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S/o crazy kids - clean up diet
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Post Sat, Sep 09 2023, 9:11 pm
to the amother baby pink who posted this

Later we learned that dh and I are carriers of at least 1 gene that if my kid inherited 2 copies (one from him and one from me) it can make my children very sensitive to toxins including environmental toxins. Their bodies have a hard time maintaining and absorbing certain vitamins/minerals. And on top of that, they have a very hard time detoxifying and getting rid of those things they are sensitive to.... and therefore becuase their bodies are so overloaded, it inhibited their growth ans development more and more and more and more issues crop up as they get older. It also makes them more vulnerable to autoimmune disorder, and hormonal imbalances.
Lots of people with 2 copies grow up just fine, but some have significant struggles.
So it's a whole chulent.
Once we learned that, we were able to holistically and medically support our children (one had developed pans at that point. So we had to treat that too) by getting rid of almost all household chemicals, cleaning up their diet as much as possible and working on detoxification and leading a healthy lifestyle.
Made a huge difference.
Obviously stress is a huge part in how well their body copes too.....

how did you test for toxins?

how did you clean up your diet?

with what did you replace household chemicals?

thanks alot.
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Post Sun, Sep 10 2023, 10:41 am
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Post Sun, Sep 10 2023, 11:25 am
I am not her

Household -
I use only vinegar for cleaning
Clean hand soap, dishwasher detergent,, laundry Detergent, sponges, shampoo for kids, toothpaste.

I just bought them organic underwear which was a big step for me. (Their clothing is all hand me downs, washed a thousand times so that's better than buying new)

Food - I don't buy any organic not even the dirty dozen. But I only serve real food. I can't control what they eat in school but at home it's plain yogurt with maple syrup, fruits and veggies, lots of protein. Like pasta is not an option here.
I don't buy anything processed unless it has a few ingredients. I read all ingredients.

Snacks - potato chips, corn pops, seaweed... these all have veggie oil but what can I do.

Oil - only olive and avocado. No canola or vegetable
No white sugar or flour in the house
(I do buy rye bread and challah)

Detox - Epsom salt baths sometimes. I've used in thr past a detox spray. I'm not the best at detoxing
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Post Sun, Sep 10 2023, 11:29 am
amother Emerald wrote:
I am not her

Household -
I use only vinegar for cleaning
Clean hand soap, dishwasher detergent,, laundry Detergent, sponges, shampoo for kids, toothpaste.

I just bought them organic underwear which was a big step for me. (Their clothing is all hand me downs, washed a thousand times so that's better than buying new)

Food - I don't buy any organic not even the dirty dozen. But I only serve real food. I can't control what they eat in school but at home it's plain yogurt with maple syrup, fruits and veggies, lots of protein. Like pasta is not an option here.
I don't buy anything processed unless it has a few ingredients. I read all ingredients.

Snacks - potato chips, corn pops, seaweed... these all have veggie oil but what can I do.

Oil - only olive and avocado. No canola or vegetable
No white sugar or flour in the house
(I do buy rye bread and challah)

Detox - Epsom salt baths sometimes. I've used in thr past a detox spray. I'm not the best at detoxing

thanks so much!

can you help me a little.

I want to start with a spray to clean my counters.

how do I make it myself? or do you buy a clean one?

which one is clean? I dont know who to trust.
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Post Sun, Sep 10 2023, 11:39 am
You can follow babylu studios on Instagram. She has a whole least of healthier household cleaner alternatives.
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Post Sun, Sep 10 2023, 11:53 am
amother Emerald wrote:
I am not her

Household -
I use only vinegar for cleaning
Clean hand soap, dishwasher detergent,, laundry Detergent, sponges, shampoo for kids, toothpaste.

I just bought them organic underwear which was a big step for me. (Their clothing is all hand me downs, washed a thousand times so that's better than buying new)

Food - I don't buy any organic not even the dirty dozen. But I only serve real food. I can't control what they eat in school but at home it's plain yogurt with maple syrup, fruits and veggies, lots of protein. Like pasta is not an option here.
I don't buy anything processed unless it has a few ingredients. I read all ingredients.

Snacks - potato chips, corn pops, seaweed... these all have veggie oil but what can I do.

Oil - only olive and avocado. No canola or vegetable
No white sugar or flour in the house
(I do buy rye bread and challah)

Detox - Epsom salt baths sometimes. I've used in thr past a detox spray. I'm not the best at detoxing

I also try to not have white flour and sugar in the house but then my dd wants to make rugelach - I cant stop her.

I wish I could find good recipes using kamut or spelt whole for babke, rugelach etc
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Post Sun, Sep 10 2023, 11:55 am
HeartyAppetite wrote:
You can follow babylu studios on Instagram. She has a whole least of healthier household cleaner alternatives.

