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Forum -> Children's Health
High insulin

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Post Tue, Sep 05 2023, 10:18 pm
My adorable fluffy 8 year old was sent to a pediatric endocrinologist because her bloodwork showed high insulin levels.
The dr said she has to stay off all sugar and carbs immediately!
I understand the reasoning and will follow the dr's orders but it's very extreme!
I spoke to dd and she understands and will try her best but I know she'll be faced with temptation wherever she turns.
I told her to bring home edible treats and trade them in for a dollar.
Any suggestions of how I can make this easier?
Did anyone try apple cider vinegar for reducing insulin? Anything else?
Thank you! I'm feeling very overwhelmed!
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Post Tue, Sep 05 2023, 11:35 pm
ACV has helped at times,

I don't know how these are for children though or dosage.

Give her berries, berry smoothies as a sweet alternative.

Try an energy healer or homeopath. We are not bound by genetics or diagnosis. She can be better.
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Post Tue, Sep 05 2023, 11:41 pm
Thanks for your reply! How would an energy healer help? How do I go about finding a legit one?
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Post Tue, Sep 05 2023, 11:48 pm
Berries? No ma'am! That's carb central

The first three weeks will be the hardest. Then she'll adjust.

There are a lot of keto recipes and desserts that might suit her.

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Post Wed, Sep 06 2023, 12:04 am
I've seen success with many different ones using different modalities.

Emotion code/body code, applied kinesiology, biomagnetism, kinergetics and homeopathy.

Desensitizing allergies, getting pregnant, getting rid of anxiety, fixing cavities.

We want to see results and sometimes things take longer than we want and some practitioners are not competent enough. The most important thing is to be on top of asking what's a reasonable amount of time to see results? How many sessions? Pm for list of healers.

Maybe someone will recommend a functional medicine doctor. It doesn't go deep enough. While diet and lifestyle changes are a direct way to manage our health, our bodies should be strong enough to tolerate pizza every once in a while. For an 8 year old, functional medicine is a lot of pressure.
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Post Wed, Sep 06 2023, 12:05 am
Rappel wrote:
Berries? No ma'am! That's carb central

The first three weeks will be the hardest. Then she'll adjust.

There are a lot of keto recipes and desserts that might suit her.


Berries have the lowest sugar content.
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Post Wed, Sep 06 2023, 4:32 am
I took metformin for high insulin (and then I didnt have to be so careful about my diet).
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Post Wed, Sep 06 2023, 6:40 am
Did your doctor recommended a nutritionist? That's what you need. But a real certified nutritionist with experience with children with this issue.
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Post Wed, Sep 06 2023, 7:03 am
First off I'd get a copy of the results myself. Insulin isn't usually tested directly, it's usually inferred from blood sugar and/or a1c. It sounds like insulin resistance?
There are supplements that can help with blood sugar regulation.
Ceylon cinnamon

Probiotics and ferments can be helpful too, certain friendly bacteria help break down and metabolize sugars so insulin doesn't have to do the job.

Food pairings will also make a huge difference, always pair carbs with plenty of protein and fat. This will slow down the rate at which it's released into the bloodstream, avoiding insulin spikes.
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Post Wed, Sep 06 2023, 7:10 am
Thisisnotmyreal wrote:
Berries have the lowest sugar content.

Whole berries not crushed berries made into a smoothie.
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Post Wed, Sep 06 2023, 7:14 am
notshanarishona wrote:
I took metformin for high insulin (and then I didnt have to be so careful about my diet).

OP has an 8-year-old child. She doesn't want medication recommendations. She needs help revamping her entire family's eating habits, so her daughter doesn't feel punished and singled out.

OP, did the doctor recommend nutritional counseling? What about signing your daughter up for the sport of her choice? Physical activity really helps to lower blood sugar.
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Post Wed, Sep 06 2023, 1:31 pm
There's a supplement called blood sugar balance support that many people swear by (even my Dr, who's not a huge supplement guy, told me he has patients that have been very successful with it). It's sold in many health food stores. U just need to make sure that a kid that age can take it.
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Post Wed, Sep 06 2023, 4:59 pm
Reality wrote:
Whole berries not crushed berries made into a smoothie.

I'd blend for myself three strawberries, stevia ice and water. It was yum
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Post Wed, Sep 06 2023, 5:07 pm
Thisisnotmyreal wrote:
I'd blend for myself three strawberries, stevia ice and water. It was yum

For yourself, fine. Do you really think an 8 year old will drink this and think it's yum? Do you also think it's a good idea for an 8 year old to eat fake sugar? Because I really think that's a bad, unhealthy idea. An 8 year old will be happier eating the strawberries!
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Post Wed, Sep 06 2023, 5:11 pm
There are no shortcuts for OP. OP, your whole household is going to have to be revamped if you are going to have any sort of success in helping your daughter.

At 8 years old, a change in the entire family's eating habits and adding in more physical activity should do the trick.
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Post Wed, Sep 06 2023, 8:49 pm
would you try Dr. applebaum who is a pediatric gyn but has a ton of experience with these things?
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