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Can we interpret messages from hashem?
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Post Tue, Sep 19 2023, 9:08 pm
Thisisnotmyreal wrote:
I personally, don't assume a specific occurrence is because of my avodah unless I specified that I'm doing x for y.

I admit that I was posted earlier was without reading the Op. To me seeing that ksav yad was confirmation of the constant dialogue we have with Hashem in the "dance" of Hashgacha protis. I'm constantly asking Hashem for Small favors and extremely often seeing it. From that same place I also just KNOW intuitively what my next move should be in avodas Hashem and what my future hopes and dreams should be. I always check back also.

Ok, I think I see what you're saying. What do you mean by small favors?
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Post Tue, Sep 19 2023, 9:21 pm
amother OP wrote:
Ok, the easy part is reading the words. How do we apply it?

So if I'm doing a major chessed and hashem miraculously makes traffic easy that day, I'll say that it's amazing how hashem communicated to me that he's happy with my chessed and made things go smooth.

But if while doing the same chessed there's unusually heavy traffic and it causes a chain of problems and missed appointments. Can I say that hashem is clearly communicating with me that he doesn't like when I do chessed?

My dh has a relative who isn't frum anymore. He works on shabbos. He tells dh about how successful and rich he became since he gave up yiddishkeit. Can he say that hashem is telling him he's happy he's working on shabbos since he's rewarding him with excellent parnassah?

My brain works differently . If I was doing a chesed that day and I had the ease of traffic I’d notice and say “Thank you HaShem, for making it easier for me”.
If I got stuck in traffic , I’d think “Gam Zu Letova” or HaShem is giving me the opportunity to get additional Schar by being stuck in traffic on top of the schar for the chesed.

I never think that Hashem’s kindness is a reward for something I’m doing or if something not so great happens that it’s a message that I shouldn’t be doing something. That’s almost like trying to play God yourself , by “knowing” Hashem’s cheshbonos.

I do think it’s important to notice though when something good is happening to us , to Thank HaShem and to acknowledge that you feel His presence and goodness. And as hard as it is , to also acknowledge the bad things too and to understand that what we perceive as bad and what really hurts sometimes is somehow good for our neshama .
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Post Tue, Sep 19 2023, 9:30 pm
amother OP wrote:
Ok, I think I see what you're saying. What do you mean by small favors?

All the things that work out.
Getting home before it begins to rain
The soup coming out
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Post Tue, Sep 19 2023, 9:43 pm
Thisisnotmyreal wrote:
All the things that work out.
Getting home before it begins to rain
The soup coming out

I do this as well. If you don't mind me asking- what would you say to an older gentile who says she's been talking to her gd everyday for 50 years. She says she's seen what we call hashkacha pratis thousands of times in her life. Little things constantly work out for her. She says she has a relationship with gd, she prays every day and they communicate with each other.

I'm assuming you'd say she's imagining the entire relationship. But how would you differentiate the things that we base our relationship with hashem on and the things that she's imagining her relationship with her gd is based on? Isn't she saying pretty much the exact same things you are and reaching the same conclusion, only it's with her gd?

I hope you don't mind me asking this question.
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Post Tue, Sep 19 2023, 9:48 pm
On Rosh Hashanah, I saw a Goodyear blimp with the words 'GOOD YEAR' on it. I hope it will be a good year for everyone.
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Post Tue, Sep 19 2023, 10:17 pm
amother OP wrote:
I do this as well. If you don't mind me asking- what would you say to an older gentile who says she's been talking to her gd everyday for 50 years. She says she's seen what we call hashkacha pratis thousands of times in her life. Little things constantly work out for her. She says she has a relationship with gd, she prays every day and they communicate with each other.

I'm assuming you'd say she's imagining the entire relationship. But how would you differentiate the things that we base our relationship with hashem on and the things that she's imagining her relationship with her gd is based on? Isn't she saying pretty much the exact same things you are and reaching the same conclusion, only it's with her gd?

I hope you don't mind me asking this question.

I would not. Hashgacha protis as introduced by the Baal Shem Tov means Hashem is constantly orchestrating every detail from what cars pass you to the leaves blowing in the wind. A non Jew is not exempt from hashgacha protis.
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Post Wed, Sep 20 2023, 11:21 am
amother Purple wrote:
I think it's laughable to claim we understand. Our brain power is a joke, we don't know anything at all, relative to Hashems infinite knowledge.

People like to plug this their own agendas, worries, or needs, into their interpretation of Gods reasoning. (God did it to comfort me, God did it to save me, God it because of lace top wigs)

Sometimes it may be true, who knows. But we definitely don't know.
Disagree with this.
Because we have a piece of Hashem in us (as yidden) we have huge amount of potential brain power. It's not US its Hashem.

I see messages from Hashem every single day. Of course people that live with Hashem b'keri will always say that it's a coincidence or that it's telepathy or whatever 'natural' thing they can pin it onto.

I believe Hashem sends us messages every day. Many times we can see it and feel it many times we need to go look for it and many times we don't see it. We are living in a time of hester panim. However, that doesn't mean that Hashem doesn't reveal Himself to us.

The more you are into cars the more you notice certain models and colors. The more you are into Hashem the more you notice him and His messages.

I don't think we can claim to understand why He does certain things, but to see messages from Him, certainly.
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Post Wed, Sep 20 2023, 1:49 pm
amother DarkMagenta wrote:
Disagree with this.
Because we have a piece of Hashem in us (as yidden) we have huge amount of potential brain power. It's not US its Hashem.

I see messages from Hashem every single day. Of course people that live with Hashem b'keri will always say that it's a coincidence or that it's telepathy or whatever 'natural' thing they can pin it onto.

I believe Hashem sends us messages every day. Many times we can see it and feel it many times we need to go look for it and many times we don't see it. We are living in a time of hester panim. However, that doesn't mean that Hashem doesn't reveal Himself to us.

The more you are into cars the more you notice certain models and colors. The more you are into Hashem the more you notice him and His messages.

I don't think we can claim to understand why He does certain things, but to see messages from Him, certainly.

Do you see more messages than non jews? How does hashem reveal himself to you in a way that believers of other faiths can't make the exact same claim?

And I don't understand the last sentence you wrote. You say we don't understand why but we get messages. If we don't understand the why, how can we understand the message? If I'm having trouble getting out of the house to get to shul. What's the message? Force myself and get more schar? Go late? Don't go at all? What good is the message if we have no understanding of it?

If someone in your life was communicating to you in a way where you weren't understanding the what they wanted, you wouldn't be satisfied. It seems that's what's happening here.
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Post Wed, Sep 20 2023, 3:15 pm
This is the from the sefer Hayom Yom. It's small anecdotes divided into daily portions.

From 24 Elul:
"There was a time when every brief saying one heard was regarded as a "Torah" (teaching, guidance), and everything one saw was perceived as an instruction in his avoda and conduct."

You should be able to rely on your intuition and become inspired by the daily occurrences to serve Hashem better.

Of course we cannot jump to wild and unhealthy conclusions. We have to know Hashem before deciding why something happened. To decide that something was done vengefully, is inconceivable.
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