I am not on instagram but thanks anyway.
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Post Sun, Sep 10 2023, 11:55 am
amother OP wrote:
to the amother baby pink who posted this

Later we learned that dh and I are carriers of at least 1 gene that if my kid inherited 2 copies (one from him and one from me) it can make my children very sensitive to toxins including environmental toxins. Their bodies have a hard time maintaining and absorbing certain vitamins/minerals. And on top of that, they have a very hard time detoxifying and getting rid of those things they are sensitive to.... and therefore becuase their bodies are so overloaded, it inhibited their growth ans development more and more and more and more issues crop up as they get older. It also makes them more vulnerable to autoimmune disorder, and hormonal imbalances.
Lots of people with 2 copies grow up just fine, but some have significant struggles.
So it's a whole chulent.
Once we learned that, we were able to holistically and medically support our children (one had developed pans at that point. So we had to treat that too) by getting rid of almost all household chemicals, cleaning up their diet as much as possible and working on detoxification and leading a healthy lifestyle.
Made a huge difference.
Obviously stress is a huge part in how well their body copes too.....

how did you test for toxins?

how did you clean up your diet?

with what did you replace household chemicals?

thanks alot.

Hi. I missed ur thread.
We did bloodwork for genetic testing. We only tested a few things. But according to her doctor he suspects there might be more than what we tested for but there's no point really, I'll just live as cleanly as possible and then daven....
Diet, I try to cook and serve as simple as possible. No fancy sauces, unless I make them myself from basic ingredients. My kids def still want nosh, there are tons of non chemical nosh out there these days. I def don't live an extreme lifestyle. I don't believe it's healthy emotionally to.
One of my kids are gluten and diary intolerant.
Another is off soy, diary, corn, canola, a bunch of specific preservatives and specific good colorings that she's reacted to. Although we try to stay away of food coloring all together but those 2 she's extra sensitive to. No smg, no malic acid and some more.
You get the drift.
She still eats those cuz she's a kid and someone's the temptation is too great (and I can tell right away. But I keep my mouth shut) but overall she keeps away from these things.
She feels so so so much better when off of these foods and she wants to feel better.
There are vitamins /detox stuff to take to detox. It's been a while since we did the detox w my kid I don't remember anymore.
I put Epson salt in her bath and she soaks for 20 minutes frequently.
She takes specific targeted vitamins (bh she can swallow pills easily at a young age)

We use hand over heart body wash and shampoo. We use primal life organizes bentonite clay based toothpaste. Same company deoderant. we use lots of vinegar, as a cleanser in the home and fabric softener, shaklee had decent products. It's not perfect but Basic G is better than Mr. Clean....
I mix up basic G and basic H w water and use that as an all purpose cleaner. Or vinegar water and baking soda to deodorize.
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Post Sun, Sep 10 2023, 11:57 am
Very interesting. What made you go for testing in first place?
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Post Sun, Sep 10 2023, 11:58 am
amother OP wrote:
I also try to not have white flour and sugar in the house but then my dd wants to make rugelach - I cant stop her.

I wish I could find good recipes using kamut or spelt whole for babke, rugelach etc

We eat spelt as a family, spelt is a thinner finer flour so ypu need more. substitute 2.5 cups for 2 cups of regular flour. For fluffy cakes I sometimes only do 2.25 instead of 2.5
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Post Sun, Sep 10 2023, 12:09 pm
amother Navyblue wrote:
Hi. I missed ur thread.
We did bloodwork for genetic testing. We only tested a few things. But according to her doctor he suspects there might be more than what we tested for but there's no point really, I'll just live as cleanly as possible and then daven....
Diet, I try to cook and serve as simple as possible. No fancy sauces, unless I make them myself from basic ingredients. My kids def still want nosh, there are tons of non chemical nosh out there these days. I def don't live an extreme lifestyle. I don't believe it's healthy emotionally to.
One of my kids are gluten and diary intolerant.
Another is off soy, diary, corn, canola, a bunch of specific preservatives and specific good colorings that she's reacted to. Although we try to stay away of food coloring all together but those 2 she's extra sensitive to. No smg, no malic acid and some more.
You get the drift.
She still eats those cuz she's a kid and someone's the temptation is too great (and I can tell right away. But I keep my mouth shut) but overall she keeps away from these things.
She feels so so so much better when off of these foods and she wants to feel better.
There are vitamins /detox stuff to take to detox. It's been a while since we did the detox w my kid I don't remember anymore.
I put Epson salt in her bath and she soaks for 20 minutes frequently.
She takes specific targeted vitamins (bh she can swallow pills easily at a young age)

We use hand over heart body wash and shampoo. We use primal life organizes bentonite clay based toothpaste. Same company deoderant. we use lots of vinegar, as a cleanser in the home and fabric softener, shaklee had decent products. It's not perfect but Basic G is better than Mr. Clean....
I mix up basic G and basic H w water and use that as an all purpose cleaner. Or vinegar water and baking soda to deodorize.

thanks so much for all this.

like another amother asked - how did you know for sure there was toxic buildup? did any tests actually show they were full of toxins? isnt it all related to the liver?

is it worth making own deodrant or is primal life just as good?

how do you use plain vinegar as a cleanser? doesnt it smell?

epsom salt is for detoxing specifically?
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Post Sun, Sep 10 2023, 12:21 pm
Target sells natural plant based cleaners( sprays etc) No need to use vinegar
You can buy sensitive/hypoallergenic detergent
Parabens as sulfate free shampoo
Plant based ( raw organic company I think it’s called ) body wash

No need to drive urself crazy and make these homemade concoctions
Take the middle road
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Post Sun, Sep 10 2023, 12:26 pm
regarding epsom salt: get this one from Walmart. Cleanest one I found, doesn’t have additional contents like fragrances etc.

