more to it but that’s the gist of it.

A good friend of mine sometimes works as a makeup artist at child photo shoots and it is nothing like you describe. There's a lot of banter with the kids, who enjoy getting their face and hair made professionally. The moms are there too, and from what she describes, it's just a chilled, fun atmosphere. She bonded really well with one of the kids and discussed with the mom what it's like for her to miss school, how often it happens, and all that. The kid obviously has the right personality and temeperament and enjoys the experience.
Not saying I would do this, I think kids can get too full of themselves, but if baby/child is happy, and mother chooses to do this, I don't see how it's different from pushing a kid to pursue any other hobby. Sometimes moms don't want to admit that they also push music/gym/wtva more for themselves than their kids. Someteims the kids love it, sometimes not. Every situaiton is different, and a kid who hates being photographed wouldn't be successful anyways. I just think the word "exploiting" seems rather extreme.
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Post Wed, May 10 2023, 3:00 am
I would never do it. I obviously think my kids are the cutest but not interested in sharing their cuteness with the world via photos.

I find it very cheapening to splash my kids' faces on ads etc

I wouldn't do it for money and especially not for free outfits.
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Post Wed, May 10 2023, 4:26 am
Everyone relax. She doesn’t mean professional shoots, more like the frum store companies.

Op, I once did it as a favor for my friend. It was annoying to get there and give up 3 hours but I got stunning pictures that are hanging in my nursery. I also got one outfit but I certainly didn’t do it for the outfit.

Probably won’t do it again though. Was weird to see her face on the frum websites.
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Post Wed, May 10 2023, 4:36 am
And I am referring to the non professional ones. Just saying what I wouldn't do but everyone can do what works for them.
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Post Wed, May 10 2023, 6:41 am
Personally I don’t see it as such a big deal, providing that it’s done in a way that baby doesn’t mind it. As long as baby is calm and comfortable it’s not so different than making baby sit for pictures on your Facebook status. I don’t see it as an awful crime for a mom to get money off something baby does as long as its done in a way that isn’t torture/ uncomfortable,
An older kid feels different, and I would ask their opinion.
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Post Wed, May 10 2023, 6:50 am
amother Seashell wrote:
My kids model. I usually get paid $300 per shoot. It started out as a favor, but my kids really enjoyed it and asked to do it again. So we did. You can call it exploiting but for us it was a way to spend time with the kids and giving them attention. Are there other ways to give them attention? Sure. But they chose this way.

My children want sweets and junk for breakfast & supper. I don't give it to them because I'm the responsible adult
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Post Wed, May 10 2023, 7:10 am
I am finding this thread very very sad.
OP wants to have her baby model not to feed for family, not to pay her bills, not even because she think her baby is extra cute and should be famous.
She wants it to get expensive baby clothes for free.
Clothes that will be worn for a couple of months and won’t be reused (because frum baby fashion will have changed by the next child). Clothes that look almost exactly like affordable items in H&M and zara, but not exactly, so we can’t really show off with those.

She could find other job or she could find frum fashion alternatives in generic stores.

Frum people are masters of marketing because there is no other way you can sell the idea of dressing children in dull looking clothes in lackluster colors, for hundreds of dollars.
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Post Wed, May 10 2023, 8:16 am
whatever you put on Imamother ends up being very dramatic. Once in a while it's not a big deal. it's fun. youre there to take care of your child. they put the baby down, take a few pics. and when she's fussy, you pick him or her up, feed her etc. But not on a regular basis. And def not for the clothes.
I find it even less gratifying if all I'm getting is an outfit she wore. The hours you would spend "earning" that outfit that may or may not fit, that you may or may not like, is not worth it.

And please... with this exploitation. A baby doesnt care where he/she is as long as it's comfortable and mommy is there. Once they are 2 you can know if they want to or not. and certainly when they're older.
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Post Wed, May 10 2023, 8:32 am
amother Peony wrote:
She's using her kids for money. She's using the money she's making by using her kids, to pay for gas. I'm not confused. This is exploiting kids.
No, there’s the gross profit and net profit. If you need to spend x amount of money to earn the money, that money isn’t profit.
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Post Wed, May 10 2023, 8:33 am
amother Bone wrote:
whatever you put on Imamother ends up being very dramatic.
Very, very, very dramatic.
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Post Wed, May 10 2023, 8:49 am
amother Salmon wrote:
This is why I don't do it. I don't think it's exploiting for an infant, I don't think the baby cares if the shoot is for modeling or for a regular photo shoot. Past infancy I don't see how a child can enjoy it until way older & they really want to. A regular photo shoot is kind of torture for young kids if you think about it.

Not necessarily. My youngest son loves photo shoots . Some kids enjoy it . And I’ve hired models for some of my businesss and the kids all seemed to be happy to be there . Some kids like it .
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Post Wed, May 10 2023, 8:51 am
amother Obsidian wrote:
Anyone who wants to see the difference between a fun family photo shoot at the park or studio, and a commercial photo shoot with kid models, is welcome to join me in my studio. Well, not really because I won’t out myself here but I’ll try to explain it a little bit.

