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What are your goals after Yom Kippur?
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2023, 2:06 am
Inspire me!!!
I want as practical and specific as you can!!

For me a lot of my realization was being nicer to family members and preventing children from doing unpleasant things by being a better mother and not threatening them.

What are your goals in avodas hashem—whether personal or interpersonal?

For instance, you can’t keep shabbos properly without constantly learning hilchos shabbos (acc to chofetz chayim) so I have a weekly 5 minute phone call with a friend Thursday nights and this is HUGE!!! It makes a big difference! I thought I knew everything but boy was I wrong.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2023, 2:23 am
My marriage isn't great but my husband is a good man.
I'm working on being content with what it is. It's not going to change, I need to change my outlook and be more bsimcha with my husband. Practically this means every night I'm going to think of 3 ways my dh was good to me or showed me love that day. And when I feel myself spiralling down with anger and resentment towards him I'm going to move away. Hope it works even a little.
Ps I always work on avodas Hashem (for years) and feel it's time to work on the harder thing for me, my relationship with my spouse.
Ps anyone have any other idea sfor how to practice this let me know
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2023, 2:37 am
I plan to work on being more connected to Hashem. Unfortunately, lately I feel like I’ve been slipping.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2023, 2:39 am
Planning to actively work on not biting my nails. I’ve been mechalel shabbos so many times because of this.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2023, 4:20 am
1. Saying ברכות השחר before I eat breakfast in the morning

2. In terms of my relationship with my husband- I heard this phrase "the relationship is the queen bee." Protect your relationship at all costs. Things that come up, think about if they're worth potentially risking the relationship by blowing up. (This does not refer to basic relationship rights or communicating effectively.)
For example- if I've seen that asking my husband to put his socks in the laundry basket instead of next to it just isn't working, is it worth harping on it? Or can I just do this as an investment in the relationship and not keep bringing it up?
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2023, 4:45 am
Pretending I don't hear when dh sides with my kids every time we disagree on something and they involve him. I'll never win his support anyway so this year I don't plan to turn the house into a battlefield. I plan to listen to him correct my parenting and then send them to him when they need money. Maybe if he has to say no to them he'll see it's not all roses and rainbows. Oh wait, he'll never say no. That's my job.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2023, 4:47 am
Not listen to non Jewish music.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2023, 6:24 am
Lol I was thinking-
Decorate sukkah.
Finish laundry.
Pack for travel.
Clean out fridge.
Make second days menu.

But I see that’s not what this thread is about after opening it!


I am hoping to switch from a smart (very loaded) iPhone to a simple flip phone before Chanukah.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2023, 6:24 am
To be more organized and have a cleaner house.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2023, 6:37 am
I am working to try to express my Gratitude to Hashem Daily.
I am working on being cheery when DH comes home . He works from home
and it's not always so easy but am really trying to say ''Hi'' happily.
I am working to call a member of my family 1x a week. (I used to call once every 3 weeks.)
I am really trying not to be nervous about money. Food bills, appliances we need,
I am trying to believe Hashem will help us pay for items we need.
I am trying to be more honest with myself about what is a want is also ok for me to ask Hashem to help us obtain what I want, not only what we need.
I am trying so hard to believe that Hashem cares about me.
I am trying so hard to believe Hashem loves me.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2023, 6:46 am
Trying to accept our financial situation and not cry that my son only has one pair of pants.Also to disconnect to pay more attention to my kids
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2023, 6:53 am
amother Obsidian wrote:
My marriage isn't great but my husband is a good man.
I'm working on being content with what it is. It's not going to change, I need to change my outlook and be more bsimcha with my husband. Practically this means every night I'm going to think of 3 ways my dh was good to me or showed me love that day. And when I feel myself spiralling down with anger and resentment towards him I'm going to move away. Hope it works even a little.
Ps I always work on avodas Hashem (for years) and feel it's time to work on the harder thing for me, my relationship with my spouse.
Ps anyone have any other idea sfor how to practice this let me know

1- isn't relationship with spouse avoidas Hashem?
2- giving 3 compliments a day is GREAT 👍. Good for you for choosing this.
3- receive with grace. Say thank you with a smile and positive affect. I like to think "put a smile in your heart and a smile on your face and then say the same words"
4- allow yourself to feel vulnerable
5- don't give suggestions/tell him what to do. To a man, this is disrespectful. Instead say "I trust you'll figure it out" "you can do it"
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2023, 7:00 am
Aim to walk at least 15 minutes a day. I know this sounds like a secular New Years resolution but after walking to shul on Yom Kippur and feeling like I was hyperventilating after one block I realized how important it is for me to move , eat healthy and take care of my body , otherwise next Yom Kippur I may have lost that chance . V’nishmartem Meod L’nafshosechem is a mitzvah in the Torah of which I’ve been neglecting the last couple of years and my body is responding to that .
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2023, 10:04 pm
I also couldn’t afford clothing so I started buying second hand or taking from local gemachim. People in the community are always outgrowing clothes.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2023, 10:09 pm
I'm working on not sweating the small stuff and being more flexible with my kids and in life in general.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2023, 10:21 pm
amother Oxfordblue wrote:
To be more organized and have a cleaner house.

Me too!

Really want to prioritize saying birkas hashachar and shmoneh esrei every morning.
Being generally happy and upbeat (specifically around my husband) is something else I want to work on. Although I'm not sure how to make that concrete and practical.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2023, 10:32 pm
To plan the next days lunch and breakfast night before and to have a weekly dinner plan. This is supposed to lead to having breakfast and lunch prepared the night before but that's once step one is fully implemented.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2023, 10:36 pm
Guess what I did today? I shut off my phone for 4 hours to be with my kids!
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2023, 10:52 pm
I will tell myself positive affirmations in the mirror every morning.
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Post Tue, Sep 26 2023, 11:48 pm
Less Loshon Hora, and designated times for being extra strict.

I am unhappy with my davening, but I don't think adding more things to say is going to be beneficial, so I am going to learn more in depth (a real deep dive) about the tfilos that I do say, starting with the brachos.

I am going to review Al Chet, and chose one midah a week and try and be conscious of it for that week. So that by next year I can really relate more to it when I say it.
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