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Post Sun, Sep 10 2023, 12:32 pm
amother Ultramarine wrote:
Target sells natural plant based cleaners( sprays etc) No need to use vinegar
You can buy sensitive/hypoallergenic detergent
Parabens as sulfate free shampoo
Plant based ( raw organic company I think it’s called ) body wash

No need to drive urself crazy and make these homemade concoctions
Take the middle road

I am looking in the uk and its all so expensive.

I cant afford it.
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Post Sun, Sep 10 2023, 3:17 pm
amother OP wrote:
I am looking in the uk and its all so expensive.

I cant afford it.

I'll try to answer as many posts as I can.

Op I'm sorry I don't know much about the Uk.
But I use some shaklee stuff (basic h basic G scour off, and nature Brite) vinegar smells for a minute then it dries out or is rinsed off and no more smells. You can also add essential oils to it. The natural cleaners from shaklee smelled 100 x worse my kids asked me to stop using it!
A few drops Basic h and basic g from shaklee in a bottle of water is also great. Concentrate as needed.

There are a TON of natural companies. No need to be extra crunchy to make your own. I use that company becuase I like it. I tried others it wasn't as good as those/ didnt like the scents or whatever. But everyone likes something else.

For shampoo and body wash we use hand over heart. They are hands down the best. For tangly hair I mix up 5 parts water 1 part baby lotion and spray and use that as a leave in conditioner.
Usually not needed I just let hair dry out then brush out. (My kids have straight hair. My daughters hair was falling out from regular shampoo years ago, that's when we started using this)

Re testing, you can test the blood, the hair and the urine. Best to go to a functional MD. They are licensed doctors who will actually look for the source of your or your child's suffering and heal from the inside out.

They are pricey (I didn't go that route but at the end ended up paying so much more for all those other things I kept trying doing and running around)

How we realized something was wrong, was my normal healthy child started deteriorating in every capacity, physiological neurological and the scariest was psychological. And then a few years later my second kidnstarted following a similar yet less intense pattern.

3 of the main ways to test for toxins are blood urine and hair.
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Post Sun, Sep 10 2023, 4:08 pm
amother Navyblue wrote:
I'll try to answer as many posts as I can.

Op I'm sorry I don't know much about the Uk.
But I use some shaklee stuff (basic h basic G scour off, and nature Brite) vinegar smells for a minute then it dries out or is rinsed off and no more smells. You can also add essential oils to it. The natural cleaners from shaklee smelled 100 x worse my kids asked me to stop using it!
A few drops Basic h and basic g from shaklee in a bottle of water is also great. Concentrate as needed.

There are a TON of natural companies. No need to be extra crunchy to make your own. I use that company becuase I like it. I tried others it wasn't as good as those/ didnt like the scents or whatever. But everyone likes something else.

For shampoo and body wash we use hand over heart. They are hands down the best. For tangly hair I mix up 5 parts water 1 part baby lotion and spray and use that as a leave in conditioner.
Usually not needed I just let hair dry out then brush out. (My kids have straight hair. My daughters hair was falling out from regular shampoo years ago, that's when we started using this)

Re testing, you can test the blood, the hair and the urine. Best to go to a functional MD. They are licensed doctors who will actually look for the source of your or your child's suffering and heal from the inside out.

They are pricey (I didn't go that route but at the end ended up paying so much more for all those other things I kept trying doing and running around)

How we realized something was wrong, was my normal healthy child started deteriorating in every capacity, physiological neurological and the scariest was psychological. And then a few years later my second kidnstarted following a similar yet less intense pattern.

3 of the main ways to test for toxins are blood urine and hair.

have you heard of faith in nature?
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Post Sun, Sep 10 2023, 6:51 pm
amother Navyblue wrote:
We eat spelt as a family, spelt is a thinner finer flour so ypu need more. substitute 2.5 cups for 2 cups of regular flour. For fluffy cakes I sometimes only do 2.25 instead of 2.5



I can sub kamut or spelt in these recipes?
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Post Sun, Sep 10 2023, 8:31 pm
Vinegar is cheap. I'm not paying for cleaning supplies if vinegar works. Dilute with hot water. Can also use Dr bronners soap which also dilutes
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Post Sun, Sep 10 2023, 8:45 pm
Not that amother, but we've also seen some impressive improvements in our kids' behavior by cleaning up their diets, among other biomedical interventions.
I wish there were more of us, because by far the biggest impediment to clean diet is everyone around us constantly eating and feeding them junk.
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Post Sun, Sep 10 2023, 9:08 pm
I wash my floor with boiling water from the kettle.

I pour it over the dirty spots.

Them use a mop to mop the whole floor.
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