Family photo shoot- we make sure the kids are well fed before the shoot, and generally keep the shooting time under an hour. It’s also completely focused on the kids/family , and on keeping it calm, light and fun. Most kids who come for a family photo shoot beg to come again and again. They get to play with the fun props and pose themselves in whatever silly way they want! We take turns doing poses. I will also never shoot if a kid is cranky or tired or crying. I put the camera down if that happens and We give them as many breaks as they need, while still getting the good shots in between. As soon as the kids start showing signs of being done, we stop. I don’t push it for a single shot longer. Not even if mom is telling me “just one more”. I’m in the business long enough to know when a kid is done, and that when they’re done - they’re done. It’s not worth ruining the good memories over one more shot.

Versus a commercial photo shoot that takes hours on end, (never under 4-6 hours), isn’t focused on getting the kids to have a great time but rather heavily focused on getting good shots of whatever product we’re shooting. The kids are heavily directed and get almost no breaks, or any real food. There are usually snacks involved and sometimes lunch if the shoot goes for more than 8 hours but it’s not the same as specifically being well fed before the photo shoot, and leaving when the kid is showing signs of being done. They have to keep performing no matter if they want to or not. It’s exhausting. The room is generally chaotic, noisy and messy, many times feels like an actual pressure cooker, not because of the way I work but because that’s just the nature of a commercial photo shoot where multiple products need to be showcased in their best light.

There’s more to it but that’s the gist of it.

But, maybe this is on you? Why are you treating the two sets of chidren so differently?

ETA: And where are the parents in this? Why aren't they making sure they have adequate food and breaks?

I'm pretty sure OP isn't planning to just neglect her baby like that at all.
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Post Wed, May 10 2023, 8:52 am
Ignore all the posters yelling op. Best way is to keep checking brands and photographers on Instagram for model ads, they usually post a couple days before they need. Or reach out to brands yourself
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Post Wed, May 10 2023, 9:00 am
What is the big deal? My mother has a manufacturing company and I've been by her shoots many times the kids and parents are there happily.

There's food and of course if the kids are not in the mood no one is taking pictures.

It can't be too long for little ones, they are well fed and very comfortable!

The kids have to be happy to preform you can't fake it or force it.

So if her baby is happy why not? Who cares if she wants nice clothes? Her baby is happy and comfortable it's not abuse!
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Post Wed, May 10 2023, 9:15 am
amother Carnation wrote:
But, maybe this is on you? Why are you treating the two sets of chidren so differently?

ETA: And where are the parents in this? Why aren't they making sure they have adequate food and breaks?

I'm pretty sure OP isn't planning to just neglect her baby like that at all.

I was thinking the same.
Why would kids be provided less food because they’re doing a professional shoot vs a family one?

I’ve actually seen the opposite. When I bring in my baby myself there is nothing in the studio besides for whatever I remembered to bring, and m&m’s that the photographer uses to bait the baby.

Vs at company shoots there is lunch for everyone and drinks.

Also I’ve been extremely pressured sometimes at family shoots. The photographer is charging me by the clock and wants to fit in as many as she can in this tiny slot. If baby is kvetchy now, or spit up on his onesie? Well too bad there’s no time to waste, unless you want to pay overtime and a fee for keeping the next client waiting.
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Post Wed, May 10 2023, 9:48 am
My husband went along to a photoshoot for a Jewish company. The kids were very proud to be there and they really enjoyed it.... What's the BIIIIIIIIG Deal?
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Post Wed, May 10 2023, 10:03 am
Some of the posters here are wayyyy overdramatic. My mother had a long career in advertising and I used to sometimes model for her clients. Never clothes, it so happened, it was mostly toys, furniture, linens, stuff like that. They needed a kid to sit there playing with the featured toy, or reading a book on the featured bedspread. It was fun, and I got some cool toys and bedsheets out of it. When I didn't want to do it anymore, I told my mom and I stopped doing it. My own kids have never modeled, but my mom is retired. If she was still in the business, I might have given it a try (if they were OK with it). Otherwise, don't really have the time or patience for it, so I've never thought of it.

I think some people here are triggered by the word model. We're not dealing with the toxic fashion industry or toxic Hollywood and child actors. This isn't a Jenette McCurdy or Wil Wheaton story. Just a mom who wants to give it a whirl at a low stakes level. As long as there's no pressure and she doesn't push it over obvious objections from the kid, nothing wrong here.
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Post Wed, May 10 2023, 10:14 am
My baby has modeled as a favor for a photographer. It was literally no big deal. Took about 20 minutes or less to capture two stretchies. The photos were beautiful but I actually didn’t get any clothes out of it. It was fine, I pretty much subbed my baby when the model concealed. It was absolutely no big deal for my baby at all.
I’ve also sat in on longer commercial shoots (the kind that are full day in multiple locations). There are shifts for the models since they can’t work for longer than a certain amount of hours at a time (both legally and practically). There was a buffet in case anyone got hungry. The kids were super eager to get glammed up and loved modeling. A lot of them were actors as well.

That being said, I’m sure many models are exploited. But many doesn’t mean all. I am not comfortable having my family’s faces publicized so I wouldn’t go for it, but my kids are performers and if it were up to them they’d love to do it.
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